HP taken to task for releasing iMac clone



  • Reply 81 of 178
    8002580025 Posts: 177member

    With designs so similar to Apple, it's no wonder Apple's is suing everyone under the sun! Oh, I'm sure other PC makers will claim they have other inspirational sources...



    Reply: Unfortunately the bowl of water inspiration has already been used.

  • Reply 82 of 178
    rhyderhyde Posts: 294member
    Actually, in HP's defense, the TouchSmart 610 all-in-one is a brilliant and innovative design. I use one for controlling concert lighting and it's wonderful. Not an iMac, of course, but there are no touch-screen iMacs that run my lighting software so HP it is. The way the screen folds down is absolutely great. Too bad they can't continue with that kind of innovation rather than copying Apple.
  • Reply 83 of 178

    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    so the Vizio doesn't look unique, you childish moderator?


    I know I'm doing my job when I hit the trolls' nerves enough for them to devolve back at me. Thanks.


    It attempts to differentiate itself from the HP and the iMac insofar as it is attempting to look exactly like the iMac without being sued.


    This is what Vizio would be making would it were not for the iMac: 



    And if you want to pretend that they didn't get their design ideas from Apple at all, that's fine. I'll go by operation and hardware layout. The entire computer is in the foot, as opposed to being behind the screen. There is a long, thin neck up to the screen. Then the screen at the head. Sound familiar? 






    Yes, by Apple.



    Didn't watch. But I'll ask, "Why does your desktop and its accessories look like what Apple does instead of making something of your own?"

  • Reply 84 of 178
    The Emperor has someone else's clothes.
  • Reply 85 of 178
    Just for lolz, a court jester-type idea for Apple going forward.

    Periodically distribute to all likely competitors, ideas that are just beginning to jell in the Design Lab, with the proviso that they have, say, 2 years to offer for sale a product to those specifications, after which Apple may or may not release theirs.

    Retroactively applying this strategy, in 2004 Apple tells Samsung, Google, Microsoft, et. al. that it would be a great idea to make a phone with a simple geometric shape, with certain specific functionality. The competitors then have 2 years to figure out how to achieve it and commit their corporate resources to engineering, production, distribution deals, marketing.

    The competitors launch their products, based on Apple's magical ideas, but accomplished using all the strengths they boast about. Then Apple launches its product, and the market-place decides the winners.

    Would any company currently in existence accept this fantasy bargain?
  • Reply 86 of 178
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I agree. Reaching around the back to plug in my camera card reader is a pain. ....


    iMacs have a card reader on the side, no?  

  • Reply 87 of 178
    They could've at least used a different color. I can't believe that none of these companies can find a designer with unique ideas on how to design a computer.
  • Reply 88 of 178
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member


    Originally Posted by PJWilkin View Post

    I wish they had dislike votes enabled, majortom1981 obviously dislikes Apple


    Here's another vote for enabling the dislike option! Having only a like option is not natural and it reminds me of why I am not on Facebook. 


    There are definitely posts here that I would like to give a thumbs down to. If somebody writes something that is completely untrue or just plain stupid, then they deserve a thumbs down for their post.


    Why only thumbs up? I think that traffic would also increase if people could truly give their honest vote to posts and not some ridiculous system where people only have one option like on Facebook and other types of fake social media.

  • Reply 89 of 178
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    iMacs have a card reader on the side, no?  

    Looks like it. Mine is older and does not. I'm planning on replacing it as soon as the new ones come out. Still need that Compact Flash as that is what some of my cameras use. Well some use both but I have an investment in large Compact Flash cards.

  • Reply 90 of 178
    mstone wrote: »
    Looks like it. Mine is older and does not. I'm planning on replacing it as soon as the new ones come out.

    I don't think a USB or two on the side would affect the look and feel of the device that much.
  • Reply 91 of 178
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member


    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    Originally Posted by PJWilkin View Post

    I wish they had dislike votes enabled, majortom1981 obviously dislikes Apple


    Here's another vote for enabling the dislike option! Having only a like option is not natural and it reminds me of why I am not on Facebook. 


    There are definitely posts here that I would like to give a thumbs down to. If somebody writes something that is completely untrue or just plain stupid, then they deserve a thumbs down for their post.


    Why only thumbs up? I think that traffic would also increase if people could truly give their honest vote to posts and not some ridiculous system where people only have one option like on Facebook and other types of fake social media.


    I know it is not the same as downgrading someone but if you want to install my smilies script I did put a thumbs down icon in there. The script fixes the smilie menu. image image


    You can find it here:




    Post #12

  • Reply 92 of 178
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member

    It is the natural evolution of technology.. of course it does doesn't a natural evolution of technology until Apple does it.


    But seriously.. it is pathetic that HP is resorting to Apple design rip offs.

  • Reply 93 of 178
    And all the apple hater's will come out with a rebuttal saying apple is evil and they stole the designs from someone else..
    Sad, but so true... The ihaters will look for a grain of rebutal, while the obvious is the big pink elephant in the room..
  • Reply 94 of 178

    The iMac and Mac mini designs are Design Patented.


  • Reply 95 of 178
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    welshdog wrote: »
    I feel the same way.  They are trying to create rather than steal.  Their efforts are not glorious, but they are workable.  Now, If they had anyone other than Ballmer at the helm they might be able to succeed.

    Well... they had Gates, and things stood still for 5 or more years (Server 2003 - Server 2008, XP - Vista, Windows Mobile).

    Under Balmer, things actually started moving. Clownish as he is, I believe he gives more freedom to department/project managers, and is more prone to listen to others ideas than Gates was.
  • Reply 96 of 178
    "Apple is allowed to copy braun but nobody is allowed to copy apple? That does not make sense."

    The Braun design that Apple copied is more than 20 years old, so even if it was patented then it would not be now. If somebody wants to copy something that was patented in the original 1984 Mac, they should be able to do that too.

    And for what it's worth, I think the copying of the Braun calculator aesthetic was done as more of a tribute than anything else, not because they couldn't come up with their own design, and they have openly discussed it. I would love to hear Samsung or HP claim the same for their designs.
  • Reply 97 of 178
    This is really just a parallel of what's happening in politics… Apple is like the cool Democrats who implement good ideas that benefit more people, while the PC/Windows makers are like stuffy, stodgy Republicans who have no ideas and no soul. HP could have made their all-in-one look less like the iMac, there really are many different ways to design a computer. For manufacturers to say "Apple's designs were really the only way to make devices ranging from PCs to tablets to smartphones" is to deny history and reality. Apple simply found a better way - and they are entitled to own that.
  • Reply 98 of 178
    Apple is allowed to copy braun but nobody is allowed to copy apple? That does not make sense.

    It actually makes a lot of sense.

    Jony Ive took inspiration from, and used, design elements from Brawn products to design completely unrelated products. Dieter Rams was in fact very complimentary of Ive's work, to quote.

    "I have always regarded Apple products — and the kind words Jony Ive has said about me and my work — as a compliment. Without doubt there are few companies in the world that genuinely understand and practise the power of good design in their products and their businesses."

    The difference is other companies are copying Apple to make similar, if not identical, products.

    For more info read http://daringfireball.net/2012/09/homage_vs_ripoff

    That should answer your question.
  • Reply 99 of 178


    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    ...and the Spectre keyboard is 2" bigger in diameter...


    A circular keyboard? 

    Tubular, perhaps? 


    That I'd like to see!

  • Reply 100 of 178
    so the Vizio doesn't look unique, you childish moderator?

    1) I don't think the Vizio is a knockoff, although they were clearly inspired by Apple's iMac aesthetics.

    2) I don't think the Vizio looks very good. That metal pole it stands on reminds of cheap lamps that had that same kind of metal pole.

    3) Don't call him childish. That is a personal attack. If you think his posts are childish then refer to the posts as such.

    4) I don't think his comment was childish.
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