After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet



  • Reply 81 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    formosa wrote: »
    "...had ran out..." is incorrect grammar. I think he wanted to say "had run out" (past perfect tense).

    Thanks for info, probably a typo then. I wondered as I hear 'had ran' and see it written a lot and began to think it was another of those changes I just have to learn. After all I still say 'I dived' not 'I dove' and I wince trying to say 'dove' ... but I try hard to be a good American :)
  • Reply 82 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    If there is only a single typo in such a long article that is exceptional for any internet-based journalism in the 21st century.

    Right, which was what made me think I had to learn another change, which I am perfectly OK with (I hate whinging limeys complaining about US English) but I now think it was a typo.

    Great article eh?
  • Reply 83 of 429
    I have no anti-Apple friends. ;-)

    I have friends that prefer Android and/or Windows (usually the same people prefer both) and usually their reasons are mostly outdated with some smatterings of legitimacy like being a WinPC gamer or having already invested in one platform but I can't say I have any friends that hate Apple. Certainly no one that is like the regular trolls on this forum.
  • Reply 84 of 429
    Originally Posted by smaceslin View Post


    Actually the iBook and Cube design were quite good.  Still have my Graphite iBook and works great - and the design was great for it's time.  As for the cube, the only real downside was the cost at release.  I purchased one off ebay a few years ago for a great price and it works like a champ.


    Sorry to say... the Cube's design might have been awesome but the execution of the final product was flawed... cracks in the plastic were very common... and the on/off button didn't always work.


    It was Apple's Edsel.

  • Reply 85 of 429
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I have no anti-Apple friends. ;-)


    I know what you mean... but I keep mine around for variety... and entertainment.


    (Oddly enough, when I come to think of it... any of my friends that use Apple hardly mention it, it's just a toaster to them... but my Android using friends are very vocal, and not just with me, about attacking Apple whenever technology comes into the discussion.)

  • Reply 86 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    I know what you mean... but I keep mine around for variety... and entertainment.

    I think that's the same for me. Especially as several of my anti-Apple friends laughed at me buying APPL between $30-$70 back in the day ... Nothing like a smug I told you so at times :)

    The die hard PC/Wintel / Apple haters seem few and far between now though, either morphed into Scamsung fans or perhaps it is a new breed and the PC ones are dying off for real ... as in literally. Stress related I'd imagine ... :D
  • Reply 87 of 429
    I'm not taking the bait. I don't have the time of painstakingly illustrating these points. We're grown ups and I think you're smart enough to know what I mean by reading the original article.

    gtr wrote: »
    Then it should be quite easy for you go through the article and illustrate, point by point, any inconsistencies or inaccuracies and set the record straight.

    We'll assume, if we don't hear back from you, that you can't.
  • Reply 88 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member

    (Oddly enough, when I come to think of it... any of my friends that use Apple hardly mention it, it's just a toaster to them... but my Android using friends are very vocal, and not just with me, about attacking Apple whenever technology comes into the discussion.)

    That's very true, actually I do hear from my Apple using friends but only when they need help ... or advice.
  • Reply 89 of 429
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    So there you have it, folks.

    He can't.
  • Reply 90 of 429
    This responds was actually so much better than my lousy post and sums it all up:
    creep wrote: »
    I could actually hear the slurping noises while I read this opinion piece.  Don't ignore the balls, DED.  

    For a body of work well-known for its pandering, this is probably the pandering-est one yet.  When is Mikey going to run the site?  It's time for better blood.
  • Reply 91 of 429
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    gtr wrote: »
    So there you have it, folks.

    He can't.

    Not at all - I think he said that he won't stoop to the level of rational discussion of the actual issues when he can just make snide remarks instead.
  • Reply 92 of 429

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I think that's the same for me. Especially as several of my anti-Apple friends laughed at me buying APPL between $30-$70 back in the day ... Nothing like a smug I told you so at times image

    The die hard PC/Wintel / Apple haters seem few and far between now though, either morphed into Scamsung fans or perhaps it is a new breed and the PC ones are dying off for real ... as in literally. Stress related I'd imagine ... image


    I always loved it when my diehard PC friend would phone me to tell me about his latest purchase, letting me know how much faster it was than my lowly Mac. I'd ask him what printer he was using... and, of course, he'd tell me that his pal, a computer genius who poo pood Macs, was coming over next week to work on hooking up the printer... and then he'd eventually hang up when all he could hear was laughing... same with adding cards and ram.

  • Reply 93 of 429
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member

    40 millions hits on Youtube = over $150 000 in revenu for him.  I think the guy is pretty happy with its video.


    Regarding the legitimacy of the video, the guy made another video on the street with a brand new phone and he bend it with ease. After seeing this I think Apple should halt production and redesign it before too many are made. Its also obvious the guy knows exactly where the weak spot is, which is not in the middle of the phone.

  • Reply 94 of 429
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    …he won’t stoop to the level of rational discussion…


    <img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 95 of 429
    herbapou wrote: »
    40 millions hits on Youtube = over $150 000 in revenu for him.  I think the guy is pretty happy with its video.

    Are you serious!!! No wonder there is some trumped up issue every year that ultimately leads nowhere. So long as Apple is on top this sort of thing will happen every year.
  • Reply 96 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    I always loved it when my diehard PC friend would phone me to tell me about his latest purchase, letting me know how much faster it was than my lowly Mac. I'd ask him what printer he was using... and, of course, he'd tell me that his pal, a computer genius who poo pood Macs, was coming over next week to work on hooking up the printer... and then he'd eventually hang up when all he could hear was laughing... same with adding cards and ram.

    Ah yes, the wonderful world of Wincrap's 'Plug And Pray'

    True story ... A PC using friend of mine actually believed that his PC was only able to have one peripheral attached and working, which was why he ended up buying a massive combo printer/ scanner/ fax back in the day they cost a lot. He explained that whenever he had his tech guru add a new device to his PC anything else attached stopped working. 'This was just the way it was'. So the guru had suggested this monsterous combo machine as the solution to wanting the three function.
  • Reply 97 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Are you serious!!! No wonder there is some trumped up issue every year that ultimately leads nowhere. So long as Apple is on top this sort of thing will happen every year.

    Well if true Apple should sue his ass off .... surely this is some sort of liable / slander case?
  • Reply 98 of 429
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Is Dilger not just doing what the mainstream media does on a daily basis? That is, present opinion as accepted fact. Is this not what every single tech website out there is doing? There is no such thing as news reporting anymore. It's all opinion supported by carefully spun "facts?" And yet AI's douchebag sect attacks Dilger at every turn. Face it, there are whole lot of you claiming to be fans who would love to see Apple fail so you could get in your "I told you so" OPINIONS. Most of what he says in this article is dead on and you know it. Apple is special in that it's critics are insanely fanatical and virulent. You don't see this stuff in automobile, photography, audiophile, aircraft, you name it, forums; you see it only on tech web sites and ONLY when it involves Apple. Samsung releases a new model and the world yawns. Apple does the same and the world pounces, looking for flaws to gripe about, issues to hammer them with,

    And you people snicker when Dilger open s mouth.
  • Reply 99 of 429
    I don't think this is a big problem, you just need to buy an iphone 6 plus case, , as a not cheap phone, it is really need to buy a case.
  • Reply 100 of 429
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    lkrupp wrote: »
    Is Dilger not just doing what the mainstream media does on a daily basis? That is, present opinion as accepted fact. Is this not what every single tech website out there is doing? There is no such thing as news reporting anymore. It's all opinion supported by carefully spun "facts?" And yet AI's douchebag sect attacks Dilger at every turn. Face it, there are whole lot of you claiming to be fans who would love to see Apple fail so you could get in your "I told you so" OPINIONS. Most of what he says in this article is dead on and you know it. Apple is special in that it's critics are insanely fanatical and virulent. You don't see this stuff in automobile, photography, audiophile, aircraft, you name it, forums; you see it only on tech web sites and ONLY when it involves Apple. Samsung releases a new model and the world yawns. Apple does the same and the world pounces, looking for flaws to gripe about, issues to hammer them with,

    And you people snicker when Dilger open s mouth.

    I'd say, IMHO, DED backs up what he says with a lot of good, verifiable data.
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