'I'm proud to be gay,' Apple CEO Tim Cook says in open letter supporting equality



  • Reply 401 of 650
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post


    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    Throwing straw man arguments at me does not change anything. Adding non sequiturs makes it worse. Of course it is not desirable to have children when immature or otherwise not in a position to support them, but it does not follow that the only solution (or even best solution) is abstinence, and it does not follow that abortion is murder. 

    Here take the baton ... image

    Sorry - I don't have the time or energy to devote to the futile task of teaching reason. Pigs, singing etc.

  • Reply 402 of 650

    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    In other news ice is cold and fire is hot!!


    "How cold is ice and how hot is fire? We'll tell you after the break, now here's Al Roker with the weather..."

  • Reply 403 of 650
    Originally Posted by KiltedGreen View Post

    Oh dear.

    Have you ever been insulted at in the street because you were straight? Fulminated at and told you'd burn in hell by religious ministers because you were straight? Beaten up and killed because you were straight? Told you were about the same level as paedophiles because you were straight? Refused to be able to see your dying partner in hospital because you were straight? Chucked out of you and your partner's home of 30 years because you were straight and so your relationship was invalid? Offered the choice of chemical castration, as Alan Turing was by the UK government, if you had been straight? Had your children taken from you because you were straight? Lost your job because you were straight? Asked from the age of 12 when you are going to meet a nice boy and settle down? Watched TV programmes filled with only gay couples? Watched films where all the straight lovers met grisly and lonely ends? Read one book after another after another filled with happy gay couples and not a straight couple in sight? Had doctors offer to 'cure' you of your heterosexual attraction? Had your parents disown you and throw you out of your childhood home because you were straight? Lost your best friend because you were straight?

    No? Didn't think so.


    I've had a gun pulled on me twice, once because I wasn't Hispanic. What special "rights" and privileges does that earn me?

  • Reply 404 of 650

    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    fair enough.


    Must be nice to have the benefits of religion (celebrating Christmas, Easter, ect) and none of the responsibility (going to church, following church dogma, ect)

    Or one can view it as having the benefits of religion (celebrating Christmas, Easter, etc.) without having to support its undesirable aspects (intolerance, narrow-mindedness, superior attitude, 'moral' license to kill those of different belief).


    If you look at what's in writing, religion would be such a great thing if not for all the bigoted self-righteous people who profess it.



    Intolerance, narrow-mindedness, superior attitude, 'moral' licence to kill those of belief, bigotry and self-righteousness are not unique to those of religious faith; they are to be found widespread amongst those of all faiths and none.

  • Reply 405 of 650
    boltsfan17 wrote: »
    What "fundamental human rights" are being denied to gay people? 

    Can you know anything at all of what is still happening on this planet and really still say that?

    Open. Your. Eyes.
  • Reply 406 of 650
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Thanks for that ...

    "Love without evidence is ... is ... stalking".

    My late wife was devout Catholic, our daughter's God Parents, the McCanns were Catholic ... I'm agnostic ...

    But we all enjoyed the following:


    Going to watch now thanks. Yes, loved Tim's stalking joke, then the whole performance was amazing

    Just for you . I came across this relating to becoming atheist a while back ... not my words ... I used to be agnostic but grew a pair ... :D
  • Reply 407 of 650
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
  • Reply 408 of 650
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    We now a confirmation that Tim Cook is gay, even though many feel they knew it already even though it was just speculation.

    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Next week in Korea Times, "I'm gay too" - Samsung

    I've need seen 50+ Thumbs Up on AI's forums. Well done.


    28 was the previous record apparently...


    #1.  Quote: Originally Posted by ds423ce    (A lot of crying, whining, and... by GTR in Samsung argues Apple injunction bid meant to 'create fear and uncertainty' for carriers, retailers

    (28 Reputation)

    #2.  Quote: Originally Posted by randallking  AppleInsider, I would have... by CogitoDexter in Apple, Inc. asks Arizona governor to veto state gay discrimination bill

    (26 Reputation)

    #3.  There's no way anyone that gives a shit about software could feel... by Slurpy in Apple unveils Swift, a brand new Xcode programming language for developers

    (26 Reputation)

    #4.  Quote:Originally Posted by dacloo I'm fine with that but why not label... by SolipsismX in After Apple Inc. dodged the iPhone 6 Plus BendGate bullet, detractors wounded by ricochet

    (25 Reputation)

    #5.  There shouldn't be any need for these then Samsung: I wonder... by Marvin in Samsung's latest Apple-targeting ad slams battery life, calls iPhone users 'wall huggers'

    (24 Reputation)

    #6.  Quote:Originally Posted by AppeX The main iOS failures: - Missing true... by Steven N. in Apple's iPhone 5c ate up Android while Google's Moto X flopped: why everyone was wrong

    (23 Reputation)

    #7.  by Mazda 3s in Apple and IBM join forces in landmark push for iOS in enterprise

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    #8.  "iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts... by Slurpy in iPad's marketshare drops 11% in Q3 on lack of new models, Android posts significant gains

    (20 Reputation)

    #9. Quote:That said, I stand with the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of... by 0yvind in Apple, Inc. asks Arizona governor to veto state gay discrimination bill

    (20 Reputation)

    #10.  I say hire the best people for the job whatever their color, age, sex... by starflyer in Rev. Jesse Jackson targets Apple, Google, HP, others in tech racial diversity campaign

    (20 Reputation)

  • Reply 409 of 650
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,108member
    Oh yeah, and Christians using the bible to defend "evidence" of Christian positions is like going to Samsung's website to prove why heir phones are better than iPhones. Lol, zero credibility from a dwindling, endangered species.
  • Reply 410 of 650

    Originally Posted by NolaMacGuy View Post

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    For me it's all about the distraction. Tim needs more laser focus on products and less on social/political issues. Everyone knew he was gay and no one cared so why create the distraction, especially if you value your privacy?


    living in a closet isnt a very liberating way to exist. straights dont, why should gays?



    The women in my life would be all too happy to live in a closet, as far as I can tell. They seem to have a love/love relationship with clothes.

  • Reply 411 of 650
    jafu wrote: »
    His sexual preferences are of no consequence to me. When I'm spending my money I'm concerned about getting the best products and services available. Period.

    Just as yours are no concern of Tim or me, but I'd still want your human rights respected and your right to choose your path respected, given that you respect those of others.
  • Reply 412 of 650
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    blitz1 wrote: »
    I'm not sure if one has to be proud of being gay, or staight for that matter.

    I live in a country that allowed same-gender mariages as one of the first countries in the world. The reaction of my kids is priceless when they are "confronted" with gays, lesbians, .. Their reaction is "so what?"

    Still, I hope TCs outing can help the holebi's in the US and help advance legislation.

    Statements of pride seem useless and illogical unless you appreciate the level of constant shame, hate, and stigma applied to minority groups in the USA. This is why such groups proclaim pride. Sure, they were born the way they are and can't take credit for it, but that's not the kind of pride they're expressing. They're announcing "I refuse to be ashamed of who I am because some of you are bigots!"
  • Reply 413 of 650

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Well someone pissed on my "trees" yesterday and I went balistic, so you can count me out of that generalization... image



    That would also set me off.

  • Reply 413 of 650

    Originally Posted by blazar View Post


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I agree. Saying gay people are pedophiles is inflammatory, hateful and wrong.

    You seem awfully discriminatory about pedophiles...

    If genetics and environmental reasons are why we are the way we are.... Then serial killers, pedophiles, and any number of psychological issues can be explained the same way.

    Why one type of psychology deserves to be proud and another must face your judgement is unclear and at best arbitrary.

    The human race will learn a valuable and difficult lesson: Free will is an illusion.

    You didn't choose your parents

    You didn't choose to like chocolate or dislike it.

    You have no idea why you like one scent more than another.

    You have have no idea what thought is going to come from your mind a minute from now.

    You don't "choose" the details of your environment.

    A person no more chooses to be gay than someone chooses to like chocolate. Nobody chooses to grow up and become a schizophrenic, serial killer, pedophile, straight, gay, black, japanese, liberal, conservative, radical, or any other trait.

    Things and ideas just "resonate" with you or they don't at some point.

    It would be hard for you to describe exactly why you prefer jazz over rock even if uou heard both an equal amount of time.

    Different strokes for different folks... You just don't choose why.



    That's only part of the puzzle.


    I believe that It’s a combination of nature and nurture. We all tend to follow similar paths in many walks of life, but nonetheless also have a lot of freedom. I think there's a lot of fluidity in relation to matters of sex, as man is a very intelligent creature. I certainly don't think that we are are slaves to our desires at all; we have a lot of choice as to who we are, and what direction we wish to travel. But there are also right and wrong things to do, regardless of whether something gives us satisfaction or not. 


    Evil gnaws deep in man's soul and has the power to do great destruction.

  • Reply 415 of 650

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I can't wait until we can get back to talking about Apple and get off the Tim Cook show. All CNBC has talked about today is Tim Cook being gay. How about reporting some real news...like Samsung's crappy quarter. They must be loving Tim Cook right now because the buzz is all around his coming out and no one is talking about their profits tanking.

    GTAT and MCX are so relieved they don't have to deal with the public today.





    Today would be a great day to bury bad news.

  • Reply 416 of 650

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post






    Today would be a great day to bury bad news.

    Expect some page 3 news release on Obamacare rates going up...

  • Reply 417 of 650
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    So basically you are saying no crime should go punished?

    Kill someone.  Thats okay.  Something wrong with the persons brain.

    Steal something.  Thats okay thats the way they were 'born'.

    If you ever had a friend or relative that was MURDERED you would understand.  You obviously don't.

    If that is what you read into what i said then there is little possibility of a sensible debate. I specifically said that many innocent people have been railroaded simply to appease families of victims. That should not be the prime motive of dealing with crime. I never said crime should not be dealt with fairly. I also said that a serial killer may well need treatment. Mental illness is another topic we probably better not get into.



    Mental illness? That's what this whole article and thread has been about.

  • Reply 418 of 650
    Thanks for that ...

    "Love without evidence is ... is ... stalking".

    My late wife was devout Catholic, our daughter's God Parents, the McCanns were Catholic ... I'm agnostic ...

    But we all enjoyed the following:


    Going to watch now thanks. Yes, loved Tim's stalking joke, then the whole performance was amazing

    Just for you . I came across this relating to becoming atheist a while back ... not my words ... I used to be agnostic but grew a pair ... :D

    Well ...

    I chose agnostic because I thought it would get the idea across ...

    For me personally, I don't believe in any formal religion ... Nor, do I think there is a specific God ...

    However, I do believe in faith, as well as science ... and that there is some greater power (other than random intersection) that controls our destinies ...

    Call it Karma, Serendipity ,,, or just "things happen for a reason" -- as my late wife Lucy said it.

    Like you, Lucy was a "keeper" and my second marriage -- she gave up her religion to marry me ... I can't adequately express how much that means!

    But, just to prove my bona fides:

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for I'm the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the valley!

    Edit: Oh, yeah -- Tom Leher had some other original songs that would be appropriate for this thread
  • Reply 419 of 650
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    sog35 wrote: »
    [SIZE=18px]Originally Pos[/SIZE]ted by muppetry go_quote.gif


    And the only way to guarantee abstinence is....? Right - [SIZE=20px]never been achieved, because it denies a basic, powerful human instinct[/SIZE]. So your proposal is both impracticable and onerous to those to whom you seek to deny the behavior. Do you think there were fewer unplanned children before contraception and abortion were available? Luckily there are now other options, even if your religious dogma seeks to discount and criminalize them.

    Total BS.  I was abstinent before getting married.  Was it easy?  HELL NO.  But it can be done.

    Is it too much to expect people to graduate from high school first before making babies?

    Sure there is birth control but that only works 90% of the time.  You are setting up yourself for failure.

    Our basic human instinct also tells us to beat up people we dont like.
    If we let our basic human instinct tell us what to do we would be just like animals

    Oh what the hell - one last comment then, though I have to conclude that you are being disingenuous - you cannot be that obtuse. "Never been achieved across a population", not "never been achieved by an individual".
  • Reply 420 of 650
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Soooo you would judge them? Alrighty then.

    More than likely they need treatment. Most 'judging' is another name for seeking revenge, surely that's also on your list of really bad things? That's not to say if one hurt one of mine I would want to blow his head off but we are talking at a societal level i assume.

    There's no treating serial killers, their brains are actually quite similar to that of a genius. They're just wired differently, and there's nothing that can be done to remedy that.
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