Jurors await paperwork before deciding Apple-Samsung dispute

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Apple and Samsung continue to be at odds even after closing arguments in their patent infringement suit have concluded, with each side pushing for their own, streamlined version of the jury's verdict work sheet.

The sheet will be about a dozen pages and will be filled with boxes requiring the jurors to check boxes with answers of either "yes" or "no" related to patent infringement claims between Apple and Samsung. But the contents of the jury form remain a point of contention between the two companies, according to The Wall Street Journal, which has left the jury awaiting a compromised version of the work sheet from Judge Lucy Koh on Monday.

Both Apple and Samsung announced to the court on Saturday that no progress had been made in narrowing each others' claims against the other company. A joint filing from both parties declared that the parties "met and conferred about case narrowing, but have not been able to narrow their cases further."

That set the stage for the trial to go to jury deliberation, but not before the remaining work sheet issues between Apple and Samsung have been decided. Samsung wants to provide jurors with a more detailed sheet that would ask jurors whether different applications within a smartphone infringe upon certain patents, while Apple seeks a more streamlined approach related to the devices themselves.

Apple and Samsung will argue on behalf of their submitted proposed verdict forms in front of Koh today, but the judge will ultimately decide what form the compromised jury work sheet will take. Samsung and Apple are required to file "no more than 16 pages of their 8 high priority objections by 8:00 a.m. on Monday," but are no longer allowed to file further objections.

Koh's patience has worn thin at times with each side during the three-week trial between Apple and Samsung. Last week, she chided Apple lawyer Bill Lee, facetiously suggesting he was "smoking crack" after he presented a list of 22 witnesses Apple wished to call to the stand.


Evolution of Samsung and Apple smartphones. | Source: Apple v. Samsung court documents

Jurors in the case have a particularly complex task of sorting out three different types of intellectual property claims related to product design, phone features, and wireless communications standards. Jorge Contreras, associate professor of law at American University Washington College of Law, told the Journal that "it is like the whole kitchen sink got thrown in there."

In addition to determining any infringement, the jury will also be asked to decide damages in the dispute. Apple announced last month that it seeks $2.5 billion in damages from Samsung, a sum that amounts to more than $30 per device sold by the Korean electronics maker.

Samsung, meanwhile, told the court last week in its closing arguments that Apple could owe nearly $422 million in royalties over five patents it owns.


  • Reply 1 of 24
    845032845032 Posts: 76member

    Here is the counter evidecnes before you accusing samsung....


    1. Samsung alrady developed that design before iphone








    Samsung design development before iphone





    2. That design is not Apple's own






    LG Mobile Handset R&D Centre, Woo-Young Kwak, publicly announced the following statement:

    "We consider that Apple copied the Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF Design Award and won the prize in September 2006."

    We take that to mean "Apple stole our idea."





    3. Filder Tablet (Prior-Art of ipad)


    Here is the tablet that apple copied its design.






    Apple : Nothing is original

  • Reply 2 of 24
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,100member
    This judge is more concerned about her patience being tested than
    getting the rule of law correct.
  • Reply 3 of 24
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    845032 wrote: »
    Here is the counter evidecnes before you accusing samsung....

    I get the impression that English isn't your first language.

    I also get the impression that Korean could be.

  • Reply 4 of 24
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member


    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    I get the impression that English isn't your first language.

    I also get the impression that Korean could be.


    The last image of Fidler holding both an iPad and his tablet mock-up is still interesting tho it may not prove anything detrimental to Apple. The image post is still appreciated as I've never seen that one before.

  • Reply 5 of 24
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    845032 wrote: »

    <h1>Apple : Nothing is original</h1>

    Yes, that's what Samsung would like you to believe.

    In the REAL world, Samsung's phones before the iPhone were very different. After the iPhone rumors started, Samsung started making phones that looked more like the way the iPhone ended up, but there was still some variation. After the iPhone came out, Samsung morphed their phone so it looked like a near-exact copy, down to the charger and packaging.
  • Reply 6 of 24

    Dude IN DEVELOPMENT NOT released! The Iphone Was in DEVELOPMENT in 2005 They have Tons of pictures of it and its called codenamed The purple Iphone Beats your samsungs development in 2006 They were already thinking about it in 1998  And Oh ya ALL OF THOSE PATENTS THAT APPLE GOT Granted were before September 26th("development of Samsung shitty COpycat phones) Those patents were granted In April of 2006 Think before you speak Troll







    APPLE: Innovation at Its Best

    Unlike Yourself

  • Reply 7 of 24
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post

    Here is the counter evidecnes before you accusing samsung....


    1. Samsung alrady developed that design before iphone



    imo design draf should not be admissible. it could be complete BS.  Fact is Apple patented its design and as far as I am concern its game over after that. Show me the patents, the rest is BS.


    And a sheet showing actual real product launch is much more valuable than designs. Speaking of which why the F does Sansung includes its non smartphone line. its completly irrelevant.  god I hate that company.

  • Reply 8 of 24
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member


    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post

    Fact is Apple patented its design and as far as I am concern its game over after that.


    That's not how the patent system in the US, and most countries, works.

  • Reply 9 of 24

    By the end of the week, we should know what the jury thinks.

  • Reply 10 of 24
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post

    Here is the counter evidecnes before you accusing samsung....


    1. Samsung alrady developed that design before iphone


    Samsung design development before iphone


    2. That design is not Apple's own




    LG Mobile Handset R&D Centre, Woo-Young Kwak, publicly announced the following statement:

    "We consider that Apple copied the Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF Design Award and won the prize in September 2006."

    We take that to mean "Apple stole our idea."


    3. Filder Tablet (Prior-Art of ipad)


    Here is the tablet that apple copied its design.


    Apple : Nothing is original


    Dude, you forgot Star Trek and 2001!

  • Reply 11 of 24
    mwhitecomwhiteco Posts: 112member

    845032 how much is Samsung paying you for all your stupid comments?

  • Reply 12 of 24
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Another jacked thread. Surely this shouldn't be allowed, Mods.
  • Reply 13 of 24

    Speaking of jurors, does the majority of the selected have the background to determine whether or not patent infringement has occurred? (Alas, it's Monday and I've not had my morning jolt: being a juror doesn't require that you know anything about patent infringement.) Likewise one can't tell me that there will be no favoritism happening in the decision within the jurors?!


    Back in the day, pre- smart phone technology, I'd say that Samsung (love your TVs Samsung) was very successful. Today I view them as being the crybaby in the corner trying to make a buck off another company's success where they've capitalized in a less figurative way.


    The above being said, its a good thing I'm not on that jury.....



  • Reply 14 of 24
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member

    I'm a bit less certain now than even last Friday that the jury will be needed. The chances of an out-of-court settlement between now and tomorrow "feels" a bit higher to me.

  • Reply 15 of 24
    fracfrac Posts: 480member
    By the end of the week, we should know what the jury thinks.

    I think we should have a pretty good idea after tomorrow when the judge issues her jury instructions on points of law and what is/is not admissible re jury decisions.
  • Reply 16 of 24
    buzdotsbuzdots Posts: 452member


    Originally Posted by 845032 View Post



    3. Filder Tablet (Prior-Art of ipad)


    Here is the tablet that apple copied its design.






    Apple : Nothing is original

    Funny how the Fiddler Tab is displaying the exact same screen 18 friggin years later as displayed in 1994.  What a bunch of hyped up BS!


    I could put a crow under glass and tell you it was pheasant and you wouldn't know the difference.






  • Reply 17 of 24
    No. The judge is managing a trial. The length of the trial was part of a scheduling order that is the product of the parties and the Judge's determination at the beginning of the case. It can be (and, was) modified during the discovery and post Summary Judgment /pre-trial stages of the case.

    After 66 federal trials I'm my career, I'm happy to say that a good scheduling order makes the case much more structured and predictable than before the practice became common.

    If you were around during the OJ case you got a good look at a trial with no judge in control. Admittedly, criminal trials must have much more leeway than civil trials, but J. Ito was out of his depth in that case. The same cannot be said for J. Koh.
  • Reply 18 of 24

    It was supposed to end tomorrow.

  • Reply 19 of 24
    AAPL's stock is screaming up. Samsung and Apple have too much to lose if Apple wins big and mortally wounds Samsung. A settlement is always preferable in these kinds of civil cases. The issues are resolved, confidentiality can be made mandatory (verdicts are public documents), years of appeals avoided and business relationships can be preserved.

    Settlement is always a possibility.
  • Reply 20 of 24
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    mchellec wrote: »
    Speaking of jurors, does the majority of the selected have the background to determine whether or not patent infringement has occurred? (Alas, it's Monday and I've not had my morning jolt: being a juror doesn't require that you know anything about patent infringement. Likewise one can't tell me that there will be no favoritism happening in the decision within the jurors?

    The jury is made up of laymen with no specific training in patent matters.

    And please do not use text highlights unnecessarily. There's no reason to make your entire post bold, italic, and colored.
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