Apple's failure to pay for favorable media coverage flies in the face of Samsung's payola



  • Reply 201 of 316
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by starxd View Post


    LOL!  Ok.  Anyone who would write this completely absurd line is obviously not a rational person:  "This kind of declaration is absolutely always a complete lie."  Really?  So people can't say they own Apple products on here?  Anyone who owns Apple products must fall in line with your way of thinking, and if they don't, they're obviously a lying, paid troll?  What kind of bizarre fantasy world are you living in?  


    It's more attempting ingratiation by listing a supposed list of products as a precursor to negative spin.


    Like I got a Galaxy S4 so I know that Samsung phones are garbage, that's why that lagging piece of junk is propping up a wobbly table.


    See now I'm credible.



  • Reply 202 of 316
    starxd wrote: »

    Yeah… you were.

    By comparing said writing to the paid writing of other sites.
    You have an amazing ability to read things into comments that were never said.  I literally never mentioned Samsung, or whether or not people were paid, yet you keep saying I compared this article to articles written about Samsung.  Unbelievable.  

    Here is what I actually said:  "I can't imagine any more biased writing than this article we're commenting on.  It's laughable."  I never mentioned Samsung, did I?  The comment I responded to never mentioned Samsung, did it?  So how on earth can you say, "You’re claiming that a heavily pro-Apple article not paid for by Apple is the same as a heavily pro-Samsung article paid for by Samsung."  That makes absolutely no sense.  

    That is exactly what you are claiming, and you may want to apologize to the community.
  • Reply 203 of 316
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by starxd View Post



    Editorials don't have to be written in such an obviously biased tone.  There is no requirement for that.  


    I have no idea what he or you is talking about regarding "that third paragraph."  What does that even mean?

    Tell ya what dude- why don't you go to and see if there is an editorial about how meat is beneficial to the body.  Then head on over to and see if there is an editorial about how being a vegan is the healthiest thing for your body.


    Obviously, you have no idea what an editorial is.

  • Reply 204 of 316
    starxd wrote: »
    I happen to buy nearly every product Apple puts out and I have great respect for them as a company, but this type of biased writing is a huge turn-off to me.  

    That's what they all say! ;)
  • Reply 205 of 316
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post


    Obviously, you have no idea what an editorial is.


    An excuse to be heavily biased from the off, to play to the choir while referencing very few facts or evidence of what you're writing?


    Maybe.  Doesn't mean that's any good, or immune from critique though.



    And it doesn't detract from the original point which is that the article is heavily biased.  That Samsung might pay for other articles to be biased is of no consequence whatsoever to that.  It's still very, very biased.


    Maybe that's ok because "it's an editorial", but the arguments put forward still reek of it.

  • Reply 206 of 316
    starxd wrote: »
     What kind of bizarre fantasy world are you living in?

    The kind where ScamDung trolls get paid to claim that they buy lots of Apple stuff.
  • Reply 207 of 316
    jungmark wrote: »
    It's an EDITORIAL! It has bias. Yea and Crowley is right about that third paragraph.

    Bias? Yes, Mr. Dilger is biased to the truth.
  • Reply 208 of 316
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    sudonym wrote: »
    The kind where ScamDung trolls get paid to claim that they buy lots of Apple stuff.

    Terms like ScamDung or Fandroid or Crapple or iSheep or MicroShaft or Scroggled etc. take away from a post just as much as the preemptive "I own lots of x-vendor's gear…" comments.
  • Reply 209 of 316
    starxd wrote: »
    Editorials don't have to be written in such an obviously biased tone.  There is no requirement for that.  

    I have no idea what he or you is talking about regarding "that third paragraph."  What does that even mean?

    He means that you identified yourself as a troll in your third paragraph. In the future, we would appreciate it if you would write "I love Apple but..." in your first paragraph so that we don't have to waste time reading the rest of your posts.

    Many thanks.
  • Reply 210 of 316
    jungmark wrote: »
    Editorials are opinion pieces. Opinions have biases.

    As for the third paragraph, we don't need to know how many Apple products you have or when you first bought them. It adds nothing to the discussion and it is a common troll tactic (not saying you are one).

    Ah, jungmark, I think you mean well, but you are too soft; he's obviously a troll.
  • Reply 211 of 316
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member

    type "Steve Jobs insult response" into your favorite search engine and watch the first 10 seconds. 

  • Reply 212 of 316
    starxd wrote: »
    LOL!  Ok.  Anyone who would write this completely absurd line is obviously not a rational person:  "This kind of declaration is absolutely always a complete lie."  Really?  So people can't say they own Apple products on here?  Anyone who owns Apple products must fall in line with your way of thinking, and if they don't, they're obviously a lying, paid troll?  What kind of bizarre fantasy world are you living in?  

    You're missing the point. Anyone can boast about how many Apple products they own. They can even humbly point out how much they love Apple and go into great detail. These things don't make them a troll. The crucial word is 'but'. Anyone who criticises Apple by saying 'I love Apple but...' 'I have several Apple products but...' I have been an Apple shareholder since 1802...' or anything similar is automatically behaving in a trollish manner, and no amount of defending his post will save him because he has revealed his true colours, as have you.
  • Reply 213 of 316
    crowley wrote: »
    I agree with you, but on this forum the effect of saying "I like Apple, but", or "I own these Apple products, but" is like a red rag to a bull for the self-declared troll hunters, and will railroad the conversation from here on.  It's rubbish, linguistic didacticism, but it's the way they are here.

    I can understand a troll agreeing with a troll.

    The reason that 'I love Apple but...' is such an easy shorthand for Apple troll hunters is because, time and time again, the evidence has shown that this is the way that trolls make their flimsy, indefensible arguments.

    Even the most ardent Apple advocates on this forum, such as TS, have criticised Apple in no uncertain terms. Yet they will never do so with the crass 'I love Apple but...' opening gambit, because it's unnecessary.
  • Reply 214 of 316
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    I don't deny that it's probably unnecessary, but so is most discourse and social convention; and it's also a fairly obvious way of introducing yourself to a community and declaring your interests.  The idea that it's a fool-proof way of detecting trollish behaviour is nonsense.  Even if 100% of trolls used that language, does that mean 100% of people who use that language are trolls?  Basic logic says no, A does not equal B, unless you have some other evidence.


    The whole thing, as well as "I can understand a troll agreeing with a troll" reeks of "you said the stupid word, so you smell" playground posturing.  As do the absurd list of rules then get carted out far too regularity with antisocial sneering and pomposity. 


    I can't be had with any of it, this is one of the rudest and antagonistic forums I've ever been on.  It's only because I quite like the layout and the discussion topics that I'm still here, and yet I get called a troll for no apparent reason whatsoever.


    Good day to you.

  • Reply 215 of 316
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    He means that you identified yourself as a troll in your third paragraph. In the future, we would appreciate it if you would write "I love Apple but..." in your first paragraph so that we don't have to waste time reading the rest of your posts.

    Many thanks.

    solipsismx wrote: »
    Terms like ScamDung or Fandroid or Crapple or iSheep or MicroShaft or Scroggled etc. take away from a post just as much as the preemptive "I own lots of x-vendor's gear…" comments.

    Bias? Yes, Mr. Dilger is biased to the truth.

    sudonym wrote: »
    The kind where ScamDung trolls get paid to claim that they buy lots of Apple stuff.

    My feeling is that these lunatics are all DED.

    Maybe Samsung pays off the kind of half wit "troll hunters" who have been plaguing this site in more recent times so as to stop debate from people who probably aren't here because they are paid by "SamDung" but because they do own Apple products and want to contribute to a debate. A clever false flag tactic, if a bit obvious.
  • Reply 216 of 316
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member


    Originally Posted by SudoNym View Post

    The kind where ScamDung trolls get paid to claim that they buy lots of Apple stuff.

    You get a gold star for creativity. It helps when you change both syllables to pejoratives. Otherwise how would anyone discern your point?



    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post


    I humbly request you pen one of your historically-based articles detailing how Objective-C has moved to being one of the least known programming languages to one of the most used throughout the world. According to Tiobe, Java is now number 2 and at the current rate Objective-C will pass it to become the 2nd most popular programming language after C, of course, by Summer. I think the history of Objective-C would be an interesting read and I think you're the author to write it.



    Have you ever written in it? I was learning it recently. It's a very simple language, but the conventions are different from say C++ or C, even though you can technically do things as you would in C. I like some of the safeguards against weirdness (no MI, method overloads must be explicit, ARC, etc.). Before anyone corrects me regarding its compactness, learning the frameworks is much more time consuming than the language itself.

  • Reply 217 of 316
    starxdstarxd Posts: 128member

    Originally Posted by SudoNym View Post

    That is exactly what you are claiming, and you may want to apologize to the community.

    Apologize to the community????  For what?  Having an opinion that differs slightly from yours?  I love Apple products as much as anyone on here, the only difference is I don't appreciate obviously slanted writing, and apparently you guys do.  But for that I need to apologize?  Sorry, not going to happen.  LOL!  

  • Reply 218 of 316
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post


     It's only because I quite like the layout and the discussion topics that I'm still here, and yet I get called a troll for no apparent reason whatsoever.


    Good day to you.

    you like the layout is why your stay and you get called a troll for no apparent reason, whatsoever.




    I'd wager that you stay because you like to have debates (i.e. interesting topics) and has little do with with website layout.  Please spare us with the I'm an innocent victim sympathy card. It's apparent, you get a rise on stirring things up to make your day less boring.  That is why you are here.  Layout indeed.   


    Glad AI has a "Block Member" feature. 

  • Reply 219 of 316
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    hmm wrote: »
    Have you ever written in it? I was learning it recently. It's a very simple language, but the conventions are different from say C++ or C, even though you can technically do things as you would in C. I like some of the safeguards against weirdness (no MI, method overloads must be explicit, ARC, etc.). Before anyone corrects me regarding its compactness, learning the frameworks is much more time consuming than the language itself.

    I have and I am trying. Languages (of all sorts) are a crutch for me in my adult life. I simply don't absorb them as easily as I do other information. I find this quite frustrating. I am still struggling with the format of Objective-C but I know C well. Yes, the frameworks and APIs and all their switches are very complex even though I can see the benefit of having a 40 character name using camelCase and being all squished together.
  • Reply 220 of 316
    starxdstarxd Posts: 128member

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I can understand a troll agreeing with a troll.

    The reason that 'I love Apple but...' is such an easy shorthand for Apple troll hunters is because, time and time again, the evidence has shown that this is the way that trolls make their flimsy, indefensible arguments.

    Even the most ardent Apple advocates on this forum, such as TS, have criticised Apple in no uncertain terms. Yet they will never do so with the crass 'I love Apple but...' opening gambit, because it's unnecessary.

    The point you seem to miss is that I am new here.  I have thousands of comments on other sites so I have no need to declare my love of Apple products.  On here, no one knows anything about me, so I thought it would be helpful to point out that I buy virtually every product Apple puts out.  I also vehemently defend Apple in forums and own a large amount of Apple stock.  I thought stating this fact would help you understand where I'm coming from, but instead you take it to mean that I am absolutely 100% lying, and I'm a troll.  That's a sick, twisted way to look at the world, and it's really sad and pathetic.  


    A troll is a creature who lurks in hiding, waiting for an innocent to come along, and then attacks them.  That's exactly how I feel as a newcomer to this site.  You people are unbelievable.  

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