Cook says discriminatory 'religious freedom' laws are dangerous, calls for action



  • Reply 161 of 492
    I remind proponents of Biblical marriage that Jesus never condemned gay marriage, but did condemn straight divorce and stated that it was the same as adultery.
  • Reply 162 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    ned bulous wrote: »
    I remind proponents of Biblical marriage that Jesus never condemned gay marriage, but did condemn straight divorce and stated that it was the same as adultery.

    There was no such thing as gay marriage in that time period.
  • Reply 163 of 492

    Originally Posted by Benjamin Frost View Post

    Here we go again. ????

    Cook doesn't speak for Apple. I am an Apple shareholder and am deeply disappointed by Cook's attack on the values that America hold dear, above all, freedom.

    I surmise that Cook can see that his end is near and is grooming his successor. These inglorious outbursts of twitterry are his last gasp of the politicisation of Apple in readiness for his new career as a politician when he shortly leaves Apple.

    Apple Watch coming? Who cares? It's all about paranoia with Cook. His motto is: Let's keep shifting the topic away from Apple's products (because the ones coming are not our best) and focus on how much intolerance we can show our non-liberal neighbours.

    Remember your Baptist teaching, Tim: Love thy neighbour.

    Hey Benji,

    Didn't anyone ever teach you that freedom is not absolute?  And that religious freedom does not trump civil authority?

  • Reply 164 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Never heard of the phrases to 'Man up'?

    I mean seriously.  We are called MANKIND after all.

    To take it 'like a man' means to be responsible.  Be a grown up.  I could have said take it like a women,  but I'm not a woman.  But if a women said the same thing I would get the point.


    If you don't like Tim Cooks stance then either take it like a women or sell your damn STOCK!

    The irony is just too much that you'd insist on using such a phrase in a thread ostensibly having to do with gay issues.
  • Reply 165 of 492

    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    I'd like see Tim separate his personal agenda from Apple. I'm not comfortable with how he is using Apple this way

    What about religious freedom? What if people truly believe marriage us between a man and wife?

    You are stuill free to believe whatever nonsense you want.  The moment you step into civil sociaety, your religious rules mean nothing. Civil authority trumps it.


    It should be everyones agenda to support freedom and civil rights.

  • Reply 166 of 492
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    beeman60 wrote: »
    You are stuill free to believe whatever nonsense you want.  The moment you step into civil sociaety, your religious rules mean nothing. Civil authority trumps it.

    It should be everyones agenda to support freedom and civil rights.

    A person may still be socially liberal, but personally quite conservative. These things are seldom so black and white.
  • Reply 167 of 492
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    reefoid wrote: »
    TC isn't using his position to promote his personal agenda, he's using it to promote Apple policy and prevent harm to the company that could be caused by regressive legislation in the name of 'religious freedom'.

    Correct answer to Red Oak, thank you.
  • Reply 168 of 492
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    reefoid wrote: »
    Don't be so simplistic.

    This law will cause discrimination against Apple customers and harm Apple's ability to attract and retain employees.

    To think there will be no harm to business as a result of this law is naive to the extreme.

    Correct answer to Rogifan, thank you.
  • Reply 169 of 492
    beeman60 wrote: »
    red oak wrote: »
    I'd like see Tim separate his personal agenda from Apple. I'm not comfortable with how he is using Apple this way

    What about religious freedom? What if people truly believe marriage us between a man and wife?
    You are stuill free to believe whatever nonsense you want.  The moment you step into civil sociaety, your religious rules mean nothing. Civil authority trumps it.

    It should be everyones agenda to support freedom and civil rights.

    Providing a loving environment to bring up your own blood is nonsensical?

    Got it.
  • Reply 170 of 492
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    I'd like see Tim separate his personal agenda from Apple. I'm not comfortable with how he is using Apple this way

    What about religious freedom? What if people truly believe marriage us between a man and wife?


    I agree. It's completely outrageous that upstanding, god-fearing citizens should be forced into gay relationships and same-sex marriage.

  • Reply 171 of 492
    beeman60 wrote: »
    You are stuill free to believe whatever nonsense you want.  The moment you step into civil sociaety, your religious rules mean nothing. Civil authority trumps it.

    It should be everyones agenda to support freedom and civil rights.

    A person may still be socially liberal, but personally quite conservative. These things are seldom so black and white.


    Sometimes, they are blue and gold.

    In extreme cases, white and gold or even black and blue.
  • Reply 172 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    Pro China

    Anti Indiana

    I like Tim Cook but as with all liberals, they always have to talk talk talk.

    Don't know when to shut up.
  • Reply 173 of 492
    Originally Posted by Red Oak View Post

    What about religious freedom? What if people truly believe marriage us between a man and wife?


    That's between the two people, and possibly their religion. Marriage grants benefits like: no spousal inheritance tax, protection from testifying against your partner, hospital visitation rights, etc. You want to deny others these benefits because it makes you kinda uncomfortable to think about and you'd rather not? Do you see how selfish that is?

  • Reply 174 of 492
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Don't attack my religion.

    Can you force a Jewish bakery to make a cake with swastikas?

    If it's written by politicians, the law is probably flawed and too broad.

    This is close to the crux of the debate. If the baker were asked to make a cake depicting something that he found offensive, whether it be swastikas or gay sex, then there could be reasonable grounds for him to decline. But if he declines to bake a cake just on the basis of the lifestyle of the customer, then that is going to be construed as simple discrimination.

  • Reply 175 of 492
    flaneur wrote: »
    reefoid wrote: »
    TC isn't using his position to promote his personal agenda, he's using it to promote Apple policy and prevent harm to the company that could be caused by regressive legislation in the name of 'religious freedom'.

    Correct answer to Red Oak, thank you.

    If by correct you mean incorrect, then your gratitude is appropriate.

    It's possible that you're a woman who means the opposite to what she says. ????
  • Reply 176 of 492
    msantti wrote: »

    Pro China

    Anti Indiana

    I like Tim Cook but as with all liberals, they always have to talk talk talk.

    Don't know when to shut up.

    Tim Cook has done more to raise the quality of life and environmental standards in China than anyone else on the planet. He is also one of the greatest CEOs by any objective measurement.

    In comparison let's look at conservative CEOs who won't shut up like the Koch brothers, Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, etc, etc. Almost all of them abject failures.
  • Reply 177 of 492
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    rogifan wrote: »
    This article gets it right. Tim Cook is a hypocrite of the highest order.

    So one of the narrowest minds among us suggests a link for us to read without describing what it contains or who hosts it, except for some dubious inflammatory words

    No thanks, until you describe it.
  • Reply 178 of 492
    For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

    For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (?Romans? ?1?:?21, 26-27? ESV)

    This tells us that not only is homosexuality sin, but that it is not a natural relation. God, as punishment, is giving the culture over to their unnatural desires.

    Christ says of himself:
    Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (?Matthew? ?12?:?30? ESV)

    The gospel message is offensive, which is why many hate it. Scripture declares this with out any shame. It goes to show you the path of the culture isn't necessarily the right one. None of these issues are new, as the Preacher declares in Ecclisiastes: "There is nothing new underneath the sun." Rome experienced some of the exact same things, and where is it now?

    All this said, I would not turn away someone who is homosexual, because I'm just as bad a sinner as the next, a point the apostle Paul makes several times (he considers himself the chief of sinners, and all his good works are dirty rags). We are not supposed to judge those who have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. That is His job, but we are to be judgmental among believers (iron sharpening iron). Unbelievers are going to do what they are going to do. We are called to show love to those who aren't believers in an attempt to win them over to be a follower of Christ. Be judgemental is not the way to win them over. You address the sin after they are saved.
  • Reply 179 of 492
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The bible itself is mostly false and unproven.


    I really shouldn't jump in here, but...


    You're attempting to lump the Bible in with historical/factual documents.  Despite some current religious factions also attempting to treat it as such (infallible), that's not its primary intent.  It is primarily a faith-based (not fact-based) record of a specific group of mankind's relationship to their God.  Along the way, there are many incidental "facts" that don't square with modern thought, yes... but there are also countless insights into living life to its fullest.


    Frankly, hardliners on both sides of the Christianity/organized religion debate are fueled by their inabilty to put this into perspective.

  • Reply 180 of 492
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    Originally Posted by ned bulous View Post

    Tim Cook has done more to raise the quality of life and environmental standards in China than anyone else on the planet. He is also one of the greatest CEOs by any objective measurement.

    In comparison let's look at conservative CEOs who won't shut up like the Koch brothers, Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, etc, etc. Almost all of them abject failures.

    Liberals love the Koch brothers, especially Harry Reid. The guy eats, sleeps and dreams about the Koch brothers.


    I like Cook. Its just that Steve Jobs never felt he had to stand on a soap box.


    An China still has a ton of problems.


    But the money is real good.


    And I thought liberals hated capitalism anyways?

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