Eminem's exclusive Beats 1 interview may signal patched-up relationship with Apple

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited June 2015
Eminem's interview with Beats 1 host Zane Lowe may reflect a long-term thawing of the rapper's relationship with Apple, which was once defined by legal battles that would influence how royalties are paid for music downloads.

Image Credit: New York Times
Image Credit: New York Times

Confrontations with Apple date back to 2004, when Eminem sued the company for using the song "Lose Yourself" in an iPod ad. The case would later be settled out of court.

In 2007, though, Eminem's music publisher and copyright manager -- Eight Mile Style and Martin Affiliated -- together filed another lawsuit, charging that Apple was selling Eminem's music without permission, since the companies had never authorized Universal Music to put his albums on iTunes. That case would be settled two years later.

Universal Music was separately brought to court by Eminem producers FBT Productions for how it paid out the royalties it was receiving from services like iTunes. Enimem's contracts at the time stipulated that he would get 50 percent of royalties for a license, and 12 percent for sales. FBT argued that Eminem's music was being licensed for downloads, and Universal eventually agreed to settle the dispute. Similar lawsuits would be launched on behalf of artists like Rob Zombie, Weird Al Yankovic, and Chuck D of Public Enemy.

Eminem's willingness to appear on Beats 1 is likely influenced as much or more by personal connections than the clearing of legal problems. Beats co-founder Dr. Dre is a close musical collaborator, and indeed Eminem is currently signed to Dre's Aftermath Entertainment label. Beats' other main co-founder -- Jimmy Iovine -- was, alongside Dr. Dre, instrumental in making Eminem a popular artist.

Beats 1 host Zane Lowe also previously interviewed Eminem in 2013, while the former was still with U.K. government broadcaster BBC Radio 1.

The rapper's appearance could also suggest that Eminem's music will be included in Apple Music when that service launches on June 30, but that is so far unannounced.


  • Reply 1 of 18
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Marshall Mathers should sign a waiver before he's allowed any participation in any Apple business relation.
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  • Reply 2 of 18
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,392member

    Apple has done a fine job of patching relationships lately, as well as creating new ones. Better to have vocal/influential people on your side, then against you. 

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  • Reply 4 of 18
    golfwargolfwar Posts: 8member


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  • Reply 5 of 18
    yoyo2222yoyo2222 Posts: 144member

    Originally Posted by golfwar View Post



    Oh, maybe the guy who sold more than 2 mil of his last record last year. Or the guy who is one of two artists to have 2 albums sell more than 10 mil since SoundScan started in '91. Maybe that guy.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 18
    buzdotsbuzdots Posts: 452member

    Originally Posted by golfwar View Post



    Yeah, you know.  Dat wonderful young man who brings us all joy and uplift-ment wid his great talent.




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  • Reply 7 of 18
    golfwargolfwar Posts: 8member

    Sounds like somebody's got a secret love crush.

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  • Reply 8 of 18
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,184member
    Speaking of Weird Al and Eminem

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  • Reply 9 of 18
    golfwargolfwar Posts: 8member

    Sorry, not impressed.

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  • Reply 10 of 18
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    The news Just keeps getting better and better!!
    slurpy wrote: »
    Apple has done a fine job of patching relationships lately, as well as creating new ones. Better to have vocal/influential people on your side, then against you. 

    They hired these guys who ran the music industry for the past 15 years named Jimmy and Dre. That helped a little :p

    The most anticipated Rap album in history is the unreleased Detox by Dr. Dre. Thought Apple would announce this as a launch exclusive.
    golfwar wrote: »

    Highest selling rap artist of all time.
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  • Reply 11 of 18
    golfwargolfwar Posts: 8member

    Not impressed.

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  • Reply 12 of 18
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    The news Just keeps getting better and better!!

    They hired these guys who ran the music industry for the past 15 years named Jimmy and Dre. That helped a little image

    The most anticipated Rap album in history is the unreleased Detox by Dr. Dre. Thought Apple would announce this as a launch exclusive.

    Highest selling rap artist of all time.

    If it's anything like Guns 'n Roses "Chinese Democracy" (years of hype and a complete dud on delivery), they should keep it in the vault.

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  • Reply 13 of 18
    noivadnoivad Posts: 186member
    Wait. So the guy that sings about hating faggots and women is working with a company headed by an openly gay man and has women in key roles? I guess if there is money involved Marshall%u2019s convictions go out the window like every other hypocritical douche.
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  • Reply 14 of 18
    colinjcolinj Posts: 4member
    The BBC is NOT a UK "government broadcaster".
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  • Reply 16 of 18
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    U.K. government broadcaster BBC Radio 1.

    Where do you pull this from?  The BBC is not a "government broadcaster", and Radio 1 is about as far from a government broadcast as you can get.

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  • Reply 17 of 18
    Sigh... Eminem does not hate women or gay people. There is nothing he has done in his **real** life to indicate either is true. What he raps in some of his songs does not reflect his true thoughts or feelings. Some of it is the male bravado that goes along with the culture of the genre. It is quite clear to us that really listen to his music and lyrics the difference between fact and fiction/ fantasy. We get it. But it does take a sophisticated ear. His lyrics are highly intelligent and complex.
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