Apple, Inc. and the pursuit of affordable luxury electronics



  • Reply 261 of 270
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by knowitall View Post

    Wikipedia must be lying.


    Given that they’re known for it… 


    I also remember this and the reaction on it very clearly. 


    If you can show the page on Wikipedia where anyone other than Steve Ballmer says that, specifically anyone at Apple, feel free to do so.

    Read Wikipedia.


    Gets a laugh every time.

  • Reply 262 of 270
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Since the original letter from Steve isn't being hosted on the Apple website any more, here's  the transcript in full: 




    "First, I am sure that we are making the correct decision to lower the price of the 8GB iPhone from $599 to $399, and that now is the right time to do it. iPhone is a breakthrough product, and we have the chance to 'go for it' this holiday season. iPhone is so far ahead of the competition, and now it will be affordable by even more customers. It benefits both Apple and every iPhone user to get as many new customers as possible in the iPhone 'tent'. We strongly believe the $399 price will help us do just that this holiday season.


    "Second, being in technology for 30 years I can attest to the fact that the technology road is bumpy. There is always change and improvement, and there is always someone who bought a product before a particular cutoff date and misses the new price or the new operating system or the new whatever. This is life in the technology lane. If you always wait for the next price cut or to buy the new improved model, you'll never buy any technology product because there is always something better and less expensive on the horizon. The good news is that if you buy products from companies that support them well, like Apple tries to do, you will receive years of useful and satisfying service from them even as newer models are introduced."




    It's not a direct admission that the iPhone was priced too high, though I can't think of many products that get their price slashed by 33% after two months that you wouldn't say that about.

  • Reply 263 of 270
    knowitallknowitall Posts: 1,648member
    crowley wrote: »
    Since the original letter from Steve isn't being hosted on the Apple website any more, here's  the transcript in full: 


    It's not a direct admission that the iPhone was priced too high, though I can't think of many products that get their price slashed by 33% after two months that you wouldn't say that about.

    I think it is, Apple (Steve) is trying way to much to make it sound reasonable, the 100 dollar rebate issued later on is a testimony that Apple thinks that too, Apple never ever gives money away unless it absolutely has to.
  • Reply 264 of 270
    poboypoboy Posts: 7member
    I know Apple makes a very good product man i miss my Iphone and my apple computer but honestly I owned and was able to affoerd apples fine products B.M.A.K-before marriage and kids I have a house note buying the hone dont u know I agree I stuck using low end samsung products and they suck. Dnt get me wrong im not really complaining i just miss apple u should all be proud of ur devices remember u are not snobbish u just know u have the besr device on the market.So in conclusion i agree with the author the comp. has been trying to play catch up with apple for 20 years they wont make it so i say even though im stuck using agg crappy samsung galaxy phone for right now darnet hear my words I will own an Apple tower computer and an Iphone they are worth the price simply cause Apple knows what the masses want we want quality not cheap quanity if any of u lovely peole would love to donate ur old iphone i would be so ever thankfull.P,S im just joking i will get my own blessings to all i just thought u might want the view point of a person who is stuck using this android junk
  • Reply 265 of 270
    poboypoboy Posts: 7member

    dude chill out Apple make a fine product line

  • Reply 266 of 270
    poboypoboy Posts: 7member

    Then go build your Linux and shut up apple is a corporation it is not there job to make thins free of charge if you want free of charge go diving thru ur tech stores dumpster bin stop insulting apple cause they actually make a profit.

  • Reply 267 of 270
    poboypoboy Posts: 7member

    Amen brother i agree if u like a brand say it with pride do not pussy foot about it

  • Reply 268 of 270
    poboypoboy Posts: 7member

    but with apple u get quality and if u have a problem atleast the person on the other end of the phone will speak english as u and i do u will understand and besides apple makes a top high quality nproduct ios is is better than android i know by experience.

  • Reply 269 of 270
    poboypoboy Posts: 7member

    and even though i dont have alot of money and im stuck using a 3rd rate android i am Ipone fanboy at heart and i will not chnge after my kids are grown and out of the house im back to Apple.

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