Apple iOS 8 distribution hits 77% as Google's Android remains bifurcated



  • Reply 21 of 73

    Originally Posted by PScooter63 View Post



    What hardware are you running it on?  This is the first I've heard of battery usage improvement (but admittedly, I haven't researched heavily).


    I've enjoyed iOS 8 from the start on my Air 2, but I've been hesitant to move away from iOS 7 on my 4S... which I still love so much, it's nearly real.


    - Edited for clarity -

    I saw some slight improvements on my iPhone 6 with it. I think my Air saw some as well, but I don't tend to drain that much these days.

  • Reply 22 of 73
    I couldn't care less what the uptake of iOS 8 is. I can't wait to see the back of it.

    A thousand bug fixes and no new features is what is required of iOS 9.
    1000 posts allows you to give yourself a nickname, which will appear under your current username. AI members sometimes use this nickname option to exemplify their personas.

    For example: Apple ][ is "Fandroid Killer" and dasanman69 is "Naysayer Extraordinaire"

    May I suggest a nickname for you….Mr. Happypants? :D  

    Edit: Added an article of clothing to my nickname suggestion…..because it sounded funnier!

    That sounds like a good suggestion, thank you; I’ll consider it.

    I think I've always had a naturally sunny disposition, so Mr. Happy would be an apt nickname.
  • Reply 23 of 73
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    1) I think that was @Tallest Skil being kind. I don't think that option is open to board members any longer.





    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post



    Only because we don’t have any active admins anymore. It’s actually a setting that can be flipped to allow users to do it themselves, but it would require a server restart.

    Double drat!


    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    We got those when @Tallest Skil was a mod, which I often times wish he still was. I don't know if any of the current ones would honor any such requests.

    Triple drat!





    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    I think I've always had a naturally sunny disposition, so that would be an apt nickname.

    <img class=" src="" /> :rolleyes: 

  • Reply 24 of 73
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member

    Don't forget his partner Mutely with the breathing problems. I always assumed it was some old guy with a black lung from decades of smoking that did the voice of Mutely.

  • Reply 25 of 73
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member
    pscooter63 wrote: »
    What hardware are you running it on?  This is the first I've heard of battery usage improvement (but admittedly, I haven't researched heavily).

    I've enjoyed iOS 8 from the start on my Air 2, but I've been hesitant to move away from iOS 7 on my 4S... which I still love so much, it's nearly real.

    [SIZE=11px]- Edited for clarity -[/SIZE]
    I run it on a iPhone 5S, which saw HUGE gains in idle / standby battery life... Previously after 8 hours, if the phone had maybe 1 hour of usage, my battery would be down to 72% on iOS 8.1.3, now I still get (consistently) 90-94% remaining. Even during active usage, I now come home after work with above 70%, whereas before I was left with 40-50% after work with equivalent usage.

    My other device, an iPad Mini 2, has also seen marked gains in idle / standby performance, and also better life during streaming movies via my Plex app, for example.

    A co-worker who has an iPhone 4S just upgraded to 8.2, and has also mentioned the phone feels much better (smoother), and his battery life has also improved to his satisfaction.

    I have one user who started having Safari issues on his iPad 3 after 8.2 OTA, but he resolved that by resetting his cache, now it works excellent.
  • Reply 26 of 73
    magman1979magman1979 Posts: 1,299member
    Double drat!

    Triple drat!

    <iframe width="640" height="385" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

    :lol:  :rolleyes:  

    solipsismy wrote: »
    Don't forget his partner Mutely with the breathing problems. I always assumed it was some old guy with a black lung from decades of smoking that did the voice of Mutely.


    ROTFL!!! Where the hell do you two keep finding these gems?!
  • Reply 27 of 73
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Don't forget his partner Mutely with the breathing problems. I always assumed it was some old guy with a black lung from decades of smoking that did the voice of Mutely.




    Quote: " He claimed that giving up smoking had robbed him of the rasp in the voice that he needed."

  • Reply 28 of 73
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    magman1979 wrote: »

    ROTFL!!! Where the hell do you two keep finding these gems?!

    You never saw Hanna Barbera's Laff-A-Lympics as a kid?

    Quote: " He claimed that giving up smoking had robbed him of the rasp in the voice that he needed."

    Points to me for my deduction and points to for your researching.
  • Reply 29 of 73
    dickprinterdickprinter Posts: 1,060member

    Originally Posted by MagMan1979 View Post

    ROTFL!!! Where the hell do you two keep finding these gems?!

    Just classic American cartoons. I pretty much know every cartoon character, and the lines they made famous, between about 1965 to 1975 (a lot were by Hanna-Barbera). Plus every Looney Tune & Popeye cartoon.


    While there have been a few good animated shows since then, the older classics I just mentioned could provide great laughs without the current, obligatory need for sexual innuendo and potty humor.

  • Reply 30 of 73
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by genovelle View Post

    One huge one. Google has dropped support for the older one even though there are still new devices being sold with it.


    The insane thing is that there dozens of major security holes in those old Android versions. So, now we have hundreds of millions of very unsecure phones milling around ripe for becoming a huge botnet! Companies that need security within their walls should prevent any person with an old version of Android from coming in. It is THAT serious.

  • Reply 31 of 73
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    iOS 8 is the most unstable OS I've had the misfortune to endure. It's the worst iOS that Apple have released.



    Oh Sure it is, even though it's been rock solid for me since 8.1 on all 4 of my iOS devices, and stable for everyone else I know. And magically, you were somehow also the ONLY fucking person on the internet not to have audio during the last keynote, which gave you the chance to bitch and whine, proclaiming Apple's utter incompetence throughout the entire event and trashing the thread. Oh, right until we got the the Watch part of course, when you magically got audio, so you could mock and bash everything they were saying, and trash it even more. 


    Does your incessant, sensational negativity, and vitriolic lies validate your existence? I really don't get it. Tim Cook is a horrible CEO and needs to go. The iPhone 6 is the worst phone Apple has ever made. The Apple Watch is an abomination. iOS8 is an utter disaster. BENDGATE!! Everyone here sees through your vicious trolling and your lies- except the mods, apparently.  

  • Reply 32 of 73
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Just classic American cartoons. I pretty much know every cartoon character, and the lines they made famous, between about 1965 to 1975 (a lot were by Hanna-Barbera). Plus every Looney Tune & Popeye cartoon.

    While there have been a few good animated shows since then, the older classics I just mentioned could provide great laughs without the current, obligatory need for sexual innuendo and potty humor.

    1) If you're into etymology you'll probably already know this fun trivia about a couple Warner Brother's cartoon characters: It was a single line from a Bugs Bunny cartoon that was said to have changed the common meaning of the word nimrod. Originally the given name of Noah's great -grandson who was an excellent hunter (Gen. 10:8-9), Nimrod became synonomous with one who is adept at hunting. But in one episode Bugs Bunny quipped sardonically that Elmer Fudd was "a poor little Nimrod."

    I use the terms fun, trivia and was said, because there is evidence to support the use of nimrod to mean fool predating that episode, and, as a general rule, if the etymology is fun, then it's probably bullshit.

    2) I'd say Bender B. Rodríguez is my favourite cartoon character of all time. And it you don't like, well, then you can bite my shiny metal ass. :D
  • Reply 33 of 73
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member
    Thanks for sharing, @TheWhiteFalcon and @MagMan1979... You've emboldened me to finally give this upgrade a shot this weekend.

    [COLOR=White](Sorry, Benny, I'm just not buyin' what you're selling.)[/COLOR]
  • Reply 34 of 73
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    That sounds like a good suggestion, thank you; I’ll consider it.

    I think I've always had a naturally sunny disposition, so Mr. Happy would be an apt nickname.

    Sunshine it is. :lol:
  • Reply 35 of 73
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    mjtomlin wrote: »

    Sure it is when you understand what an update consists of. Google doesn't follow conventions as far as versioning; major releases are based on API level. The version number is just that - a number. It doesn't really mean anything other than to signify progression.

    If all you consider is that number, consider that OS X has been on version 10.x for 15 years now. Different companies use their own versioning system and they should never be compared to another company's system.

    Good point
  • Reply 36 of 73
    atklatkl Posts: 8member
    I am an android user, Moto G 2013 edition, if you are asking why, basically an iPhone is beyond my budget right now. I can easily explain why the Lollipop version is not having a significant user base from my own experience with the upgrades on my phone and Nexus 7 2012 tablet. The updates quite simply put are crap. The initial lollipop version managed to mess up data on my phone, Google announced after the rollout that the version they sent out did not work with encrypted phones, so I had to reinstall all the apps. Luckily the banks' customer support didn't ask me to visit them in person before reactivating their phone apps, the updates was crap and all it managed to do was get the phone stuck with one or multiple apps open. Chrome is another app that has been getting more updates, almost 30 mb a week and guess what it crashes atleast twice a day. The 5.1 version came out and it was supposed to make things better, guess what, nothing has changed, in fact, more apps like inbox keep crashing frequently. The only reliable app right now is Firefox. I am sure the app download count will go through the roof as everyone will be reinstalling whatever the update managed to wipe out.
  • Reply 37 of 73
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    magman1979 wrote: »
    How about the fact that not ONLY has Google dropped support for the versions of Android that now make up the VAST majority of users, but that those versions also suffer from SERIOUS security vulnerabilities that Google has now refused to patch!
    No sir they did not stop supporting older Android versions. What a few click-bait articles actually should have reported was that Google wasn't going to continue updating the older Webview that was a part of the Android up until 4.3 Jellybean.

    This short article explains it better.
  • Reply 38 of 73
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    No sir they did not stop supporting older Android versions.


    Actually, your article indicates they did exactly that:


    "Google's position is that it isn't practical to integrate security patches from a large open source project as Webkit (hundreds of developers, thousands of commits every month) with a branch that is now two years old (bundled with Jelly Bean)."


    Please explain how this does not qualify as "dropping support" for a two-year-old product.

  • Reply 39 of 73
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,585member
    pscooter63 wrote: »
    Actually, your article indicates they did exactly that:

    "Google's position is that it isn't practical to integrate security patches from a large open source project as Webkit (hundreds of developers, thousands of commits every month) with a branch that is now two years old (bundled with Jelly Bean)."

    Please explain how this does not qualify as "dropping support" for a two-year-old product.
    The Android version itself is still supported. Those users still get updates, including security specific ones, via Google Play Services. (Edit: Play Services supports Android Froyo and above, essentially every Google Android phone in use today) What they won't continue to get is any updates to old Webview versions.
  • Reply 40 of 73
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    The Android version itself is still supported. Those users still get updates, including security specific ones, via Google Play Services. What they won't continue to get is any updates to old Webview versions.


    So, let's take the metaphor of a leaky dam... you're saying that Google will plug some of the leaks, but "look the other way" for others...?  How does this instill confidence for the customer?


    Isn't this along the lines of being a little pregnant?  :\

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