iOS 7 beta: Safari ditches '.com' button, dots return in Calendar



  • Reply 41 of 68
    djrumpydjrumpy Posts: 1,116member
    I would have preferred something like a horizontal or vertical bar who's height matches the busy time for that particular day. The dot isn't particularly useful to me as I have something in every day, so every day has a dot. For a quiet calendar it might be useful, but for mine, not so much.

    I'll be curious to see what improvements they make.
  • Reply 42 of 68
    bwhagainbwhagain Posts: 22member
    Now it looks more like ios than before, though still has too many abominations from Android and WP7. Specifically the stupid back button, confusing lock screen, and the ultra thin progress bars.
  • Reply 43 of 68
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member

    Awesome......thicker fonts. My eyes are glad. If Apple is listening...


    Using the Maps app to navigate in the car needs refinement. My Garmin seems to know the more travelled route. It also offers two announcements. One when the next step is indicated and one right before you are to take that next step. The Maps app announces the next step as per usual. But when it comes time to alert you when to take that step, it occurs too late. Unless you are really paying attention, you'll drive right by the entrance ramp.


    Here's to hoping Sync is perfected for Photos and Podcasts and whatever other data it is supposed to work with.


    Not holding out much hope for this but I'd love the option for a 5th row of keys while typing. Context sensitive text plus others such as "com," "@," and often used punctuation would be mighty welcome.


    Excited to upgrade to iOS 7. Looks modern and bright. Apple seems to be addressing the critics.

  • Reply 44 of 68
    I really hate the flat graphics. While I thought the faux leather and torn page took skeumorphism too far, I certainly preferred graphics and textures that were on a human scale. I now feel like my phone and iPad have become an ugly, alien device. Microsoft actually killed PC sales with Windows 8. Now it seems like Apple is doing the same thing with their user interfaces.
  • Reply 45 of 68
    There's loads of other changes too.
    The brightness toggle slider has new icons:

    Buy buttons in the App Store have borders:

    There are some other shots here:
  • Reply 46 of 68
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Anyone check "Enhance text Legibility" in "Accessibility" that you can dial down the text to go back to original lighter fonts?


    By the way, I'm beginning to fall in love with the new look. Guess the early shock had gone. :)



  • Reply 47 of 68
    kiltedgreenkiltedgreen Posts: 618member


    Originally Posted by Dunks View Post


    Why not make the dot colour match the calendar colour so you can discriminate between "work" or "personal" events? They could also make dot size proportional to the amount of the day taken up by events so you can see at a glance which days are most busy without always having to drill down into the most detailed view.


    That's a really useful idea, or perhaps a lengthening bar instead of a larger dot as there's only so much vertical space under the numbers - make sure you tell Apple.

  • Reply 48 of 68
    And with the knowledge professed in the rest of it, I'm confused why you'd bother with that redundancy, is all.

    You are such a dick.
  • Reply 49 of 68
    vorsosvorsos Posts: 302member

    Sounds like the calendar power users would be better served by any other view than Monthly. Try List mode or hold your iPhone sideways for week view; neither has gray dots of indeterminate usefulness.


    There's also a few hundred calendars in the App Store.


    alpha10711 View Post

    I really hate the flat graphics. [...] I now feel like my phone and iPad have become an ugly, alien device. Microsoft actually killed PC sales with Windows 8. Now it seems like Apple is doing the same thing with their user interfaces.

    Apples and oranges. Microsoft has an entirely different decision making process than Apple, which is clearly evident in their relative results. Even when it looks like both companies are doing the same thing, it never ends up being the same at all.

  • Reply 50 of 68
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    shogun wrote: »
    I think the dots in calendar are stupid. My personal opinion. Does anyone really have days without events? I don't. And when every day has a dot none of them may as well have.

    Uhh...I thought they were stupid without them. Month view is utterly pointless unless it tells you something about your events.
  • Reply 51 of 68
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    alpha10711 wrote: »
    I really hate the flat graphics. While I thought the faux leather and torn page took skeumorphism too far, I certainly preferred graphics and textures that were on a human scale. I now feel like my phone and iPad have become an ugly, alien device. Microsoft actually killed PC sales with Windows 8. Now it seems like Apple is doing the same thing with their user interfaces.

    Why? Do you understand how ridiculously impractical it is to fill up 200 px X 100 px with 90% button and 10% text?? So much more legible and practical to use large text.
  • Reply 52 of 68
    resjcresjc Posts: 1member


    Originally Posted by alpha10711 View Post

    I really hate the flat graphics. While I thought the faux leather and torn page took skeumorphism too far, I certainly preferred graphics and textures that were on a human scale. I now feel like my phone and iPad have become an ugly, alien device. Microsoft actually killed PC sales with Windows 8. Now it seems like Apple is doing the same thing with their user interfaces.




    I certainly agree with you on the graphics and washed out look. It's very difficult to distinguish anything if you have a visual impairment.


    I hate to say it, but it looks like iOS 7 is going to force me to go back to Blackberry for my next phone. 

  • Reply 53 of 68
    hawkbladehawkblade Posts: 76member
    OMG... people if you have such an issue with the icons going more flat, and going to "change" to another phone, then you have other reasons you want to change and using the icons as an excuse.


    Look at most of the 3rd party icons... Evernote, Food Network, Facebook, Skype, etc etc... they are not 3D like the base iOS icons. Did you not pay attention to the keynote? They went for more of a uniformed look, created a template for not only themselves but for all 3rd party dev's to use for the icons. Flattened icons also use less GPU than "super kool 3d" icons. So the GPU will run, guess what, faster. Cuts down on the DPI, which cuts down on the GPU processing.


    All those yipping on the icons, have you also complained to Adobe, and many other corps that have been flattening their icons for the last few versions?


    Bottom line - I rather have functional than pretty.


    For topic - Maybe have a grey dot for multi calender days, and only work scheduled use work color for dot on that day. Or have a setting to turn on and off the dots. As for the .com idea, it's a nice touch to end that frustration. Us old timers thank you from the bottom of our eye straining hearts going back to a normal font from the 'lite" font.
  • Reply 54 of 68
    vorsosvorsos Posts: 302member

    HawkBlade View Post

    Look at most of the 3rd party icons... Evernote, Food Network, Facebook, Skype, etc etc... they are not 3D like the base iOS icons. Did you not pay attention to the keynote? They went for more of a uniformed look, created a template for not only themselves but for all 3rd party dev's to use for the icons. Flattened icons also use less GPU than "super kool 3d" icons. So the GPU will run, guess what, faster. Cuts down on the DPI, which cuts down on the GPU processing.


    Do you really think that iOS constantly renders app icon gloss and lighting effects on the fly?


    The icons on your iPhone are static png images, not PSD format with layers and styles composited in real-time. Complex and flat icons take exactly the same amount of power to display on the home screen. They all have identical resolution and are made for display rather than printing, so "Cuts down on the DPI" is wrong on two counts.


    iOS doesn't even re-draw Safari content in real-time as a desktop browser would. It draws all the web page's content to an offscreen buffer, so you're basically scrolling around an OpenGL plane. That's why zooming looks blurry until it re-draws at a larger scale.

  • Reply 55 of 68
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member


    Originally Posted by resjc View Post


    I certainly agree with you on the graphics and washed out look. It's very difficult to distinguish anything if you have a visual impairment.


    I hate to say it, but it looks like iOS 7 is going to force me to go back to Blackberry for my next phone. 

    You should try it in action before deciding. Screen caps and videos may not do justice for what it is.

  • Reply 56 of 68
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Apple has never, not one time, referred to iOS 7 as "flat". It's not in any of their marketing materials or intro video. People can call it "flat" if they want but this idea that Apple software engineers/designers sat down and decided the goal of iOS 7 was to be "flat" is silly.
  • Reply 57 of 68
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member


    Originally Posted by resjc View Post

    I hate to say it, but it looks like iOS 7 is going to force me to go back to Blackberry for my next phone. 


    Honestly iOS 7 makes BB10 look dated. Same goes for Android and even Windows Phone 8. Both look old next to iOS 7.

  • Reply 58 of 68
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by blackbook View Post

    Thicker fonts throughout the system seems to address a major issue many had.

    It was never an issue, major or minor.


    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I was wondering when they were going to do this as well.  The funny thing about the font they chose is that Helvetica Neue is actually a "multi-master" font and thus adjustable for many different states in-between medium, light, ultra-light, etc. They could literally choose any weight they wanted, but they went with the most extreme end.  Seems like they've just dialled it back a smidge to the perfect weight. 

    No. May I respectfully ask that you stop making shit up.


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I have a feeling iOS 7 will be quite polished by the time it's ready to ship. They had to get something out for WWDC but they're polishing as they go and with certain changes like the thicker font it looks like they're listening to feedback and willing to make changes. image

    I don't believe it has anything to do with feedback in this instance (not to say Apple doesn't listen).


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I hope the chevrons go and the icons change.

    Going with thicker fonts is crazy considering people round here (not me) said there was nothing wrong with the thin fonts that cut your eyes out.

    Thank God the fixed those fonts.


    Sarcastic or not. They didn't fix anything because there was nothing to fix.


    First of all, it is not true that they have made the system font uniformly "thicker". It's not even true that the first beta of iOS7 had a uniformly thin system font. Light and ultralight are still there.


    I think there is a serious lack of understanding about this. It was never about choosing one standard font, weight, width, etc. IOS7 unprecedentedly supports optical scaling. It just wasn't implemented yet for the system font in the first two beta releases. Now that it is implemented in this release, the text type automatically and dynamically follows design rules (and user preferences!!!). The coolest thing is that optical scaling is available not just to system apps, but also to 3rd party apps. This was explained very carefully at WWDC. 


    p.s. I think this is going to be very tricky for Samsung to copy, which makes all those observations about iOS7 emulating Android rather ridiculous.

  • Reply 59 of 68
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Apple has never, not one time, referred to iOS 7 as "flat". It's not in any of their marketing materials or intro video. People can call it "flat" if they want but this idea that Apple software engineers/designers sat down and decided the goal of iOS 7 was to be "flat" is silly.

    People had it fixed in their heads that skeuomorphism and flatness are the diametric ends of the same scale. So disappearance of woodgrain can only be accomplished by flattening the UI, in their view.


    But iOS7, as I have explained before, is not UI facelift. It is, above all else, about technological advances designed not just to go to the next level as a dynamic OS, but also to make it much harder to emulate.


    p.s. Rene Ritchie at wrote that iOS7 is the most skeuomorphic iOS ever. In some ways, he is spot on.

  • Reply 60 of 68
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member


    Originally Posted by Shogun View Post

    Really? You think a single dot indicating you have one event scheduled somewhere in a day is helpful? You really don't have things happening every day? Kids sports, meetings, school events, birthday parties? Not at least one such thing per day? Sounds like you're bragging about your easy breezy life. For me a dot telling me a day has something -- something-- at some time is worthless clutter. Again, personal preference.


    I don't have many calendar events - but my "easy breezy" life has me working 12-16 hours/day for myself from a to-do list (my favorite is still the back of otherwise discarded return envelopes for all my accounts with auto-pay that keep sending 'em).  So your "if I don't need it, only lazy asses do" attitude is coming from a very high horse....  ....meanwhile some people actually had something useful and non-gratuitously aggressive to offer....



    Originally Posted by Dunks View Post

    Why not make the dot colour match the calendar colour so you can discriminate between "work" or "personal" events? They could also make dot size proportional to the amount of the day taken up by events so you can see at a glance which days are most busy without always having to drill down into the most detailed view.



    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post


    That's a really useful idea, or perhaps a lengthening bar instead of a larger dot as there's only so much vertical space under the numbers - make sure you tell Apple.

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