Poll: How stupid is the avergage PC consumer?



  • Reply 41 of 116
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    No, you're wrong. The Mac is better.


  • Reply 42 of 116
    Duh, could you repeat the question?
  • Reply 43 of 116
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I was in the computer lab in school (all Dells ) and I had mentioned something about Office for OS X and how much better it is for Macs than Windows since we were using Office and my friend says to me Macs suck. So I asked him how come he thinks that and he replied "because it's a Mac". The after a while of arguing about it he finally admitted that they don't suck and he just doesn't like them. I think that's another good example of a stupid consumer who hasn't used anything but Windows and thinks Windoews is so great.
  • Reply 44 of 116
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    Hey, sometimes I lose track of where IE downloads stuff to! Seriously, I have spend five to ten minutes numerous times rooting through sherlock trying to figure out where IE put it. Most of those times I realize it's behind an icon on my desktop.
  • Reply 45 of 116
    Definitely nieve. I gave my uncle an old 6100 with a CD-Rom and a 56k Modem and he was exstatic at first, but after he talked to a mac-hating friend he threw it in the trash in hopes that he would have enough money to buy a PC which he thinks is better just becuase an uninformed friend is a moron. This friend of his stated that macs are outdated and useless, not even worth the space on his desk. So due to this friends ignorance he has no computer and I still have yet to convince him that the 6300 would have been sufficient to do what he needs to do. Surf the net. That is really all he would ever do with it. So guess what? His friend is a moron and he is a moron.

    It really kinda pissed me of that he just threw it in the trash instead of giving it back so I could donate it to charity and get a nice tax writeoff. The mac even had a monitor with the special connector you need to hook it up. All ready to get online. Well, I hope he is happy once he gets his PC, has trouble with it and realizes his expert friend cannot fix it because he is a dingbat. I'll tell him exactly what to do with it if he calls me; The trash it goes.

    Oh, yeah. His friend calls himself a computer 'expert'. A real computer expert would understand that Macs still hold their place in the market, and that my uncle does not need a P4 1.7GHz 100GB, etc.
  • Reply 46 of 116
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    No offense but a 6100 really ISN'T sufficient for surfing the net, I have one. Something a little better like a $150 PM 7500 would work great though
  • Reply 47 of 116
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    I have a 6116 and its quite sufficient, although we need to upgrade the ram from 24 to 72 megs.

    My father even uses a color classic for quicken, appleworks finance work and its quite useful. So it may be a little sluggish, but the slow down is minimal and one can do quite a bit of work on it even at 16Mhz!

    I feel quite sorry the 6100 is now gone, with a G3 Upgrade card and more ram it would be a very useful machine. Ach, these 'computer experts'...
  • Reply 48 of 116
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I know that when my dad still had his 6115 it was horrible at surfing. Maybe it just needed a faster modem and then it would've been fine (I don't remember what speed it was, but it was pretty slow).
  • Reply 49 of 116
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    I'm finally looking for a home for my 6100. It has an upgrade card 225 G3, 72 mg of ram, and AV card and two monitors. The problem is, if you have a high speed connection, the bus speed it too slow. It actualy maxes out at about 50K when the other machines run as fast as 100. Also, while the processer is faster, the screen redraws etc are still slow. I love the old girl but, since I got my 366 ibook to go with my 400 dvse, she hasn't been used much at all. A student bought my powerbook 150 last year, maybe someone will give my 6100 a good home too. I need the space for something with a G4 in it.
  • Reply 50 of 116
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    it amazes me that my company will hire "professionals" in other departments as managers and such, yet they come to ask me how to make a bulleted list in microsoft word.

    i mean, come on. word might not be the most intuitive pile of code, but even i can reason that the button with the dots and lines means "make a bulleted list" or figure out that the "help" menu and entering the term "bullet" or "bulleted list" will get me somewhere int he vicinity.

    yet those cretins get hired to "manage" me. uh-huh. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 51 of 116
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I'm in the computer lab again and that kid said Macs suck again yet all these computers have frozen when we had to print. Now which OS sucks...
  • Reply 52 of 116
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Little bastard. Reach over and give him a smack.

  • Reply 53 of 116
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    eman, read your post about Office again and see how you were just as ignorant as that kid. What reason do you have for Office v.X being better than OfficeXP?

    Do you actually know what you're talking about or is it the same blind devotion to Apple that leads you to contend to those with the same blind devotion to Windows?

    (For reference: OfficeXP is much better than Office v.X (&lt;- this from a dual-platformer))
  • Reply 54 of 116
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    My mother is 78 years old. WIth a windows system she was always right clicking , getting into properties and messing everything up. It took me ages to troulbe shoot her machine. I made he buy a mac last year. Now I fix all her problems over the phone. Having her on a mac is saving me about 5 gallons of gas and 2 hours a month driving. My mother phones me because she can't remember where the reset button is when her machine freezes. I can tell you it freezes about once a week using OS9.1 because I here from her everytime. It's not that she's stupid, it's just she's used to things she can figure out andd she has trouble memorizing things. From my perspective, the iBook reset button is probably the stupidest thing on the iBook. everything else she seems to be able to work through.

    Incidently she loves her iBook. She has it hooked up with an airport base station , so she takes it all over the house and even out onto the patio sometimes. She uses iTunes to play back music through her stereo. She plays oboe and has borrowed and compiled a collection of recorded oboe music .
  • Reply 55 of 116
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>eman, read your post about Office again and see how you were just as ignorant as that kid. What reason do you have for Office v.X being better than OfficeXP?


    First of all, I wasn't talking about Office XP, I was talking about Office 2000. Second, I have experience with both, he only has experience with Office for Widnows.
  • Reply 56 of 116
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Office v.X is pretty slow and unstable compared to XP, and that is even discounting things like the more powerful scripting engine. (Only idiots get virii)

    I've used both. I've used both Mac and PC versions since Office 97.

    Office 98 was better than Office 97. Office 2k1 maybe was a tiny bit better than Office 2k, but there's no way v.X beats XP.

    Smart tages, task panes, Excel web features (not available on v.X) and blah blah blah


    You started the contention. You brought up how it was "better" than the Windows version, which you haven't substantiated here.

    How can you possibly look down on someone who did the exact same thing you did? You started that kind of talk in the first place.
  • Reply 57 of 116
    sebseb Posts: 676member

    Lots of people contend Office for Mac is better:

    One mid-1990s version, Office 4.2, "is like a four-letter word to most Mac users," said Browne, general manager of Microsoft's Macintosh unit.

    But after a years-long campaign to court Mac loyalists, Browne is convinced Microsoft has made amends. Office v. X for Mac (shorthand for "version 10"), being released today, is not just as good as Office XP, its Windows counterpart. Browne said it's better.

    Here's the surprising news: Industry watchers and Mac users agree.

    "(Office version 10 for Mac) is probably the one they should've built for Windows but didn't," said Rob Enderle, an analyst with Giga Information Systems who has used both versions.

    The Mac suite, with its sharp graphic feel and smooth usability, belies its clunky name. It runs so well with Macs, Enderle said, because Browne's team of fewer than 200 employees has been given the type of autonomy uncommon at Microsoft's sprawling Redmond campus.

    <a href="http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/technology/article/0,1299,DRMN_49_882012,00.html"; target="_blank">link</a>

    Anyways, yeah, as far as the average consumer is concerned. Very naive. I went to the Plano, TX Apple store with my girlfriends mom and even that didn't completely wipe the blank, confused look on her face. I showed her Office v. X for Mac and having used Office 98 so long she didn't even realize it was the same program. I had to really demo it. She'll probably get Office XP before she gets a Mac though. Which is fine. I didn't even try to convince her. Because basically I don't care what she uses. She's not my problem now, but would be if she got a Mac. sooner or later

    {edit - went ahead and added some words}

    [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: seb ]</p>
  • Reply 58 of 116
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Hey, the Mac guy says the Mac version is better! WOW!

    I bet Steve Jobs would tell you that MacOSX is better than WindowsXP.
  • Reply 59 of 116
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong> (Only idiots get virii)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sure, but that constitutes 98%of the people currently using computers, in case you haven't been following the thread's main topic

  • Reply 60 of 116
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    And I bet groverat would say the XP version of Office is better than the Mac version!

    No matter what the Microsoft MacBU GM, or that Rob Enderle, or the "industry watchers" say.

    Bill Gates probably thinks XP moviemaker is better than iMovie.

    Ted Wiatt probably thinks Gateways are better than Dells.

    [Imagine that.]

    While I feel both versions have their pluses and minuses. The thing is you're always gonna have someone saying one version is better, while someone else says the other version is better. And sometimes its hard for a 14 year old kid, (likely) impulsively posting from a class in junior high school, to 'substantiate' comments that seem to be easily substantiated by the so-called 'industry watchers'.

    Excel benefits most from the OS X Aqua interface facelift. Two features in particular are visually stunning: first, active table cells pop out at you, making your work area much more accessible. Second, three-dimensional charts are now better anti-aliased, and can be transparent -- so you can see through one wedge of data to another. This feature actually makes charts far more inviting. It should be noted, that these transparent charts cannot be easily viewed on Windows machines -- I created one and turned it into a PDF, then tried to open in it Acrobat Reader on a PC. It looked horrible. This feature is truly Mac-only, but should print fine.

    Lastly, Quicktime movies can now be dropped into practically any Office document, including Entourage e-mails -- and they remain active. So, you can play a movie in a Word document, surrounded by text -- or in an Excel document, surrounded by charts and other data. They are even active in e-mail messages.

    <a href="http://www.siliconvalley.com/docs/news/ptech/macoff112201.htm"; target="_blank">link</a>

    How stupid is the average consumer?

    The only things that are infinite are the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the former. - A. Einstein.
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