Bounden delays iOS to Android port after finding many Google phones' gyroscopes don't work



  • Reply 21 of 105
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member

     Despite asking the Android community for help in identifying hardware that works and does not work and offering free apps to users to try out on their devices, Game Oven was immediately attacked by a series of Android fans who accused the small developer of being "anti-Android" and "biased."

    This is why I give Android and its user base the middle finger.

  • Reply 22 of 105
    chipsychipsy Posts: 287member
    The majority of comments on the article were these sort of people, the same kind of "bad apples" that complain just like you do about every letter I write.  
    So I agree with you that there is a problem and I give a little bit of critique on the last paragraph and you complain about me complaining?
    You're a critical/opinion writer but don't like to be criticized yourself? :s
    That doesn't make sense...
  • Reply 23 of 105
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    "Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with electromagnetic fields confusing the compass; it has everything to do with the diversity of hardware inside these devices," Game Oven noted.


    Where did Game Oven note this? (quote)

  • Reply 24 of 105
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Chipsy View Post

    In every community there will be bad apples. But what you are doing here is focusing on the negative idiots and ignoring the people who actually tried to help. And that isn't right either.


    I believe that many Android users are bad apples, and what they represent and their mentality is bad for tech in general. Android is not really about innovating or making good devices, it's mostly about making cheap devices with gimmicky features that don't even work properly.


    Android's foundation is built upon stolen code, and their user base mostly only cares about not having to spend any more pennies than they have to. That is not good for the future advancement of tech. The race to the bottom method of doing business is nothing to be proud of.


    I do see them as being lower class, and I don't associate with any of them. I actually don't know a single person who is an Android phone user, as most of my friends are highly creative people.

  • Reply 25 of 105

    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    1. Android users have no friends, least of all a potential dance partner because they are so hateful towards other people

    2. Android users are typically overweight so would have difficulty dancing gracefully

    3. Bounden is a paid app, Android users mostly steal apps or download free apps, I believe a lot of them are baristas

    4. Android users are lacking in culture and respect for creativity so choreographed dance would be wasted on them

    This was the best thing I've read all day! Spot on!

  • Reply 26 of 105
    negafoxnegafox Posts: 480member

    If anything, this seems like it is more about publicity and lack of development experience. Reproducibility seems low among Android users (hell, I couldn't repro the issue with my Nexus 7 or HTC One (M7)).


    1. This app was just released today for iOS;

    2. Their previous apps look like something somebody slapped together overnight;

    3. Bounden's own website cannot even display the copyright year properly (2011-2028..?).

  • Reply 27 of 105

    Mind you, I'm typing this on a MacBookPro (mid-2013 model), but I have to take issue with this crap:


    "1. Android users have no friends, least of all a potential dance partner because they are so hateful towards other people"


    My wife says you're full of it.

    "2. Android users are typically overweight so would have difficulty dancing gracefully"


    I'm 6' even and weigh in at 168 lbs. 

    "3. Bounden is a paid app, Android users mostly steal apps or download free apps, I believe a lot of them are baristas"


    I don't have such an app, have no need for it, and I'm a Sr. Systems Administrator. I rarely pay for apps on my cheap little Huawei, mostly because I find that very few of them are useful enough to be worth having. Then again, I'm not glued to my phone 24/7 either - the phone, Waze and corporate email are about the complete extent of what I use it for.

    "4. Android users are lacking in culture and respect for creativity so choreographed dance would be wasted on them"


    Currently I'm halfway through re-reading Plato's Republic... for fun. I live in PDX, which has a boundless plethora of culture and music... and yes, this includes a wild variety of choreographed dancing.


    Long story short? Generalization of this order makes you look dumb and uneducated, and you should know better. I prefer Apple products where they make sense in my own personal use cases. For a solid-as-hell laptop and OS, well, see the beginning of this missive. For a tablet, a 16GB iPad Wifi-only model makes sense for me. For my phone? Screw it - the little Android device I have is cheap, works well, and does what I want it to do. If it gets stolen or broken, I lose a grand total of $149.00 of investment in the deal, and can easily go get another one. It's a fairly solid little device for what it does, and has lasted about 18 months and counting, so I'm not too awful worried about ROI on it by now. ;)

  • Reply 28 of 105

    The posts on this thread are beyond ridiculous.  Just because someone has chosen a different technology than you does not make them in some way stupid or inferior.  If Apple were the only company making smartphones then technology and innovation would suffer greatly.  Same if only Google were in the smartphone business.  Competition drives innovation.  It is truly amazing how butt hurt people on here are over someone happening to not have identical preferences.  Power off your phone one day and realize that perhaps there is more to life then what Apple or Google is selling you.

  • Reply 29 of 105
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member

    I could have told you that. I had to try to port a gyroscope oriented app to Android a number of years ago (search for TechoBloc) and it's not fun. GPS and other sensors are drastically different between various Android devices, making testing a bloody nightmare.

  • Reply 30 of 105
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    That top center tablet is wonderful. <img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 31 of 105
    nrg2brnnrg2brn Posts: 1member

    um. its was a "joke"? wow. and a funny one at that, I might add. Stereotyping, its not nice, but it saves time! (ok. sorry, another joke)

  • Reply 32 of 105
    waterrocketswaterrockets Posts: 1,231member

    This doesn't surprise me at all. I've written 30-60fps augmented reality apps on both platforms (for defense customers), and certainly there is sensor fragmentation in the Android realm, but clever engineers have no trouble coding around them for the popular devices.


    For Game Oven to feign surprise about this shows their immaturity in the games industry. I used to make PC and Mac games, and PCs have always been more of a headache because of system diversity. Granted, Macs usually have the tip of the hardware iceberg, and there's not a lot of diversity, which makes them much easier to code for. Once you go to console games, everything becomes easier again... until your publisher clarifies that you'll be shipping on the big 3 consoles and PCs... so you abstract the hardware differences out of the game. You'd have the same pain Bounden experienced if you took a Wii game to PC and suddenly had to deal with different pointing devices and/or a myriad of cheap gamepads.


    The thing is, they're going to finish the port, because there is money there. One big problem was failing to realize that they would want the Android user base earlier in the timeline. It would be much easier for them to deal with if they started by developing a portable architecture and accumulating a variety of test devices or beta testers.


    All of this aside, yes, current iOS devices are sublime and performant. Still, the current marketplace demands application portability, and anyone who doesn't embrace that early on is shooting themselves in the foot.


    This thread is satisfies many of my stereotypes. AI delivers.

  • Reply 33 of 105
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member

    I've said this time and time again for years.  Android devices are bottom-of-barrel products.  They compete for the lowest price point and people get what they pay for.

    The Android community (especially Fandroids) should be ashamed of themselves for their blind support of such trash and having low-to-zero standards and not expecting more from this botched experiment of a mobile OS.  It's a f*cking joke.

    They have liars like Samsung that spew nonsense statements about the "superiority" of their devices, when the reality is the exact opposite.  We have the no-name cheapsh!t Chinese brands that not only flood the market with $30 devices, but spew out Android malware to go with it.  Countless of different configurations, using components from who-knows-where, with different variations of Android OS currently in use... and Fandroids have the NERVE to spin that entire mess as "choice for the consumer".  Total bullish!t.  

    And then we have iPhones.  They work, they are consistent, and Apple is really the ONLY mobile vendor that does its best to make sure that each new OS will run on just about all their "old" devices too.  

    Fandroids are delusional to a clinical degree.  Shame on them.  Have some standards, and get a life.

  • Reply 34 of 105
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member

    Originally Posted by TheUnfetteredMind View Post


    There are definitely benefits to the walled garden.


    If that video were of Apple devices, there would be a massive uproar and "gyroscope-gate" would be trending.

    ....and AAPL would be down 30 points.

  • Reply 35 of 105
    damn_its_hotdamn_its_hot Posts: 1,213member

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    However, as noted by Daring Fireball, the developer was forced to delay its Android port after finding that the "diversity of hardware" across Android devices made delivering a functional game comparable to its iOS offering impossible.



    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post


    Originally Posted by nht View Post

    Good ol'DED.  No hat tip to Gruber from where he probably first noticed this nor a link to the actual blog post.  Which is here:


    @nht: Maybe you should take time to proof read your work before slinging mud (at an author John Gruber aka Daring Fireball). You took the time to get the link and and reference it in your trashing of DED. Why not take the care to double check your work first?  Besides, DED may not even wear a hat ¡



  • Reply 36 of 105
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Originally Posted by TheUnfetteredMind View Post


    There are definitely benefits to the walled garden.


    If that video were of Apple devices, there would be a massive uproar and "gyroscope-gate" would be trending.

    ....and AAPL would be down 30 points.

    ....and that blowhard Isaacson would be on CNBC lamenting Apple's decline under Cook.*


    *Sorry for the reply to my own post....

  • Reply 37 of 105
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member

    Originally Posted by sltiedeman View Post


    The posts on this thread are beyond ridiculous.  Just because someone has chosen a different technology than you does not make them in some way stupid or inferior.  If Apple were the only company making smartphones then technology and innovation would suffer greatly.  Same if only Google were in the smartphone business.  Competition drives innovation.  It is truly amazing how butt hurt people on here are over someone happening to not have identical preferences.  Power off your phone one day and realize that perhaps there is more to life then what Apple or Google is selling you.

    Keep spinning it.

    What's shameful is people to mask crap as "competition".  We all want good, bonafide, competition.  It's great for everyone.  The mess that Android is, and the people that make excuses for such garbage, is pathetic to say the least.  Let's see Android and the manufacturers put out polished, worthy products that spurs real innovation and competition.  Right now, Android is battling for the cheapskates, the bottom-of-barrel customers, and purposeful quick-obsolescense of devices so the consumer can go right around and buy another one to keep the waste-machine running.

    When consumers blame developers because their sh!tty Android phone uses junk parts that barely work, or purposely try to fake it, that's ignorance for consumers and shameful behavior from the manufacturers.  Who would you rather blame?

  • Reply 38 of 105
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    The majority of comments on the article were these sort of people, the same kind of "bad apples" that complain just like you do about every letter I write.  

    corrections? ded?

    why don't you identify yourself as the regurgitator of the blog post being commented upon, rather than use a pseudonym to post comments on the blog post you, uhm, authored? or is that level of professionalism frowned upon at ai?
  • Reply 39 of 105
    waterrocketswaterrockets Posts: 1,231member

    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post


    purposeful quick-obsolescense of devices so the consumer can go right around and buy another one to keep the waste-machine running.


    You mixed them up. It's iOS 7 that crippled older devices. KitKat actually makes older devices better.

  • Reply 40 of 105
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member

    Originally Posted by Pooch View Post

    corrections? ded?

    why don't you identify yourself as the regurgitator of the blog post being commented upon, rather than use a pseudonym to post comments on the blog post you, uhm, authored? or is that level of professionalism frowned upon at ai?


    Somebody who names themselves "Pooch" doesn't really have the right to be taken seriously.

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