Confirmed! Leaked G4 specifications!



  • Reply 81 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:

    <strong>Look at the SRAM part numbers and check with the manufacturer... They are DDR SRAMS.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How do I get those part numbers (other than buying a such-equipped PowerMac, removing the heat sink and taking a first-hand look myself)?


  • Reply 82 of 118
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    How do I get those part numbers (other than buying a such-equipped PowerMac, removing the heat sink and taking a first-hand look myself)?

    By having a such-equipped PowerMac, removing the heat sink and taking a first-hand look your-self. Sorry sometimes I forget some people don't have access to all the hardware I do. I think DA or Quicksilvers would do....
  • Reply 83 of 118
    Personally I fail to see why everyone seems to think L3 cache is such a big deal. It doesn't increase performance that much. Maybe a couple of % at most.
  • Reply 84 of 118
    You're right applenut, I shouldn't have said that Apple "likes" doing it...I should have said that Apple has "started" doing it. Either way, my original point makes sense.
  • Reply 85 of 118
    m5884m5884 Posts: 69member
    I don't think there will be any speed bumbs like the ones stated, unless they are only very short term. The G5 will be out at seybold or a apollo G4 with ddr. Hope for G5 but can't be sure. But I promise there will be a big upgrade at seybold.
  • Reply 86 of 118
    [quote]Originally posted by Aqua OS X:


    What is up with the MPC8540?...aka the G5. This thing seems to top out at 1ghz and it is much better CPU. It supports 333ddr, 64 bit processing, and has "rapid i/o". I want a g5 box with hypertransport... screw supperdrives and big graphics cards that are going to bottleneck even with a dual 1ghz g4.

    Ohh by the way, moto just reported its fourth straight loosing quarter today. Great time to be a mac power user <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> [/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    The fact that moto is pretty much a slowly sinking oil tanker financially is clearly part of the problem; what I hav heard and sounds reasonable (thus making it a warning flag for potentially being balderdash) is that all of the previously mentioned benefit of the "G5" chip are in place, but there is a fabrication problem causing severe performance problems. Why is this? Is it even true? I don't know. I'm not even able to recall exactly where I remember reading it. I've been doing a lot of research over the past ten weeks trying to come up with a desktop standard build and machine for this place(where I work), hoping for the best and only getting the mediocre. I'm burned out on the wait for better machines. I just want something for my multimedia guys that kicks ass, takes no names, and I can feel comfortable keeping on a desk for at least 16 months. The G5 would do it. A dual 1.4Ghz machine with a reasonable bus speed would do it. Unfortunately, so might some other machines....which I don't want to even think about. If moto has the fab problem, I really hope they fix it soon. (Rant over...sorry)
  • Reply 87 of 118
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:

    <strong>These machines aren't new designs, and they don't include any new goodies. They'll be ripe for replacement in a mere 4-6 months.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Heheh...if they in fact exist, they're *already* ripe for replacement.

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 88 of 118
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Michael Grey:

    <strong>Remember that Apple likes to include the two USB ports on the keyboard when it lists the total number of ports. That's why Jobs said the new iMac has "five USB ports."</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yes that makes perfect sence... did not think of that... I'm inclined to think these specs are spot on. Good thing im not in the market for a PM!!! ....
  • Reply 89 of 118
  • Reply 90 of 118
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by Macintosh:


    Damn, they are still around?!
  • Reply 91 of 118
    You know, maybe the G4 with the Radeon 7500 and CD-RW is just for the schools..

    Maybe all the retail models will be NVidia and Superdrive.

    I mean... Apple actually has kept a 533mhz G4 available to schools (at least where I am) when supposedly the 733 was the new bottom of the pack, with it's "neutered cache".
  • Reply 92 of 118
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I like the software bundle if it's true. I would have bought a PowerMac (expansion possibilities) the first time with that bundle.
  • Reply 93 of 118
    the link to the homepage is a fake

    just click on contact us to find out.
  • Reply 94 of 118
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    I feel a bit sick about these specs. They are better than before, I'll say that.

    But, this is like saying the 1995 Yugo is better than the 1994 Yugo. Even with DDR and a faster bus (which I didn't actually see it had!), it would still be a joke.

    The new intel x86 stuff will support a 533mhz bus, 2.2GHZ processors, DDR Ram, kick ass graphics cards, etc. Yes the Geforce 4 will be cool, but it will be the only real advantage....and it won't have that for long.

    My point here is that we shouldn't even be playing this game. If all that was the matter was the processor speed I could easily forgive that, because it really isn't the only measure of speed....and the architecture is better as well (shorter pipeline, altivec, etc). But, there is "no way on God's green earth" that we should be stuck with ATA/66, 133mhz bus, SDRAM, and 128MB of RAM in a $2499 machine WITHOUT a monitor. This is ****ing ridiculous.

    Again, MOT screwed Apple? Yes. But Apple is either stupid or has something HUGE up their sleeves. We shouldn't even be talking about "catching up"......we should be setting the Pro performance standard. There is NO REASON the other specs in the machine should be what they are...NONE. Don't tell me it isn't possible, or "Apple is doing the best they can".....that is total bullshit. They are doing the best they can with the ibook, powerbook and imac, but NOT the powermac.

    This update would be just enough to keep a mob from buring Apple HQ to the ground.

    [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: SDW2001 ]</p>
  • Reply 95 of 118
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:

    <strong>This update would be just enough to keep a mob from buring Apple HQ to the ground.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    thats the idea...
  • Reply 96 of 118
    I'm officially going on record that if these leaked specs are infact true and not some Apple misinformation compaign plot, the next PowerMac update shall occur at or before WWDC in early May?whether it be Apollo or G5.

    I don't think these can hold until MWNY.
  • Reply 97 of 118
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Why can't they hold? So far Apple seems content to sell ancient technology at a high-end workstation price. Or is it cause you can't hold your breath for Kormac's bullshit anymore?
  • Reply 98 of 118
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    perhaps the key to this lackluster update will be pricing.

    maube everything will drop down a lot.

    1499, 1999, 2699?

    something like that?

    i don't know, it's dissapointing

    1.) if they are stuck at these speeds why don't they go dual standard across the line!?

    2.) won't a dual 1Ghz G4 be limited by a 133Mhz Bus? I thought even a dual 800 was
  • Reply 99 of 118
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>I'm officially going on record that if these leaked specs are infact true and not some Apple misinformation compaign plot, the next PowerMac update shall occur at or before WWDC in early May?whether it be Apollo or G5.

    I don't think these can hold until MWNY.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Just 4 months after a speedbump? I would think July would be the earliest if this G4 thing is true.
  • Reply 99 of 118
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I continue to laugh my ass off at the fools around here grasping in vain for the faintest validation of the Kormacian delusions. Crap now only means one thing, crap... now. And probably more later. Apple is Mot's bitch right now. And they won't have anything better untill Mot or IBM get their shit together.
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