Huge crowds gather for Apple Store grand opening in Hangzhou, China



  • Reply 41 of 65
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    Can you explain to me why so many Western people are xenophobic and negative about China when actually Chinese including Chinese government are so open and welcoming to Western ideas, people and companies?

    Is it just ignorance and irrational fear?

    Many times more of Western companies operate in China and their brands are accepted and popular in China while the reverse can hardly be said.

    I find it interesting that you complain about the normal regulatory checks of products done by any country as some sort of draconian process when done by China yet Apple is so successful there, yet the U.S. Congress can blacklist Huawei for "security" reasons proven to be groundless while the NSA is surely spying on every country and hacked Huawei and Cisco systems.

    Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

    Maybe look inside your own mind and ask why you have such strange ideas when the facts show Apple and other Western companies doing great business in China contradicting your assumptions.

    Open your mind please. Thank you.

    Are you REALLY presuming to act as a self-appointed representative for ALL of China? Dude, please.
  • Reply 42 of 65
    No I'm speaking as a Chinese person with just as much right to express my options here as anyone including you. I speak for myself and nothing I said suggest otherwise.

    And you?
  • Reply 43 of 65
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    Can you explain to me why so many Western people are xenophobic and negative about China when actually Chinese including Chinese government are so open and welcoming to Western ideas, people and companies?

    Is it just ignorance and irrational fear?

    Many times more of Western companies operate in China and their brands are accepted and popular in China while the reverse can hardly be said.

    I find it interesting that you complain about the normal regulatory checks of products done by any country as some sort of draconian process when done by China yet Apple is so successful there, yet the U.S. Congress can blacklist Huawei for "security" reasons proven to be groundless while the NSA is surely spying on every country and hacked Huawei and Cisco systems.

    Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

    Maybe look inside your own mind and ask why you have such strange ideas when the facts show Apple and other Western companies doing great business in China contradicting your assumptions.

    Open your mind please. Thank you.

    People are ignorant and irrational all over the world. It's a human thing, and no one nation, region, "race," religion, or any other superficial categorization has been shown to be better or worse. In fact, you suggesting that it's a common Western position would point to your ignorance on the matter. What about longstanding issues with Japan v China, S. Korea, Tibet v China, etc.?
  • Reply 44 of 65
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    No I'm speaking as a Chinese person with just as much right to express my options here as anyone including you. I speak for myself and nothing I said suggest otherwise.

    And you?

    You need to quote the person you are responding to or your comments will continue to appear confusing.
  • Reply 45 of 65
    solipsismy wrote: »
    People are ignorant and irrational all over the world. It's a human thing, and no one nation, region, "race," religion, or any other superficial categorization has been shown to be better or worse. In fact, you suggesting that it's a common Western position would point to your ignorance on the matter. What about longstanding issues with Japan v China, S. Korea, Tibet v China, etc.?

    Tunnelvison is universal... The More You Know.™
  • Reply 46 of 65
    Yes ignorance and prejudice are common around the world but it comes in different flavored and waves and anti-Chinese prejudice seems to be rampant on Western blogs.

    And you seem to be outraged a Chinese dares to speak out about it and challenge ignorant assumptions with facts, so that itself says something doesn't it?

    I guess Chinese dare not step out of line here.
  • Reply 47 of 65
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    Yes ignorance and prejudice are common around the world but it comes in different flavored and waves and anti-Chinese prejudice seems to be rampant on Western blogs.

    And you seem to be outraged a Chinese dares to speak out about it and challenge ignorant assumptions with facts, so that itself says something doesn't it?

    I guess Chinese dare not step out of line here.

    To whom are you responding? With no context, your posts appear to be defensive and/or paranoid lunacy. Just trying to be helpful.
  • Reply 48 of 65
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    To whom are you responding? With no context, your posts appear to be defensive and/or paranoid lunacy. Just trying to be helpful.

    It doesn't matter at this point if he thinks either of us are in any way against the Chinese. If he wants to invent drama let him.
  • Reply 49 of 65
    What mode are you viewing this? Go to tree mode and you can see the thread.
  • Reply 50 of 65
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    What mode are you viewing this? Go to tree mode and you can see the thread.

    See the little voice ballon in the lower right with the quotation marks in them? Use them on the person to whom you are responding.
  • Reply 51 of 65
    solipsismy wrote: »
    It doesn't matter at this point if he thinks either of us are in any way against the Chinese. If he wants to invent drama let him.

    Considering all the ridicule and trollish BS on this thread I don't need to justify my comments to you at all.

    I reasonably sure if I go to a post about an Apple Store opening in the USA or Europe there will not be a string of comments ridiculing people's nationality or names.

    But never mind, if you are proud of being uncivilized have fun, this is the internet not a face to face discussion.
  • Reply 52 of 65
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    Considering all the ridicule and trollish BS on this thread I don't need to justify my comments to you at all.

    I reasonably sure if I go to a post about an Apple Store opening in the USA or Europe there will not be a string of comments ridiculing people's nationality or names.

    But never mind, if you are proud of being uncivilized have fun, this is the internet not a face to face discussion.

    Seymour Butts.
    Ben Dover
    Dixie Normous
    Jack Hoff
    Mike Hiunt

    Yep, no one has ever Western name with a homonym of a funny, often dirty, phrase¡ :rolleyes:
  • Reply 53 of 65
    solipsismy wrote: »
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    Can you explain to me why so many Western people are xenophobic and negative about China when actually Chinese including Chinese government are so open and welcoming to Western ideas, people and companies?

    Is it just ignorance and irrational fear?

    Many times more of Western companies operate in China and their brands are accepted and popular in China while the reverse can hardly be said.

    I find it interesting that you complain about the normal regulatory checks of products done by any country as some sort of draconian process when done by China yet Apple is so successful there, yet the U.S. Congress can blacklist Huawei for "security" reasons proven to be groundless while the NSA is surely spying on every country and hacked Huawei and Cisco systems.

    Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

    Maybe look inside your own mind and ask why you have such strange ideas when the facts show Apple and other Western companies doing great business in China contradicting your assumptions.

    Open your mind please. Thank you.

    People are ignorant and irrational all over the world. It's a human thing, and no one nation, region, "race," religion, or any other superficial categorization has been shown to be better or worse. In fact, you suggesting that it's a common Western position would point to your ignorance on the matter. What about longstanding issues with Japan v China, S. Korea, Tibet v China, etc.?

    What a load of codswallop.

    So the Chinese are just as good at basketball as black people?

    Got it.
  • Reply 54 of 65
    What a load of codswallop.

    So the Chinese are just as good at basketball as black people?

    Got it.

    Yes, I can safely say there are people born in every nation and of every ethnicities that are better at certain sports that people born in other nations and ethnicities. Or do you think Yaoo Ming and Tiger Woods were allowed to play to meet some affirmative action quota? :rolleyes:
  • Reply 55 of 65
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    xiao-zhi wrote: »
    Considering all the ridicule and trollish BS on this thread I don't need to justify my comments to you at all.

    I reasonably sure if I go to a post about an Apple Store opening in the USA or Europe there will not be a string of comments ridiculing people's nationality or names.

    But never mind, if you are proud of being uncivilized have fun, this is the internet not a face to face discussion.

    You are absolutely right, the self-absorbed, isolationist ignorance of Americans is often on display here on AI. Making stupid jokes about Wang's family name (a common one which means "prince" I believe), is disgraceful and rude, and generally the kind of thing that happens when a subject like this comes up.

    Americans suffer from being monolingual, ignorant of geography, isolated between two oceans, and they are hiding from their own history as destroyers of a native culture and enslavers of another, and thus they suffer from a general inferiority complex which expresses itself by jingoist bullying. It's also the common stance of any culture that feels itself to be dominant.

    As an American, I'd have given up long ago if it weren't for a few ameliorating trends. One is that more Americans have been traveling since the advent of jet airplanes, another is that it's becoming more common for more languages to be acquired, including Mandarin. A third is the arrival of global companies like Apple, which can only work well in an atmosphere of respect and cooperation. And then there's the Internet. So I hope you won't give up either, and speak out if this comes up again. I'll back you up and so would some others here if they saw this.
  • Reply 56 of 65
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,393moderator
    flaneur wrote: »
    You are absolutely right, the self-absorbed, isolationist ignorance of Americans is often on display here on AI. Making stupid jokes about Wang's family name (a common one which means "prince" I believe), is disgraceful and rude, and generally the kind of thing that happens when a subject like this comes up.

    As others have pointed out though, people make jokes about Western names too such as: John Boehner, Fanny Cradock, Dick Armey, Anthony Weiner, Bruce Cockburn, David Seaman, Misty Hyman. Some deserve a round of applause:

    Chris P. Bacon. Willie Stroker. Harry Baals. Jack Kanoff (e.g are you Jack Kanoff?). Harold Ballitch II (yes the 2nd and also shortened to Harry Ballitch). Rusty Kuntz.

    It's unfortunate being on the receiving end of it, especially when you can't anticipate language differences but it's got nothing to do with jingoism or nationalism.
  • Reply 57 of 65
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Marvin wrote: »
    As others have pointed out though, people make jokes about Western names too such as: John Boehner, Fanny Cradock, Dick Armey, Anthony Weiner, Bruce Cockburn, David Seaman, Misty Hyman. Some deserve a round of applause:

    Chris P. Bacon. Willie Stroker. Harry Baals. Jack Kanoff (e.g are you Jack Kanoff?). Harold Ballitch II (yes the 2nd and also shortened to Harry Ballitch). Rusty Kuntz.

    It's unfortunate being on the receiving end of it, especially when you can't anticipate language differences but it's got nothing to do with jingoism or nationalism.

    Jed I Knight is an awesome name.
  • Reply 58 of 65
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Marvin wrote: »
    As others have pointed out though, people make jokes about Western names too such as: John Boehner, Fanny Cradock, Dick Armey, Anthony Weiner, Bruce Cockburn, David Seaman, Misty Hyman. Some deserve a round of applause:

    Chris P. Bacon. Willie Stroker. Harry Baals. Jack Kanoff (e.g are you Jack Kanoff?). Harold Ballitch II (yes the 2nd and also shortened to Harry Ballitch). Rusty Kuntz.

    It's unfortunate being on the receiving end of it, especially when you can't anticipate language differences but it's got nothing to do with jingoism or nationalism.

    Context is everything. Your examples are probably not from Chinese sites making fun of American names with sexual-anatomy overtones, and even if they were, there is the asymmetry question—the overdog isn't funny making fun of the underdog, it's the other way around. So says any ethnic comedian.

    The simplest way of looking at it is that the offending posters are being rude to Chinese readers of this site, and it's out of ignorance borne of cultural supremacist narcissism, or insert your favorite oppressor neurosis. Jingoism is related, but not it, obviously.
  • Reply 59 of 65
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Marvin wrote: »
    As others have pointed out though, people make jokes about Western names too such as: John Boehner, Fanny Cradock, Dick Armey, Anthony Weiner, Bruce Cockburn, David Seaman, Misty Hyman. Some deserve a round of applause:


    flaneur wrote: »
    Context is everything. Your examples are probably not from Chinese sites making fun of American names with sexual-anatomy overtones, and even if they were, there is the asymmetry question—the overdog isn't funny making fun of the underdog, it's the other way around. So says any ethnic comedian.

    The simplest way of looking at it is that the offending posters are being rude to Chinese readers of this site, and it's out of ignorance borne of cultural supremacist narcissism, or insert your favorite oppressor neurosis. Jingoism is related, but not it, obviously.

    Your assumption that if a Chinese name sounds funny in English it's a statement against the Chinese is ridiculous. It's funny because there is an English equivalent that is typically rude sounding. It's bigotry on your part to assume that it's funny to one nation of people because they think another nation is inferior. Wang is funny to English speakers because it's a euphemism for penis. If Wang was a common surname in Portuguese do you think it would magically not be funny? What about Uranus? How are the Chinese people being victimized by it sounding like "your anus" to English speaking children?

    Are you and [@] Xiao-zhi[/@] there are no unoffensive words in other languages that would sound inappropriate to a Chinese speaker? Is there any spoken language that doesn't have such words? I'd bet there isn't.
  • Reply 60 of 65
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,393moderator
    flaneur wrote: »
    Your examples are probably not from Chinese sites making fun of American names with sexual-anatomy overtones

    If they'd be translating the words into characters then I imagine it would be a less likely outcome. They do have a racist park though (it should have said ethnic museum):

    The following image highlights a difference in cultures too:


    Eastern languages have a much wider array of characters of thousands vs the couple of dozen we have. Imagine what the following would be in english:


    It would look ridiculous or at least tacky to us to have random english words or characters around the logo but Eastern languages are artistic, which is why people get them as tattoos.

    If Eastern countries did make fun of Western names, nobody would take offence at them doing it considering Western countries make fun of Western names. The ability to make jokes is not reserved for minorities.
    flaneur wrote: »
    the overdog isn't funny making fun of the underdog, it's the other way around. So says any ethnic comedian.

    What underdog:
    flaneur wrote: »
    The simplest way of looking at it is that the offending posters are being rude to Chinese readers of this site, and it's out of ignorance borne of cultural supremacist narcissism, or insert your favorite oppressor neurosis. Jingoism is related, but not it, obviously.

    It's nothing to do with supremacism or oppression. It's just an unfortunate coincidence that a common surname in China happens to also be a common slang term in the West and neither are related:

    Only one of two things can happen to resolve this: either a significant portion of China changes their names or everybody in the West needs to grow up. Sorry China, no deal.

    I actually don't think it's as common a term any more in the West so the slang usage will probably die out.
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