Samsung takes aim at iPhone 5 in new print ad



  • Reply 81 of 277
    jfanning wrote: »
    Why do you harp on about this when it doesn't carry the weight you try to place on it.
    Unlike Apple, Google routinely updates their applications and releases them as updates (mail etc), you don't need to wait for an OS upgrade to get a new version.
    Please outline every application your daughter has not been able to install etc because she purchased (no one forced her to) a 2.2 based phone?

    You mean that the Android OS actually ships with a mail program?
  • Reply 82 of 277
    Not sure why Samsung old have to sue over LTE when their so clearly shows their superiority ... ;-p
  • Reply 83 of 277

    Insecurity is a bitch, I tells ya. The cool thing about Apple is they never take shots at any other company (not counting Microsoft of course and that's an old rivalry from day one and Steve and Bill respected each other). I am very certain Apple could come up with their own comparison list and make it longer than Samsung's -- ex. Passbook, Custom maps, Airplay, etc. So, these comparison list are stupid, it's like Republicans saying how their plans are better than Democrats (or vice versa) it's all subjective and twisted to make the list maker look best. This is what Pepsi did to Coke when they were trying to get market share. Stay classy Samsung --we'll see how you miss that partner vendor money Apple is slowy pulling out and giving to other companies.


    smaller note are anyone else's smiley's not appearing in the tool bar when you click them?

  • Reply 84 of 277


    Originally Posted by MacVicta View Post

    That Galaxy thingie is too damn big.  It's more like one of those phablets than a phone.  I'd take the iPhone 5 for its dimensions alone.


    Big assed phone... big battery... means heavier phone... did I mention big assed phone?


    "Smart Stay"... does this have anything to do with the big assed phone getting stuck in your pocket?


     "Mama, that man over there is talking to his crotch? Now he's hollering at his privates?!" 


    "Shhhh, Suzie, don't look at him and keep walking. I'll watch for a policeman."

  • Reply 85 of 277


    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    Samsung just keeps on being obnoxious. (I'm not saying the iPhone 5 is the end-all be-all phone, but this ad is definitely deceptive.)

    What I cannot tell is how many buyers this will fool.


    Android buyers are easily fooled... "Look Latasha, I gots me an iPhone, only better!"

  • Reply 86 of 277


    Originally Posted by moonskate View Post

    "in what appears to be a highly subjective comparison" 

    hmm, it will be interesting to see how "subjective" phone customers will find features like replaceable batteries and memory cards on the new


    Or, a high resolution display, OR perhaps a phone that doesn't go dead as quickly.  Got stuck in an emergency in the mountains, or somewhere with no power?  Which phone would you want to have?  The iphone with 9 days standby, or the Samsung with 30?  You see, the chances of your phone being fully charged after playing angry birds while gabbing for hours is about nill.  And that's subjective?  I'd be willing to bet that if samsung's near 30 day standby time were an iphone 5 feature, apple fans would gloat about it.   I mean does anyone think they'd not like this on an iphone?  


    I think the standard plug is much better approach.  It's a shame that die hard apple fans like tallest skil can't understand that regardless of what adapters were used in the past, the ad is talking about Samsung's newest offering which is standard.  I'd also be willing to bet most of their past ones are also standard.  Yes, there is one plug for the apple, BUT that's so apple can over charge and control the market on plugs.  Just as they do with their batteries which are not changeable without apple's help.  Apple's approach to everything is to try and take over, then make a proprietary plug or format so they can lock everything down in greed, then pretend it's "innovative".  Remember MP3's?  Superior in every way, as a sound engineer I know they are and more convenient if I could not have access to pure data.  Apple changed that format for ONE reason.  To control people and dip into money that artist could maybe have made.  No other company dared to be so controlling, proving it wasn't needed.

    That's why apple's initial fanbase were mostly young and naive.  Because mommy and daddy's credit cards weren't far away and their attitude, "who cares".    So again, where is the standard USB power cord that the entire world is pretty much using?  Leave it to apple to take something that's practically ubiquitous and redo it.  I'd rather take a USB cord off another device be forced into apple's. 


    Wait a minute.  Isn't the 5S made by the same company that just claimed that Samsung stole their "innovative" new round corners? Seems to me that Apple messed with the wrong company.  I mean, to sue someone over that?  Oh wait, I get it.  If they sue then much of it's credulous fanbase will believe round corners are what make apple so "innovative".  It's sad that they are so proud over something so lame.  Maybe apple should go into the automotive industry and then patent the steering wheel along with round wheels because the others didn't think of doing that.  Toyota, Ford, Gm and others will then need to manufacture this new thing called "the triangle wheel", and mount squares for tires for fear of a lawsuit.  Or they could use octagons.  And this is same one who's slow, over priced computers easily got infected by mac defender, mac flashback and many more, AFTER pretending they were impervious.  Their one supposed advantage and even that failed them.  Yep, I think I'm seeing a pattern here...

    Did you actually read again what you just wrote before posting it? When will you stop repeating these juvenile comments about "round conners"? Don't you try to use your own judgement and intellect to reach a conclusion rather then just regurgitating someone else's lame arguments? You know it makes you loose all credibility even if you have a valid point to make?

  • Reply 87 of 277
    This ad is legitimately super funny lol.

    I mean, shake to update and a removable battery?!? That's it, I'm canceling my iPhone 5 pre-order.
  • Reply 88 of 277
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member

    I don't see "Slide To Unlock" or "Scrolling With Rubber Band Effect" on the list.

  • Reply 89 of 277


    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Screwed because they already got legacy 30-pin cables and now they have to buy new cables. Apparently, people around the world stand in long lines at Apple Stores because they save money on not having to buy new Dock Connector cables, not to because the iPhone is awesome.

    Most of the Apple iDevices will still have the 30 pin connector, so nothing will really be a problem for at least two more years. The new will slowly crowd out the old...

    iPhone 4 (still being sold) - old connector

    iPhone 4S (still being sold) - old connector

    iPod Touch (previous generation still being sold) - old connector

    iPod Classic (still being sold) - old connector

    iPod Shuffle (still being sold) - old connector

    iPad 2 (still being sold) - old connector

    iPad (new - still being sold) ) - old connector


    People that want the latest tech micturate on your weak argument...

  • Reply 90 of 277

    I would assume that any company can come up with a negative add about anything and make it sound good.


    I was wondering about the iPhone 5 screen size.  Being that it was no wider than the 4s.  The logic presented at the keynote makes sense.  your thumb and its orientation to the screen.  The samsung model is to wade for your thumb to reach the other side of the screen without compromising the hold on the phone.  Apple makes sense.

  • Reply 91 of 277


    Originally Posted by rbalmer View Post

    This ad is legitimately super funny lol.

    I mean, shake to update and a removable battery?!? That's it, I'm canceling my iPhone 5 pre-order.


    I think when you "shake to update" the removable battery flies out.... 


    ...perfect for our etch-a-sketch candidate...

  • Reply 92 of 277
    I wonder where they got that picture of the iPhone 5, given that it hasn't shipped yet. Perhaps they lifted it from some of APple's (copyrighted) promotional materials?
  • Reply 93 of 277
  • Reply 94 of 277


    Originally Posted by moonskate View Post

    Or, a high resolution display, OR perhaps a phone that doesn't go dead as quickly.  Got stuck in an emergency in the mountains, or somewhere with no power?  Which phone would you want to have?  The iphone with 9 days standby, or the Samsung with 30?  You see, the chances of your phone being fully charged after playing angry birds while gabbing for hours is about nill.  And that's subjective?  I'd be willing to bet that if samsung's near 30 day standby time were an iphone 5 feature, apple fans would gloat about it.   I mean does anyone think they'd not like this on an iphone?  


    If you're stuck in the mountains you'd better wish you had a satellite phone instead of a cell phone. The iPhone with 9 days standby will outlast the food you have in your glove compartment anyway.

  • Reply 95 of 277

    As if Apple doesn't get enough free advertising, Samsung has to add to it...  :-)

  • Reply 96 of 277
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    You know, i KNOW that it would be naive to expect any sort of objectivity in these types of competitor 'comparison' but this ad.. seriously, I don't even know what to say. It takes things to another level completely, and I wasn't even sure if it wasn't self parody at first. Comedic? Insulting to the intelligence? Insanely pathetic?


    - love "totally different plug". I mean.. totally.

    - The last 15 items on Samsung's list are baffling. Random software "features" from touchwiz, and the term features is a stretch. I guess iOS6 has absolutely no software features, since there's nothing on that side. Does the iPhone even boot? They could have just as well listed 200 software features on the left side. Or 50. Or 100. Or 300. It's all so random

    - I tried the "palm swipe to capture" thing..and it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. The fact that they actually felt the need to include it on that ad says alot. So that deserves a mention, the most awkward and non intuitive gesture known to man to take a screenshot, and.. iCloud doesn't? Gotcha.

    -Tilt to zoom? Fucking really? I mean..I'm trying to imagine how the **** this is even mildly intuitive/useful/logical, and I can't.   

  • Reply 97 of 277

    IPHONE 5 : 3.95 oz weight 


    GALAXY S III : 4.7 oz weight


    Samsung they think weight heavier is also a "feature"?  o_O
  • Reply 98 of 277
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by moonskate View Post

    "in what appears to be a highly subjective comparison" 

    hmm, it will be interesting to see how "subjective" phone customers will find features like replaceable batteries and memory cards on the new


    Or, a high resolution display, OR perhaps a phone that doesn't go dead as quickly.  Got stuck in an emergency in the mountains, or somewhere with no power?  Which phone would you want to have?  The iphone with 9 days standby, or the Samsung with 30?  You see, the chances of your phone being fully charged after playing angry birds while gabbing for hours is about nill.  And that's subjective?  I'd be willing to bet that if samsung's near 30 day standby time were an iphone 5 feature, apple fans would gloat about it.   I mean does anyone think they'd not like this on an iphone?  


    I think the standard plug is much better approach.  It's a shame that die hard apple fans like tallest skil can't understand that regardless of what adapters were used in the past, the ad is talking about Samsung's newest offering which is standard.  I'd also be willing to bet most of their past ones are also standard.  Yes, there is one plug for the apple, BUT that's so apple can over charge and control the market on plugs.  Just as they do with their batteries which are not changeable without apple's help.  Apple's approach to everything is to try and take over, then make a proprietary plug or format so they can lock everything down in greed, then pretend it's "innovative".  Remember MP3's?  Superior in every way, as a sound engineer I know they are and more convenient if I could not have access to pure data.  Apple changed that format for ONE reason.  To control people and dip into money that artist could maybe have made.  No other company dared to be so controlling, proving it wasn't needed.

    That's why apple's initial fanbase were mostly young and naive.  Because mommy and daddy's credit cards weren't far away and their attitude, "who cares".    So again, where is the standard USB power cord that the entire world is pretty much using?  Leave it to apple to take something that's practically ubiquitous and redo it.  I'd rather take a USB cord off another device be forced into apple's. 


    Wait a minute.  Isn't the 5S made by the same company that just claimed that Samsung stole their "innovative" new round corners? Seems to me that Apple messed with the wrong company.  I mean, to sue someone over that?  Oh wait, I get it.  If they sue then much of it's credulous fanbase will believe round corners are what make apple so "innovative".  It's sad that they are so proud over something so lame.  Maybe apple should go into the automotive industry and then patent the steering wheel along with round wheels because the others didn't think of doing that.  Toyota, Ford, Gm and others will then need to manufacture this new thing called "the triangle wheel", and mount squares for tires for fear of a lawsuit.  Or they could use octagons.  And this is same one who's slow, over priced computers easily got infected by mac defender, mac flashback and many more, AFTER pretending they were impervious.  Their one supposed advantage and even that failed them.  Yep, I think I'm seeing a pattern here...


    I've read quite a few troll posts in my day, but this one takes the cake, for including such a mind-numbing amount of outright falsities and bullshit. If you weren't so insecure, you wouldn't spend all that time to write that useless post on this forum, about a device you hate, that you're not planning to buy, from a company you hate. You're honestly still using the "rounded corners" bullshit? I mean, fucking really? Samsung was order to pay more than a Billion dollars, convicted by an independant jury, for "rounded corners"? Why do you insist on spreading ignorance, and being purposely intellectually dishonest? Either you didn't bother to follow the trial and don't have the faintest understanding of what it was about, or you DID, but are deciding to lie and troll about it anyway.


    Did you miss the massive document submitted to evidence, made by Samsung, comparing every single iOS screen and UI element to their phones, with the advice on every page being "just make it like that"? Rounded corners my ass. GTFO with your bullshit. Incredible how there's people like you in the world, cheerleader for companies who achieved their success through slavish, cynical copying, and yet you congratulate them for it. From the physical design, to the interface, packaging, cables, accessories, adapters, marketing, retail- Samsung has aped every single aspect of Apple's product in hopes of achieving their success. Where was Samsung before they started coming out with iPhone clones? They made utterly forgettable flip-phones, and Blackberry clones ("Blackjack"). They hadn't shown an ounce of innovation, and were in the bottom tier of junk phone manufacturers. They only started achieving their success with the Galaxy S line, which looked almosy visually identical to the iPhone and iOS.  Coincidence? Yet, you still vomit out the "rounded corners" lie? Incredible. 

  • Reply 99 of 277
    If you've been trapped in the mountains for 9 days and still haven't managed to try your cell phone, you likely have bigger issues; like being a moron.

    And everything "standard" was new at one point and became standard because it was just a really good idea; such as USB which you pointed out (which I'm fairly certain apple brought to market to the extent of a platform wide computer standard). I get that with any change there is always a few annoyances and some kicking and pouting, but you aren't going to sit there and tell me a digital, much smaller, and reversible option isn't that way to go... Or that something strangely similar won't be on the very next Samsung phone.

    And giant corporate greed blah blah blah. Give me a break. I'm sure there are good arguments to make for Samsung, but yours just suck man.
  • Reply 100 of 277


    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    Samsung was order to pay more than a Billion dollars, convicted by an independant jury, for "rounded corners"? 


    Actually, this was hardly a "independent" jury -- as far as I know they were all Americans, defending an American company.

    If you wanted a fair trail, it should be done in a neutral country, such as New Zealand or Switzerland. 

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