Confirmed! Leaked G4 specifications!



  • Reply 21 of 118
    gkgk Posts: 32member
  • Reply 22 of 118
    KidRed, that graphic definitely looks authentic. But there isn't any place on the Learn and Earn site that states the specs for Apple's machines like that... at least that I've seen.
  • Reply 23 of 118
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member
    This is very easy to fake. If you don't believe me, then check out this page.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    CONFIRMED!!!! G5's!!!!
  • Reply 24 of 118
    The only place something like this might appear is on a course page regarding the new PowerMacs. There's one problem though. The Learn and Earn team doesn't update the courses until Apple publically releases a new product, and this is usually a day or so after the announcement. (Plus I checked right after this thread was posted and there was NOTHING on the L and E site)

    I don't remember a single time when they have "jumped the gun". I'm thinking this is BS.
  • Reply 25 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by qazII:

    <strong>This is very easy to fake. If you don't believe me, then check out this page.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    CONFIRMED!!!! G5's!!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    HAHAHAHAHAHA -'ve got to love that
  • Reply 26 of 118
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by qazII:

    <strong>This is very easy to fake. If you don't believe me, then check out this page.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    CONFIRMED!!!! G5's!!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yea, easy to fake source once you have a page to fake from. Go fake a page from scratch

    Not saying it's a guaranteed lock of legitimacy, but Nostradamus would have to be bored out of his mind and have thick skin to take a beating like the one you are dishing out by calling him a fake and a liar.
  • Reply 27 of 118
    Sounds like BS to me. If this is all Apple going to do, then why the wait? These Powermacs should have been announced back in December...hell they are so lame why even bother, just put the faster G4s in new iMac models, and ditch the Powermac line, nobody's going to want them anyways.

    What's all this about the source being from Apple? The link is now dead, but it sent me to a Yahoo error page.

    Man every time someone posts lame specs, everyone ooooohs and ahhhhhhs, says "now for the realists out there these are the sort of computers Apple will release". blah blah blah.

    Listen, Apple's current way of doing things is flawed, and if continued then eventually Apple will get nowhere. The incremental speedbumps we've seen over the past 2-3 years have gotten Apple into a hole, where their CPUs are so horribly underclocked that it's an embarrassment. Steve can't even do bakeoffs any longer, because even with rigged tests using select Photoshop filters, the G4 would still it's ass whipped. Notice how the iMac wasn't baked-off? That's no accident, it wasn't done because Jobs knows that an 800 MHz G4 will get stomped by a Pentium 4.

    Jobs, Apple, all of the top brass at Apple, they all are acutely aware of the performance gap that has arisen over the last few years. It's in Apple's interest to close this gap, and the only way to do it is by changing the way Apple does things. To make the Powermacs competitive again, Apple will have to forego their usual incremental speedbumps for a more radical boost in MHz. The alternative is to give up on maintaining performance parity with Wintels, and of course, feature parity. This alternative is obviously not a healthy long term strategy for Apple.

    Thus, we will be seeing Powermac G5s, probably by the end of April, and at the very latest by MWNY. Since it's nearly too late to give the Powermacs a small bump to tide them over until MWNY, my guess is that the G5s are announced sooner, maybe at WWDC.
  • Reply 28 of 118
    arty50arty50 Posts: 201member
    I call BS. I don't think we'll see a GeForce4 MX anytime soon, if ever. NVidia is moving the GeForce line to a new naming scheme, and the MX designation doesn't seem to play a part in the latest round of cards. The MX name was brought about to separate this chip from the other GF2s. It was the only bi-endian chip and thus it deserved a substatially different name (as opposed to 'Pro', 'Ultra', etc.). The GF3 and all subsequent chips are all bi-endian and thus would be subject to a more uniform naming scheme.

    And Nostradamus didn't fake the page; he admitted to seeing it at another site first.
  • Reply 29 of 118
    This seems about right. Two (admittedly little) things that are below my expectations:

    1. GHz - 1.2 would have been nice, probably a lot less whiners. 1.4 would have been enough to have an event rather than a quiet release.

    2. There is NO excuse for the CD-RW model. As the "pro" alternative to an iMac, all models should be shipping with a Superdrive. Does anyone here disagree?

    I am otherwise fairly pleased - no big changes, but they're keeping up with things pretty nicely.

  • Reply 30 of 118
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Heh, those specs are the real deal...

    What about price points? Wanna see a dual G4 1Ghz @ $3k? :eek: If those specs are right (since they match up with a rumor I was told a just a few days ago) then I think the top end might come in at $3k ($2,999?)...

    As for when... I'd say Thurs Fri or Mon but that's just speculation... The person who I heard the specs and price info from didn't tell me any time tables.

    Looks like if the LCD prices come down and the top end price is correct this isn't such a bad stop gap till the G5 (provided it hits on or before MWNY).

  • Reply 31 of 118
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Ok, there is one way to prove it's real.

    Here's the link to the actual page on Apple's site, however you need an education ID to access it. I found this on XLR8yourmac which I guess is where this originated from. The guy who posted it insits he's not BSing about it over there.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    To see the actual thread-

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;
  • Reply 32 of 118
    [quote]2. There is NO excuse for the CD-RW model. As the "pro" alternative to an iMac, all models should be shipping with a Superdrive. Does anyone here disagree?



    Maybe this will come as a surprise to you, but not everyone has their own movies to burn to DVD. In fact it's probably a safe bet that a minority of Powermac buyers will have any need for the Superdrive. If someone plans on using their powermac for DTP, or website development, any number of things that don't include digital video, then a Superdrive is superfluous.

    If Apple were going to add the Superdrive to even the low end tower, then I'd rather they keep it off and just drop the price on the low end by 300-500 bucks. The way Apple is pushing this superdrive, it reminds me of the DVD-ROM drives they were pushing a while back. Yeah they were nice for the 5% who watched DVDs on their computer (including me), but most people watch DVDs on their TV. Just like most people don't have any need for a DVD-burner.

    If the superdrive could dupe a DVD movie, then it would be a hot item. But for now the superdrive is only valuable to the digital video market--an important market for Apple to be sure, but not their ONLY market.
  • Reply 33 of 118
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member

    Methinks you meant 'anticliMACtic'



    2. There is NO excuse for the CD-RW model. As the "pro" alternative to an iMac, all models should be shipping with a Superdrive. Does anyone here disagree?



    I'm in this one with JD, we have BTO for a reason peeps. Who wants to waste xtra $$$ if they don't want it, like having it standard in 2 out 3 models is not enough?
  • Reply 34 of 118
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member
    BTW peeps, we can bitch and moan all we want in regards to this "confirmed" leak, but you have forgotten one thing...

    AT WHAT PRICE POINT they will be introduced.

    Sure, I know they may still use the same price matrix... but maybe they will surprise us, never know.
  • Reply 35 of 118
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    The spec (except GeForce 4) still is very underwhelming

    I really hope they would drop the price. Dual 1Ghz at the same $3400 price seems ridiculors
  • Reply 36 of 118
    zoranszorans Posts: 187member
    Does it seem as ridiculous as a DP800 with GF2mx at the same price???

    I know, we want DDR mobo's and a G5, or at least a 1.4+ bumped G4... but still better than the above.
  • Reply 37 of 118
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    What I meant ridiculous is when the price / spec is compared against those AMD boxes.

    These new G4s will still be smoked by PCs that are selling for much lower price.

    The fair price of the top-end G4 should not be higher than $2850 US.
  • Reply 38 of 118
    arty50arty50 Posts: 201member
    I almost forgot, Nvidia is holding its own super, duper media event on Feb. 4. So don't expect anyone to steal their thunder regarding the GeForce 4 by announcing it before them.
  • Reply 39 of 118
    evil edevil ed Posts: 106member
    [quote]Originally posted by SpiffyGuyC:

    <strong>There is NO excuse for the CD-RW model. As the "pro" alternative to an iMac, all models should be shipping with a Superdrive. Does anyone here disagree?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    As cool as it would be to have SuperDrive's accross the range, I think it's highly doubtful- as JD said, how many people wanna burn DVDs?

    Personally I'd like to see the SuperDrive as a BTO option as I'm a bit miffed as to why the 733 model can't have it (this time last year the 733 had a SuperDrive so it can't be a question of the processor not being able to handle it).
  • Reply 40 of 118
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    L3 cache is DDR that is why it is so expensive. there is no "neutered model" like the 733 in this linup. it ill mke it snappyer then the 800 G4 in the iMac with no L3 cache... no 5400 RPM hd so no neutering there.. 4 usb ports thjat is unlikely that would requite a mobo rev... but everything else seems to be spot on. they #s suck, but there is nothing you can do about it until the G5 comes... looking @ past hisotry we'll see it at MWNY which should be good enough. these things shouldnt not take long to ship either esp the dual 1 gig...
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