Apple to seek $3 billion in damages from Samsung - report



  • Reply 101 of 118


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    So, why is your employer good at R&D and innovation, but not marketing? They can't attract and retain good talent, and/or can't hire good ad agencies? Really?


    Or, as usual, are you simply making an argument of convenience like you people always do? (That's a rhetorical question).


    Well, dunno.  Most of my employer's profit goes to my fat bonus every year; my employer doesn't like wasting money on R&D or marketing.  There are quite a few of PhDs at work - my manager is real picky about schools - but most of them are quants though. 


    If you are asking about Samsung, yes, I sometimes do wonder why tech innovators like Xerox Parc, IBM, Sony suck at marketing / commercializing their own innovation.


    Now, do you have anything important to say about the case or Apple in general?

  • Reply 102 of 118
    As Samsung is THE major component supplier for the iPhone, this will just mean a hefty line of credit for Apple orders for the next few quarters, that's all,

    Business and commerce continue as usual.
  • Reply 103 of 118
    russell wrote: »

    [SIZE=20px][SIZE=48px]T[/SIZE]allest[/SIZE] Skil will delete your posts if he doesn't like them. Even if they do not violate TOS.  But he somehow leaves his that violate TOS.
    Claiming he was not part of a conversation is bs. I can show you a conversation where he was a part of, but he deleted my post that did not violate TOS.

    That's not true. Tallest Skil and I have had our fair share of disagreements and he has never once deleted a post of mine and even threatened to ban me but as you can see I am still here.
  • Reply 104 of 118
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member


    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    That is 30% of Samsung's total cash. It's gonna be a world of hurt


    Yup. I'm guessing that's what Jobs meant by "Thermonuclear".

  • Reply 105 of 118


    Originally Posted by longfang View Post

    Please use some of that IQ to improve your grammar. It's painful to read your posts.

    I'm obviously not a native english speaker. A high IQ doesn't assure you are good in languages.

    But I speak 4, spanish, catalan, french and english (quite well).

    Thanks for the advice I will try.

  • Reply 106 of 118
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    there's nothing wrong in being ignorant and having a sub-80 IQ.

    apple makes 4x more money than sammy on phones and nobody else makes money. are they really loosing?
    same thing with computers..

    The word you mean is "losing", if you are going to insult someone about their IQ, please check your post first.
  • Reply 107 of 118
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post


    Well, not sure if that's the case.  Samsung already spends far more than Apple on R&D and is #2 in patents granted in the US (or worldwide).  It's just that Samsung doesn't have that kind of "marketing" clout that Apple yields in this country.  That isn't to say Samsung doesn't copy; it does, just in the same way Apple copies.



    Yeah, they got to come up with washing machine knobs to differentiate themselves.




    I don't know what planet you are on but Samsung's ads are everywhere, for fridges, TV's, washing machines, tablets, phones, advertisements in print media, on TV, the radio, on the Internet, billboards, bus stops, stores, they were major sponsors of some little thing in London recently, what was that called again, oh yeah the Olympics.


    There has NEVER been a time when Apple has sold more handsets than Samsung ever since the iPhone first launched Samsung has always sold more phones.

  • Reply 108 of 118
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by criscoso View Post


    You don't know me, I'm far from standard.

    All you fanboys are so predictable, it's so easy to upset an Apple fan.

    So standard, so "I buy an iPhone because is fashion", so standard that you have one phone, one OS, one way of thinking, nothing different than the old IBM PC.

    You saw the famous Macintosh 80's ad? It make me laugh, because that commercial reminds me about Apple now. LOL.

    See you in the cyberspace!! or not!


    Hey my 26 month old iPhone 4 has iOS 6.


    When are you getting Jelly Bean?


    I'm getting an iPhone 5 delivered tomorrow, it's a 64GB model and all I have to do is sync it and it will have all my stuff from the 4.

  • Reply 109 of 118
    jfanning wrote: »
    The word you mean is "losing", if you are going to insult someone about their IQ, please check your post first.
    Actually for someone whose first language is Portuguese, that's a mistake which is easy to look past. His post is still easy to read, and we all instantly knew what he meant. There or other ESL posters here that are very difficult to read or understand.
  • Reply 110 of 118


    Originally Posted by Fithian View Post

    Sounds like "thermonuclear" to me ;-)



    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    That's kind of the idea. Samsung was attempting to make their cash off infringement amd lied about not looking at the iphone during their design process etc, the punishment needs to hurt so they don't do it or even consider it again.


    This is like more then thermonuclear... Apple wants permission to show up at Samsung HQ with wire brushes and turpentine... Jobs would call it "a world of hurt."

  • Reply 111 of 118
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Thanks for giving me a chance to test out my new system!










    Thanks for that, and you helped to fill in a few holes, actually. Now go away forever if you're going to keep lying.


    I love this!


    What do you call it?


    'Copy the Sloppy Argument and Paste'?


    And to think I was going to develop a simple flowchart of 'Ridiculous Anti-Apple Arguments':


  • Reply 112 of 118

    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    I love this!


    What do you call it?

    Tentatively, "Rules of the Troll". I like it because of the phonemic connection to the old "rules of the road" for driver's ed.

  • Reply 113 of 118
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

     It's people like this that make one think you ought to have to have a license to post on the Internet.




    Another wayward post lacking in logic and somebody could die laughing.


    Not cool.

  • Reply 114 of 118
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Tentatively, "Rules of the Troll". I like it because of the phonemic connection to the old "rules of the road" for driver's ed.


    You need to send me a copy.


    Right now.


    Check your PM.

  • Reply 115 of 118
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Actually for someone whose first language is Portuguese, that's a mistake which is easy to look past. His post is still easy to read, and we all instantly knew what he meant. There or other ESL posters here that are very difficult to read or understand.

    How would I know what their first language is? Their location doesn't mean they are from that place originally. And still, it is no excuse if you are going to insult someone, make sure you aren't doing the same thing
  • Reply 116 of 118
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,564member

    The court is still slowly dealing with remaining issues, one of which was awarding of attorney's fees due to sanctions ordered when both dragged their feet to produce court-ordered documents prior to trial. Apple will get $21,554 from Samsung and Sammy will get $160,069 from Apple.



    EDIT: As an aside it's reported that Judge Koh will permit Samsung to argue for jury misconduct, a bit of a surprise. I don't expect it will get far myself.

  • Reply 117 of 118
    andreyandrey Posts: 108member

    Tallest, do you work for Apple?

  • Reply 118 of 118

    Originally Posted by Andrey View Post

    Tallest, do you work for Apple?


    I certainly wish. Though many here would then post "Apple Is Doomed.™" and mean it (within their own worlds). image


    They think me too conservative, and I think myself too bold; it's just that I don't post my boldest ideas here, since they'd be shot down as ludicrous (even when the truly ludicrous ideas are some of the ones thrown around on rumor sites for the past decade).

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