Several of our oldest Apple sources have come forward...</strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> He sounds like a half assed spy master. I half expected him to say "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." He needs new material. Of course that's not hard since he makes it up himself.
<strong>Why would Apple have a faster mid-end machine than the high-end? I'm sorry, bu I'm afraid that all these silly new G4 rumors are all bull. What happened to the 22nd 23rd or 24th? Wait....maybe its the 25th 26th or 27th? One rumor thing had an ATI Radeon 7500 in the low-end PowerMac.......ATI doesnt even make a freakin 7500 for Macs. I'm giong to "confirm" that all these rumors won't be true.</strong><hr></blockquote>
1.) the "midend" is faster because its a single processor. and the highend is dual. just like now
2.) nVidia doesn't make a Geforce 4 for the mac yet that will be in the next powermac. same thing with the radeon
I posted this in another thread but I figured it was fitting here:
Is it just me or does this widespread spewing of G4 specs seem a lot like what happened with the iMac before MWSF? I remember all the rumor sites rambling off G3 based specs that they had received from "reliable sources" and "retailers" and everyone up in arms about it.
Then Steve pulls the rug out and we get G4s and Superdrives.
Could the same thing possibly be happening now, except with G5s being the big shocker? I think this is very possible.
A number of high-end users of Macs such as our game studio waited to upgrade in Jan when hopefully new powermacs for maya would appear. Now its wait until March or July or even next MWSF. Well, we do know absolutely that the new intel chip in March will have a bus of 533mz plus a processor near 3 gz. When you have to render 30-60 game frames per second you need rendering speed. So what you say, well using Visual C++ and Direct X 8 a game can be made much quickly than with C++. Well it wont be on a Mac but it will ship 6 to 8 months earlier to 95% of US and a greater number worldwide. If Mr. Jobs doesnt think developers matter!
<strong>I posted this in another thread but I figured it was fitting here:
Is it just me or does this widespread spewing of G4 specs seem a lot like what happened with the iMac before MWSF? I remember all the rumor sites rambling off G3 based specs that they had received from "reliable sources" and "retailers" and everyone up in arms about it.
Then Steve pulls the rug out and we get G4s and Superdrives.
Could the same thing possibly be happening now, except with G5s being the big shocker? I think this is very possible.</strong><hr></blockquote>
hey.. my "reliable sources" said G4 and Superdrive and LCD and came through.
I know applenut, I have faith in you and your source because I know you wouldn't post BS. This, and in addition to your source being right about G4s AND a Superdrive lead me to believe that we will see some mindblowing G5s soon. :cool:
[quote](DDR SDRAM will wait for the G5, slated for Macworld New York, apparently, and will be 200MHz+ real clock, 400MHz+ effective clock)<hr></blockquote>
Sorry, but this is crap. The fastest DDR SDRAM available now is DDR333. It's going to be at least 9 mos. to a year before DDR400 is even a possibility.
<strong>When you have to render 30-60 game frames per second you need rendering speed. So what you say, well using Visual C++ and Direct X 8 a game can be made much quickly than with C++. Well it wont be on a Mac but it will ship 6 to 8 months earlier to 95% of US and a greater number worldwide. If Mr. Jobs doesnt think developers matter!</strong><hr></blockquote>
The performance of the machines is not a determining factor for whether games will be developed for the machines -- what matters is market share. Apple could have 5 GHz G5 with a geForce8, and no game companies would do products for it until they sold a large number of them into the game-buying market.
[quote]Apple could have 5 GHz G5 with a geForce8, and no game companies would do products for it until they sold a large number of them into the game-buying market.<hr></blockquote>
I kinda doubt that. If Apple had that kind of a performance advantage, game companies would port to the Mac just to see what they could do with the extra performance.
<strong>I know applenut, I have faith in you and your source because I know you wouldn't post BS. This, and in addition to your source being right about G4s AND a Superdrive lead me to believe that we will see some mindblowing G5s soon. :cool:
I forgot all about applenut's prediction. I have faith still, but I'm wondering is Stevie will throw one more lame speed bump into the wind to buy a coupe of months more for the G5. If so, then I want to figure out the next likely release. I don't know if I can hold off till July. March-May I could barely hold out for.
There are so many rumors about the new PowerMac that it is making my head spin. 1.2-1.6 Ghz G5's, 1.2-2.4 Ghz G5's, 800-1 Ghz G4's, 933-1.113 Ghz G4's, 1.2-1.6 Ghz G4's. Wow, that is a lot of differnent rumors when you come to think of it. All I want from Uncle Steve is a new PowerMac G5. Please, oh please, Uncle Steve, but I really want it. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
applenut: The rumor mentions dual 1 Ghz as being the mid-end, and single 1.13 as the top. Also, the fact that the nVidia GeForce 4 is not available for the Mac is a moot point. It's obvious that the GeForce 4 is coming out pretty soon, and it of course will be for mac when it does come out. ATI has no intention of ever releasing a Radeon 7500 for the Mac platform, nor will they ever.
[quote]I apologize. I regret the fact that I may have mislead some of you. Obviously, all of the above is total BS on my part.
What was I trying to accomplish? - I wanted to see if rumor sites out there, like MOSR, Apple Insider, etc. really have "Inside sources @ Apple" or if they just browse forums and post whatever speculation they see fit.
This was an experiment (that never should've taken place). I was not trying to deceive anyone. Once again, I apologize. This will not happen again.<hr></blockquote>
<strong>what were applenuts predictions? </strong><hr></blockquote>
[quote] Jan 2nd, 2002 posted by applenut-
Official source says
G4 LCD imac and PowerMac G5
I already told you that.
Not so reliable sources tell me this
iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD
all in the iMac.
high end iMac will have a superdrive
the way beyond part is that Apple will also release iDV and iCamera (not sure on name). Â*the first is a camcorder to go with iMovie 3 which will have Real time effects. Â*the 2nd is a digital still camera for iPhoto.
take it with a grain of salt but that's what I heard\t
Several of our oldest Apple sources have come forward...</strong><hr></blockquote>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> He sounds like a half assed spy master. I half expected him to say "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." He needs new material.
<strong>Why would Apple have a faster mid-end machine than the high-end? I'm sorry, bu I'm afraid that all these silly new G4 rumors are all bull. What happened to the 22nd 23rd or 24th? Wait....maybe its the 25th 26th or 27th? One rumor thing had an ATI Radeon 7500 in the low-end PowerMac.......ATI doesnt even make a freakin 7500 for Macs. I'm giong to "confirm" that all these rumors won't be true.</strong><hr></blockquote>
1.) the "midend" is faster because its a single processor. and the highend is dual. just like now
2.) nVidia doesn't make a Geforce 4 for the mac yet that will be in the next powermac. same thing with the radeon
Is it just me or does this widespread spewing of G4 specs seem a lot like what happened with the iMac before MWSF? I remember all the rumor sites rambling off G3 based specs that they had received from "reliable sources" and "retailers" and everyone up in arms about it.
Then Steve pulls the rug out and we get G4s and Superdrives.
Could the same thing possibly be happening now, except with G5s being the big shocker? I think this is very possible.
<strong>I posted this in another thread but I figured it was fitting here:
Is it just me or does this widespread spewing of G4 specs seem a lot like what happened with the iMac before MWSF? I remember all the rumor sites rambling off G3 based specs that they had received from "reliable sources" and "retailers" and everyone up in arms about it.
Then Steve pulls the rug out and we get G4s and Superdrives.
Could the same thing possibly be happening now, except with G5s being the big shocker? I think this is very possible.</strong><hr></blockquote>
hey.. my "reliable sources" said G4 and Superdrive and LCD and came through.
Just not the other half... yet
[ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Tarbash ]</p>
I guess we'll find out but if those specs are indeed from the apple website then I think we are going to be a bit dissapointed
<strong> So what you say, well using Visual C++ and Direct X 8 a game can be made much quickly than with C++. </strong><hr></blockquote>
Sorry, but this is crap. The fastest DDR SDRAM available now is DDR333. It's going to be at least 9 mos. to a year before DDR400 is even a possibility.
Heh, maybe we should have a contest and see who can get the craziest things posted on the rumor sites.
I think whoever came up with the "G5 Dodecahedron" already won.
<strong>When you have to render 30-60 game frames per second you need rendering speed. So what you say, well using Visual C++ and Direct X 8 a game can be made much quickly than with C++. Well it wont be on a Mac but it will ship 6 to 8 months earlier to 95% of US and a greater number worldwide. If Mr. Jobs doesnt think developers matter!</strong><hr></blockquote>
The performance of the machines is not a determining factor for whether games will be developed for the machines -- what matters is market share. Apple could have 5 GHz G5 with a geForce8, and no game companies would do products for it until they sold a large number of them into the game-buying market.
I kinda doubt that. If Apple had that kind of a performance advantage, game companies would port to the Mac just to see what they could do with the extra performance.
<strong>I know applenut, I have faith in you and your source because I know you wouldn't post BS. This, and in addition to your source being right about G4s AND a Superdrive lead me to believe that we will see some mindblowing G5s soon. :cool:
[ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Tarbash ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
I forgot all about applenut's prediction. I have faith still, but I'm wondering is Stevie will throw one more lame speed bump into the wind to buy a coupe of months more for the G5. If so, then I want to figure out the next likely release. I don't know if I can hold off till July. March-May I could barely hold out for.
<strong>Now someone at Accelerateyourmac forums is stating that they have "real" info regarding a G5 announcement at Seybold.
<a href="" target="_blank">Click for thread</a></strong><hr></blockquote>
[quote]I apologize. I regret the fact that I may have mislead some of you. Obviously, all of the above is total BS on my part.
What was I trying to accomplish? - I wanted to see if rumor sites out there, like MOSR, Apple Insider, etc. really have "Inside sources @ Apple" or if they just browse forums and post whatever speculation they see fit.
This was an experiment (that never should've taken place). I was not trying to deceive anyone. Once again, I apologize. This will not happen again.<hr></blockquote>
"real", eh?
<strong>what were applenuts predictions?
[quote] Jan 2nd, 2002 posted by applenut-
Official source says
G4 LCD imac and PowerMac G5
I already told you that.
Not so reliable sources tell me this
iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD
all in the iMac.
high end iMac will have a superdrive
the way beyond part is that Apple will also release iDV and iCamera (not sure on name). Â*the first is a camcorder to go with iMovie 3 which will have Real time effects. Â*the 2nd is a digital still camera for iPhoto.
take it with a grain of salt but that's what I heard\t