Samsung acquires LoopPay, gears up to take on Apple Pay



  • Reply 21 of 63

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Amusing. Apple builds ApplePay from the ground up, working out all the kinks (or as many as is possible).


    Samsung needs a buy-in to do the equivalent.


    Pretty much tells you all you really need to know....

    Apple took or bought the tech and made it a whole. Made it work really well but did not build from the ground up. Apple Pay is still the best there is out there for now but Apple didn't invent NFC payments, or the tech that's behind TouchID. NFC was out for years, the only way for Apple Pay to work, TouchID was bought from another company so that tech was built by someone else, every single POS system that Apple Pay works on was out there ready for use already, so Apple had nothing to do with that, the token was already developed by Visa, so Apple had nothing to do with that.


    All Apple really did was put all the ingredients together, make it work REALLY well and SECURE better than anyone else.

  • Reply 22 of 63

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Those lame Samsung commercials that depict iPhone users as dorks, lemmings, and old people. Who's laughing now?

    I've noticed Samsung hasn't been airing any commercial in months bashing Apple. Samsung probably can't find anything to bash Apple about now.  Apple has been taking them to the cleaners ever since the iPhone 6 was released. 

  • Reply 23 of 63
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    I love how comments on some of the tech sites say we can't call this copying because Apple copied Google Wallet. Ha, ?Pay came out nearly 3 years after Google Wallet (and already is much more successful). Apple pay hasn't even been out 6 months and Samsung is already trying to copy it. With Samsung everything seems so rushed. Like "ooh company x is doing A so we need to do our own version of A right away whether it's any good or not".
  • Reply 24 of 63
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    does this simply wirelessly transmit the same credit card information as a swipe? If that were the case there's no security argument at all.

    Anybody know?
  • Reply 25 of 63

    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    does this simply wirelessly transmit the same credit card information as a swipe? If that were the case there's no security argument at all.

    Anybody know?

    Based on what I read on their website, it sounds like it does exactly that. 

  • Reply 26 of 63
    boltsfan17 wrote: »
    I've noticed Samsung hasn't been airing any commercial in months bashing Apple. Samsung probably can't find anything to bash Apple about now.  Apple has been taking them to the cleaners ever since the iPhone 6 was released. 

    Oh, I've seen a few stylus-centric ads here and there. Smells like desperation to me.
  • Reply 27 of 63
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    This seems like something Apple might have considered during it's development of Apple Pay, but quickly scrapped it because it's, well, shit. 

  • Reply 28 of 63
    drowdrow Posts: 126member
    so... google wallet loses its biggest producer of android phones, while samsung completely screws up looppay. because they can't help it. meanwhile, looppay investors and execs go cha-CHING and get the hell out. its a great day for everyone!
  • Reply 29 of 63
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Ya, I don't get Loop Pay, it's really to little to late.  Swiping is finally getting ready to go away and Chip & Pin along with NFC transactions like Apple Pay will be taking over.  


    The other issue as always with Samsung and every other Android Manufacture, NO ONE wants to use their services.  They want to use Google's services.  That really means Google Wallet will continue to see a uptick since Apple Pay started, but I don't see many Android users wanting to use Samsung Pay!!!   Samsung has tried other services with Music and a App store, etc and they've bombed.    Not that I blame any Android user for wanting to go with Google.   That's one of the major issues with Android.  The fact is once you sell your Android phone for little to no profit you can't even make anything on the back end like Apple does with it's App store, Music, Movies, etc, including now Apple Pay which brings even more money after the sale.  


    They can't really switch to Windows Phone.  You'd just be in the same hole with MS making all the money on the back end and profits on phone sales are in the crapper for Windows phones right now also.   This is really the time for BlackBerry to wake up and DO SOMETHING!!!    They can be just like Apple.  Full control of the OS and Hardware and make money on the back end also and yet they're just sitting there suing over a dumb keyboard few people want these days.  It's because they wouldn't move forward is why they're where they are.


    Samsung like always Directly copies what Apple does.  iCloud, S-Cloud, Siri,. S-Voice. Apple Passport, Samsung Wallet. Apple Pay, Samsung Pay.  TouchID, Finger print Scanner.  It goes on and on.   It's like the RIM Blackberry and the Samsung Blackjack.  or the Motorola Razr and the Samsung Blade.   Copy, Copy, Copy, Copy, Copy.  


    I just don't get Loop Pay.  It seems kind of cool I guess, and maybe if it launched 6 years ago, hell even 4 years ago, maybe it had a chance to do something.  Swiping will be going away.   Maybe it's some back end patents they plan to use along with NFC?!?!?!  Besides Chip & Pin coming, and Apple Pay and Google Wallet, there's the CurrentC fight coming this year also which I hope fails.  I sure as hell won't use it.  

  • Reply 30 of 63
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post


    Apple took or bought the tech and made it a whole. Made it work really well but did not build from the ground up. Apple Pay is still the best there is out there for now but Apple didn't invent NFC payments, or the tech that's behind TouchID. NFC was out for years, the only way for Apple Pay to work, TouchID was bought from another company so that tech was built by someone else, every single POS system that Apple Pay works on was out there ready for use already, so Apple had nothing to do with that, the token was already developed by Visa, so Apple had nothing to do with that.


    All Apple really did was put all the ingredients together, make it work REALLY well and SECURE better than anyone else.


    Uh, noone is suggesting Apple invented NFC or biometric solutions. However, there's a shitload of work that Apple did in house bringing all the pieces together. 


    - Engineering whatever technology it purchased from authentech to actually fit inside the home button, as well as mainting ultra high reliability, accuracy, and robustness. There was NOTHING even close to this on the market before the 5S. 

    - Designing and engineering the secure enclave

    - Building passbook, which house Apple Pay cards and transactions

    - Integrating NFC seamlessly with Touch ID, Passbook, and the secure enclave

    - Making a ton of deals with CC companies and banks, to ensure compatibility and support


    Apple bought authentech all the way back in 2011, which was step 1. Samsung just announced their acquisition now, of this company that wirelessly mimics outdated technology. They have a long way to go to approach anything like the current Apple Pay. Yes, Apple uses existing technologies and acquires companies, but they then improve and engineer the hell out of those things before coming out with a product. Even if another company had purchased authentech for example, I don't think there's any way in hell they would have ended up with something as well done as Touch ID. 

  • Reply 31 of 63
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    This gets them a (soon to be obsolete) data transmission technology.

    Now all they need are:

    - A biometric technology

    - A secure enclave

    - A tokenization technology

    - User-facing software technology

    If they get all that together, and it works AS well as Apple Pay (speed, convenience, security), they've really got something!

    Then they can switch to NFC later.


    According to the YouTube video, tokenization is coming this year...


    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    does this simply wirelessly transmit the same credit card information as a swipe? If that were the case there's no security argument at all.

    Anybody know?

    If you ask me, as soon as there is a piece of hardware involved (in the form of a key fob, a key fob with no built-in security) and it gets in the hands of the wrong person, they can charge anything without the need of any type of security or ID.


    Between TouchID and tokenized transactions with ApplePay, using LoopPay is like leaving the safe open.

  • Reply 32 of 63
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by loekf View Post


    It's funny to read the comments on sites like Engadget. LoopPay will be soon completely redundant technology unless they have something using NFC coming up.


    Mimicing the signal the magnetic card reader sees when it reads the magnetic strip. WTF. Here in Europe it's even not possible anymore to pay using the magnetic strip of the card. It's all EMV + pin.


    Also proofs why the magnetic strip is so completely insecure for paying via terminals.


    I wish Samsung good luck selling this outside the US.


    Good luck in the U.S. also has that tech will be phased out soon.  It's been a long time coming.  Who's even going to use it?  Even if it was NFC based instead, Android users want to use Google's services, except in China and the China made phones which are using Forked Android anyway.   It doesn't matter what Samsung does, people will want to use Google's services instead!!!  That means Google Wallet which has seen a uptick in use since Apple Pay started up.   Ya, I just don't get Loop Pay. I hope they got it for cheap!!!  Also them LoopPay people should be thanking their lucky stars that someone was dumb enough to snatch them up at this point in time.  WOW!!!

  • Reply 33 of 63
    Samsung is in trouble if this is the best they can do. The technology looks neat in theory, but there are two obvious big problems, and why this is clearly not a competitor to Apple Pay as of now.

    1. WAY TOO BIG. Look at the size of the key fob and/or iPhone case you can get right now. (The key fob is as big as the person's palm holding it). Way too big to be integrated into a reasonably sized smartphone. If they could shrink the tech easily the fob would already be way smaller. Look a the case -- still huge. NFC is now small enough that it can be integrated with other chips and be very small.

    As a proof of concept, this is cool. Real world smallness that can be put into a phone without reducing battery size or other parts of the phone looks a long way off.

    2. NO TOKENIZATION POSSIBLE WITHOUT NEW READERS. To the extent this system is good because it relies on existing magnetic readers, it is bad because it then has to pass traditional credit card account information (including name and card number). I would not be worried much about nearby skimmers getting the info, though that could be done if they are replaced nearby, but the retailer is getting all your info (that can then be hacked, misused by the retailer, etc.) just like current credit cards and unlike Apple Pay.

    If you have to wait for new readers for tokenization, then there is no support for the 'better than Apple Pay argument because you can use it with existing swipe tech'

    Sure Samsung would also have problems coming up with good integrated software for the phone, etc. but #1 is the real deal breaker.
  • Reply 34 of 63
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by Lord Amhran View Post


    Amusing. Apple builds ApplePay from the ground up, working out all the kinks (or as many as is possible).


    Samsung needs a buy-in to do the equivalent.


    Pretty much tells you all you really need to know....


    Yet it's not the equivalent!!!  Really all it is, is a Electronic version of a normal Magnetic strip credit card!!!  It's still sending out the SAME THING when you use a credit card to swipe.  That's your Name, Card Numbers, etc.  There's zero security.  There's no one time use Token when you do a transaction like with Apple Pay or even Google Wallet.   There's not even a Credit Card number on the iPhone.  It';s a Token you get from your bank when you sign up, which is stored in a secure part of the A8 processor like the Fingerprint data is on the A7 & A8 processor!!!   It's not even close to the equivalent.  


    You know what it really is the equivalent to?  Those small electronic Credit card looking things where you can have a bunch on a single card and just pick the credit card you want to use to swipe with.  That's Exactly what this loop pay is.  Just take it off that card and put it into a Smart phone and there you have it.

  • Reply 35 of 63
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post


    Apple took or bought the tech and made it a whole. Made it work really well but did not build from the ground up. Apple Pay is still the best there is out there for now but Apple didn't invent NFC payments, or the tech that's behind TouchID. NFC was out for years, the only way for Apple Pay to work, TouchID was bought from another company so that tech was built by someone else, every single POS system that Apple Pay works on was out there ready for use already, so Apple had nothing to do with that, the token was already developed by Visa, so Apple had nothing to do with that.


    All Apple really did was put all the ingredients together, make it work REALLY well and SECURE better than anyone else.


    The only thing Apple Pay is similar to is the NFC connection right at the terminal.  That's it.  From there it's completely different.  You are right in that NFC has been around for many years, long before it was on Android.  It was to use with PayPass and other Keyfobs and it failed.  Who used it???  Google tried to do something with it with Google Wallet starting around 4 years ago and it's gone no where.  It was used ot little that NFC terminals have been disappearing for a while now.  I think that's stopped once Apple Pay came out and it's turning around.   I don't even think Google has done a single Advertisement for Google Wallet ever!!!


    As for TouchID, Yes Apple acquired the BEST company out there for a finger print scanner.  It was APPLE that combined that scanner with a Button first.  I've never seen that done on any device ever.  They've always been separate. If you look at a iPhone 6 and see where that lighting plug is at, it's very thin.  They scammed that tech, and button and threw Sapphire glass on top and it works and works great.  I can get onto my home screen from first touching that button from my phone being off in under a second.  It's so fast and painless that it's just as easy and quick to get on the phone as not having a password at all.    That's Apple Innovation.


    As for how Credit Cards work to Apple Pay and Google Wallet,.  Here you go.

  • Reply 36 of 63
    jungmark wrote: »
    Sammy will somehow screw it up.

    They already did by purchasing loopay. I have had a loopay fob for about a year and it has been an extremely frustrating experience. It barely ever worked. I ditched it after it failed to work on many consecutive attempts...
  • Reply 37 of 63
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    I can't wait to see this used by tens of dozens people.
  • Reply 38 of 63
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member

    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post


    Apple took or bought the tech and made it a whole. Made it work really well but did not build from the ground up. Apple Pay is still the best there is out there for now but Apple didn't invent NFC payments, or the tech that's behind TouchID. NFC was out for years, the only way for Apple Pay to work, TouchID was bought from another company so that tech was built by someone else, every single POS system that Apple Pay works on was out there ready for use already, so Apple had nothing to do with that, the token was already developed by Visa, so Apple had nothing to do with that.


    All Apple really did was put all the ingredients together, make it work REALLY well and SECURE better than anyone else.

    Apple didn't invent the phone.  got it.

    Apple didn't invent the tablet.  got it.

    Apple didn't invent the PC.  got it.

    Apple didn't invent the watch.  got it.

    We all know Apple didn't invent the entire system from the ground up.  It scooped up all the tech it could, and refined it on their own, and created a polished system.

    The sad part is that all this tech was out for years before Apple touched any of it, and the idiots out there STILL could't do anything with it.  Suddenly, it's all 2nd-nature and it's no big deal.  Wrong.  

    Apple may not have invented the system, or NFC and stuff, but they sure knew how to make it all work.  That deserves tons of respect.


  • Reply 39 of 63
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    512ke wrote: »
    . Google cracks the whip.

    Googs can't get its partners to upgrade android. Buh bye Google Wallet.
  • Reply 40 of 63


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