Google's Schmidt offers strong words regarding Apple Maps flap



  • Reply 81 of 137

    Google is an Android Ponzi scheme and Eric Schmidt is the Bernie Madoff of Silicon Valley.

  • Reply 82 of 137
    "digitalclips 2012/09/25 05:54am
    hill60 wrote:
    [INDENT]I wonder how much Google will charge for it....

    ...It will be free. The business model Google has is simply give crap away free and sit back and collect ad sales money on volume usage."[/INDENT]

    No. Google started charging vendors who use their maps API starting at least a year ago. Google was charging the largest users the most.

    Care to guess where Apple ranked in that list of who gets charged the most by Google....
  • Reply 83 of 137

    Originally Posted by Vaelian View Post

    Why do people automatically assume Apple pays or paid anything to Google in order to use their maps?



    Nonsense, huh? I'm sure.


    "Oh, Google Maps is free, oh…"


    No. Google Maps is "free" to us because WE are the product being sold. It is paid for other companies to use because THEY are Google's customers.

  • Reply 84 of 137


    Originally Posted by Bemmer View Post

    Really? Because I sure don't see any street view on that... I swear, if I hear one more fanboy just saying to go on the website I really am going to flip. It's a totally different experience and lacks the one feature that most people miss from Apple Maps

    Oh, you must be so embarrassed.


  • Reply 85 of 137
    Next time someone needs to ask the followup question, "Is it true that you refused to license turn-by-turn and other advanced mapping features to Apple?"
  • Reply 86 of 137
    blastdoor wrote: »
    Naturally Schmidt has to defend android and his decision to wreck google's relationship with apple. What else is he going to say? But if I were a google shareholder, I would not find his marketshare numbers very comforting. I would be more focused on profitability. Google has figured out a way to both steal other people's IP AND lose money on it.
    Once google shareholders realize the magnitude of this f-up, I doubt Schmidt and rubin will survive. Maybe the founders will survive, but I wouldn't count on that either.

    Be interesting to see what effect this has on Google's mobile revenues. These Apple deals were a significant source of income for Google.
  • Reply 87 of 137

    Nonsense, huh? I'm sure.

    "Oh, Google Maps is free, oh…"

    No. Google Maps is "free" to us because WE are the product being sold. It is paid for other companies to use because THEY are Google's customers.

    Only 3 months ago Google changed their policy to keep vendors from jumping ship. It couldn't have been a big revenue stream for them so it looks like flew close to the sun and now there wings are melted a bit.

  • Reply 88 of 137
    When I first updated my iPad to IOS 6 and looked at Apple Maps I had a few concerns. It looked a little different than Google Maps and I wondered if it had the same info. I held off on updating my iphone 4 at first but finally went ahead upgraded. I used it yesterday when going to see a friend and it worked just fine. As I was driving I came to a traffic jam. I checked my map and it showed me there was an accident ahead and that is something that I don't remember seeing on Google maps. I was concerned at first but I think the Apple map may work fine for the way that I use it. Looking back I think I was influenced by the negative reports I was reading. I'm not saying that it doesn't need to be improved but would encourage everybody to give it a try and see if it works for you before you write it off.
  • Reply 89 of 137
    vaelian wrote: »
    Why do people automatically assume Apple pays or paid anything to Google in order to use their maps? The service is free on the web, anybody can use it! If you want to believe that Apple customers are somehow an exception and Apple has to pay for our Google Maps use, then please cite some hard evidence, because otherwise that belief is pure nonsense.

    Huh? According to this Forbe's report: and about 1000 similar stories, Apple pays Google more for maps than Google makes from Android.

    These are all based on facts stated in Google's annual report. I think you might be a bit confused.

    Google indicated in the Oracle trial that they make about 4x the revenue from iOS over Android.
  • Reply 90 of 137
    sailorpaul wrote: »
    "digitalclips 2012/09/25 05:54am
    hill60 wrote:
    I wonder how much Google will charge for it....

    ...It will be free. The business model Google has is simply give crap away free and sit back and collect ad sales money on volume usage."

    No. Google started charging vendors who use their maps API starting at least a year ago. Google was charging the largest users the most.

    Care to guess where Apple ranked in that list of who gets charged the most by Google....

    That's not to vendors, that's to developers using their maps API in their own sites. At most that would affect Google Maps on iCloud (which Apple is still using), not Google Maps on iOS, which users are accessing directly from their devices rather than being redirected from a site.
  • Reply 91 of 137
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,388member

    Thank you Eric Schmidt for your objective, insightful opinion about Apple's 'mis-step', as if you had a damn clue if it's a mis-step or not, or have any insight into what Apple should or shouldn't do for their long term vision. You expected them to stay with Google maps forever, with hands tied behind their back, no access to vector tiles, turn by turn, etc? Of course they should have 'kept' your product, and continued to strengthen it with hundreds of millions of new customers. The thing is, Schmidt has shown has little vision or insight he has, time and time again, by being catastrophically wrong. I wonder if someone can make a collection of his predictions just in the past few years, it's comical how wrong he was about so many things, from the iPad (big iPod touch, noone wants it, will fail), to the appstore (developers will start to develop on Android 1st then port to iOS), TV (Google will power most of the TVs on the market by 2010-2011), etc. The guy is clueless. 

  • Reply 92 of 137
    slurpy wrote: »
    Thank you Eric Schmidt for your objective, insightful opinion about Apple's 'mis-step', as if you had a damn clue if it's a mis-step or not, or have any insight into what Apple should or shouldn't do for their long term vision. You expected them to stay with Google maps forever, with hands tied behind their back, no access to vector tiles, turn by turn, etc? Of course they should have 'kept' your product, and continued to strengthen it with hundreds of millions of new customers. The thing is, Schmidt has shown has little vision or insight he has, time and time again, by being catastrophically wrong. I wonder if someone can make a collection of his predictions just in the past few years, it's comical how wrong he was about so many things, from the iPad (big iPod touch, noone wants it, will fail), to the appstore (developers will start to develop on Android 1st then port to iOS), TV (Google will power most of the TVs on the market by 2010-2011), etc. The guy is clueless. 

    The value of his statement is questionable since the change will likely cost his company a billion dollars or more.
  • Reply 93 of 137
    wovel wrote: »
    Huh? According to this Forbe's report: and about 1000 similar stories, Apple pays Google more for maps than Google makes from Android.

    These are all based on facts stated in Google's annual report. I think you might be a bit confused.

    Google indicated in the Oracle trial that they make about 4x the revenue from iOS over Android.

    The article may say it, but their quoted source does not. The article jumps into the conclusion that the generated mops revenue comes directly from Apple rather than from advertising to Apple's customers.
  • Reply 94 of 137


    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Yep we still have Garmin too but my wife was with me and used her iPhone to test out the new system and she loved it. I couldn't actually see it, just hear Siri. I agree I am not planning on sticking an iPhone on a holder on the window, I can just see me forgetting and leaving it there when I park. . The days of cars being broken into to steal Garmins have passed but I'd suspect an iPhone would be a different matter! Maybe down the road Apple will make a $100 stand alone car nav system, it'd be a real hit at Christmas!

    Apple won't sell such a device...but I'm sure there is a third party manufacturer working on such a device already.

  • Reply 95 of 137


    Originally Posted by reefoid View Post


    I'm sick of hearing this.  Unless you have some previous unknown evidence, that neither Apple or anyone else has ever provided, you're just talking bull about Schmidt abusing his position.  Seriously, stop posting fud.  I'll take anyone seriously on these forums, until they post something like this that has been debunked 1000+ times, at which point their credibility becomes zero.


    Why is it that anything that is even slightly negative against Apple in posts get jumped on, and yet crap like this is constantly posted.  If Tallest Skil is allowed his "troll list", there should also be a FUD list that contains all the crap pro-Apple delusionalists keep spouting.

    obviously you didn't follow the goracle trial where evidence showed google made a massive U-turn on the UI and it was NOT developed concurrently with the blackberry version, showing the iphone influenced their design. go look it up.

  • Reply 96 of 137

    Originally Posted by reefed View Post

    …something like this that has been debunked 1000+ times…


    Google buys Android. Android looks like BlackBerry. Schmidt gets on Apple's board. Android looks like iPhone.


    Debunked, huh?

  • Reply 97 of 137
    Fire Forstall.
  • Reply 98 of 137
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,616member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    Google buys Android. Android looks like BlackBerry. Schmidt gets on Apple's board. Android looks like iPhone.


    Debunked, huh?

    I think that would rank #1 on Apple fan talking points if you wanted to start another list.  ;)

  • Reply 99 of 137


    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Yet strong Facebook integration on iDevices is OK as long as Google's not involved, right? Just asking if your concerns are really about "privacy" or instead that Google is no longer considered a friend of Apple while Facebook currently is according to Mr. Cook.


    The usual disingenuous red herring from GG. One can not use Facebook. Whereas, while one can not use, say, Google Search, it's nearly impossible to avoid Google's tracking net (Analytics) which is spread all over the net, hiding under multiple names. Facebook privacy may be a problem, but it's an entirely different kind of problem with an entirely different scope.

  • Reply 100 of 137


    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Yep we still have Garmin too but my wife was with me and used her iPhone to test out the new system and she loved it. I couldn't actually see it, just hear Siri. I agree I am not planning on sticking an iPhone on a holder on the window, I can just see me forgetting and leaving it there when I park. . The days of cars being broken into to steal Garmins have passed but I'd suspect an iPhone would be a different matter! Maybe down the road Apple will make a $100 stand alone car nav system, it'd be a real hit at Christmas!

    Something like an iPod nano with BlueTooth 4.0 and Siri?

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