Apple Watch wrist detection failing with some tattoos, users complain



  • Reply 141 of 214
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    Heavy metal content Could easily mess with electronic systems.
  • Reply 142 of 214
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by DiegoG View Post

    Yes. Please base all your hires on ignorance and unwarranted prejudice.



    A persons appearance is a good indicator of the image they wish to project to the world. I wouldn't hire someone covered with tattoos. Too bad if that offends you.

  • Reply 143 of 214
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Originally Posted by jfc1138 View Post

    Heavy metal content Could easily mess with electronic systems.

    And one's hearing if standing too close to the speakers.

  • Reply 144 of 214
    cinicini Posts: 5member

    I have told you folks, AAPL always fails...
  • Reply 145 of 214

    I've lived in some pretty seedy 'hood's while a uni student and shortly after while paying off my college loans. You know what I did in all those instance, I got to know my neighborhood. I had no trouble walking down said alleys not because the people were tattoo free, but because i knew all the people regardless if they sported tattoos or not. We knew each other and knew where each other lived. So what if some were on hard times and lived in the projects or had gone to jail. It should be noted I was a skinny white boy that had gone to an engineering school.


    Also, you seem to know ALOT about prison ink, you sure you've never been ;)


    Tattoos have also been used for healing (earliest known tattoo is thought to be acupuncture/acupressure points) and religious purposes. iPhones & computers have been known to be used by criminals and ex-cons, maybe steer clear of those and/or people that use them? 


    I have great respect for my body and I have several tattoos, I bike and work out weekly and have kept under 12% body fat my entire life. All my tattoos I designed myself 3-4 years before getting them done, and payed a decent amount more then "$50 for a butterfly".


    Finally, really get this "colored" and "poor" vibe whenever you use the work "inked" or "tattooed". Maybe it's just me?




    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post

    Intelligent people judge.

    And I'm sure you do to. If you see a group of people in an alley all bearing tattoos, do you go down that alley, or do you avoid it? In my area - you go out of your way to avoid it, because you are entering an dangerous neighborhood. Is that judgmental? You bet it is - it's also how I have managed not to be mugged, beaten and robbed.

    Tattoos are often used as gang symbols, they are recognition symbols for prisons, drug cartels and are sometimes used as "badges" to chronicle one's life in the prison system.

    So, do I judge a person who voluntarily inks himself? Absolutely. If I see a car salesman with ink on his hands - I pass. Real Estate Agent - not interested. Insurance agent - forget it. That person has identified himself to me, as someone I should not trust.

    There are plenty of untrustworthy un-tattooed people; but if I were to take a cross-section of the tattooed population and a cross-section of the un-inked - I believe I would be safer among the un-inked. Getting a tattoo proves absolutely nothing, other than a short-sighted person without respect for their body.

    Want examples? Go to a Homeless shelter, an unemployment line, a half-way house and look for yourself. Over 80% of these fine outstanding examples of humanity are covered in ink. If you opt to associate yourself with these people - that's your choice.

    I could be like you; all it would take is $50, a partial lobotomy and 20 minutes of my life. Unfortunately, for you to be like me will cost you thousands, and take you months of agony.

  • Reply 146 of 214
    hodarhodar Posts: 362member
    You may have heard of Laser Tattoo Removal? It's quite the booming business. You can pay a no-talent chump $50 to stick you for an hour; then you can pay a Medical Doctor several thousand dollars and undergo months of laser burns to have it removed.

    Why do you suppose people do this? Hmmm, any clues? Perhaps they developed some self-respect? Perhaps they realized that the tattoo they got, identifies them as a type of person they no longer want to be associated with? You know, there probably is a reason this medical industry is booming.
  • Reply 147 of 214
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    Don't worry. Your stupidity doesn't offend me. The sooner narrow minded people die off, the better this world will be in the long run.
    A persons appearance is a good indicator of the image they wish to project to the world. I wouldn't hire someone covered with tattoos. Too bad if that offends you.
  • Reply 148 of 214
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    Intelligent people evaluate....narrow minded people judge.

    And don't worry, nobody wants to be like you.

    The sooner narrow minded people go away, the better...
    hodar wrote: »
    Intelligent people judge.
    Unfortunately, for you to be like me will cost you thousands, and take you months of agony.
  • Reply 149 of 214
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    sog35 wrote: »
    won't happen.

    by definition tatoo's are permanent.  

    So is being a jackass, I can see.

    sog35 wrote: »
    Why?  What percentage of the population has tattoo's that cover their entire wrist?  1%?  .5%?  Probably a lot less.

    What next?  Apple needs to make an iPhone for blind people?  just stop.

    They already do.
  • Reply 150 of 214
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    You have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

    Some People get tattoos removed because they were dumb and regret them. But that's nowhere near the majority of people with tattoos.

    To say that everyone who has a tattoo has no respect for themselves is beyond ignorant.

    hodar wrote: »
    You may have heard of Laser Tattoo Removal? It's quite the booming business. You can pay a no-talent chump $50 to stick you for an hour; then you can pay a Medical Doctor several thousand dollars and undergo months of laser burns to have it removed.

    Why do you suppose people do this? Hmmm, any clues? Perhaps they developed some self-respect? Perhaps they realized that the tattoo they got, identifies them as a type of person they no longer want to be associated with? You know, there probably is a reason this medical industry is booming.
  • Reply 151 of 214
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by DiegoG View Post

    Don't worry. Your stupidity doesn't offend me. The sooner narrow minded people die off, the better this world will be in the long run.

    You sound like quite a catch. Best of luck to you!

  • Reply 152 of 214
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    Based on your posts I can assure you I'm a better catch than you...

    Have a great day.

    You sound like quite a catch.
  • Reply 153 of 214
    hodarhodar Posts: 362member
    Sure you say that now .... but in a few years those "uber cool" tats you are sporting will look embarrassing every time you take your shirt off. You will tire of hiding them, and ashamed when people say "oh ... I didn't know you had tats". Doctors all over the world hear that same sad song, every single day.

    That's why the Laser Tattoo Removal business is bigger than the tattoo business.
  • Reply 154 of 214
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    Originally Posted by DiegoG View Post

    Based on your posts I can assure you I'm a better catch than you...

    Have a great day.

    Sure you are. Good luck in your future endeavors.

  • Reply 155 of 214
    websnapwebsnap Posts: 224member

    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post


    I could be like you; all it would take is $50, a partial lobotomy and 20 minutes of my life. Unfortunately, for you to be like me will cost you thousands, and take you months of agony.

    You are assuming again (which seems to be your M.O.) – without tooting my own horn I am an accomplished and award winning designer with a corporate gig, a very comfortable salary and a great pension. For you to be like me you would need to shed a lot of baggage and see the world with an updated reference. I wouldn’t trade spots for a second. Enjoy your narrow view of life and make sure you look under your bed for tattooed people.

  • Reply 156 of 214
    diegogdiegog Posts: 135member
    Thanks but I'm good. No need for luck with my life or future endeavors. Quite happy and successful. Carry on...

    Sure you are. Good luck in your future endeavors.
  • Reply 157 of 214

    You seem to be under the illusion that people get tattoos to show them off.  Yeah maybe some people do but not all.  I have a number of tattoos and will never be embarrassed or ashamed of them.  The remind me of important life choices.  You have no idea of the reasons people tattoo.  Mine can all be covered if I choose to.  I am not a criminal.  I am not a junkie nor am I uneducated.  My tattoos are a part of me.  


    You are judging something you have no idea about 

  • Reply 158 of 214

    Uhh, "tatoo" isn't a race, genius.

  • Reply 159 of 214
    hodarhodar Posts: 362member
    Don't read words into what I wrote - and I'll return the favor, ok?

    If you want to see hordes of tattoos, visit a homeless shelter, or maybe a drug rehab, maybe volunteer to feed the poor or help out at a half-way house where felons are re-associated with society. You will see gobs of really "meaningful" tattoos. Visit a biker bar - oh, there are stories to go with those tattoos. Lived outside Sturgis, so I have seen my share.

    You see lots of tattoos among the gangs, too. We have more than our share where I live now.

    So much to be admired - why, makes you just want to be just like them, doesn't it?

    Life is hard, we work hard to earn a living. Some of us went to college, and worked while we did that. Some of us went on to graduate and work R&D, having to prove ourselves every day on the job. Every deed, every word we did, defined us to our peers, to management and to our customers.

    Why would you handicap yourself, by identifying yourself as someone typically regarded as "undependable"? You see, I would much rather start out as a ZERO and work my way up, than as a NEGATIVE and hope to work up to ZERO. Sorry, but welcome to Life 101.
  • Reply 160 of 214

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    Bottom line is this:  criminals are attracted to tattoo's.  A rough estimate is in our prison system over 50% of inmates with violent crime records have tattoo's.  In the general population only about 5% have tattoo's.


    Again I'm not judging people who choose to have tattoo's.  I'm just saying tattoo's have a stigma.  That's not me, its the general population.


    You can choose to color your hair GREEN if you want.  That is your right.  But don't go crazy when someone treats you different because your hair is GREEN.

    It was actually bright pink and nobody had a problem with it.  Maybe its an area thing.  I live in a little village in Scotland so not rife with gangs and criminals.  I think people should be judged on how they behave and how they treat others.  Not how they look

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