Retina iPad mini display shows poorer color accuracy than Apple's iPad Air



  • Reply 161 of 180
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    kellmark wrote: »
    I do not agree with those on the thread that basically say to shut up or go buy a Nexus, etc. If we can't have a decent discussion about products and their utility and value, then why are we here? By the way, I see the same things on camera forums, where "fanboys" try to shout down any discussion of their favorite product. It is not productive, in my opinion. Apple is a great company, but they are not perfect by any means, and without appropriate feedback, they cannot make their products better in response to their customers' needs.

    For travel, I prefer the Mini for its size. But again I use it for travel photography. So again I would much prefer the same quality of screen that I am used to in my IPad3.

    Bottom line. I was going to buy a MiniR. But now I will wait until I can see it myself and compare it to my present IPad3. I won't go down in screen quality, unless it is basically imperceptible. especially because the one that I want is the top of the line 128GB with cellular and GPS, which goes for $829. I won't spend that kind of money unless the product does what I need it to do. 

    sog35 wrote: »
    Go buy a Nexus 7 you troll.

  • Reply 162 of 180
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Go buy a Nexus 7 then.  Show me where they said the MiniR was EXACTLY the same as the Air.  You are making sheet up at this point.

    And Apple doesn't care about YOUR premium dollars since you seem like a cheapskate.  Perfect target for Google/Amazon devices.  You say Apple devices cost double? BULL.  Nexus7 is $230 vs MiniR at $399

    Nexus7 screen is 30% smaller - Add $25
    Metal Construction - Add $25
    Better Apps - Add $25
    Better Customer service - Add $25
    Faster CPU - Add $25
    Higher Resale - Add $100 (Go see how much 2 year old Nexus7/Fire is getting now.  About $10.  iPad2 is still getting over $150)

    Nexus7 adjusted - $455

    So is the MiniR really that much more expensive?

    Go buy a cheap ass tablet and get lost.
    Who said anything about a Nexus 7? Did i once say anything about a Nexus 7. I was talking about expectations. I have an iPad Air so you can hush up and address the argument. IMO and the opinion of all the people who've objectively reviewed the new Mini is that Mini is expensive for what it can go on defending Apple's corporate speak but that doesnt change the facts.

    So you can stop defending Apple for saying a product is one thing and then it turns out be to another.

    Sent from my iPad Air.
  • Reply 163 of 180
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Tell me what other medium/small tablet is better than the Mini?

    Metal construction
    A7 64 bit
    Best Apps
    Best resale value
    Best customer service

    Getting the best cost more. PERIOD.  Again name me one tablet that is better bang for your buck than the MiniR.

    Sent from my iPad Air
    the question is the best twice as good. The objective advice says its expensive for what it is. You Appologists can say whatever you want but thats just fandom speaking. Thats why people don't hear that.
  • Reply 164 of 180
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Easy way to spot a troll:

    1. First post explains that he's a HUGE Apple fan since 1980
    2. Then say how much he loved past products
    3. Proceed to dump on current products

    Why join a forum just to dump on a new product?  Just get your cheap azz out of here a go buy a Nexus7
    i have over 1000 posts you just got here.
  • Reply 165 of 180
    zozman wrote: »
    Interesting youtube clip i just saw

    It's hard to take someone seriously who looks like the love child of Barrack Obama and Patton Oswalt.
  • Reply 166 of 180
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    sog35 wrote: »
    And lets not forget it is VERY POSSIBLE that Google drops Android support in a year or two.  With all the lawsuits they might just move on to ChromeOS.  They have already done this with ChromeCast. 

    No they haven't. Chromecast uses Android but closer in build to what was used for GoogleTV for the most part. Other than DED's outlier editorial I've not seen anything indicating Android is on the way out. Have you? IMO there's zero chance that Google drops Android "in a year or two". There's reasons not to use Android as your OS but that ain't one of 'em.
  • Reply 167 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    adonissmu wrote: »
    Its my premium dollar Apple is asking for. When you are asking for twice as much money as everyone else in the market people are going to want to see twice the benefit. Is your brain damaged or what? Why are you being obtuse?

    Let me rephrase that appraisal of your grasp of reality: You are detached from the basic facts because you seem to be ignoring your native cause-and-effect reasoning powers.

    Example: The reason that the Kindle Fire or the Nexus are so cheap is that the companies don't care about losing money on them; therefore any comparison with a device company that doesn't sell its users' eyeballs and instead is selling devices to make money for growing its enterprise is obscenely wrong-headed—deeply unrealistic, laughable. You have been duped by the cynical lowballers. If this is what sets your "expectations" for your "premium dollar," you are being at best naive to bring it into the discussion.
  • Reply 168 of 180
    flaneur wrote: »
    Let me rephrase that appraisal of your grasp of reality: You are detached from the basic facts because you seem to be ignoring your native cause-and-effect reasoning powers.

    Example: The reason that the Kindle Fire or the Nexus are so cheap is that the companies don't care about losing money on them; therefore any comparison with a device company that doesn't sell its users' eyeballs and instead is selling devices to make money for growing its enterprise is obscenely wrong-headed—deeply unrealistic, laughable. You have been duped by the cynical lowballers. If this is what sets your "expectations" for your "premium dollar," you are being at best naive to bring it into the discussion.

    He stated that Apple is asking for twice as much for what he considers an otherwise identical product despite the very obvious differences in display size alone. You aren't going to have a rational conversation with this person.

    PS: My Retina iPad Mini should be here by Friday. Can't wait!
  • Reply 169 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    akqies wrote: »
    He stated that Apple is asking for twice as much for what he considers an otherwise identical product despite the very obvious differences in display size alone. You aren't going to have a rational conversation with this person.

    PS: My Retina iPad Mini should be here by Friday. Can't wait!

    You are right. Sometimes I just want to put the point out there, in the off chance that someone might be making the same lazy comparison.

    I'm enjoying the mini, going from an iPad 1 that's been my constant machine since day one three + years ago, still going strong, but what a difference. The text rendering at 326.ppi is an amazing relief to old eyes that need cataract surgery and a new reading prescription. The size is perfect for a traveling device also. I'm just getting started loading in some of my videos. We'll see if the missing red and blue are a big deal. I think not.
  • Reply 170 of 180
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Gotta love folks that say "OMG! Color gamut! Photography! OMG!"

    And probably view the images on the iPad in sunlight.

    Amusingly this is some info from Eizo's site:

    "When we check the color gamut of an LCD monitor, it's also important to remember that a wide color gamut is not necessarily equivalent to high image quality. This point may generate misunderstanding among many people.

    Color gamut is one spec used to measure the image quality of an LCD monitor, but color gamut alone does not determine image quality. The quality of the controls used to realize the full capabilities of an LCD panel having a wide color gamut is crucial. In essence, the capacity to generate accurate colors suited to one's own purposes outweighs a wide color gamut.

    When considering an LCD monitor with a wide color gamut, we need to determine if it has a color-gamut conversion function. Such functions control the LCD monitor's color gamut based on the target color gamut, such as Adobe RGB or sRGB. For example, by selecting sRGB mode from a menu option, we can adjust even an LCD monitor with a wide color gamut and high Adobe RGB coverage so that the colors displayed on screen fall within the sRGB color gamut.

    Few current LCD monitors offer color-gamut conversion functions (i.e., feature compatibility with both Adobe RGB and sRGB color gamuts). However, a color-gamut conversion function is essential for applications demanding accurate color generation in the Adobe RGB and sRGB color gamuts, such as photo retouching and Web production.

    For purposes requiring accurate color generation, an LCD color monitor lacking any color-gamut conversion function but having a wide color gamut can actually be a disadvantage in some cases. These LCD monitors display each RGB color mapped to the color gamut inherent to the LCD panel in eight bits at full color. As a result, the colors generated are often too vivid for displaying images in the sRGB color gamut (i.e., the sRGB color gamut cannot be reproduced accurately)."
  • Reply 171 of 180
    flaneur wrote: »
    Let me rephrase that appraisal of your grasp of reality: You are detached from the basic facts because you seem to be ignoring your native cause-and-effect reasoning powers.

    Example: The reason that the Kindle Fire or the Nexus are so cheap is that the companies don't care about losing money on them; therefore any comparison with a device company that doesn't sell its users' eyeballs and instead is selling devices to make money for growing its enterprise is obscenely wrong-headed—deeply unrealistic, laughable. You have been duped by the cynical lowballers. If this is what sets your "expectations" for your "premium dollar," you are being at best naive to bring it into the discussion.
    Nothing youve said changes my mind about setting expectations properly. That is the point I was making. If you dont agree with that point fine. Moving on.
  • Reply 172 of 180
    Can't see any difference in the red on those wallpapers.
  • Reply 173 of 180

    so, is it mean retina ipad mini display is not suitable to have it?

  • Reply 174 of 180

    ok, starting to think @sog35 is actually a troll himself. Every thread has him saying "go buy a nexus 7" favourite phrase of the day then?


    chill out sog35 and stop coming across like a cool-aid filled kid

  • Reply 175 of 180
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    I'm not a cool aid kid.  I'm just sick of all this crybaby stuff about a button being green instead of red or a device having less than perfect gamut.  We get enough negative BS from the media and Fandroid/Samdung trolls lurking across the net. 


    So the gamut is not perfect?  So what! Hardly anyone on the planet can distinguish perfect gamut and 8% of the male population is color blind.  My advice is to try Android for a few weeks and see how you like it.  Then decide if these 'fatal flaws' are actually a big deal or not.


    For people who have been on iOS this whole time you don't realize how shiity the competitions software/OS is.  I'll take iOS which i love 90% of its features vs Android which is 50% crap.  I'm sick of all these Apple users who constantly grumble about the 10% and don't realize how shiitty the competition is.

    Keith Olbermann has a response in that vein he likes to use (on Twitter at least).


    "Bye Felicia".


    At every repetitive whine about the lack of an SD card port or mini USB connector I am tempted to go there…..

  • Reply 176 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    seanie248 wrote: »
    ok, starting to think <a data-huddler-embed="href" href="/u/191133/sog35" style="display:inline-block;">@sog35</a>
     is actually a troll himself. Every thread has him saying "go buy a nexus 7" favourite phrase of the day then?

    chill out sog35 and stop coming across like a cool-aid filled kid

    Hey, it's one who gets it like sog35 vs. ten people who have no ability to think. If he gets impatient with the whiners I'm totally in sympathy.
  • Reply 177 of 180
    ipenipen Posts: 410member

    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    Gotta love folks that say "OMG! Color gamut! Photography! OMG!"

    And probably view the images on the iPad in sunlight.

    Amusingly this is some info from Eizo's site:

    "When we check the color gamut of an LCD monitor, it's also important to remember that a wide color gamut is not necessarily equivalent to high image quality. This point may generate misunderstanding among many people.

    Color gamut is one spec used to measure the image quality of an LCD monitor, but color gamut alone does not determine image quality. The quality of the controls used to realize the full capabilities of an LCD panel having a wide color gamut is crucial. In essence, the capacity to generate accurate colors suited to one's own purposes outweighs a wide color gamut.

    When considering an LCD monitor with a wide color gamut, we need to determine if it has a color-gamut conversion function. Such functions control the LCD monitor's color gamut based on the target color gamut, such as Adobe RGB or sRGB. For example, by selecting sRGB mode from a menu option, we can adjust even an LCD monitor with a wide color gamut and high Adobe RGB coverage so that the colors displayed on screen fall within the sRGB color gamut.

    Few current LCD monitors offer color-gamut conversion functions (i.e., feature compatibility with both Adobe RGB and sRGB color gamuts). However, a color-gamut conversion function is essential for applications demanding accurate color generation in the Adobe RGB and sRGB color gamuts, such as photo retouching and Web production.

    For purposes requiring accurate color generation, an LCD color monitor lacking any color-gamut conversion function but having a wide color gamut can actually be a disadvantage in some cases. These LCD monitors display each RGB color mapped to the color gamut inherent to the LCD panel in eight bits at full color. As a result, the colors generated are often too vivid for displaying images in the sRGB color gamut (i.e., the sRGB color gamut cannot be reproduced accurately)."


    So much with all the technical terms...  

    maybe just put an iphone 5s next to the rmini with a colorful image and you'll see the difference.

    Apple is keeping the true sRGB for the next mini refresh.  Something has to give when it's called mini.

  • Reply 178 of 180
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by ipen View Post


    maybe just put an iphone 5s next to the rmini with a colorful image and you'll see the difference.


    If they have to be next to each other to notice would you really notice otherwise?  


    Bottom line is that only a few people will really care and the new mini is a huge improvement over the previous mini.

  • Reply 179 of 180
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    ipen wrote: »
    So much with all the technical terms...  
    maybe just put an iphone 5s next to the rmini with a colorful image and you'll see the difference.
    Apple is keeping the true sRGB for the next mini refresh.  Something has to give when it's called mini.

    If you're implying that they held back sRGB from this version of the mini so they could have something to bump up to next year you are wrong. The screens they could do it with this year aren't ready in volume yet.

    You said earlier they "saved" the retina screen for the second generation mini. Now you have before your unseeing eyes the truth about that: they couldn't have done the retina without the A7, iOS 7 and memory bandwidth changes, along with a redesigned battery. If IGZO were ready, they could have had full color gamut as well. So enough of this "holding back" nonsense, okay?
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