Second-gen Apple Watch likely to wait until mid- to late 2016 - report



  • Reply 41 of 70
    My Apple Watch already lasts me 2 days! The os2 seems to have improved it.
  • Reply 42 of 70
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    For you, maybe. But your reply was acting as though it was extrapolating to others. That's not proper. To others, their phone is redundant. How far do you want to take that?

    Ok shall we take it one step further? I really don't understand how an iPhone can be redundant. If you went away for the weekend and forgot your phone charger, but not your watch charger, your iPhone and ?Watch would basically quit working at the same time because the ?Watch is virtually useless without an iPhone, not the other way around.


    We all got by just fine without wristwatches ever since the invention of the cell phone. One might argue you could get by just fine without a cell phone too, but not many people would agree with that these days.


    If you NEED your ?Watch for medical reasons such as checking your pulse, then make a geofence reminder in iCloud to not forget your chargers when you go away for the weekend.

  • Reply 43 of 70

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    Ok shall we take it one step further? I really don't understand how an iPhone can be redundant. If you went away for the weekend and forgot your phone charger, but not your watch charger, your iPhone and ?Watch would basically quit working at the same time because the ?Watch is virtually useless without an iPhone, not the other way around.


    We all got by just fine without wristwatches ever since the invention of the cell phone. One might argue you could get by just fine without a cell phone too, but not many people would agree with that these days.


    If you NEED your ?Watch for medical reasons such as checking your pulse, then make a geofence reminder in iCloud to not forget your chargers when you go away for the weekend.


    I know it doesn't fit your twisted little narrative, but the Watch is very usefull without a phone, especially if your on a WIFI network you already were on before, this is a non exhaustive list of thing you can do with the watch without a phone.



    Notice, on WIFI you get almost all Watch functions you get with the phone close by (but not all of them, you don't get GPS for example).


    With native apps, you will be able to do even more.

  • Reply 44 of 70
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by foggyhill View Post



    I know it doesn't fit your twisted little narrative, but the Watch is very usefull without a phone, especially if your on a WIFI network you already were on before, this is a non exhaustive list of thing you can do with the watch without a phone.

    True but we were discussing forgetting a charger while traveling so likely you won't be on a familiar wifi network.


    Thanks for the list though, how do you make and receive phone calls without an iPhone? I just tried it on a familiar wifi. It doesn't work for me.

  • Reply 45 of 70
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    I'll buy one if it will be thinner.
  • Reply 46 of 70
    pmz wrote: »

    Making it last longer than 1 full day is of no benefit to anyone. I have 1 Apple Watch charger, and its on my nightstand. I'm not wearing the damn thing to bed, so there is absolutely positively no benefit whatsoever to it lasting longer than a day....I'm putting it on the charger at night like I do every other device. Under what delusion must I operate to see the benefit of putting it on the charger every other night?

    It is of benefit of people who don't sleep at home every day. Every time I sleep at a friends house the watch only last half the second day. I guess this will be solved when everyone has a Apple Watch charger, but I frankly don't know anyone who owns a Apple Watch.
  • Reply 47 of 70
    It is of benefit of people who don't sleep at home every day. Every time I sleep at a friends house the watch only last half the second day. I guess this will be solved when everyone has a Apple Watch charger, but I frankly don't know anyone who owns a Apple Watch.

    So you have an unusual situation that should make you consider bringing your Watch charger with you or buying a spare to bring with you in your toiletry/overnight bag.
  • Reply 48 of 70
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post


    True but we were discussing forgetting a charger while traveling so likely you won't be on a familiar wifi network.


    Thanks for the list though, how do you make and receive phone calls without an iPhone? I just tried it on a familiar wifi. It doesn't work for me.


    What carrier do you have? Have you added the watch to your Calls on Other Devices list on your phone?


    It has been my experience that the ?Watch makes for a good iPhone replacement, with respect to many functions. Certainly not web-browsing. It's only a matter of time before the watch replaces the phone as the primary communication device.


    With respect to traveling, some nationwide networks only require you to log in once. I know my ATT network works that way with any of their complimentary hotspots. I've also been automatically logged into some Starbucks I'm pretty sure I had never been to before.

  • Reply 49 of 70
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Are you seriously comparing the giant 6+ to the Watch?  I mean REALLY!

    I own a 6+ and it does last 2 days with normal usage. But I still recharge it EVERY DAY since I don't what days I'll get heavy usage.  The same with the Watch.  Who wants to keep track of what day to charge?  Just charge it every day just like the phone.

    Since most people want a longer time between charges, I must disagree with that.
  • Reply 50 of 70
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    mstone wrote: »
    Ok shall we take it one step further? I really don't understand how an iPhone can be redundant. If you went away for the weekend and forgot your phone charger, but not your watch charger, your iPhone and ?Watch would basically quit working at the same time because the ?Watch is virtually useless without an iPhone, not the other way around.

    We all got by just fine without wristwatches ever since the invention of the cell phone. One might argue you could get by just fine without a cell phone too, but not many people would agree with that these days.

    If you NEED your ?Watch for medical reasons such as checking your pulse, then make a geofence reminder in iCloud to not forget your chargers when you go away for the weekend.

    Even with Watch OS 1, the watch does a number of things without the phone. With Watch OS 2, it can do so much more. While you're right, I carry my phone everywhere, and I don't yet have the watch ( I plan to get the next model), that doesn't mean that I would be happy to have the watch die. I wear a watch, and I have since I was a kid. I like wearing a watch, and a lot of others do as well. Last year, the same number of watches were sold around the world as watches.

    You need to stop pushing your likes and dislikes on others.
  • Reply 51 of 70
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    solipsismy wrote: »
    So you have an unusual situation that should make you consider bringing your Watch charger with you or buying a spare to bring with you in your toiletry/overnight bag.

    It's not an unusual situation. Have you ever heard of spontaneity? People sometimes change plans at the last moment. Maybe you don't.
  • Reply 52 of 70
    sog35 wrote: »
    So you want to triple battery life and keep the same size?  What type of magic is this?
    There are a lot of breaking developments in radically longer battery life coming to market in the next few years. I find that if you use the ?WATCH for a 2-3 hr Runtastic monitored exercise plus Bluetooth music play, it will not last one day. So those of you who are getting all day or even two day battery life now are not doing that. Longer battery life is necessary NOW if you want to be able to take full advantage of all the ?WATCH power today. Days when I've tried to do the above force a second charge during the day after the Bluetooth music play 2-3 hr exercise.
  • Reply 53 of 70
    melgross wrote: »
    It's not an unusual situation. Have you ever heard of spontaneity? People sometimes change plans at the last moment. Maybe you don't.

    Sure, which is why when Apple finally dropped the 30-pin connector for Lightning I bought extra: one for my car connection and one for my "bug out" bag in case of an impromptu sojourn.

    I keep an extra toiletry bag and change of clothes in a couple different places (which are exactly the same clothes), which is probably atypical, but I am both a planner and enjoy spur of the moment jaunt.

    I don't expect anyone else to be as proactive and efficient as I am, but if you're commonly doing overnight stays and you know you're using a device that has a unique charger—just like with Lightning first came out or even when the original iPhome first came out—you may want to consider some very simple things to help make your life run a little more smoothly.
  • Reply 54 of 70

    Originally Posted by Multimedia View Post

    There are a lot of breaking developments in radically longer battery life coming to market in the next few years. I find that if you use the ?WATCH for a 2-3 hr Runtastic monitored exercise plus Bluetooth music play, it will not last one day. So those of you who are getting all day or even two day battery life now are not doing that. Longer battery life is necessary NOW if you want to be able to take full advantage of all the ?WATCH power today. Days when I've tried to do the above force a second charge during the day after the Bluetooth music play 2-3 hr exercise.


    If those new batteries, which we have been promised for quite a while, arrive, and they are compatible with older devices (they should), everyone will be doing better. But, I've got the feeling that it is not coming as soon as you think....

  • Reply 55 of 70
    mac_128 wrote: »
    <span style="line-height:1.4em;">What carrier do you have? Have you added the watch to your Calls on Other Devices list on your phone?</span>
    I was unaware of this list and cannot find it in settings on my AT&T iPhone 6+ nor on my AT&T iPhone 6S+ both running iOS 9.0.1. Would you mind telling us where we add our watch to this list please? Thank you in advance for your help.
  • Reply 56 of 70

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    A second-generation Apple Watch is predicted no earlier than mid-2016, and will likely feature a thinner size and better performance, according to a Cowen and Company research memo based on a recent tour of Asian suppliers.


    As opposed to a watch with worse performance? Awesome Cowen. 

  • Reply 57 of 70

    I wear mine every night now - HR data is really interesting! Below 40 bpm sounds scary!


    It'll be about 50% at bed time, I wake at 7, pop it on charge, have shower, make a cuppa, kids breakfast. By 8ish it'll be 100% again.

  • Reply 58 of 70

    Originally Posted by Multimedia View Post

    There are a lot of breaking developments in radically longer battery life coming to market in the next few years. I find that if you use the ?WATCH for a 2-3 hr Runtastic monitored exercise plus Bluetooth music play, it will not last one day. So those of you who are getting all day or even two day battery life now are not doing that. Longer battery life is necessary NOW if you want to be able to take full advantage of all the ?WATCH power today. Days when I've tried to do the above force a second charge during the day after the Bluetooth music play 2-3 hr exercise.

    I gave up on AppleWatch because I use a Garmin / Strava - I used both for a while (Watch without iPhone / pedometer) - Now I don't even set it as a workout, just let in sense Move and Exercise. When Strava do a proper app I'd like to try it again, then I'll be in your situation, wanting more battery.

  • Reply 59 of 70

    Originally Posted by Multimedia View Post

    There are a lot of breaking developments in radically longer battery life coming to market in the next few years. I find that if you use the ?WATCH for a 2-3 hr Runtastic monitored exercise plus Bluetooth music play, it will not last one day. So those of you who are getting all day or even two day battery life now are not doing that. Longer battery life is necessary NOW if you want to be able to take full advantage of all the ?WATCH power today. Days when I've tried to do the above force a second charge during the day after the Bluetooth music play 2-3 hr exercise.

    I would be surprised if there was a high number of people doing 2-3 hours worth of daily exercise in the one go.  But on a personal basis, I normally put the watch on at 7am in the morning on 100% charge and it's sitting close to 60% come 7pm-8pm at night.  If I have filled my rings and am in the house for the night, then it's off and getting charged.  I have only done a few runs with the watch, for approximately 30 mins and the battery hasn't moved at all.

  • Reply 60 of 70

    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    I'll buy one if it will be thinner.

    Have you tried one on?


    I think it's the first Apple product where their photography makes it look worse and thicker - it's pretty thin and the rounded back nestles into your wrist.

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