One year after his death, Apple shares video tribute to Steve Jobs [u]



  • Reply 61 of 90
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,668member

    I miss you, Steve.  RIP.

  • Reply 62 of 90
    I've had that music as my ringsignal for almost a year...

    Was kind of surprised when the movie started....

    Great man, miss him often.

    A lot.

    PS; Thanks macmanfelix for your info.
  • Reply 63 of 90

    Everything in that clip sums up why I use Apple products.


    It was right and proper that Apple remember the legacy of the man who put Apple on the map and then came back...during the 'Second Coming...' to finish the job he'd started to create the most astonishing comeback in history for a company that had been on its knees prior to his return.


    He took Apple from being a niche computer player to a global force that has eclipsed every other tech' company out there.  An awesome achievement.  Finally achieving the Job's Modus Operandi, 'Computers for the Rest of Us.'  (Born again Macs in the form of iPods, iPhones, iPads...and the return of 'The Mac' as a force...)


    On this anniversary of his death, we remember the man and his achievements.


    A an elegant and classy remembrance...of...


    ...Steve Jobs.


    Lemon Bon Bon. 

  • Reply 64 of 90


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

    Never celebrate one's death but their birthday- much more appropriate and tasteful.


    Really dude??  Do you have to complain about everything?  No one is celebrating his death.  They are reflecting on his life.  If you want to bitch and moan about Apple's products, that's fine.  But don't be disrespectful.

  • Reply 65 of 90
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member


    Originally Posted by silversquonk View Post


    Originally Posted by MacManFelix View Post

    It's extremely classy that Apple made a recording of Yo-Yo Ma (???) playing an excerpt of the Prelude from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Suite No. 1 in G major (BWV 1007) for Unaccompanied ’Cello the background music for this tribute video.

    Thank you so much for that. I've loved Bach's music for many years but have neglected to listen recently. I've just bought Yo-Yo Ma's recordings of the Cello Suites and am looking forward to a calm, reflective day ...


    Since I found out Steve and Ma were acquainted, I now think of Steve every time I hear Ma.  I sure do miss that guy.

    For people not acquainted with Ma, or for those who aren't aware of his versatility, check out "Appalachian Journey" and "Appalachia Waltz".

    Wonderful American music.

  • Reply 66 of 90


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    No disrespect to Steve, but this is not a good video.  It's trite and says more about Apple's products than it does the man himself. 


    As he is synonymous with Apple's products, especially the Mac, I have no issue with it.  If you want to know more about the man, there is always his biography.  I am sure Pixar can do a similiar tribute about his time with them as well if they want to, but much of his life was so intertwined with Apple and their products that it makes sense to do it this way.

  • Reply 67 of 90


    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post



    You guys are getting soft...  We all know Microsoft would not make it so easy.  They'd have the following:

    DOS Basic

    DOS Home Basic

    DOS Home Premium

    DOS Professional

    DOS ULTIMATE Edition

    Each one would be on 200 5.25" floppy diskettes, 640K base RAM with a freakin huge Extended Memory Manager.



    Don't forget about

    the Upgrade Editions,

    Student and Farmer Editions,

    and Worksgroups and Sanitation Editions

  • Reply 68 of 90
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,384member


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

    Celebrating or noting a birthday is negative ?

    Do you know or celebratte when Lincoln died or Washington died?


    And I too enjoy Apple products and services- but not 100% of the time/ 24 hours a day.


    Jesus Christ. To many Steve WAS Apple, who founded the company, then came back to resurrect it from the dead, while revolutionizing a few industries in the process.  How DARE Apple post a tribute to the man on their website, on a single day a year from his death. Hundreds or thousands of pieces have been written about him and will be written about him online today, but Apple can't post a message about their former CEO? How the **** is this celebrating? This is Apple's call, and there's nothing odd or outrageous about it. It's a small, classy tribute and will probably be gone tomorrow. 


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

    Not sad at all- I'm an optimist. Can't u see how patiently I've been waiting for my new iMac? optimistically hopingi that it'll come sooner rather than later? image


    WHats despicable about trolls is that they never know when to just keep their mouths shut. You even have to troll here and try to shit up this thread? Really? You can't help yourself? You need to keep refreshing a thread about Apple's web tribute to SJ's life to snidely knock the company and troll? Seriously, what the **** is wrong with you?


    PS- If this is you 'enjoying' a company's product, I wonder what it would look like when you despise a company. Cause I don't think I've read a single time you've ever said anything positive about Apple- which is quite bit different than your asinine justification. You desperately try to find things to bash the company about (see this thread) and then keep parroting those tired points again, and again, and again. Spare us your bullshit. 

  • Reply 69 of 90
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member


    Originally Posted by iSheldon View Post

    Never celebrate one's death but their birthday- much more appropriate and tasteful.

    And how, pray tell, could we ever believe that someone who posts nothing but negative bs could possibly know anything about what is appropriate and tasteful. Sorry, but as usual, you're out of your league here.

  • Reply 70 of 90
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    Your just being a total asshole here for no apparent reason.

    It was you, along with your doppelganger iSheldon, who chose to trash even this thread with your anti-Apple "opinion."
  • Reply 71 of 90
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    See, political. image


    You don't keep paying the dealership interest once you've paid for your car.

    Great analogy. It's just like taxes. (Groan..)

  • Reply 72 of 90
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    isheldon wrote: »
    Never celebrate one's death but their birthday- much more appropriate and tasteful.

    I did not get a celebrate vibe. Remembrance & tribute. I visit cemeteries on the days I've lost loved ones, honor Veterans on D-Day and Pearl Harbor Day. Seems fitting for Apple to the same on this day and perhaps those that knew him would find comfort. A year is not a long time for mourning.
  • Reply 73 of 90
    isheldonisheldon Posts: 570member
    isteelers wrote: »
    Really dude??  Do you have to complain about everything?  No one is celebrating his death.  They are reflecting on his life.  If you want to bitch and moan about Apple's products, that's fine.  But don't be disrespectful.

    Sorry definitely no disrespect intended for Steve Jobs- I fixed my post to clarify.
  • Reply 74 of 90

    When Steve was alive, one of his often-repeated tenets was focus.With this tribute, I think Apple is maintaining that thought.

  • Reply 75 of 90
    haarhaar Posts: 563member
    Oh boy, I do want to say this, though it could turn political quickly, but I think he was right in instating an income tax to pay for the war, just that it should have been REMOVED when the war was repaid.

    Warning: my "2 cents" worth... (or is it 2 bits worth LOL)... perhaps off topic...

    ummm, unfortunately for the US, taxes will never go down... by my calculations, every working person (150 million people) will need to pay 15,000 dollars a year for 18 years, (with the prime at 4%) in addition to the taxes already you are paying, to pay off the deficit and the debt. (ten thousand dollars a year for the deficit... and five thousand dollars for the debt a year...)

    Think of the debt (15 thousand billion or 150 times the amount of cash Apple has...)
    as a mortage. so a 1 million dollar mortage at 4% for 25 years requires approx a 4700 dollar a month payment. and since the debt is 15 trillion or "15 million, 1 million dollar " mortages, the american people will need to pay together 15million times 4700 dollars a month...
    which is 5760 dollars a year for every working american... and that is just for the debt... for the deficit it will be worst case an extra 10 tbousand dollars. and best case nothing extra if the federal gov slashes 1.5 trillion dollars a year in spending (BTW, I think the federal gov collects 2.5 trillion, but needs 4 trilllion, hence the deficit.)

    further more the average salary is approx 50000, so where is this extra 15000 dollars going to come from?, because this is over and above what you re paying now...

    the solution the US will need to collect as much tax as Canada does... that means Eliminating state sales tax, collecting a 13% federal sales tax, with 8 percent or what-ever-the-previous sales tax the state was collecting . BTW any laws in the USA that state this can not happen will be changed... you know "pay up and shut up... what you expect the US government to help you?... if you don't like it move... and the rich will...)

    end of "turn political quickly" rant...
  • Reply 76 of 90
    RIP Steve. I may not agree with all your actions, no one can deny your accomplishments.

    One thing that bothers me is that everyone focuses on the iPod and iPhone as his greatest legacy, but they only are from a superficial level. His true legacy is in kicking the doors down in the music industry AND wireless carrier industry. It was a sorry state of affairs with music before iTunes and that was all Jobs and his clout and tenacity. (often overlooked fact: it was his clout as head of Pixar that helped him out there, not as head of Apple). It was also Jobs that broke the stranglehold the wireless carriers had on mobile devices. Before that, they dictated what could and couldn't run on the phones on their network.

    Even when they stop making iPhones and Macs, when we can beam the latest Britney Spears directly into our brains without restriction, we'll have Steve to thank for opening that all up.

    On a side note: I find it fascinating from a psychological / anthropological stand point that people all of the world are mourning or tributing a man that they have never met. It makes sense that Apple would since he was their leader, mentor and friend. But strangers around the globe are feeling it as well. It's the same way that people were so emotional when Princess Di or Whitney Houston died. I'm not sure what phenomenon that is but it's quite interesting.
  • Reply 77 of 90
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,105member
    The great thing I like about Steve is that he was into computers but he was not a nerd, he was an artist.
    Woz, on the other hand...
  • Reply 78 of 90
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by tyler82 View Post

    The great thing I like about Steve is that he was into computers but he was not a nerd, he was an artist.


    "We now have full support for Kerberos and… whatever that is…" *gestures at the screen where an acronym is* image


    Gosh, what keynote was that… it was back when OS X was a headliner.

  • Reply 79 of 90

    Classy tribute

  • Reply 80 of 90


    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Since I found out Steve and Ma were acquainted, I now think of Steve every time I hear Ma.  I sure do miss that guy.

    For people not acquainted with Ma, or for those who aren't aware of his versatility, check out "Appalachian Journey" and "Appalachia Waltz".

    Wonderful American music.

    Excellent stuff. Many thanks for those recommendations.

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