Questionable report claims Apple Watch sales plummet from 200K units per day to less than 20K in US



  • Reply 61 of 120
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    atlapple wrote: »
    Apple touts good sales numbers all the time. Like I said two weeks after the iPhone 6 was released we new the pre-order and first week numbers.


    We know in a quarter Apple sold 74.5 Million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.  Well a quarter isn't much longer than 74 days. 

    When Apple Watch is on its 8th generation HW release you can compare those numbers, until then you either look clueless or you're just trolling.
  • Reply 62 of 120
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    kpom wrote: »
    It took the iPhone 74 days to sell 1 million. It took the Apple Watch one weekend.

    Interesting coincidence that's been exactly been 74 days in each case.
  • Reply 63 of 120
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    When Apple Watch is on its 8th generation HW release you can compare those numbers, until then you either look clueless or you're just trolling.

    Just a point of curiosity, what is your definition of trolling?


    That Apple hasn't crowed about its sales is quite odd. I mean they didn't even wait a week before proclaiming figures for iPad (and they practically invented the tablet category):



    I guess it's fair to say Apple is hedging hedging their bets here but what you responded to is hardly what I consider trolling.


    Trolling, back in the usenet days was posting just to irritate and elicit a response. Having an opposing point of view is not to my mind grounds for calling one a troll. Meta, I know.

  • Reply 64 of 120
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member

    Originally Posted by KPOM View Post


    The truth is the data was always questionable, and it's also US focused. If Slice said the Apple Watch had sold 20 million I'd be suspicious. That said, I think the real test is this fall. Watches are gift items. Will men buy them for their wives/girlfriends for Christmas? We'll see. I'm sure Tim Cook wanted the Apple Watch ready last fall. Since it wasn't he made do with what he had, but April isn't the best time to be releasing an impulse buy, particularly when supply couldn't keep up with whatever the demand was then. 

    Fully agree on the holiday season being the real test. And rolling it out in April (I have no idea if this was indeed an internal delay or not) might even be a good thing in the long run. By fall we will have watchOS 2, which will sort out a few things and should bring much more interesting apps. This also gives them time to study the market as far as bands, colors etc. are concerned. This is important as watches are not products people will (intend to) buy every two years, and while the current selection is good, I personally think it has some gaps.


    The most important (psychological) target for a new product category is increasing sales over the first two to three years. Not selling a watch to everybody now is not a problem at all, selling less of model 2, whenever that arrives, would be difficult.


    Anyhow, I continue to be amazed by the definition of "failure" being thrown around nowadays... I am confident that no watch (or wearable of any kind really) has generated even comparable sales and profits in less than three months. This is an enormous achievement. And still, there has to be a problem somewhere.

  • Reply 65 of 120
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    djsherly wrote: »
    Just a point of curiosity, what is your definition of trolling?

    Intentionally sowing discord.
    That Apple hasn't crowed about its sales is quite odd. I mean they didn't even wait a week before proclaiming figures for iPad (and they practically invented the tablet category):

    And the iPad was the fastest selling CE in history. I think initial sales could have bested the iPad's initial sales, but I'm confident that its initial sales have definitely gone well beyond the iPhone's initial sales which Apple clearly was happy to post so your logic would say that it's sold worse than the iPhone, which had a very slow start. What about new Mac sales? If they don't post those does that mean that Mac has to be doing poorly?* I don't think so.

    Furthermore, if Apple sold 3 million at this point you get people like AtlApple saying the numbers suck because they aren't as good as the 8th generation iPhone then how the fuçk does it help Apple? That said, I don't think Apple worries about people like him, but does want to keep this most undiscovered and nascent category close to the belt for the time being; but don't worry, because I'm sure they will announce numbers soon enough.

    * BTW, loving my new 12" MacBook.
  • Reply 66 of 120
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post


    That Apple hasn't crowed about its sales is quite odd. I mean they didn't even wait a week before proclaiming figures for iPad (and they practically invented the tablet category):


    Well, Apple has advised shareholders and analysts, before the Apple Watch even went on sale, that they will not report numbers for it. This makes perfect sense for a new product category, and especially one where not a single relevant company on earth is reporting numbers. Buyers do not need these numbers, for shareholders they are are rather irrelevant (compared to the iPhone they are nothing, I can guarantee that without having a single number myself) and they are only potentially beneficial for the competition.

  • Reply 67 of 120
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    dreyfus2 wrote: »
    Well, Apple has advised shareholders and analysts, before the Apple Watch even went on sale, that they will not report numbers for it. This makes perfect sense for a new product category, and especially one where not a single relevant company on earth is reporting numbers. Buyers do not need these numbers, for shareholders they are are rather irrelevant (compared to the iPhone they are nothing, I can guarantee that without having a single number myself) and they are only potentially beneficial for the competition.

    They placed in as a accessory so they aren't required to, but I would be surprised if milestones were not presented at the beginning of events. WWDC had no stats being stated so we'll have to see what happens this Autumn.
  • Reply 68 of 120
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Intentionally sowing discord.

    And the iPad was the fastest selling CE in history. I think initial sales could have bested the iPad's initial sales, but I'm confident that its initial sales have definitely gone well beyond the iPhone's initial sales which Apple clearly was happy to post so your logic would say that it's sold worse than the iPhone, which had a very slow start. What about new Mac sales? If they don't post those does that mean that Mac has to be doing poorly?* I don't think so.


    I don't think my logic says anything of the sort. It does suggest to me that the launch wasn't as strong as Apple expected, given past history of announcements. That's all. And I've given my admittedly anecdotal evidence that sales aren't that strong. It's OK to think that. It's just my opinion.


    Furthermore, if Apple sold 3 million at this point you get people like AtlApple saying the numbers suck because they aren't as good as the 8th generation iPhone then how the fuçk does it help Apple? That said, I don't think Apple worries about people like him, but does want to keep this most undiscovered and nascent category close to the belt for the time being; but don't worry, because I'm sure they will announce numbers soon enough.


    I would look at it differently. If Apple had made a sales figure announcement it would clearly indicate to me that the launch either met or exceeded their expectations. You're free to dispute that as an idea, but to me it does seem the way of things.


    * BTW, loving my new 12" MacBook.


    I didn't find the MacBook that interesting myself... but I am not so sure I should have bought the Pro 15 last October. My work is less technical now so something less beefy would be a better fit for my wallet and my bags. Hindsight...

  • Reply 69 of 120
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    djsherly wrote: »
    I don't think my logic says anything of the sort. It does suggest to me that the launch wasn't as strong as Apple expected, given past history of announcements. That's all. And I've given my admittedly anecdotal evidence that sales aren't that strong. It's OK to think that. It's just my opinion.

    Then I don't understand why you would write, "That Apple hasn't crowed about its sales is quite odd. I mean they didn't even wait a week before proclaiming figures for iPad," when it's the fastest selling CE, and this wouldn't even have to compete with it, but with the CE accessory subcategory. Do you think it sold worse than the original iPhone? I don't see how that's possible and yet they didn't post any numbers, so you would have to say it did or conclude that posting numbers better than another Apple entrant isn't the only qualifier for an announcement in 2015.

    Based on just anecdotal sightings I'd say Apple Watch is off to a great start, on par with the iPad and much better than the iPhone and iPod. But that's neither here nor there, because it's about having legs, and this product is certainly atypical for CE in many ways.
    I didn't find the MacBook that interesting myself... but I am not so sure I should have bought the Pro 15 last October. My work is less technical now so something less beefy would be a better fit for my wallet and my bags. Hindsight...

    I'll likely always be a MBP guy but I need a secondary laptop for work (lots of travel) and I'm about to take a trip so I wanted to test it for that purpose. Coincidently (and unfortunately) I spilled on my MBP yesterday and it's currently dead so it's also my only machine, outside of my iPhone, for computing. Not worried about the MBP but it is a 2013 model so the SSD is not SATA, which means it's not as easy to remove data. Apple can do it for $99 but I'd rather just buy the simple mini-PCIe adapter for USB so I can copy and wipe the data myself. There are some options on eBay but I doubt any of them are coded for the proper electrical signals used by Apple's newer SSDs.

    If anyone knows of a viable options please let me know.
  • Reply 70 of 120
    scottjdscottjd Posts: 64member
    Not worth it
  • Reply 71 of 120
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Then I don't understand why you would write, "That Apple hasn't crowed about its sales is quite odd. I mean they didn't even wait a week before proclaiming figures for iPad," when it's the fastest selling CE, and this wouldn't even have to compete with it, but with the CE accessory subcategory. Do you think it sold worse than the original iPhone? I don't see how that's possible and yet they didn't post any numbers, so you would have to say it did or conclude that posting numbers better than another Apple entrant isn't the only qualifier for an announcement in 2015.



    My speculation is that Apple is not entirely satisfied with Apple Watch's numbers. They used different language in a recent conference call:


    Toni Sacconaghi, a well-respected Apple analyst with Bernstein Research, asked Cook about what seemed like a lack of Apple Watch enthusiasm: "Relative to other product launches where your commentary around demand was characterized by superlative after superlative, that assessment [saying you are 'generally happy'] feels very modest," he said.

    "I'm thrilled with it," Cook said. "So I don't want you to read anything I'm saying any other way other than that...I feel really great about it. The customer response literally from what I've seen is 100 percent positive, and so it's hard to imagine it being better."


    although he does say in the same call that demand is exceeding supply (says nothing about sales). The Customer response statement says zero about sales. I'll join that to my own personal observations about who I know has the device and my perception about the lack of buzz.... and well I might be making 5 out of 2 and 2 but I'm not sure Apple is completely happy with sales to this point. I can't really comment on how many I think have sold because just like everybody else I have no idea but my view is Apple isn't thrilled by the amazing and overwhelming response to the Apple Watch (I used those superlatives as they're the types of word Apple are inclined to use when they have a hit on their hands - which is nearly always).


    Like I posted before, Apple issued a press release for selling 300k iPads. Why not for Watch? They're hedging their bets.

  • Reply 72 of 120
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    djsherly wrote: »
    My speculation is that Apple is not entirely satisfied with Apple Watch's numbers.

    And a big part of your reasoning is how the accounting for this accessory device is different from their primary market segments, and yet they announced this accounting long before there was a single Apple Watch sale so you're claiming Apple decided to introduce and demo a product more than half a year before it was to go on sale knowing they would be disappointed with the results. I find that to be an irrational assumption.
    although he does say in the same call that demand is exceeding supply (says nothing about sales).

    That's not the first time that's been stated. Furthermore, if demand is equal to or exceeding supply than they are selling as many as they can make. More demand will not lot to more sales if it's still being exceeded.
  • Reply 73 of 120
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    And a big part of your reasoning is how the accounting for this accessory device is different from their primary market segments, and yet they announced this accounting long before there was a single Apple Watch sale so you're claiming Apple decided to introduce and demo a product more than half a year before it was to go on sale knowing they would be disappointed with the results. I find that to be an irrational assumption.
    That's not the first time that's been stated. Furthermore, if demand is equal to or exceeding supply than they are selling as many as they can make. More demand will not lot to more sales if it's still being exceeded.

    I think you're reading far too much into my statements. All I'm saying is that executive behaviour and my personal observations both in the news and on the street lead me to the conclusion that sales aren't what Apple are expecting. The slice estimates are just a talking point. I don't place much stock in them myself.

    I've said nothing about accounting except to say I have no idea how many they've sold.

    And of course Apple would expect its products to sell well. Wouldn't you? They're great products for the most part.
  • Reply 74 of 120
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by scottjd View Post

    I'm sorry, the comment was towards apple insider, not you. But if your going to comment on my comments then you can do so with out the ridicules quotes like "stick that in your pipe and smoke it" who Are you to assume I smoke or imply I'm a crack smoker or drug user. Please, at least when other reply they do it with intelligence like KPOM. (Thanks KPOM)

    Or is this one of those things when I offended an apple fan boy some how because I have my own opinion?

    If I were you I would learn to reply to people with a certain level of maturity or don't reply to my comments at all.


    If you can't spot a well worn metaphor when you see one, then I'm at a lost at you claiming any maturity at all.


    Having had several kids about 25 years ago, engineers like me now, I think I'm kind of covered in the maturity department.

    Thanks for the concern about my education and future well being though (sic),


    Your snide cluelessness mixed in with trollish baiting (fanboy...) would merit more of the same reply as the first.

    But, I'm desisting because you're simply not worth it : ignore is the word of the day.

  • Reply 75 of 120
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    atlapple wrote: »

    Or it could just be something crazy like the Apple Watch isn't selling all that well. Not every product Apple releases is going to be a home run. I"m willing to bet everyone on this forum has an iPhone, I'm also willing to bet they have a Mac. A high percentage most likely have or have owned an iPad.

    I would be willing to bet if we had a poll on the forum and people were honest the vast majority don't own an Apple Watch. 

    The Apple Watch rollout was awful. Apple had an announcement in Sept, an event six months later followed by a wait for them to be released and then a 4-6 week wait. Followed by a delay hitting retail stores. 

    That has to be the worst rollout in Apple history. 

    Apple isn't releasing numbers because the numbers aren't good. Two weeks after the iPhone 6 was released Apple released all the pre-order numbers and the numbers for the first week. It's not like they don't have the numbers. 

    KGI - Ming Chi Kuo lowered his prediction in late May from 30 Million to 15 Million. One of the factors was tracking the production of the Taptic Engine.

    If several sources are releasing information like this and Apple isn't responding then the numbers are worse then the bad press. 

    While @foggyhill above can say..."I'm desisting because you're simply not worth it : ignore is the word of the day."...

    I for some reason can't ignore asking.... shouldn't you be out saving some Chinese slave laborers instead of worrying about the AppleWatch?

    Why are you not dancing in glee *IF* the AppleWatch failed or is failing?

    Why are you even concerned whether Apple's rollout was good or bad?

    That's what you want for the slave laborers in China, isn't it? That they don't need to "slave so hard for Apple"... right?

    Or is it not truthfully apparent that you only want to point out hypocrisy against Tim Cook because he's proudly gay... while you ignore your own hypocrisy and efforts at justifying poor analysis?

    Rather sad indeed.
  • Reply 76 of 120
    scottjdscottjd Posts: 64member
    foggyhill wrote: »
    If you can't spot a well worn metaphor when you see one, then I'm at a lost at you claiming any maturity at all.

    Having had several kids about 25 years ago, engineers like me now, I think I'm kind of covered in the maturity department.
    Thanks for the concern about my education and future well being though (sic),

    Your snide cluelessness mixed in with trollish baiting (fanboy...) would merit more of the same reply as the first.
    But, I'm desisting because you're simply not worth it : ignore is the word of the day.

    I refuse to go on with this when first their was nothing to stuff and smoke and the comment wasn't for you or anyone specific, unless you work for apple insider?
    I sent you a PM. I'm done with this BS back and forth in the public since its way off topic at this point.
  • Reply 77 of 120
    mrboba1mrboba1 Posts: 276member

    Dammit!! There go all the predictions of 72M Watches being sold in its first year. In the US.


    What? Didn't everyone guess that many?

  • Reply 78 of 120
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    I absolutely did not.

    you absolutely did misconstrue and deserve what you get. this is an apple enthusiast site. if you take issue with a pro Apple bias you're in the wrong place.
  • Reply 79 of 120
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    djsherly wrote: »
    Like I posted before, Apple issued a press release for selling 300k iPads. Why not for Watch? They're hedging their bets.

    Hogwash. He said Apple wasn't going to release numbers prior to launch. It's more strategic on its part rather than anything else.
  • Reply 80 of 120
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    A trivia question, sort of unrelated to this dumb story and graph, but related to AppleWatch: is there any other current Apple product (all accessories excluded) that does not feature an Apple logo?

    The logo is there it's just not prominently displayed


    That I did see, but I was not counting that as 'the logo' as much as a description of the product name. In any event, even if we were to count that as the logo, that would be somewhat different from what we've seen in the past in terms of Apple's branding, no?
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