Apple planning 2016 'iPhone 7' to be thinnest yet, in-line with new iPod touch & iPad Air 2



  • Reply 61 of 183
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    All these people blindly asking for a "bigger, heavier battery" are really asking for "more usage time from a single full charge." They should be forgiven for not expressing themselves more clearly, and trying to tell Apple how to engineer their hardware.

    Personally, I think Apple's future belongs to denser, more efficient batteries, multi-day fuel cells, and/or more power savings from OS optimizations. Thinking outside the thicker box, so to speak.

    Apple should absolutely be pushing thin and light, while at the same time keeping current specs for battery life, strength, and toughness. If someone today gave me a mm and a half thick device that was otherwise the same spec as the current iPhone, I'd purchase it in a second, and so would just anybody else. The quest for thin forces new innovations in electronic components, batteries, camera tech and packaging that will move the market forward, not just in mobile, but all personal devices.


    The next level is flexible, and thin makes it easier.

  • Reply 62 of 183
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    If everybody wants Apple to get off the thinness train thrn why aren't they doing it? At the end of the day if you're not giving customers what they want they stop buying your products, no?

    I wasn't aware that the new MacBook had a rigidity issue. I was playing around with one while waiting for an appointment at an Apple Store the other day and it seemed rock solid to me.
  • Reply 63 of 183
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Bendgate was a manufactured campaign by Unbox Therapy to promote their YouTube channel. Apple's reputation suffered because it was a viral meme that got repeated on social media. A minority of Apple users reported bent phones, but it did not appear to have any measurable impact on iPhone 6 sales.

    The thing that bothers me is that the HTC and Samsung S6 Edge were just as easy to bend (or in the case of the HTC, easier) in instrumented testing, but this fact failed to become a viral meme ("bendgate"), and Unbox Therapy failed to give a shit about those easily bent phones.

    And what's so stupid about it is its cleat this 7000 series aluminum is a byproduct of working on the Watch, not a response to the stupid #bendgate. Apple is notorious for bringing technology from one product to another, like multitouch that found its way to MacBook trackpads. Or unibody casings which started with the MBA and is now used in virtually all of Apple's products. Did anyone really think Apple wouldn't take things they learned from manufacturing the Watch and apply them to other products?
  • Reply 64 of 183
    tenly wrote: »
    You couldn't be any more wrong. On a thread which talked about the iPhone 6S getting thinner, I posted:
    "Instead of making it thinner, if given a choice, I would rather see them use that extra space for a bigger battery - and that if other iPhone users were surveyed, I think the vast majority of them would also prefer to have a bigger battery."

    So - what is wrong with that statement? Nothing!!

    Everything, as already explained. You have no details about this invented surgery with your invented results except to say that "the vast majority of them would also prefer to have a bigger battery." I've been trying to drag you along into a reality of maths and science, to at least some info about how much "bigger" this battery would get. You don't even seem to understand how battery sizes are measured. The rational individual would say, I don't care how large the battery is in — which can be in terms of volume, a dimension, mass, or energy — so long as I can get more usage out of it. Why is understand that usage is what's important here. For example, if Apple came out with the iPhone 6S-series, being nearly simpler to the 6-series, and said "the battery will now allow 20 hours of Safari or video playback on a single charge" I would be happy. If iFixit then cracked one open to find that the battery volume is now cut in half with increased energy density or that the components were now so efficient that even with the same energy density, I would marvel that level of breakthrough but wouldn't care that it's smaller. Yet, you, with your lateness for a thinner phone and ridiculous surgery question have repeatedly stated the battery will have to get bigger before you'll be satisfied. You're just not thinking it through, and I'm done trying to hold your hand.
    tmay wrote: »
    Apple should absolutely be pushing thin and light, while at the same time keeping current specs for battery life, strength, and toughness. If someone today gave me a mm and a half thick device that was otherwise the same spec as the current iPhone, I'd purchase it in a second, and so would just anybody else. The quest for thin forces new innovations in electronic components, batteries, camera tech and packaging that will move the market forward, not just in mobile, but all personal devices.

    The next level is flexible, and thin makes it easier.

    See that, [@]tenly[/@], he references both current specs and a size of 1.5mm. That's specific.
  • Reply 65 of 183

    Captain Obvious recommends this article.

  • Reply 66 of 183
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Geez can we wait a while? At least until the 10th?!

  • Reply 67 of 183

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    The 6S isn't announced yet and he's predicting the 7? Why stop there, what about the 8?!


    He must be Nostradamus.

  • Reply 68 of 183

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    The 6S isn't announced yet and he's predicting the 7? Why stop there, what about the 8?!

    this is so people will forget his mistakes, which were so last month.  If he were to predict anything today, if wrong, it'll still be in the memory banks of the pundits.  


    And... he's a security analyst... I'm reading a 12 month 3 day prediction is that he's buying contracts now, if they are true, and he'll let them expire and then be shorting stock in the summer if it turns out false.

  • Reply 69 of 183

    Today I learned that BREAKING NEWS means SPECULATION.

  • Reply 70 of 183

    Originally Posted by CanukStorm View Post


    I can't speak for iPhones but I definitely need to get thinner. <img class=" src="" />


    And how about lasting longer?

    (Soli opened the door...)

  • Reply 71 of 183
    pscooter63 wrote: »
    And how about lasting longer?
    (Soli opened the door...)

    For most people, getting thinner is how they plan to last longer… and our components will likely become more efficient, too boot.
  • Reply 72 of 183
    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    For those crying about wanted a bigger battery than a thinner phone - go buy a battery case. For the 99.9% we prefer a thinner phone.

    Citation please on the 99.9% preference. Just because electronics can be thinner doesn't mean it's the best option. 


    An awful lot of people want better battery life and not a thinner phone. Just look at the posts in this one thread alone. I would venture that more people want more battery more than thinness at this point.


    Battery cases in general are a horrible, ugly and bulky option compared to adding a few millimeters and a gram or two to the device, which by contrast is imperceptible to the user.


    You speak for yourself, you do not speak for 99.9% of the people. Not by a long stretch. 


    Edited for typo

  • Reply 73 of 183
    rogifan wrote: »
    And what's so stupid about it is its cleat this 7000 series aluminum is a byproduct of working on the Watch, not a response to the stupid #bendgate. Apple is notorious for bringing technology from one product to another, like multitouch that found its way to MacBook trackpads. Or unibody casings which started with the MBA and is now used in virtually all of Apple's products. Did anyone really think Apple wouldn't take things they learned from manufacturing the Watch and apply them to other products?

    A popular troll meme is that Apple "caved" to their vocal attacks.
  • Reply 74 of 183
    0.5 mm thinner ? wow, that's all I can say:)
  • Reply 75 of 183
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member

    I think they probably are thin enough now, but I'm not really interested

    in creating space for bigger batteries, because that just means more weight.

    The answer is better battery technology, not bigger batteries, and, as "necessity is the mother of invention",

    making battery improvements less important, likely slows that progress...

    C'mon, guys - we all know that Tang didn't just 'happen'...

  • Reply 76 of 183

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post


    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    And what's so stupid about it is its cleat this 7000 series aluminum is a byproduct of working on the Watch, not a response to the stupid #bendgate. Apple is notorious for bringing technology from one product to another, like multitouch that found its way to MacBook trackpads. Or unibody casings which started with the MBA and is now used in virtually all of Apple's products. Did anyone really think Apple wouldn't take things they learned from manufacturing the Watch and apply them to other products?

    A popular troll meme is that Apple "caved" to their vocal attacks.

    I will admit to giving a click to unbox therapy and watched their video of what is presumably the new iPhone shell.


    If it is actually true, and that is the new case that Apple is going to use, I give Apple no less than 2 thumbs up on using both better aluminium material as well as a superior anodizing process.


    Trolls or no trolls it appears to be a more robust product, if indeed the unbox therapy guy has an actual shell. 


    I agree with @Rogifan and add that Apple is a leader in manufacturing. With the exception of the screen, the winner in my opinion goes to Samsung for screens.

  • Reply 77 of 183

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    I can't begin to imagine the world you live in where you see a single test by single person to claim something like "most accurate display ever made." Did he say that? If so, his credintonlas are even more specious. The best you could say is "I believe it's the most accurate display ever made" or "This is the most accurate display he's tested." That's it!

    I'll ask you, do you really think think this mass produced, consumer display is the "most accurate display ever made"?

    Are you calling him out on his lack of precision with his wording or because you did not read the quote?

  • Reply 78 of 183
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post


    Citation please on the 99.9% preference. Just because electronics can be thinner doesn't mean it's the best option. 


    An awful lot of people want better battery life and not a thinner phone. Just look at the posts in this one thread alone. I would venture that more people want more battery more than thinness at this point.


    Battery cases in general are a horrible, ugly and bulky option compared to adding a few millimeters and a gram or two to the device, which by contrast is imperceptible to the user.


    You speak for yourself, you do not speak for 99.9% of the people. Not by a long stretch. 


    Edited for typo

    Yet you speak in exactly the same hand waving vagueness.


    Going by the posts in an Apple specific website gives no more insight than a guess about the desires of the consumer at large. Apple likely expended a huge level effort to determine the distribution of usage to define its battery life.; so much so that it is predictable for each new generation.


    Some of those users will be outliers that will not be satisfied with Apple's usage goal; you are one of those. Apple isn't making an iPhone of outliers.

  • Reply 79 of 183
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post


    I will admit to giving a click to unbox therapy and watched their video of what is presumably the new iPhone shell.


    If it is actually true, and that is the new case that Apple is going to use, I give Apple no less than 2 thumbs up on using both better aluminium material as well as a superior anodizing process.


    Trolls or no trolls it appears to be a more robust product, if indeed the unbox therapy guy has an actual shell. 


    I agree with @Rogifan and add that Apple is a leader in manufacturing. With the exception of the screen, the winner in my opinion goes to Samsung for screens.

    Apple also appears to have added material to the sidewalls on the side of the volume buttons; this should reduce failure due to bending loads and is might be an acknowledgement of the media storm popularly known as "bendgate"; or not.

  • Reply 80 of 183
    Instead of thinner make it flexible with greater battery life!!! There's a thought!
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