Rumor: Apple's OS X 10.9 Mavericks to arrive in late October



  • Reply 21 of 58
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    Headline should read: Is the Mac doomed? Next OS version delayed!
  • Reply 22 of 58
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by Netcrawler View Post

    Just fix the loss of wifi / ethernet when the computer goes to sleep. Please Apple - concentrate on bug fixes, especially long lasting ones, in addition to the bells and whistles.


    This isn't a bug it's a "feature."  :)

    Sadly, it's a feature that has been present in Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, and Mountain Lion.  


    I've lost count over the last few years of the number of times that my TV went completely black because the computer running iTunes in the next room fell asleep suddenly, or the number of times I've been woken up at 3:00 AM when the bedroom computer suddenly lit up like a christmas tree simply because some daemon was doing it's thing.  


    Even when Apple gets it to work, it's usually hardware dependant, exhibiting completely wacky and entirely different behaviour on any machine that isn't less than a year old.  

  • Reply 23 of 58
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member

    October is about right but OS 7 will be released this month with the new iPhones. We will get iOS 7 GM (with xcode GM) on Sept 10th and the general public will get it the day the new iPhone is release. Developers will also start submitting their apps using the GM. This is what happens every year.

  • Reply 24 of 58
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    gazoobee wrote: »
    This isn't a bug it's a "feature."  :)
    Sadly, it's a feature that has been present in Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, and Mountain Lion.  

    I've lost count over the last few years of the number of times that my TV went completely black because the computer running iTunes in the next room fell asleep suddenly, or the number of times I've been woken up at 3:00 AM when the bedroom computer suddenly lit up like a christmas tree simply because some daemon was doing it's thing.  

    Even when Apple gets it to work, it's usually hardware dependant, exhibiting completely wacky and entirely different behaviour on any machine that isn't less than a year old.  

    I thought there was a "no-sleep" corner you can stick your cursor in. You could also turn off sleep mode too.
  • Reply 25 of 58

    If only Apple would use this time to get rid of inconsistencies in icon design, menu bar animation when on full screen (itunes and safari on full screen get a completely different animation) and all the little but annoying inconsistencies...


    And redesign the icons to get rid of skeumorphism and uniform their design philosophy to the one in iOS.


    That would be really, really great.

  • Reply 26 of 58

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    I thought there was a "no-sleep" corner you can stick your cursor in. You could also turn off sleep mode too.


    i wish - you can use hot corners to put lcd to sleep, but there is no corner for keep this computer awake. wish there was - would be very handy

  • Reply 27 of 58
    I've been using mavericks and ios7 and like them both. However with the last updates to mavericks and ios7 I've lost iCloud Keychain functionality again. I'm in Canada, does anyone else have this problem? On my imac it says iCloud Keychain is down, on my iPhone it says "pending" where a security code is suppose to be texted to my iPhone telephone number but I've waited more that 24 hours and nothing yet. iCloud Keychain is still very much a work in progress, but I hope it will eventually work great.
  • Reply 28 of 58
    Originally Posted by Westcoast8 View Post



    At the 59:28:00 mark


    And Despite what anyone may say, this years ends on December 31st at 24:00:00.


    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post



    There is no 24:00:00

    It is 23:59:59 and next 00:00:00


    Originally Posted by Chandra69 View Post



    There is no 24:00:00

    It is 23:59:59 and next 00:00:00


    Am I??


    Quote: 24-hour clock

    Midnight 00:00 and 24:00

    In the 24-hour time notation, the day begins at midnight, 00:00, and the last minute of the day begins at 23:59. Where convenient, the notation 24:00 may also be used to refer to midnight at the end of a given date[5] – that is, 24:00 of one day is the same time as 00:00 of the following day.

    The notation 24:00 mainly serves to refer to the exact end of a day in a time interval. A typical usage is giving opening hours ending at midnight (e.g. "00:00–24:00", "07:00–24:00"). Similarly, some railway timetables show 00:00 as departure time and 24:00 as arrival time. Legal contracts often run from the start date at 00:00 till the end date at 24:00.


    Quote: IBM Date/Time fields

    Times may range from 00:00:00:00 through 23:59:59:59 in the 24-hour format

  • Reply 29 of 58
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,368moderator
    westcoast8 wrote: »
    Despite what the AppleInsider Staff knows, Fall begins on September 21st and ends on December 20th. And the month of 'October' is still a full 31 days between them.

    In addition, <span style="line-height:18px;">as sub headed on Apple's web site,</span> <a href="" style="font-family:'Noteworthy-Light';font-size:15px;line-height:15px;" target="_blank">iOS 7. Coming this Fall</a>

    I think Apple includes the full month of September when they say 'the fall'. It would be disappointing to have to wait until October for new Macs and 10.9 but September is typically for iOS products. I would expect them to ship new iPhones with iOS 7 as it's one of the selling points. They shipped iOS 5 with the 4S at launch previously.
  • Reply 30 of 58
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member

    Originally Posted by Right_said_fred View Post

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    I thought there was a "no-sleep" corner you can stick your cursor in. You could also turn off sleep mode too.


    i wish - you can use hot corners to put lcd to sleep, but there is no corner for keep this computer awake. wish there was - would be very handy


    You can set display sleep, CPU sleep and screen saver times independently. So just set the CPU to never sleep, the display to sleep after a short time, and you can let the screen fall asleep quickly while the computer stays up.

    Lid sleep and manual sleep override the auto-sleep times, so you can still create a corner that puts the screen to sleep, prevent screen from sleeping, start the screen saver, and when you want the machine to sleep, just hit the power button, or use the apple menu, or close the laptop lid.


    Best of all worlds...

  • Reply 31 of 58
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member

    Originally Posted by darthW View Post

    I've been using mavericks and ios7 and like them both. However with the last updates to mavericks and ios7 I've lost iCloud Keychain functionality again. I'm in Canada, does anyone else have this problem? On my imac it says iCloud Keychain is down, on my iPhone it says "pending" where a security code is suppose to be texted to my iPhone telephone number but I've waited more that 24 hours and nothing yet. iCloud Keychain is still very much a work in progress, but I hope it will eventually work great.


    Not so easy to design a product like that and comply with the long wish list from the NSA... <insert evil laughter here>

  • Reply 32 of 58
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    There is no basis to suspect this.
    websnap wrote: »
    Take your time, Apple. Sync up the release with the Mac Pro announcement and make sure the bugs are out of both. Mavericks needs to not only be really stable, but it needs to have a long shelf life.
    Well yeah a stable solid OS release is always welcomed.
    I have a feeling the next OS, XI %u2013 will be a radical departure (combining iOS and the desktop even further) and many who are adverse to keeping up with the new OSs (work stations, editing suites, many designers, ect...) will rely on Mavericks for a while, so no need to rush it out.

    This however is assinine. It may be a radical departure but that won't be due to combining OSes any more than they already are. You do realize that Mac OS and iOS are, underneath the GUI, the same operating systems as it is today? For example adding iBooks to the Mac OS distribution has nothing to do with combining the operating systems, it is simply supporting an app on both platforms. This is no different than adding a notes app to Mac OS. This isn't combining anything it is rather expanding capability.
  • Reply 33 of 58
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post


    My main hope for OSX 10.9 is the new maps app.  


    If it's good enough, and if it's easy enough to report mistakes, it might make Apple both realise what absolute shite their data is as well as provide more input from users so it can be corrected.  It's been a full year already with no improvement in the basic (hilariously incorrect) data at all, at least in my city.  


    I have seen major updates in my region (odd, as it's not overly dense in population) to the point where I have no longer needed to confirm/compare routes and destination locations with Google maps for most of this year. However, I believe Maps – regardless of who makes them – is a living, breathing entity that needs to constantly be tended to. Buildings get replaced, streets get re-planed... Maps are constantly evolving.

  • Reply 34 of 58
    Originally Posted by Netcrawler View Post

    Just fix the loss of wifi / ethernet when the computer goes to sleep.


    Yeah, that's supposed to happen and has happened in every version of OS X.

  • Reply 35 of 58

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I think Apple includes the full month of September when they say 'the fall'. It would be disappointing to have to wait until October for new Macs and 10.9 but September is typically for iOS products. I would expect them to ship new iPhones with iOS 7 as it's one of the selling points. They shipped iOS 5 with the 4S at launch previously.


    I don't agree. Not that they wouldn't, but if everything (and that is a very long list) was ready, it wouldn't surprise me if they had launched in August. And as evidenced, September is not typically for opening the doors for iOS products.


    It is unfortunate that so many are ready to hang Apple for virtually every word they say or think they said. Apple doesn't have a habit of vapour-waring software or devices; unlike many who like to bring out the red carpet for things they don't have, won't have or wished they had or are getting.

  • Reply 36 of 58
    We don't need an event for everything. Just launch the stupid os already and release the MacBook refreshes. This getting stupid at this point.
  • Reply 37 of 58
    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    Just launch the stupid os already and release the MacBook refreshes. This getting stupid at this point.


    Please be quiet. What you claim is not the case.

  • Reply 38 of 58
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    I thought there was a "no-sleep" corner you can stick your cursor in. You could also turn off sleep mode too.


    Or set the display to "sleep" after a desired interval and the computer to never, while checking the hard disks to sleep when possible checkbox.


    There is a "disable screen saver" hot corner option....

  • Reply 39 of 58

    Originally Posted by Conrail View Post


    I can't see there being a whole lot of hoopla over this iPhone release.  All we're getting is colored cases on last year's model, maybe an additional color on the flagship product, maybe a fingerprint reader, and (hopefully) bumps in the general specs.  It's not going to be a game changer this time around.


    They're probably facing production delays again on the new iMacs or MPBs, so they want the software release closer to the hardware bumps.

    Haha you funny guy!

    Come on, you can do better than that.

  • Reply 40 of 58
    rcfarcfa Posts: 1,124member

    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    We don't need an event for everything. Just launch the stupid os already and release the MacBook refreshes. This getting stupid at this point.


    You don't need an event, I don't need an event, but APPLE needs an event, because not everyone's a geek who follows every scrap of Apple news on the web. Apple is in the business of making profit, which means selling products, and Apple will do whatever serves the message to create brand identity, product awareness, and maximized sales, and if that means you'll have to wait another three weeks for a computer, Apple couldn't care less.

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