Samsung widens lead in worldwide smartphone marketshare, smaller OEMs rising



  • Reply 61 of 80
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Then how in the world are they considered smartphones?


    ...because of their ability to install native apps, which I believe is still the accepted definition.

  • Reply 62 of 80
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by zerobim08 View Post

    Samsung also shipped something like 15mil note3 during that quarter.*


    * Figure pulled from arse.


    If Samsung "shipped" that many Note 3's, outselling the 9 million S4 shipments they reported:-


    a) where is the money and


    b) why weren't Samsung crowing about it in the financial report they released a couple of days ago.


    Reality equals smaller screened smartphones dominate the market.

  • Reply 63 of 80
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by tzeshan View Post


    But iPad is considered a replacement for the laptop.  Apple has been sued for the iPhone.  Because the Texas patent holder thinks he has a patent of putting the phone capability on a computer.  He did not sue all the other Android phablet makers like Samsung and he lost the suit to Apple.  Could Apple start putting the phone function to the iPad?  Do we have a legal expert on this forum? 


    FaceTime voice.

  • Reply 64 of 80
    Originally Posted by tzeshan View Post

    5S is the number one US smartphone sales in Nov.  5C is number three.  Number two is GS4.


    Okay. How does that disprove his statement that 50% of iPhones were 5S’?

  • Reply 65 of 80
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Get it through your thick skulls, Apple fans, Wall Street has decided that market share is THE most important metric. And by that metric Apple is doomed. End of story, period. Why is that so hard to understand and accept? Apple had their best quarter ever in terms of sales, they make money hand over fist, their products are top shelf, their customer service is the best, but they are losing market share so that makes them poison to investors these days. Google spent $3.2 billion for a thermostat and they are applauded as the future of tech. It’s long past the time for Apple fans to wise up and drink the hemlock. Realize the company you love is dirt between the toes of Wall Street.

    Haha true.

    That's good news for "Others" then. They have the most market share!

    I wanna buy some stock in "Others" even though the companies that make up "Others" are mostly no-name white-box smartphone vendors in China and India.

    But they have the most market share! Yay!
  • Reply 66 of 80
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Okay. How does that disprove his statement that 50% of iPhones were 5S’?

    This is a mathematical question.  5S+5C+4S=51million.  S4=13million.  5S>S4>5C.  Are your math good enough to figure this out by yourself? 

  • Reply 67 of 80
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member

    Originally Posted by zerobim08 View Post

    Samsung also shipped something like 15mil note3 during that quarter. That's like 25 - 30mil high end phones which is more than the 5s. And this is during apple highest sales quarter.

    Out of the big manufacturers apple has the lowest yoy growth which doesn't bode well for Apple.


    I do think that Samsung is smart to try to marry their Galaxy Gear watch to their Note3.    It will probably take them a few generations to make it decent, but at least they haven't waited to copy Apple.  I still think that the iPhone is the best phone, but there are there are many good mid tier android phones out there.

  • Reply 68 of 80
    Originally Posted by tzeshan View Post

    This is a mathematical question.  5S+5C+4S=51million.  S4=13million.  5S>S4>5C.  Are your math good enough to figure this out by yourself? 


    What do any of those sentences have to do with it being impossible that 50% of iPhones were 5S’?

  • Reply 69 of 80

    You know, Apple fans that are consumers and not investors should be pissed at Apple for having higher profit margins than Samsung. Higher profit margins means that Apple ripped off its consumers more than Samsung did. Consumer gets ripped off, investor wins.


    Even with Samsung's lower production costs from superior vertical integration, the per-unit cost of its high-end phones is higher than Apple's. Meaning, Samsung customers get more bang for their buck despite all the nonsense about "cheap plastic".


    Apple outsources all its manufacturing, meaning higher production costs than Samsung, yet its profit margins are through the roof. Meaning, if you bought an Apple phone, you've just been loved up the rear real hard by Tim Cook & Co.

  • Reply 70 of 80
    Originally Posted by RattyRattyT View Post

    Higher profit margins means that Apple ripped off its consumers more than Samsung did.


    Making a profit is “ripping people off”, huh?


    See, that’s not how the world works.


    Samsung customers get more bang for their buck


    Abysmal customer service, zero software updates, wretched build quality, horrible battery life, even worse software performance, no security…


    Yeah, that’s some bang.

     Apple outsources all its manufacturing


    And to round it off, that’s wrong.


    Just go away.

  • Reply 71 of 80
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Samsung customers get more bang for their buck despite all the nonsense about "cheap plastic".

    When you say 'bang for your buck' are you referring to 'Samsung bullshitting their customers bang', or 'real-world bang'?

    Being a Samsung fan seems worse, not only because they fudged their figures and deceived you, a paying customer, but also because your purchase just made a statement about your inability to recognise, not to mention afford, quality.
  • Reply 72 of 80
    gtr wrote: »
    Samsung customers get more bang for their buck despite all the nonsense about "cheap plastic".

    When you say 'bang for your buck' are you referring to 'Samsung bullshitting their customers bang', or 'real-world bang'?

    Being a Samsung fan seems worse, not only because they fudged their figures and deceived you, a paying customer, but also because your purchase just made a statement about your inability to recognise, not to mention afford, quality.

    That's not fudging. Technically there is nothing wrong with it since the benchmark is gotten by the phone hardware and not some made up figures. Whether it is ethical to specially tune the hardware for bechmark is open to debate.

    Under most normal use the chipset is never stressed to the benchmark level. So this is really a moot point.
  • Reply 73 of 80
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    That's not fudging. Technically there is nothing wrong with it...

    Reality Distortion Field: Now available on Android.
  • Reply 74 of 80
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,305member
    gtr wrote: »
    Reality Distortion Field: Now available on Android.

    Took long enough too. It's been available for a long time on other platforms. :D
  • Reply 75 of 80
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,305member
    zerobim08 wrote: »
    Whether it is ethical to specially tune the hardware for bechmark is open to debate..

    It kinda defeats the purpose of bench-marking doesn't it? Perhaps they should look to MLB for inspiration, assess a 100+ game suspension for doping.

    I do like that Anandtech tweeked the tests and won't reveal the change detail, helping to even the playing field. There's only two companies that apparently hadn't been scamming the results: Apple and Motorola
  • Reply 76 of 80
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    You know, Apple fans that are consumers and not investors should be pissed at Apple for having higher profit margins than Samsung. Higher profit margins means that Apple ripped off its consumers more than Samsung did. Consumer gets ripped off, investor wins.

    Even with Samsung's lower production costs from superior vertical integration, the per-unit cost of its high-end phones is higher than Apple's. Meaning, Samsung customers get more bang for their buck despite all the nonsense about "cheap plastic".

    Apple outsources all its manufacturing, meaning higher production costs than Samsung, yet its profit margins are through the roof. Meaning, if you bought an Apple phone, you've just been loved up the rear real hard by Tim Cook & Co.

    Customers are willing to pay the price to get Apple products. So they aren't getting ripped off.
  • Reply 77 of 80
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Making a profit is “ripping people off”, huh?

    See, that’s not how the world works.

    Unless its a carrier. :lol:
  • Reply 78 of 80
    comleycomley Posts: 139member
    I apologise if this is not a place for this but I need help.
    I have a NatWest account which I bought shares Apple shares natWest does not put them in paper former need to transfer into American bank with English collections so I can have it transferred into paper format
    Can anyone help please
    I apologise I am dyslexic so struggling to find The right help
  • Reply 79 of 80
    comley wrote: »
    I apologise if this is not a place for this but I need help.
    I have a NatWest account which I bought shares Apple shares natWest does not put them in paper former need to transfer into American bank with English collections so I can have it transferred into paper format
    Can anyone help please
    I apologise I am dyslexic so struggling to find The right help

    This is not the thread for this kind of question, but why don't you open an account with a firm like Charles Schwab or something? You could have your stock ownership transferred, but as far as giving you a physical stock certificate I am not sure about that.
  • Reply 80 of 80
    comleycomley Posts: 139member
    This is not the thread for this kind of question, but why don't you open an account with a firm like Charles Schwab or something? You could have your stock ownership transferred, but as far as giving you a physical stock certificate I am not sure about that.

    Sorry and thank you
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