Apple announces 7-for-1 stock split, buybacks bumped to $90 billion



  • Reply 181 of 188
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    The EPS comparisons that I gave you ARE YEAR OVER YEAR comparisons.  Not previous quarter.  Thats the way Apple presents their financials every conference call.  So here they are again:


    Quarter ending Dec 2013 14.50 eps vs  Dec 2012 - 13.81. Eps grow of 5%

    Quarter ending Sept 2013. 8.26 eps vs  Sept 2012 - 8.67. Negative eps growth

    Quarter ending Jun 2013. 7.47 eps vs  Jun 2013 -  9.32. Negative eps

    Quarter ending Apr 2013. 10.09 eps vs  Apr 2013 - 12.30. Negative eps growth.


    And here is the link, I provide proof unlike you:


    Its incredible that the for the past year you had no idea Apple's earnings was actually shrinking. 


    You talk a big game with your Finance degree but at least I know how to read financial statements.


    ...and stock prices.


    $571.94 ding ding*.


    $535 was what he pointed out.


    *I think Wall St still rings a bell at close of trade, that is my rather crappy portrayal in text.

  • Reply 182 of 188
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post


    Well, do you think they are going to hit $700 a share and STAY at $700 a share?


    Well once they hit $1000, negative reports from market manipulators will cause a drop to $700.

  • Reply 183 of 188
    russellrussell Posts: 296member

    On March 19, 2012 AAPL closed at $601. Later that day Apple first announced they were going to initiate dividends and buybacks.

    Like clockwork, naive fanbois convinced each other it was a great idea because fewer shares on the market will make the stock price go up.

    It didn't happen.

    Just 2 years later, April 23, 2014, AAPL closed at $524. Down 14%.

    During the same time, AMZN went from $185 to $324. Up 75%.

    Now Apple is multiplying available shares.

    Why the complete turn around? Apple couldn't fool enough people?

    As I have said before, just because a company makes a lot of profit, it doesn't mean their stock will go up.

  • Reply 184 of 188


    Does anybody know what the dividend amount will approx be after the stock split? Thanks.

  • Reply 185 of 188
    xzuxzu Posts: 139member

    Could it also have to do with accusations of other companies. Have a smaller stock price per share allows for it to be more easily distributed. If they buy Netflix... they can give share holders 4 shares for ever one instead of .5 of share. Just a thought, sorry if its been stated already...


    Maybe someone can comment?

  • Reply 186 of 188
    drblankdrblank Posts: 3,385member

    Originally Posted by xZu View Post


    Could it also have to do with accusations of other companies. Have a smaller stock price per share allows for it to be more easily distributed. If they buy Netflix... they can give share holders 4 shares for ever one instead of .5 of share. Just a thought, sorry if its been stated already...


    Maybe someone can comment?

    Go talk to a stock broker that understands your position and what you expect to gain from your investment.

    Netflix is one stock I personally would stay away from. I just don't like these stocks that trade with outrageously high P/E ratios at their stage of being a publicly traded company.  I can't see their business model having drastic profits, they don't make anything, they just rent videos.  That's a business I wouldn't get involved with since there are a lot of competitors.  They don't have any patents that I'm aware of, they don't make a product that's unique and special.  It's a VERY low margin business.  I'd personally stay away unless you really know how to play the ups and downs of this stock.

  • Reply 187 of 188
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member

    I have checked the value line report on Apple and earnings are projected to rise over the next 2 years

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