After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet



  • Reply 101 of 429
    Just make a better product and the cream will rise to the top. Apple has been doing that for years now and others and just feeling threatened. But the reality is that there are a number of great products out there. Personally, I've never gravitated to the Android OS and find Apple's OS more pleasing to use. But if you prefer something other than an I-Phone, then go right ahead. I have no problem with that are really don't care what phone anyone uses. I've never understood all this childishness. Funny how people never argue about which toaster to use, or which toilet paper is better..?? hmmmm.
  • Reply 102 of 429
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member

    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post



    Wow, Dilger's article really brought out the Android astroturfers from the woodwork, lol.

    yup. buy it's hard to tell the difference between the paid fakes and the bitter basement boys.

  • Reply 103 of 429

    Originally Posted by Creep View Post


    I could actually hear the slurping noises while I read this opinion piece.  Don't ignore the balls, DED.  


    For a body of work well-known for its pandering, this is probably the pandering-est one yet.  When is Mikey going to run the site?  It's time for better blood.

    I'm convinced that Apple took all the high end phones and made sure the new iPhone exceeded their strengths test by a considerable margin. The haters don't get it. They spout superficial nonsense. They really have it the wrong way around, its the Android devices that are superficial, cheap, low quality with very little real content behind them. The fact that they take pot shots at Apple further proves a classic case of projection. The imbeciles who claim DED wrote an "opinion piece  it's simply a lie. In reality his  piece is  a statement of "fact"  for example:


    the details about "HTC's flagship bent at 60 pounds of force and cracked open at 90, while the iPhone 6 Plus didn't bend until 90 pounds of force, and didn't crack open until the test reached 110 pounds." proves it.



    We already know Android fanboys are entirely living in world of fantasy and facts have no meaning to them. We already know that Android fanboys are obese fugly guys who sit all day blogging with  self satisfied grins on their faces. Did you see the youtube  video of the nerd with his google glasshole's on. I imagine his mother sitting in the back ground off to the side. I bet he never even gets out of the house. Its quite clear to me their self ingratiating attitudes of superiority and hate are in tune with everything they spew. I feel sorry for them really! How ironic this all is. They project all their own stupidity and behavior at Apple and its customers. Bend gate is yet another in a long line of vitriol.

  • Reply 104 of 429
    solipsismx wrote: »
    Are you serious!!! No wonder there is some trumped up issue every year that ultimately leads nowhere. So long as Apple is on top this sort of thing will happen every year.

    Not only can we expect this every year, we can expect it constantly. Sammy is in full panic mode and will keep trying new ruses. I expect they've been planning much of it all year, but I'm not sure they have even that much capability in-house. Who knows.

    Somebody else said it here first, Apple has become a celebrity mobbed by paparazzi.
  • Reply 105 of 429
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member

    Big Picture:


    All the trumped up FUD articles and Apple-product-bashing TV ads are having the exact opposite impact than Samsung, MS, and the rest of their sponsors want - they have clearly identified Apple products as the ones to beat in the public's mind. $Billions worth of free publicity. and so when people actually get their hands on one and see how damned good it really is, they want it.

  • Reply 106 of 429
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,726member
    Apple is going to be selling these phones for the next two to three years. This bending BS will be long forgotten in 1-2 weeks.
  • Reply 107 of 429

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Originally Posted by smaceslin View Post

    Actually the iBook and Cube design were quite good.  Still have my Graphite iBook and works great - and the design was great for it's time.  As for the cube, the only real downside was the cost at release.  I purchased one off ebay a few years ago for a great price and it works like a champ.

    The Cube is still the most beautiful computer I've ever owned. By a long shot. I'll bet the only ones complaining about it are those who couldn't afford it.


    The Cube design was precursor to the new Mac Pro. It was absolutely revolutionary for it's time. (sadly, it was priced accordingly)

  • Reply 108 of 429
    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    40 millions hits on Youtube = over $150 000 in revenu for him.  I think the guy is pretty happy with its video.


    Regarding the legitimacy of the video, the guy made another video on the street with a brand new phone and he bend it with ease. After seeing this I think Apple should halt production and redesign it before too many are made. Its also obvious the guy knows exactly where the weak spot is, which is not in the middle of the phone.


    I posted yesterday; the weak spot is the great big Apple logo shaped cut-out hole in the aluminum body. (Duh)

    Grab the iPhone; put your Thumb on the Apple window hole; and push…  (Duh)

  • Reply 109 of 429
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,669member
    One if the problems with social media and blogs is that it has significantly lowered the cost of stupidly.

    Think about it, you can go to an online community or forum that's devoted to a topic or product that people enjoy socializing about and let loose a full on release of explosive stupidity dierrea against the fans of the forum at near zero cost to you. Since it's all in the virtual world nobody gets hurt or soils themselves. At least physically. Does it lead to a loss of dignity? Absolutely, but the online world is all too forgiving and the bar is set at such a low level that it's all just part of the background noise and chatter.

    In the physical world would you pay $50 to attend a concert for an artist or band you don't like just so you can scream at the other attendees about how much you hate the band and its sheep like followers? Probably not because the $50 is too much for you to pay - and you might get your physical ass kicked by some physical dude.

    Anyway, because talk is cheap and the cost of stupidity is at record lows you have to keep your shields up and learn how to filter the truth from the noisy BS.

    So until Bose comes up with some Active Stupidity Cancelling Headphones you can count on DED to provide a tiny island of reasonable perspective to stand on.
  • Reply 110 of 429

    ABC news did the right thing!


    I mentioned a few days ago that they had a piece on the evening news about 'bendgate', but last night when I was watching it, they had a follow up report and they showed video from the Consumer Reports test and they even pointed out that the HTC phone bent under less pressure than any of the iPhones.


    It is fairly obvious that any "bent" iPhones are the result of intentional damage and usage that is beyond what can be described as normal.


    I mean seriously, what kind of a moron goes around intentionally breaking things? If I look back at things that I have bought in the past, not just phones, but every kind of item, I bet that I can break and damage practically everything that I own with my own bare hands if that was my intention, but I'm not a damn moron.

  • Reply 111 of 429

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post


    What the author is missing, is that normal people are not even remotely paying attention to what he's trying to point out. All people are hearing is that the iPhone bends easily. I'm hearing it every single day now. 


    Complete and utter BS. Several people at work already got their 6's and not one of them buys any of this bendgate crap. Their general opinion of the whole thing is "if you're an idiot, then you might bend your phone". Not one of them has had second thoughts about their purchase because of this "imagined" issue.


    This is why Apple will still report record sales of the 6/6P at the next two earnings calls. Because the average consumer doesn't care. If they were concerned about bending, antenna problems or other imaginary issue then they wouldn't continue to break records for sales and records for customer satisfaction.

  • Reply 112 of 429
    bobschlob wrote: »
    herbapou wrote: »
    40 millions hits on Youtube = over $150 000 in revenu for him.  I think the guy is pretty happy with its video.

    Regarding the legitimacy of the video, the guy made another video on the street with a brand new phone and he bend it with ease. After seeing this I think Apple should halt production and redesign it before too many are made. Its also obvious the guy knows exactly where the weak spot is, which is not in the middle of the phone.

    I posted yesterday; the weak spot is the great big Apple logo shaped cut-out hole in the aluminum body. (Duh)
    Grab the iPhone; put your Thumb on the Apple window hole; and push…  (Duh)

    That's not going to be the failure point in that bending mode. The axis in question is parallel to the back plate, so that plate provides very little rigidity. The resistance to that bending mode is provided by the structural components orthogonal to the axis - the sides of the phone and the internal reinforcing struts.
  • Reply 113 of 429

    Originally Posted by BobSchlob View Post



    The Cube design was precursor to the new Mac Pro. It was absolutely revolutionary for it's time.


    I agree. I didn't own one myself, but I believe that it was also the first fanless design in a Mac.

  • Reply 114 of 429
    apple ][ wrote: »
    ABC news did the right thing!

    I mentioned a few days ago that they had a piece on the evening news about 'bendgate', but last night when I was watching it, they had a follow up report and they showed video from the Consumer Reports test and they even pointed out that the HTC phone bent under less pressure than any of the iPhones.

    It is fairly obvious that any "bent" iPhones are the result of intentional damage and usage that is beyond what can be described as normal.

    I mean seriously, what kind of a moron goes around intentionally breaking things? If I look back at things that I have bought in the past, not just phones, but every kind of item, I bet that I can break and damage practically everything that I own with my own bare hands if that was my intention, but I'm not a damn moron.

    I'm also impressed that they followed up. What will be interesting now is whether any significant reports of bending in pockets (the original alleged concern) actually surface, since it's not really relevant if the only way to break them is deliberately. Given the measured required forces for all these types of phone, including the weakest (HTC), it would seem that even if it were possible to exert that much force within a pants pocket, serious discomfort, if not actual injury, would occur before phone damage.
  • Reply 115 of 429

    Originally Posted by herbapou View Post


    40 millions hits on Youtube = over $150 000 in revenu for him.  I think the guy is pretty happy with its video.


    Regarding the legitimacy of the video, the guy made another video on the street with a brand new phone and he bend it with ease. After seeing this I think Apple should halt production and redesign it before too many are made. Its also obvious the guy knows exactly where the weak spot is, which is not in the middle of the phone.


    More crap. Nothing needs to be redesigned because there's no flaw.


    And he didn't bend it "with ease". As pointed out on The Verge, the average male can easily exert 200 lbs of force using both hands on something like a phone. There must be an awful lot of wimps in the world if they think it's impossible for a person to exert the 110 lbs necessary to bend an iPhone using 2 hands.


    Hell, I exert more torque in my right hand when I ........... never mind.

  • Reply 116 of 429
    Had you noticed in the bend photo, like the one above, the guys thumb is positioned to flex the weakest part of the phone? That button is not near the center of the phone.
  • Reply 117 of 429
    Originally Posted by dacloo View Post

    Well, that's like your opinion, man.

    By all means, set yourself up, right at the beginning:  the Dude, you're

    Why was the author of this article so threatened he felt the need to write this questionable article? This is really yet amother "fanboy article" defending Apple at no cost. It's full of assumptions and big statements. I'm fine with that but why not label this an "opinion piece"?

    Follow by dismissing on of the most experienced and insightful journalists on the Apple beat of feeling "so threatened" - brilliant.  Adding the " "fanboy article" " dig is classic bullying style...and, really, a no-brainer...meaning if you'd thought about it, you might have made a better choice.  That you're ignorant enough to dismiss DLD as opinion says everything.

    Truth is, most people who read the mainstream news will now remember the iPhone 6+ bents like crazy and haven't really dug deeper or took the time to check out Apple's responds to it (because the response wasn't really covered on these sensationalist websites). It probably did hurt Apple somehow.

    But please, continue to miss the entire point of the article, the history review - even the subject of phones, apparently....

    Why not write an article in a month or so looking at the sales figures before and after BendGate? That would at least base it on facts.

    If you were from around here, you'd know already that HE WILL.  And it will be a good one.  Full of facts.  See you then, maybe.

  • Reply 118 of 429
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    paul94544 wrote: »

    the details about "HTC's flagship bent at 60 pounds of force and cracked open at 90, while the iPhone 6 Plus didn't bend until 90 pounds of force, and didn't crack open until the test reached 110 pounds." proves it.
    One oddity stands out tho. CR found the iPhone 6 and HTC both permanently deformed at the same pressure, 70 lbs. :???:
  • Reply 119 of 429

    Very good editorial.


    I bought a gold iPhone 6 and it is absolutely awesome.  

    I immediately noticed how amazing the new camera and built in speakers are in such a slim and slick package.

    I need time to learn all the new hardware and software features.


    The competition is certainly scrambling now just like they did when the first iPhone was released.

    The features like 64 Bit CPU & iOS 8, Touch ID, Apple Pay / Passbook, Health Kit, Home Kit, AirPlay, Air Drop, CarPlay, FaceTime, iBooks, iTunes U, Apple Maps, SIRI etc... all work seamlessly together and are not so easy to copy.


    Even worse for the competition, Apple is not done releasing products this year.

    I am looking forward to the new iPads running the exclusive new SIRI + Watson Analytics business applications.  Star Trek anyone? 






    It's a whole new gold rush folks.


    Apple knocked out the competition by simply announcing the iWatch.  It will create a media frenzy early next year.

    New AppleTV platform will likely come out next year.


    OK.  Let me just stop here.  The competition is toast already.

  • Reply 120 of 429

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    Sorry to say... the Cube's design might have been awesome but the execution of the final product was flawed... cracks in the plastic were very common... and the on/off button didn't always work.


    It was Apple's Edsel.

    The "cracks" mostly weren't, they were flow lines in the plastic. (Hint: if they were cracks, you could have gotten dye to enter them by flexing the shell a bit.) If the on/off button failed to work, adding a small paper gasket fixed the problem.


    I had two of the machines, and supported users of a half-dozen others. Considering their current going prices, it might be fun to set one up again.

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