iOS phone share growing faster than Android in US, UK and France



  • Reply 41 of 71
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    This forum is still missing a thumbs down button.
  • Reply 42 of 71
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    apple ][ wrote: »
    This forum is still missing a thumbs down button.

    Bad idea.

    Back on topic, the increasing share going to the cheaper models can only accelerate when the new cheaper iPhone is released. Good times.
  • Reply 43 of 71
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    It's the argument at hand, so yes.

    Do you know how to hold a conversation?

    It's always an argument with you. You're the one incapable of having a productive conversation.
  • Reply 44 of 71
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    It's always an argument with you. You're the one incapable of having a productive conversation.


    Who are you kidding? I have yet to see a productive conversation on ANY tech web site. What I do see are opinionated posers claiming to be experts in whatever field is being discussed. Real experts are too busy doing their thing than to post on an inane blog site like AppleInsider. Every opinion is stated as indisputable fact and any refutation of that opinion is met with disdain and denigration.


    Pot, kettle, black  my friend.

  • Reply 45 of 71
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by Sonysexual View Post

    I don't like American patriots/Conservatives supporting Apple because I think they are hypocrites. I have no qualms with Conservatives from places like that openly hate Apple. Wanna know why? It's because they're consistent. They know Apple is only American in name and is lobbying for plenty of left-wing causes. And where did I say Koreans are really smart? I said most of the engineering is done in South Korea, which is a fact for most technology these days. Even the company I work for has all or most of the engineering done in South Korea and Taiwan. We just rebrand their technology. Sorry if the truth hurts you. Stay butthurt, American. image


    South Korea owes its very existence to over 36,000 dead Americans, you piece of shit.

  • Reply 46 of 71
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member


    Originally Posted by Sonysexual View Post

    Samsung is a vertically-integrated company that uses their own technology they they manufactured by themselves in their own products.


    Let that sink in and make you realize how much of an edge Samsung has. Apple can't even engineer their own "retina" screens and had to come crawling back to Samsung when LG and SHARP's technology was sub-par. image


    So how come my Galaxy S4 has a Qualcomm processor?

  • Reply 47 of 71


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    South Korea owes its very existence to over 36,000 dead Americans, you piece of shit.

    Why do you Conservatives keep bringing in South Korea into this argument? image

    It's a fact that a ton of tech inside Apple devices are from South Korean companies. No one disputes that. That's the only reason why I brought up South Korea. All Apple did was take technology from South Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese tech firms and assemble them together (AKA Repackaging).


    See, what you and all the other hypocrite Conservatives fail to understand is that this has nothing to do with South Korea vs. America. I don't know where you people came up with such an idea. My point is that I don't understand why Conservatives take pride with what Apple is doing. Americans are the doing the lowly customer support. The engineering is done by the non-Americans.

  • Reply 48 of 71

    Ok, I'll make it easier for you Conservatives to understand.


    Company A is based on country X.

    Company A buys technology from company B and rebrands them so that patriotic citizens from country X thinks Company A hired country X's citizens to engineer the device. In fact, Company A only hires their own citizens for lowly customer support. The high-paying jobs are all outsources to where Company B's country is. Get it?


    Stop bringing in South Korea into this. image If a French company was providing most of the tech for the iPhone/iPad, I would say France is doing all the work. This is 100% about Conservatives supporting an American company that hardly contributes anything to the domestic economy. Just because it's an American company doesn't mean America will prosper if its making record profits.

  • Reply 49 of 71
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    It's always an argument with you. You're the one incapable of having a productive conversation.

    Shameless, on your part. I'll take ten Sonysexual blatant trolls over one crypto-troll like you, who only wishes to destroy this forum with nagging negativity.
  • Reply 50 of 71


    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Shameless, on your part. I'll take ten Sonysexual blatant trolls over one crypto-troll like you, who only wishes to destroy this forum with nagging negativity.

    In Applesexual land, speaking the truth is considered trolling.

  • Reply 51 of 71
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    sonysexual wrote: »
    Ok, I'll make it easier for you Conservatives to understand.

    Company A is based on country X.
    Company A buys technology from company B and rebrands them so that patriotic citizens from country X thinks Company A hired country X's citizens to engineer the device. In fact, Company A only hires their own citizens for lowly customer support. The high-paying jobs are all outsources to where Company B's country is. Get it?

    Stop bringing in South Korea into this. <img alt="lol.gif" id="user_yui_3_10_0_1_1375136533808_914" src="" style="font-size:13px;line-height:1.231;" name="user_yui_3_10_0_1_1375136533808_914">
     If a French company was providing most of the tech for the iPhone/iPad, I would say France is doing all the work. This is 100% about Conservatives supporting an American company that hardly contributes anything to the domestic economy. Just because it's an American company doesn't mean America will prosper if its making record profits.

    Dude the Koreans are adding little or nothing. This is why Apple can move its assembly lines around. The technology - the arm chips, the software, the Gorrilla glass, the GPS and LTE engineering is all Western. All the asians are doing is the monkey work of assembly.
  • Reply 52 of 71
    lazollazol Posts: 20member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    South Korea owes its very existence to over 36,000 dead Americans, you piece of shit.

    I believe we need to recognize the other nations involved in the Korean War
    Victor side:
    United Nations
    Republic of Korea
    United States
    United Kingdom
    New Zealand
    South Africa
  • Reply 53 of 71


    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Dude the Koreans are adding little or nothing. This is why Apple can move its assembly lines around. The technology - the arm chips, the software, the Gorrilla glass, the GPS and LTE engineering is all Western. All the asians are doing is the monkey work of assembly.

    Like how Apple keeps crawling back to Samsung? image


    Also, Silicon Valley is over 50% Asian.

    Software - Written by Indians and Chinese

    GPS - Same

    LTE - NTT DoCoMo (Japan) with the help of a host of companies with Samsung playing the biggest part.

    3G and LTE compatibility with mobile processors - Samsung (Qualcomm licensed from Samsung)


    Screen - Samsung, LG, SHARP

    Flash Memory - Samsung

    DRAM Memory - Samsung

    Camera - SONY

    Battery - LG


    I bet you're one of those people that believe the all-white rooms that Apple shows for its tech staff. image There are hardly any whites in the tech sector of America and those that are white come from Europe like I do. Those pictures of all-white rooms are merely PR stunts. If you actually entered our engineering rooms, it's filled with Indians and Chinese.

  • Reply 54 of 71
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    sonysexual wrote: »
    In Applesexual land, speaking the truth is considered trolling.

    Stick around, I'll leave some crumbs for you later.
  • Reply 55 of 71
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member


    Originally Posted by Lazol View Post

    I believe we need to recognize the other nations involved in the Korean War

    Victor side:

    United Nations

    Republic of Korea

    United States

    United Kingdom










    New Zealand


    South Africa




    According to the Internet 88% of the troops on the ground were American.

  • Reply 56 of 71


    Yes, those whites are the ones doing the engineering. image

    You American Conservatives are a riot.


    Hey, Conservatives/American patriots, your Apple devices were engineered by the Chinese and Indians, not Americans. image

  • Reply 57 of 71
    lazollazol Posts: 20member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    According to the Internet 88% of the troops on the ground were American.
    There is no doubts about that, still we have to recognize other contributions as well. Specially when the contribution involves the greatest sacrifice.
    This is just a thing of decency we all must exercise.
  • Reply 58 of 71


    Originally Posted by Lazol View Post

    There is no doubts about that, still we have to recognize other contributions as well. Specially when the contribution involves the greatest sacrifice.

    This is just a thing of decency we all must exercise.

    Can you Conservatives at least try to stay on topic.

    Why do you Conservatives feel a need to support domestic companies that contribute very little to the domestic economy? That's what I'd like to know.

  • Reply 59 of 71
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member

    this moron has managed to troll the whole topic with S-crap. we should ignore mentioning S-crap in the future and make google search job harder...

  • Reply 60 of 71
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member
    poksi wrote: »
    this moron has managed to troll the whole topic with S-crap. we should ignore mentioning S-crap in the future and make google search job harder...

    He was banned yesterday.
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