The great AI MWNY bitching thread



  • Reply 61 of 111
    So you can *look* at iCal calendars on the iPod, but not edit the calendars on it. Close, Steve. Very close. But no cigar.

    I want the next step (no pun intended) of *some* PDA functionality.
  • Reply 62 of 111
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    ipod on windows. guess i'll go buy a pc now.
  • Reply 63 of 111
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    boring, boring, boring.....
  • Reply 64 of 111
    Consider this a formal apology to his Steveness. I'm in love with iSych and iCal, now that it'll play nice with a Palm. Marry me Steve.
  • Reply 65 of 111
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    i nearly fell asleep when he was synchrnizing that phone with the mac
  • Reply 66 of 111
    This is indeed a frigging infomercial. I wonder if Steve's getting paid for all these product placments. I don't want to buy a new Cell phone. Mine works fine. I don't want to buy a new PDA either, my Handspring Visor Deluxe works fine. Who is Steve's key audience, trust fund babies? Please! Can I get something for free? (okay, aside from iCal, I appreciate that).
  • Reply 67 of 111
    kestonkeston Posts: 14member
    This MacWorld was a bit dissapointing. No New G4/Towers, .mac w/ jacked up pricing.

    The reduced iPod was ok, but still not great. Mostly just demos and disappointment.
  • Reply 68 of 111
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    There better be an upgrade price for Jaguar before it actually goes on sale...

  • Reply 69 of 111
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Not enough bitching in this thread.

    iCal for .mac? That's #16 as far as I'm concerned. The names alone are enough to keep me from telling anyone about them.
  • Reply 70 of 111
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    One more bitch.

    If the moderators are going to lock threads about iCheese, since it's supposedly a mythical product, why the hell don't they just lock the Future Hardware Forum as well?
  • Reply 71 of 111
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    <strong>Apple's bloated inventory of products, which now stands at 6.5 weeks</strong>

    I think this the reason we haven't seen any new hardware. as soon as the channels have been cleared, I think we will see a special event.

    Obviously the stock probelm is in the PM's so no bumps elsewhere otherwise they will never clear the inventory.
  • Reply 72 of 111
    babarbabar Posts: 28member
    Would you guys stop bitching and complaining everytime?

    You guys should all go get a damn Dell box and enjoy ur little WMP with tons of propretary formats everywhere.

    Come on, Steve showed some really great innovations that we won't see soon in the other world. I also presume that most of you that complaint about "NO DDR, 6 months MOBO design blablabla, Geforce 4 Sucks (YEAH RIGHT)" don't even need it nor understand the meaning of DDR and how it affects REAL-LIFE performance.

    So again, if ur not happy with .mac or whatever, FU*K OFF DAMNIT! You seem to be never satified so STFU and get a Dell.
  • Reply 73 of 111
    [quote]Originally posted by pesi:


    then don't pay for it then. now you have a choice.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, now I don't have a choice. Before, Once could use 20 megs of iDisk space for free or pay for more, now the only choice is "pay for more"
  • Reply 73 of 111
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    You want me to bitch? Gladdly.

    I'm so glad I didn't wake up to watch that crap.I'd enjoy watching it now though to see how the crowd reaction was. Had to be the lamest keynote ever. Where are the RDF poster boys who always complain about M$ charging money for software updates? I just bought this G4 and now I have to pay another $129 for 10.2? iSync? iDont****inCareSteve. As if iCalc is gonna change my life somehow...nothing new here folks ...move along....

    Charging $100 for .Mac and abandoning those 2.2 million iTools users is a ridiculous move. iTools is just free advertising for Apple. What's .Mac got that justifies paying for it?

    His jabs at Microsoft are weak. All this useless software. ANd why is Apple RAISING prices with the new iMac? Yes, it's a pretty nice machine ever for $2000, but in this day and age computers don't cost that much. Couldn't speed bump it? Still a lame 100 MHz bus? We sure are using 1999 technology. This is basically what the iMac should've been 6 months ago. No speed bump.

    Seriously folks, I'm a bit worried about Apple. Love them, but I'm worried when they but together a keynote like this.

    Worst of all, no new PowerMacs. It actually kinda makes me think the other way, that they wanna release it quietly cause they know it's a stinker of an upgrade.

    Please Apple. One time.
  • Reply 75 of 111
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    I'll do some bitching alright.

    " We have to pay for this we have to pay for that ".

    God you sound like a bunch of kids with no job ( probably right on in some cases ).

    I knew 10.2 would be a full bore upgrade. So what if Apple is charging for services in .mac !

    This is a company that is in business just like any other.

    We already knew the score on the G4 towers ( they get announced later ).

    If you guys can't grow up and realize that people pay for things in this world ( and that your'e not going to find anything better elsewhere ) may be you should consider a cheaper hobby. But, you're not going to get everything from Apple for free. They aren't mommy and daddy.

    [ 07-17-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</p>
  • Reply 76 of 111
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    No bumped iMacs, just a new one? Sill 800 Mhz! (Sound of head hitting wall). Oy.

    11 & 7! WTF! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...

    Goodbye email, we hardly knew thee.
  • Reply 77 of 111
    babarbabar Posts: 28member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    His jabs at Microsoft are weak. All this useless software. ANd why is Apple RAISING prices with the new iMac? Yes, it's a pretty nice machine ever for $2000, but in this day and age computers don't cost that much. Couldn't speed bump it? Still a lame 100 MHz bus? We sure are using 1999 technology. This is basically what the iMac should've been 6 months ago. No speed bump. [/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    You are ridiculous! He lowered the most popular (Superdrive) iMac by 100$ and introduced the new 17inch, 80gb , superdrive for just 1999$.

    Go get a dell.
  • Reply 78 of 111
    babarbabar Posts: 28member
    [quote]Originally posted by jimmac:

    <strong>I'll do some bitching alright.

    " We have to pay for this we have to pay for that ".

    God you sound like a bunch of kids with no job ( probably right on in some cases ).

    I knew 10.2 would be a full bore upgrade. So what if Apple is charging for services in .mac !

    This is a company that is in business just like any other.

    We already knew the score on the G4 towers ( they get announced later ).

    If you guys can't grow up and realize that people pay for things in this world ( and that your'e not going to find anything better elsewhere ) may be you should consider a cheaper hobby. But, you're not going to get everything from Apple for free. They aren't mommy and daddy.

    [ 07-17-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Amen, bro.
  • Reply 79 of 111

    I know I should be screaming about the lack of 'power'Macs. Especially ones driven by the G5. (Heck, I bitch about the current towers enough, eh?) But I think I understood what just went on up there.

    That was one shrewd Macworld.

    Economy is in dire straights. Do Apple release a raft of new machines? No.

    They discount the old ones and add extra features. Let's face it...the iPod IS Apple's 'PDA'. I think syncing it up with iCal is a stroke of genious...with alarms for appointments and all. But the masterstroke with these little additions is the move to Windows. This equals loads more money to fund the growing of Mac share, Mac awareness, Apple's profits...the 'switch' thing.... Shrewd business move. We'll get them first of course!

    They released the Cube when things started turning down...and with self inflicted tanked. So...we 'only' get 'new' iPod and 'new' Widescreen iMac. SEXY beast. If it had the 1 gig processor. I'd be sweating!!!

    There is some strategy to releasing things little but often to keep up press exposure and keep the share price stable over the 'overall' year.

    I wanted G5 POWERmacs. I didn't get them.

    I'm sure we'll see G4 'power'Macs in August some time. Hopefully in excess of 1.2 gig. Because if they don't...the 17 inch iMac widescreen will clobber them in sales.

    Speaking of which. Shrewd move to only intro a new model at top end and bump the first Superdrive model down again by a hundred. Clever.

    They should do this with the rest of the line though!

    Bar the lack of ddr/bus and 1 gig G4...the 'New' New iMac is looking tempting. Especially when compared to the low end Tower!

    So...maybe Apple will have dual processor DDR and bus improved 1.4 G4 towers to see them through until early next year. But the announcement will be outside of the par their new strategy. Gives them chance to sell the inventory backlog.

    .Mac. I liked the dig at M$! Well...the great internet for free thing appears to be coming to an end. And lets face it. Nothing in life is for free in the end. When you have to pay for appreciate it more .Mac...looked good value for money. Backup date services etc on a banner free e-mail system... Not...bad. Apple have got to make more money and not just from their boxes. They have good services...they already give plenty away for free to push boxes. Excellent iapps. If I was connected to the net on my wife's ibook and not via the PC...then I'd subscribe. This didn't get a clap but maybe its for the greater good. (ie Apple and indirectly to fund great products for us in the future...)

    Apple are maturing. Fighting M$ at its own game. Some of the things we won't like. Like 'paying' for things...and not getting 'power'Macs at expos. But hey...we know the 'powers' aint selling and it has been half a year. They're due. Couple of weeks or so tops.

    But most of all, I was impressed with Jaguar. Rightfully, the expo belonged to it. Stunning. Loved Rendevous. Isync your devices et al. The Sherlock 3 finder. Spring loaded folders(!) Yay. iCal was great. (I didn't realise the wisdom of this until after I'd finished viewing...) Address book and Mail... Lots of great apps built in and integrated into Jaguar. Love the furry box.

    This Macworld. Not a classic. AND Steve looked distinctly annoyed after a couple of demos mistepped eg Junkmail (a superb functionality for mail...)

    But I'd describe it as a shrew hand of Poker. Especially in the current economic conditions.

    For the 'switch' campaign, they've got to convince the 'switcher' that the Jag claws Xps eyes out. What I just saw blows Xp out of the water. It's awesome. Now they CAN go after Xp AND advertise the heck out of it. Functionality. Improved much so...Jag has an'll clinch the sale in the retail stores. I got a headache just reading about all the Jag' extras... PC users in a store will be so star struck they'll sign on the dotted line...

    The focus on software and Jag' clever...and we did get some fine tune the current ranges.


    Lemon Bon Bon

    [ 07-17-2002: Message edited by: Lemon Bon Bon ]

    [ 07-17-2002: Message edited by: Lemon Bon Bon ]</p>
  • Reply 80 of 111
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    [quote]So again, if ur not happy with .mac or whatever, FU*K OFF DAMNIT! You seem to be never satified so STFU and get a Dell. <hr></blockquote>

    As if I didn't see this coming...

    So wait, should we all go buy Dells then? Ok, then we could cut off more Mac support since all of us would buy Dells, and the Mac marketshare would decline further and further, until no companies have the need to support the Mac operating system. Let's all shall we? <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
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