US government sanctions North Korea for Sony hack as 'The Interview' reigns atop iTunes charts



  • Reply 121 of 138
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Did you mean ‘reneging’?


    Here’s the thing: there’s no “falseness” to freedom of speech. It means actual freedom of actual speech, whatever that entails. A person has the right to any ludicrous belief, borne of whatever mental illnesses are possible, as well as to express that belief. What a person does NOT have is the right to force others to 1. also believe it 2. so much as listen to it 3. even provide a platform for it to be heard.


    Now here you present a statement of your own with an equal amount of legitimacy as his (being, as it is, sourceless). Additionally, you’ve changed his statement. North Korea has hackers, trained in and operating from China. Sure. We know this already. A case could certainly be made that people were sent to China for the sole purpose of learning system infiltration. To suggest otherwise is silly. He also did not say that there are no people sent to China for reasons other than hacking or that the only North Koreans sent to China were sent for the sake of hacking, just that there are individuals who are sent solely for it.

    I mean refraining.  BTW I hate Mac OS X 10.10.  The typing correction works so badly.  It also becomes so slow.


    There are limitations to freedom of speech.  Please enlighten yourself by reading this


    Unfortunately in US it is becoming impossible to seek justice.  Unless you have resources like US government.


    I do not know there is a class teaching people how to hack.  Do you know one?

  • Reply 122 of 138
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member
    Originally Posted by tzeshan View Post


    This is ludicrous.  I do not know there is a class of learning how to hack.  If there is such a class, how come I don't see such class in silicon valley which invented the high tech?

    Don't be ridiculous. You seriously think North Korea doesn't have hackers or China does not help North Korea? For starters, North Korean students learn programming at universities in China and North Korea. I'm not going into more detail because you sound so naive. Just do a search on Chilbosan Hotel in China as well as Unit 121. 

  • Reply 123 of 138
    boltsfan17 wrote: »

    There is hardly any evidence that suggests the hack was done by someone other than North Korea.

    From what is, quite possibly, the most credible publication in the world:
  • Reply 124 of 138
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by tzeshan View Post

    It also becomes so slow.


    Yeah, I’ve noticed a slowdown on my normal typing in a few places, but I didn’t know what it was about.

    There are limitations to freedom of speech.  Please enlighten yourself by reading this




    I do not know there is a class teaching people how to hack.  Do you know one?


    Because the only way to learn something is in a class, of course¡

  • Reply 125 of 138
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    From what is, quite possibly, the most credible publication in the world:

    That article doesn't provide any evidence that it wasn't North Korea. All the so called experts are just speculating. The security firms who say it wasn't North Korea aren't providing anything to prove that. Having said that, the FBI hasn't released any hard evidence either, but personally, I tend to believe the FBI. 

  • Reply 126 of 138
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member

    Originally Posted by Boltsfan17 View Post


    Don't be ridiculous. You seriously think North Korea doesn't have hackers or China does not help North Korea? For starters, North Korean students learn programming at universities in China and North Korea. I'm not going into more detail because you sound so naive. Just do a search on Chilbosan Hotel in China as well as Unit 121. 

    Do you mean learn programming is equivalent to learn how to hack? 

  • Reply 127 of 138
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    From what is, quite possibly, the most credible publication in the world:

    I can add that the damage SONY experienced is not just hacking.  It can not be done without any inside help.  I can say the person you responded to does not really know computer science.  

  • Reply 128 of 138
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    tzeshan wrote: »

    Whether a person lies is very easy to see for knowledgeable person.  Unfortunately under the fake freedom of speech, many people are regaining from directly confronting the liars.  
    Fake? You have every right to speak your mind no matter how wrong. There are of course limitations.
  • Reply 129 of 138
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Fake? You have every right to speak your mind no matter how wrong. There are of course limitations.

    If it is not why AI monitors posts?  

  • Reply 130 of 138
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    tzeshan wrote: »
    jungmark wrote: »
    Fake? You have every right to speak your mind no matter how wrong. There are of course limitations.

    If it is not why AI monitors posts?  

    Moderates, you mean. To keep it civil (prevent personal attacks) and on topic. Not to censor opinions.
  • Reply 131 of 138
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Regarding China and hacking, of course the Norks go to China to do any of it. Their nation has next to no infrastructure.



    This is live, by the way. The counters are after only about 5 minutes of viewing.

  • Reply 132 of 138
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    Originally Posted by chazwatson View Post


    And if North Korea sent a missile and blew your god damn home up would you still be pissy if the President of the United States retaliated?  I'm so sick of all the ungrateful, disrespectful, entitled losers who should just move out of the US if they hate it and the people the majority elected to run it.


    If North Korea sent a missile and blew up my house, that would be a perfect reason to then attack North Korea.  That's a direct attack on this country!!!! You love Big Government and spreading the wealth.


    The fact is Obama on his own yet again, put more sanctions on a country that didn't attack the U.S. PERIOD!!!   It was someone, maybe N.K., maybe not that attacked a Private Company, a company in JAPAN!!!  There was ZERO attack on american soil.  ZERO attack on a Government Agency  ZERO attack on the banks, or the power grid or anything like that.  Not a single attack having anything to do with the U.S.  Go move to CUBA as you seem to like that kind of government, the same type of Government you're trying to turn the U.S. into.  

  • Reply 133 of 138
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by JBDragon View Post

    a country that didn't attack the U.S. PERIOD!!!  ttacked a Private Company, a company in JAPAN!!!


    No, they attacked Sony of America.


    Go move to…


    If this isn’t a valid argument when liberals scream it at libertarians regarding Somalia (and, of course, it isn’t; Somalia fell to anarchy from its communist government and happens to have a higher GDP as a failed state than it did under communism), it also isn’t a valid argument if a conservative screams it at a socialist. Moving away from somewhere doesn’t fix anything for anyone.


    Grab all the facts first. Then there’s no rebuttal to what you believe. 

  • Reply 134 of 138
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    No, they attacked Sony of America.


    If this isn’t a valid argument when liberals scream it at libertarians regarding Somalia (and, of course, it isn’t; Somalia fell to anarchy from its communist government and happens to have a higher GDP as a failed state than it did under communism), it also isn’t a valid argument if a conservative screams it at a socialist. Moving away from somewhere doesn’t fix anything for anyone.


    Grab all the facts first. Then there’s no rebuttal to what you believe. 


    No they attacked SONY in Japan, NOT the U.S.  that is IF they even attacked.  The fact remains it was a Private Company.  Since when does the U.S. Federal Government go after a country for a hack job to a private company???  Name 1 time?  Where is that in the constitution exactly?  This was also OBAMA doing the whole thing himself which I also have a problem with since he did nothing for a few weeks, so it sure wasn't some rush job which means if anything Congress should have acted IF anything needed to be done!!!   My facts are correct.  Come on, Name one time EVER that the U.S. Government placed Sanctions on a country for a hack Job, a hack job that didn't even have anything to do with said country!!!   So if Apple gets hacked by someone in say FRANCE is the U.S government, well again OBAMA really, going to place Sanctions on FRANCE???   This is beyond DUMB!!!  Hell there's now talk of it really being a inside job at Sony and not even N.K. at all.    I'm not a fan on N.K. , but you have to be realistic, it was yet another DUMB thing Obama has done all on his own.


    N.K. didn't attack anything having to do with the U.S.  Not directly, not in directly.  There's no even any real Poof, and if there was SO WHAT!  Let Japan do something about it if they want.  It was a hack attack on that country on one of their Private businesses.  This wasn't a Hack job with Sony of America!!!  Even if it was, it wouldn't change anything.  Hack them back.   Maybe countries should place sanctions on the U.S. for all the Hacking it does to other countries!!!  Hell all it does to the private Citizens of this country which is again Unconstitutional.  

  • Reply 135 of 138
    Originally Posted by JBDragon View Post

    No they attacked SONY in Japan, NOT the U.S.


    Since when does the U.S. Federal Government go after a country for a hack job to a private company???


    “Since when does the US federal government go after a country for killing a private US citizen?”


    Seems logical to me, at least.


    This was also OBAMA doing the whole thing himself which I also have a problem with…


    Yeah, I’m not okay with that, either.


    Come on, Name one time EVER that the U.S. Government placed Sanctions on a country for a hack


    I don’t know of any, but that’s just because I know nothing about the history thereof. Your point is hardly relevant, however. If anything, a government economically (or otherwise( punishing another for a hacking operation is a perfectly valid response.


    So if Apple gets hacked by someone in say FRANCE is the U.S government… …going to place Sanctions on FRANCE???


    I don’t see why not. 


    You must also remember that anything involving North Korea would not regard an individual vs. an individual/corporation. It would be state-sanctioned. So, in your example, the government of France would be perpetrating an attack on an American corporation. There’s no reason for the government not to respond.


    …there’s now talk of it really being a inside job at Sony…


    Foolish talk that holds no water.


    I’m not a fan on N.K. , but…


    Here’s one I never thought I’d see. <img class=" src="" />


    Maybe countries should place sanctions on the U.S. for all the Hacking it does to other countries!!!


    Wouldn’t they be within their rights to do so? Again, it’s a country’s government hacking an entity here, not an individual.

  • Reply 136 of 138
    jbdragon wrote: »
    Entitled loser sounds exactly like YOU!!!  If North Korea sent a missile and blew up my house, that would be a perfect reason to then attack North Korea.  That's a direct attack on this country!!!!   GOD are you this stupid????   Clearly you're a communist!!  You love Big Government and spreading the wealth.  Sticking up for a Loser President that's tripled down on the crap BUSH did.

    The fact is Obama on his own yet again, put more sanctions on a country that didn't attack the U.S. PERIOD!!!   It was someone, maybe N.K., maybe not that attacked a Private Company, a company in JAPAN!!!  There was ZERO attack on american soil.  ZERO attack on a Government Agency  ZERO attack on the banks, or the power grid or anything like that.  Not a single attack having anything to do with the U.S.   Your Dumb comparison shows what a complete moron you really are.  Go move to CUBA as you seem to like that kind of government, the same type of Government you're trying to turn the U.S. into.  

    LOL. I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but it's so fun.
  • Reply 137 of 138

    Who the hell wants to see this movie anyway?

  • Reply 138 of 138
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    jbdragon wrote: »
    Entitled loser sounds exactly like YOU!!!  If North Korea sent a missile and blew up my house, that would be a perfect reason to then attack North Korea.  That's a direct attack on this country!!!!   GOD are you this stupid????   Clearly you're a communist!!  You love Big Government and spreading the wealth.  Sticking up for a Loser President that's tripled down on the crap BUSH did.

    The fact is Obama on his own yet again, put more sanctions on a country that didn't attack the U.S. PERIOD!!!   It was someone, maybe N.K., maybe not that attacked a Private Company, a company in JAPAN!!!  There was ZERO attack on american soil.  ZERO attack on a Government Agency  ZERO attack on the banks, or the power grid or anything like that.  Not a single attack having anything to do with the U.S.   Your Dumb comparison shows what a complete moron you really are.  Go move to CUBA as you seem to like that kind of government, the same type of Government you're trying to turn the U.S. into.  

    Sony studios are in Hollywood.

    Isn't your house private property?
    nethan9 wrote: »

    Who the hell wants to see this movie anyway?

    That's not the point. Who the hell wants to see Transformers but you can't ban those movies.
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