Google-owned Nest to acquire connected security camera firm Dropcam for $555M



  • Reply 41 of 156
    gprovidagprovida Posts: 259member
    Well there is another product line I will have to drop due to privacy. I can't imagine anyone buying Google home stuff, given Google's business is not selling this stuff but selling you to advertisers.
  • Reply 42 of 156
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,597member
    gtr wrote: »
    Waiting for Googleguy defensive post in 3...2...1...

    jungmark wrote: »
    Googleguy: Well, Nest is a subsidiary of Google and is run as a completely separate company. Just like Moto. Google has no control.

    The fine print in the privacy statement: *subject to change according to our Google overlords.

    gtr wrote: »
    I totally believe you, Googleguy!

    Thanks for bringing me, a humble fool unable to think for himself, the plain and utter truth.

    Now, please, tell me more about this awesome company Google, as this is why I have decided to come to a website called AppleInsider that focuses on Apple news...


    So now you're disappointed when I don't post and you resort to begging?

    "....'Cause we need a little controversy,
    'Cause it feels so empty without me"

    Anyway it looks to me like Google is moving beyond a simple ad-supported business model. I wouldn't be shocked to find that advertising revenue comprises less than half their gross income within 10 years. Hardware and services will become a much bigger part of the pie (already is), not unlike Apple but much more diversified . . . or unfocused depending on your viewpoint.

    If Google is smart they'll not interfere much in day to day Nest business and let them remain largly independent. Offer quidance and resources but let Nest put together their vision. That's just what I expect. too.

    The potential business upside of home services is a whole lot bigger than a few piddly ads from Google or a smartphone sale by Apple. Neither company will resemble what we're looking at today within a few years IMO.
  • Reply 43 of 156
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    When I heard of Google buying a popular security camera company I couldn't help but think of this clip from Minority Report.


    gatorguy wrote: »
    So now you're disappointed when I don't post and you resort to begging?

    "....'Cause we need a little controversy,
    'Cause it feels so empty without me"

    Anyway it looks to me like Google is moving beyond a simple ad-supported business model. I wouldn't be shocked to find that advertising revenue comprises than half their gross income within 10 years. Hardware and services will become a much bigger part of the pie (already is), not unlike Apple but much more diversified . . . or unfocused depending on your viewpoint.

    1) It sounds like you were missed. I'd take it.

    2) Universally: "Conflict is drama is entertainment." It's the sauce that makes life tasty… so be saucy. :D
  • Reply 44 of 156
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    New google logo 400

    Or should is simply be Goggle now? :D
  • Reply 45 of 156
    waterrocketswaterrockets Posts: 1,231member

    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    **** this. I really liked my Dropcam.. Now it is going to eBay if not the trash.


    lmao. One of the funniest things I've read all week.

  • Reply 46 of 156
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Google and Nest came under scrutiny in May after the tech giant listed a number of potential ad opportunities, including refrigerators and other smart home products, in a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Thermostats -- Nest's specialty -- were specifically mentioned in the document, prompting speculation that targeted ads would soon be popping up on Nest's in-home hardware.


    Are people ever going to understand that Google is an advertising company, not a technology company? Apple makes products that help us. Google just wants to shove ads in our faces 24/7/365. Nest is conscious about privacy with a frick’in VIDEO CAMERA in your home? What are they going to do? Send you advertising based upon what you do in your bedroom at night?

  • Reply 47 of 156
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    In an alternate universe, the Department of Justice would be investigating Google at this point for their hoarding and active acquisition of users’ personal information.


    IOTL, they’re crying tears of joy.


    Never thought of that. With the right court order (or not) the DOJ could just turn on your Dropcam and watch you.

  • Reply 48 of 156
    negafoxnegafox Posts: 480member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Are people ever going to understand that Google is an advertising company, not a technology company? Apple makes products that help us. Google just wants to shove ads in our faces 24/7/365. Nest is conscious about privacy with a frick’in VIDEO CAMERA in your home? What are they going to do? Send you advertising based upon what you do in your bedroom at night?

  • Reply 49 of 156
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,597member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Never thought of that. With the right court order (or not) the DOJ could just turn on your Dropcam and watch you.

    Is that a rational fear? As likely as turning on your iPhone camera and/or microphone without your knowledge? Or your Xbox camera? Or listening in using your iPad? Or using your laptop/desktop computer to monitor you? What if "always listening" Siri comes to the Apple TV? Can "they" get access to everything you discuss and use it to plot against you?

    " . . . with the right court order (or not)". Not likely but it's not entirely impossible I suppose.

    As far as Dropcam goes it's not a product I'd buy no matter who the owner is. I'm holding out for Canary.
  • Reply 50 of 156
    d4njvrzfd4njvrzf Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    What the **** is Google's obsession with cameras and surveillance? First the insanely creepy Google Glass, and now this? Who the **** in their right mind would want their home surveillance systems owned by an ADVERTISING company? I love how they set up Nest as a cover for acquisition, cause they knew "Google buys dropcam" would sound that much more creepy. 

    Google has been obsessed with photographing everything ever since they started Street view. They recently bought Skybox (

  • Reply 51 of 156
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    jaayco wrote: »
    I really hope "bought by Google" doesn't start equalling "not supported on Apple".

    No need to worry about support- quite the opposite actually. Bought by apple means no support for google.
    Now your privacy? I'd worry about that. Not now, but in a year or two when/if(likely) they change their privacy policy.

    Side note- I don't like Google- but these purchases seem good for what they are wanting to do. Keeping nest seperate and now dropcam. Integrating it into Nest. I like it. And very minor investments for both companies in the scheme of things (much like Beats). Unfortunately, our youth (early 20s and younger) don't really seem to care much about their privacy. Particularly in our social media and "share everything" world. They simply don't know better. In 5-10 years, they're the spenders. This truly isn't a dumb business move- but no one should fool themselves- they are doing this for data. It's just a matter of if someone cares or not. They're banking on "not".

    Apple clearly doesn't want to get into hardware, and leaves that to the third parties- but Nest seems to be the front runner here and is looking at becoming an all-inclusive automated company. Hoping some other companies step up. Currently, I use two wired $45 cameras hooked up to Airport expresses I had already that I'm using as wifi extenders and airplay (one is hooked up to an old stereo console I restored). That and iCam- a $5 insanely awesome app w/ push notifications that detect movement, record to my Mac mini, etc. A $95 solution for 2 camera points and constant monitoring.
  • Reply 52 of 156
    great acquisition by Googele! I would have liked it more if Apple had bought it, would have been a great addon for their Cloud business? Does anyone have experience with this third party provider of cases for Dropcam? link is
  • Reply 53 of 156

    what is really missing is an outdoor version of Dropcam to mount it in your garden / on your front door and protects it from rain, sun, thieves etc

  • Reply 54 of 156
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    jungmark wrote: »
    gtr wrote: »
    Waiting for Googleguy defensive post in 3...2...1...

    Googleguy: Well, Nest is a subsidiary of Google and is run as a completely separate company. Just like Moto. Google has no control.

    The fine print in the privacy statement: *subject to change according to our Google overlords.

    It is amazing how much evil wholly owned Google sibsidary's do. Every time Motorolla filed a lawsuit we would still see the Googleguys running around saying Google would never sue anyone because they are not evil like Apple, Now we have Nest buying video surveilance for Google.
  • Reply 55 of 156
    waterrocketswaterrockets Posts: 1,231member
    wovel wrote: »
    It is amazing how much evil wholly owned Google sibsidary's do. Every time Motorolla filed a lawsuit we would still see the Googleguys running around saying Google would never sue anyone because they are not evil like Apple, Now we have Nest buying video surveilance for Google.

    So lawsuits are evil now?
  • Reply 56 of 156
    Google in the security business? Isn't that an oxymoron?
  • Reply 57 of 156

    In a simultaneous announcement a GCHQ public relations officer stated "With Google as a complimentary anti-terrorist agency, we now own all of your home". U.K. Prime Minister, David Cameron, was said to be "...utterly delighted with the acquisition as it now means we can build on our close and special relationship with The NSA and Presidents of America." When questioned on the potential for abuses of privacy, Cameron reminded the gathered press "...abuse is the price the electorate willingly pay for Britain's past and future illegal geopolitical interventions.". Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister of the U.K. Lord President of The Council and leader of The Liberal Democrats in coalition with the Tories, squeaked in deference when Cameron looked to him for support.


    A representative for Google who wished to remain anonymous said in a statement "If you ask us any questions to which we furnish answers we will have to have you rendered or killed". At which point the journalist who had asked the initial question fell lifeless to the floor.


    In the U.K. further reporting of the $555M deal has become subject to a D-Notice.

  • Reply 58 of 156
    droidftwdroidftw Posts: 1,009member

    Originally Posted by gprovida View Post

    Well there is another product line I will have to drop due to privacy. I can't imagine anyone buying Google home stuff, given Google's business is not selling this stuff but selling you to advertisers.


    They're not selling the stuff?  Where can I go to get my free Nest thermostats and Dropcam cameras?

  • Reply 59 of 156
    brlawyerbrlawyer Posts: 828member

    Whatever Google buys I will stop using - it's as simple as that.

  • Reply 60 of 156
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    brlawyer wrote: »
    Whatever Google buys I will stop using - it's as simple as that.

    Me too. I told my Boston Dynamics robot he was fired and to go back to factory the second they were bought by Google.
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