After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet



  • Reply 21 of 429
    [quote name="dacloo" url="/t/182544/after-apple-inc-dodged-the-iphone-6-plus-bendgate-bullet-detractors-wounded-by-ricochet#post_2608115"]Well, that's like your opinion, man.

    Why was the author of this article so threatened he felt the need to write this questionable article? This is really yet amother "fanboy article" defending Apple at no cost. It's full of assumptions and big statements. I'm fine with that but why not label this an "opinion piece"?

    And why add a paragraph about device speed? Yet again to show how superior Apple is. So unnecessary and so lame.

    Truth is, most people who read the mainstream news will now remember the iPhone 6+ bents like crazy and haven't really dug deeper or took the time to check out Apple's responds to it (because the response wasn't really covered on these sensationalist websites). It probably did hurt Apple somehow.
    This appeared on CNN and completely proves the 6 Plus does not bend as depicted
    Why not write an article in a month or so looking at the sales figures before and after BendGate? That would at least base it on facts.[/quote

    This video appeared on CNN and proves the 6 Plus was not bent as depicted
  • Reply 22 of 429
    creep wrote: »
    I could actually hear the slurping noises while I read this opinion piece.  Don't ignore the balls, DED.  

    For a body of work well-known for its pandering, this is probably the pandering-est one yet.  When is Mikey going to run the site?  It's time for better blood.

    I'm glad you feel comfortable expressing your fantasies in public but I don't understand the point you are trying to make about the consumer tech industry.
  • Reply 23 of 429
    Pieces like this CNN video are also appearing in the mainstream press, discrediting the bend gate video and helping Apple
  • Reply 24 of 429
    I love Apple, but...

    The WWDC this year was exciting; there was a palpable buzz in the air. I'm sure we we will see the fruits of Swift, Metal etc. in the years to come.

    This September, however, hasn't gone by without some big event being marred by controversy.

    Firstly, we had the live stream keynote that caused me to want to hurl my iPhone at the screen due to the constant freezing. Its main highlight was the ?Watch, a product that was announced with no definite date, no indication of battery life and no price, unlike the first iPhone. Technologically, the digital crown takes us back to a time before the iPhone with its needlessly confusing interface. Telling was the share price: it rose strongly during the Apple Pay demo and dived during the ?Watch demo. It finished with U2 and Cook in a protracted embarrassing fizzling out.

    Secondly, we had the preorder nightmare, in which Apple found it impossible to enable the Apple faithful to buy iPhones online without tearing their hair out.

    Thirdly, we had the Chinese scalpers dominating the lines in NYC, casting a slur on what should have been an innocent reflection of Apple's popularity.

    Fourthly, we had BendGate, which made me realise that Apple should have brought out the 6 in two sizes: 4" and 4.7".

    Finally, we had 8.01, a disaster that DED neglects to mention in his article here. People like Slurpy were cussing at all those who were affected, saying that all companies make mistakes and that anyone who updated immediately was an idiot.

    Whilst I'm looking forward to buying probably the iPhone 6, and very looking forward to the new iPads, I feel that this has been a torrid time in Apple's history, and is indicative of a failure of leadership at the very top. As a shareholder, this is not a state of affairs that I wish to continue.

    Tim Cook needs to examine what his priorities are as CEO of Apple, because at the moment, Apple are not doing justice to Steve Jobs's legacy.
  • Reply 25 of 429

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I love Apple, but...

    A wise man once told me not to believe anything someone says before the "but"...

  • Reply 26 of 429
    maccaguy wrote: »
    I love Apple, but...
    A wise man once told me not to believe anything someone says before the "but"...

    I won't believe your post, then. ????
  • Reply 27 of 429
    Its main highlight was the ?Watch, a product that was announced with no definite date, no indication of battery life and no price, unlike the first iPhone.

    It's been years since I've seen the iPhone announcement but I don't recall the original iPhone having a definite sales date or battery life when it was introduced in January 2007.

    I don't recall definite price points for every type, but we were only talking about 2 models on AT&T, not 2 sizes, with 3 material types, with 2 finishes and at least a half dozen bands per each material type and finish. Anyone that expected a run down of 60-something(?) various prices for its announcement was asking for too much.

    As it's been mentioned many times, it's standard practice for Apple to announce a new product category before it goes into production where they can't control their 3rd-parties as easily as their own house.

    Do you not remember the codenamed iTV — it didn't even have a name yet! — that became the AppleTV.
    Technologically, the digital crown takes us back to a time before the iPhone…

    The finger takes us back to a time before the iPhone and yet we're still using it. The digital crown is a brilliant solution for such a small touchscreen.
    Thirdly, we had the Chinese scalpers dominating the lines in NYC…

    I'd love to hear a viable solution.
    Fourthly, we had BendGate, which made me realise that Apple should have brought out the 6 in two sizes: 4" and 4.7".

    Should have? You'll have to explain why Apple should have done that, as well as 9 reports of phones bending when the force to bend the phones is well above normal pocket forces.
    Finally, we had 8.01, a disaster that DED neglects to mention in his article here. People like Slurpy were cussing at all those who were affected, saying that all companies make mistakes and that anyone who updated immediately was an idiot.

    It was released in error and they recalled it. Not the first time they've done this and probably not the last. I'm not sure what your point is except to paint the present as a steaming pile of shit and the past as being all rosy despite this not being outside the norm.
    I feel that this has been a torrid time in Apple's history, and is indicative of a failure of leadership at the very top. As a shareholder, this is not a state of affairs that I wish to continue.

    Tim Cook needs to examine what his priorities are as CEO of Apple, because at the moment, Apple are not doing justice to Steve Job's legacy.

    Fucking ridiculous on every level. The iPhone will dominate (note Google's Android analytics show a very small percentage of 4.5"+ devices), ?Pay will change the way we securely make payments, and the ?Watch, regardless of potential success, is already doing something very different than what all the other failed "smartwatches" have tried to do, which at least means it's not on that wrong track.
  • Reply 28 of 429
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    You know if a shareholder is unhappy with a company they're invested in they can sell their stock. Perhaps that's what Benjamin Frost needs to do.
  • Reply 29 of 429
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Less is more DED.
  • Reply 30 of 429
    Wow. Axe is ground. A+ for the sources and making a good case, D- for the personal attacks and clearly unresolved daddy issues...
  • Reply 31 of 429
    creep wrote: »
    I could actually hear the slurping noises while I read this opinion piece.  Don't ignore the balls, DED.  

    For a body of work well-known for its pandering, this is probably the pandering-est one yet.  When is Mikey going to run the site?  It's time for better blood.

    Is this your way of asking him out on a date? Your attempt at homoerotic humor is pathetic. Grow up and respect the article or just move on.
  • Reply 32 of 429
    I've been reading this magazine for a long time in my RSS feed, this is my first comment. I don't know why you felt the need to write am article to explain apple's position and to demonstrate how much better Apple is than basically anyone else instead of going through all the facts and writing it down in an unbiased article.
    I see your point and respect your opinion, but your argumentation is far from waterproof. Here are a few facts:
    - Samsung is worldwide leader in smartphone-market share, Apple is nowhere near them. There's gotta be a reason and I don't think that it's bad marketing.
    - "the guy" who bent the iPhone 6 Plus also tried to do it with a Galaxy Note and it that video you can clearly see that he's using more force. He couldn't bend it.
    - bentgate made people talking about the iPhone 6, but not in a positive way.
  • Reply 33 of 429

    ... threatened enough by the iPhone to take jabs at it (rather than being confident that it actually has the "next best thing")



    Is that a freudian typo?

  • Reply 34 of 429
    This video speaks for 1000 words:

    Huge fail.

    And to the guy (@yojimbo007) calling non-apple users "undignified lowlives" -- man... how fu**ed up you are...
  • Reply 35 of 429
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,657member

    These Apple bashing attacks are simply techno-politics, and like any form of politics there is always an intention by the few to shape and control the beliefs of the many. It's tribal warfare in the 21st century, for technology geeks and people who want to cash in on their clumsy and unbridled technology fueled fervor. Humans are inherently tribal and now that things like crusades and world wars have generally fallen out of favor, we have to resort to other more fashionable and less messy forms of warfare and conquest like politics and sports to satisfy our innate desire to control and oppress those we deem as less worthy than ourselves and our tribe. By its very nature we not only celebrate the success of our tribe but also the failures of our adversary, even if we didn't have a hand in in their missteps. We simply hate them because they are not us.


    I think a lot of these political battles could be avoided if people paused, took a step back, surveyed their immediate vicinity, took stock of the real people in their lives, and thought about themselves and their own lives and contributions and relationships rather than trying to live vicariously through others. Once you get caught up in tribal warfare and politics you've surrendered your own uniqueness, free will and thought, and personal freedom and are simply a drone under someone else's control. You become blind to the truth and incapable of objectivity and critical thinking.


    Like any battle there are always two sides to the story. All I would ask is that all you free thinkers out there, and you know who you are, simply observe the events of the past week or so and analyze the objective data, points, counterpoints, responses, and reactions of the parties involved before you draw your own conclusions. Try not to get drawn into the hysteria and tribal mentality and mob reaction that always surrounds events that have been deemed to have high political significance. Be yourself, think for yourself, unleash your intellect, and refuse to be a drone. 

  • Reply 36 of 429
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    If I take a key and run it along the side of my car the car will have scratch marks. Does that mean there's a design flaw with the car? Are these bend tests really simulating real world usage? The point isn't whether this phone will bend the point is will it bend sitting in my pocket? Will it been under normal usage of the phone? SquareTrade gave both the 6 and 6 Plus high marks for durability. We've seen drop tests where the only damage is some nicks to the aluminum frame. How many examples do we have of this phone bending just by being in somebody's pocket?
  • Reply 37 of 429
    Originally Posted by Yojimbo007 View Post

    Samscum and google can go f themselves!

    Undignified lowlives !


    Easy tiger!

  • Reply 38 of 429
    Hello everyone. I'd like to announce that the contest for winning an iPhone is now open at:
    Good luck!
  • Reply 39 of 429

    'BendGate' is old news.


    Now we have 'LavaGate.'


    Apparently, if you drop your iPhone 6 Plus in a river of lava, it will easily sustain damage, if not total destruction.


    Time for Apple to shut down and give the money back to the shareholders.

  • Reply 40 of 429
    pazuzupazuzu Posts: 1,728member

    Originally Posted by ascii View Post


    Jony Ive is recognised as a world class designer, even among non-Apple fans. Trying to attack his hardware designs, surely you will come off second best. Doesn't that occur to them before they start?

     No- didn't you ever see his toilet seat iBook and his cracked cube? He's not god.

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