Jury modifies Apple v. Samsung damages but final amount unchanged, calls Google involvement 'interes



  • Reply 41 of 100
    waldobushmanwaldobushman Posts: 774member

    Originally Posted by Frood View Post



    If Apple chooses to go there you might not be far off.  In regards to Apple: 

    "If they really feel Google is the cause behind this, then don't beat around the bush," Dunham said.

    Apple seems to have been deliberate in their legal suits. It could be, and hope, that the suits are proceeding according to plan and getting their ducks in line to go after Google and Schmidt in the future.

  • Reply 42 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    If Apple keeps suing at some point they're going to become the bad guy in the eyes of the public. The media is incredibly anti-Apple and eventually all that negative press impacts public perception.

    "Ultimately, the consumer is the loser in all this," foreman Thomas Dunham, a retired IBM supervisor, told the San Jose Mercury News. "I'd like to see them find a way to settle. I hope this (verdict) in some way helps shape that future."
  • Reply 43 of 100
    palominepalomine Posts: 362member
    I think Apple is standing on good principle in defending its IP. Realistically, they don't even have to worry about their patents, they could just adopt a strategy of always staying ahead of everybody and not even worry about all the copycats scrambling behind them, they have the resources to do that for a long time. I know they would like to control what they license and to whom, but the patent trials are at least a way of getting a license payment and acknowledgement for use of their technology versus getting nothing. Still, they should have the choice whether to license or not.

    The real question is what about smaller companies like Dyson? Spent a decade polishing and refining an idea for their main product line, did the engineering and patented the result. Along comes Samsung again, scoops it up and copies it down to the last molecule and cranks them out in grey plastic for half the cost. Dyson sued but later had to drop it A lot of innovation will be stifled in the future if people know their successful ideas will be immediately be ripped off. Why bother? Seems to me the consumer is the loser when companies can't bring product to market because there is no incentive to invest in it. Without any acknowledgement that they made a specific new protected thing, it will instead be copied and even adulterated and ruined.

    Something has to happen here, and I think Apple is carrying the banner for the inventors of the world. There is more to technology than 'fashion' (which does not recognize patents for some basic obvious reasons). Engineering is tough it takes a lot of time and money. It's not right for Samsung or Google or any other company to just copy the work wholesale. I'm sure Apple expects some imitation, indeed welcomes competition and new solutions to tech, but not total copying! Didn't Samsung do this same ripoff of Sony as well? Make their camera and TV parts and next thing you know they're in the TV and camera business? I won't be buying anything built by Samsung.

    Elon Musk has remarked that he doesn't think much of patents, waste of time should be abolished. Fine if you make rockets and automobiles, both fields with few competitors due to high barriers. I wish he understood the need for some kind of idea protection. Maybe this means that in the future ideas will only be developed under the auspices of 'benevolent' corporate sponsors of startup incubators. If they don't like your idea you can only do it all by yourself until they do like your idea enough to steal it.

    There is the bad PR angle, I'm sure Apple has thought it through. They will do what is correct.
    Just thinking out loud.
  • Reply 44 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Apple seems to have been deliberate in their legal suits. It could be, and hope, that the suits are proceeding according to plan and getting their ducks in line to go after Google and Schmidt in the future.
    Here's what Steve Jobs said at Macworld 1997:

    "We have to let go of a few things here. We have to let go of the notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose."

    I think we could replace Microsoft with Google in that quote right now. Honestly I think the last thing Cook wants or needs is a protracted legal fight with Google. They certainly wouldn't win that battle from a PR standpoint (media and techies love Google) and that could chip away at their brand reputation. Last thing Apple needs is for the public to think they're litigating instead of innovating.
  • Reply 45 of 100
    gilly33gilly33 Posts: 438member
    applecpa wrote: »
    They can't, that's how counsel wants it. I had jury duty last year for a (I kid you not) a patent case. When they found out I had a Bachelors in computer science along with my BS in accounting & MBA both sides wanted me gone. Strange because it dealt with financial and technical issues.

    That truly sucks. Which let's you know the damn system is corrupt and broken. They don't want justice.
  • Reply 46 of 100
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    **** off you racist POS.

    I have to agree. No reason for that.
    lantzn wrote: »
    There's no way you're an Apple fan. You're just some racist troll acting as one to build more hate.

    Possibly, but a quick review of his posting history doesn't appear to support the conclusion. Either way, it's inappropriate.
  • Reply 47 of 100
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    rogifan wrote: »
    Here's what Steve Jobs said at Macworld 1997:

    "We have to let go of a few things here. We have to let go of the notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose."

    I think we could replace Microsoft with Google in that quote right now. Honestly I think the last thing Cook wants or needs is a protracted legal fight with Google. They certainly wouldn't win that battle from a PR standpoint (media and techies love Google) and that could chip away at their brand reputation. Last thing Apple needs is for the public to think they're litigating instead of innovating.

    Oh really? Another quote from Steve: "We didn't enter the search business, they entered the phone business. Google wants to kill the iPhone - we won't let them."

    And stop with the "innovate don't litigate" meme. It's a position popular with copyists who are just waiting for Apple to reveal the next big thing for them to copy.
  • Reply 48 of 100
    gilly33gilly33 Posts: 438member
    I know I am an insignificant drop in the bucket but I refuse to purchase anything from Samscum. Interesting article about them in Vanity Fair 'Smartphone Wars'. Seems like things are going according to plan where they are concerned. Best Apple can do is keep them from seeing their tech too early. According to this article in VF stealing is in Samsung's DNA. It amazes me how popular they are in the media. I'm sure Apple will remain the bad guy in all this while most rally behind the 'poor underdog'. Sad really sad.
  • Reply 49 of 100
    zeromeuszeromeus Posts: 182member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Here's what Steve Jobs said at Macworld 1997:

    "We have to let go of a few things here. We have to let go of the notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose."

    I think we could replace Microsoft with Google in that quote right now. Honestly I think the last thing Cook wants or needs is a protracted legal fight with Google. They certainly wouldn't win that battle from a PR standpoint (media and techies love Google) and that could chip away at their brand reputation. Last thing Apple needs is for the public to think they're litigating instead of innovating.

    Only the likes of YOU would think that Apple is litigating instead of innovating.  Apple needs to stand for what's right and that's to stop the copycats. It's plain and simple.  Don't make Apple out to be a bad guy here.

  • Reply 50 of 100
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member

    Originally Posted by DroidFTW View Post



    Can't tell if Apple][ or Tallest Skil.  The racist remark suggests Apple][ but the desire to attack South Korea with a nuclear weapon suggests Tallest Skil.

    I doubt either would make a separate trolling account or post that statement.

  • Reply 51 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Oh really? Another quote from Steve: "We didn't enter the search business, they entered the phone business. Google wants to kill the iPhone - we won't let them."

    And stop with the "innovate don't litigate" meme. It's a position popular with copyists who are just waiting for Apple to reveal the next big thing for them to copy.
    Hey, I don't think that but that's how the anti-Apple media will portray it (some already are) and when that's the media meme day in and day out people start to believe it.
  • Reply 52 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    zeromeus wrote: »

    Only the likes of YOU would think that Apple is litigating instead of innovating.  Apple needs to stand for what's right and that's to stop the copycats. It's plain and simple.  Don't make Apple out to be a bad guy here.
    Hey, I don't think that but that's how the anti-Apple media will portray it (some already are) and when that's the media meme day in and day out people start to believe it. Apple got $119M when they were asking for $2B. How long does Apple have to keep suing before they prove their point? Or when people start wondering if it's worth it when the legal fees are almost as much as the damages they are awarded? Twice now a jury found Samsung guilty of infringing on Apple's patents. Apple's never going to be able to sue them out of business. And Apple doesn't seem to be winning the PR war. What's the point of more lawsuits? The more Apple sues, the more the media will make them out to be the bad guys.
  • Reply 53 of 100
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,101member

    The miscreant that Samsung is just goes beyond bottom dwellers.  They truly have zero ethics.  There's a great piece on Vanity Fair about the practices that Samsung uses not only with Apple, but with other competitors to essentially rob their IP, make a bundle of money on it, and leave the original companies that owned the patent in dire financial needs so to settle.  Shameful behavior.  Reading this article made me even more committed to never, ever directly do business with Samsung.  Absolutel piece of sh!t company.


  • Reply 54 of 100
    georgeip5georgeip5 Posts: 225member
    I got one more. Assistive touch! Sasmungs also ripped that off. My one friend has an s4 and it has this thing under accessibility and it's like Assistive touch
  • Reply 55 of 100

    Originally Posted by Yojimbo007 View Post

    What a joke this jury system is !




    Nope, this is Apple and Samsung


  • Reply 56 of 100
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    zeromeus wrote: »
    <div class="quote-container" data-huddler-embed="/t/179060/jury-modifies-apple-v-samsung-damages-but-final-amount-unchanged-calls-google-involvement-interesting-updated-with-verdict-form/40#post_2527956" data-huddler-embed-placeholder="false">Quote:<div class="quote-block">Originally Posted by <strong>Rogifan</strong> <a href="/t/179060/jury-modifies-apple-v-samsung-damages-but-final-amount-unchanged-calls-google-involvement-interesting-updated-with-verdict-form/40#post_2527956"><img alt="View Post" src="/img/forum/go_quote.gif" /></a><br /><br /><br />Here's what Steve Jobs said at Macworld 1997:<br /><br />"We have to let go of a few things here. We have to let go of the notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose."<br /><br />I think we could replace Microsoft with Google in that quote right now. Honestly I think the last thing Cook wants or needs is a protracted legal fight with Google. They certainly wouldn't win that battle from a PR standpoint (media and techies love Google) and that could chip away at their brand reputation. Last thing Apple needs is for the public to think they're litigating instead of innovating.</div></div><p><br />Only the likes of YOU would think that Apple is litigating instead of innovating.  Apple needs to stand for what's right and that's to stop the copycats. It's plain and simple.  Don't make Apple out to be a bad guy here.</p>
    Almost everyone here will agree that Apple are not the bad guy but most people here are all ready predisposed to think of Apple that way. In the wider world if the innovate don't litigate meme becomes entrenched and becomes the predominant view then Apple will have to spend time, money etc to try and rectify it. You can look at the ratner group to see what can happen when people believe in the wrong message (it's an extreme example and I don't believe it would ever get that far).
  • Reply 57 of 100
    zipazipa Posts: 1member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    So Apple got..5% of what it asked for. How fucked up. 


    The message this sends is it's not worth patenting anything anymore. Patents are worth absolutely nothing. 


    Have you looked at the actual patents in question?


    Yes, they should indeed be worth absolutely nothing. In fact, they shouldn't be allowed to exist in the first place.

  • Reply 58 of 100
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I can't believe anyone would buy a GS5 with its horrible software. Check out the video below.

  • Reply 59 of 100
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member
    "The facts did not sway the jury's final decision, however."

    The most honest answer I have ever read concerning a "justice" system decision. I am amazed at how little the facts factor into court decisions these days. At least someone was honest enough to say it.

    As for the verdict this was a farce. These twelve people pretty much gutted the patent system. I may, strongly, think that the IP system in this country needs a major overhaul, but it isn't a jury's job to do so, and finding "willful" patent infringement and then slapping Samsung with what amounts to a speeding ticket is a travesty of justice. Because, this measly fine won't stop Samsung from continuing to steal IP anymore than speeding tickets stop speeding.
  • Reply 60 of 100
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    If Apple keeps suing at some point they're going to become the bad guy in the eyes of the public. The media is incredibly anti-Apple and eventually all that negative press impacts public perception.


    "Ultimately, the consumer is the loser in all this," foreman Thomas Dunham, a retired IBM supervisor, told the San Jose Mercury News. "I'd like to see them find a way to settle. I hope this (verdict) in some way helps shape that future."


    If he had really been concerned with forcing a settlement then he should have found Samsung guilty of willfull infringement on all patents and awarded Apple $6.6 billion in damages. That is about the only thing that will make Samsung make an honest settlement offer. As it is he is simply contributing to the problem and leading to a future where the consumer really loses.

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