Civilization Revolution 2 hits the App Store, Pac-Man adds new content

in iPhone edited July 2014
With the Independence Day holiday around the corner, iOS gamers now have a few new options for off-day entertainment as 2K Games officially released Civilization Revolution 2 and Namco Bandai updated Pac-Man with new mazes and content.

Civilization Revolution 2

Developed exclusively for mobile devices -- a first for the blockbuster Civilization franchise -- Civilization Revolution 2 is the sequel to 2009's Civilization Revolution for iOS. Players can choose from leaders including Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Napoleon, Churchill and Kennedy to command their forces.

The RTS gains new military units, including aircraft carriers, jet fighters, and special forces alongside new technologies like lasers, modern medicine, and information technology. Gamers can also grow new buildings and wonders such as a nuclear power plane, the Re Cross, and silicon valley.

2K Games says the game's 3D graphics take "full advantage" of iOS's graphics capability, allowing players to reenact historic events and battles in Scenario Mode with more graphical aplomb.

Civilization Revolution 2 version 1.0.0 is available now as a $14.99, 428-megabyte download from the App Store.


Classic arcade game Pac-Man has been among the most popular since its iOS debut, and publisher Namco Bandi has added a raft of new content for the holiday weekend. Alongside a July 4th-themed app icon, players will also find three new mazes.

A "summer pack" of mazes is available via an in-app purchase for $1.99, and the company also promises "minor big fixes" along with the update.

Pac-Man version 5.0.6 is available now as a $6.99, 25.5-megabyte download from the App Store.


  • Reply 1 of 13
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    You know... we have an accelerometer in our stuff.


    Tilt-table Pac-man would be interesting. As would new levels designed with the screen size and shape in mind... And I don’t recall them being major successes, but the later, 3D Pac-man games ought to be ported, too.


    Heck, port every game made that side of 2004.

  • Reply 2 of 13

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    Civilization Revolution 2

    Civilization Revolution 2 version 1.0.0 is available now as a $14.99, 428-megabyte download from the App Store.


    When i first heard that this game was coming out, I was very interested, especially hearing that they built it for the iPad. I wondered to myself if I was $6-$8 interested, and I struggled.


    $14.99? Easy decision. No thanks.

  • Reply 3 of 13
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Another new game that definitely deserves a mention is World of Tanks Blitz. I haven't tried it yet, but I did just download it because I noticed it on the app store, and I'll probably check it out later. The game is over one gig, so people with no space on their iDevices need not apply.

  • Reply 4 of 13
    eulereuler Posts: 81member

    Originally Posted by JamesTheLesser View Post



    When i first heard that this game was coming out, I was very interested, especially hearing that they built it for the iPad. I wondered to myself if I was $6-$8 interested, and I struggled.


    $14.99? Easy decision. No thanks.

    Yeah, that does seem way too much for it.  I am a sucker for Civilization games though, so I might make the plunge....

  • Reply 5 of 13
    thetorreythetorrey Posts: 80member

    Good grief that's a high price for CivRev2.  I would have bought if it was $5-ish.  But at that price, I'll just wait for a sale or something.  

  • Reply 6 of 13
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Just be glad that there's no in-app purchases. $14.99 is a perfectly reasonable price if it's a good game. The original was $39.99 on the Nintendo DS.

  • Reply 7 of 13
    maccentricmaccentric Posts: 263member
    I doubt it will be long before they put it on sale for $9.99 or 50% off.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    firelockfirelock Posts: 240member
    I'm not sure what happened where people now think paying more than $5 for a game is unthinkable just because it is on a tablet. Same game on Xbox 360 would run $30 or $40. My only question is did they improve the AI over the first game. The AI on the iPad was horrible.
  • Reply 9 of 13
    dagtarosdagtaros Posts: 1member

    Here is a gameplay video of civ revolution 2:



  • Reply 10 of 13
    serendip7serendip7 Posts: 12member

    Civ Revolution 1 for iOS was and is extremely buggy.


    I don't see how I can pay $14.99 for Civ2 when they never bothered to fix Civ1.

  • Reply 11 of 13
    drdbdrdb Posts: 99member

    Considering the number of hours I played Civ Rev 1 I think this is more than fair when you work out the dollar-hour ratio.

  • Reply 12 of 13
    angeaaangeaa Posts: 2member

    As would new levels designed with the screen size and shape in mind... And I don’t recall them being major successes, but the later, 3D Pac-man games ought to be ported, too.


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  • Reply 13 of 13
    All of you complaining about the price - consider the number of hours of entrainment you will personally get from playing.
    I've read a lot of complaints about the speed of the game. I'm using an iPad Air with 128GB and the game never slowed. This may be a game that should not be played on older devices even though they say it'll run.
    I'm use to Civ5 on a Win7 PC. What a disappointment! :-( I never played Civ1 for the iOS.
    On the plus side - I can sit on the couch and play a dumbed down version of Civ. Family happy I'm not on my workstation in my office playing Civ5.
    So I'm going to support 2K and encourage others to purchase this Civ2.
    Now Battle Supremacy is a game that shows off what can be done with the iOS system (at least on mine).
    I would really like to see 2K work on a 64bit version with many more bells and whistles.
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