Apple's online store services, Maps suffer widespread outage

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited November 2015
Apple's content delivery and Maps networks suffered concentrated outages late Tuesday, as the company's system status page showed downtime for various iTunes related services and a brief, but complete shutdown of Apple Maps.

As seen above, Apple's system status webpage noted limited availability for "multiple" services including the iOS App Store, Mac App Store, Apple TV, iTunes Match, iTunes Store, Radio and iBooks about ten minutes after 7 p.m. Pacific. It took more than an hour to restore all services to normal operating capacity.

According to Apple, "some users" were affected by the store services downtime, though the company failed to provide an exact number.

More severe was the Maps outage, which occurred shortly before 8 p.m. and lasted about half an hour before a fix was implemented. Apple notes all users attempting to contact Apple Maps servers experienced problems as a result of the undisclosed issue.

Apple did not immediately provide an explanation for the downtime and it is unknown if the two incidents are related.

Apple customers most recently experienced significant server issues in October when iTunes and the iOS App Store went down four times during a one-week span. The last outage on Oct. 15 brought down iTunes, both App Stores, Apple TV and the Volume Purchase Program.


  • Reply 1 of 23
    Apple hiccups. Panic ensues.
  • Reply 2 of 23
    Game Center was down for me for at least 90 minites????
  • Reply 3 of 23

    ISIS did it...blew up the whole dam virtual world. /s

  • Reply 4 of 23
    iMessage was having a lot of problems also
  • Reply 5 of 23
    croprcropr Posts: 1,135member

    The Apple App Store is too often down.  Apple should really pay much more attention to the availability of its service platform.  Especially if it wants to target more business customers.  One can say a lot of bad things about Google, but the Play Store operations are rock solid and reliable.


    As owner of an app development company, I highly depend on the availability of the App Store.  Last year it costed me 2000 Euro and a lot of goodwill when I failed to deliver an app to a customer because the App Store was down at the time of hand over. 

  • Reply 6 of 23
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    cropr wrote: »
    The Apple App Store is too often down.  Apple should really pay much more attention to the availability of its service platform.  Especially if it wants to target more business customers.  One can say a lot of bad things about Google, but the Play Store operations are rock solid and reliable.

    As owner of an app development company, I highly depend on the availability of the App Store.  Last year it costed me 2000 Euro and a lot of goodwill when I failed to deliver an app to a customer because the App Store was down at the time of hand over. 
    enough your bs? Then go to Play Store... Oh Well you ain't make no money in there. That's why you stick to App Store.
  • Reply 7 of 23
    croprcropr Posts: 1,135member

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post

    enough your bs? Then go to Play Store... Oh Well you ain't make no money in there. That's why you stick to App Store.

    I stick to both, because my customers ask for both and I follow my customers.  For your information, 90% of my revenue is from companies that pay me to develop apps for iOS and Android, 6% is from the Play Store, 4% from the App Store.  When the App Store is down, my 90% revenue stream is impacted because my customers cannot download the app I developed for them. 


    It is not because it is about Apple, that a serious shortcoming should not be mentioned.  If you call this BS, fine with me.  It just tells something about your intellectual honesty

  • Reply 8 of 23
    Hell, even the System Status page was down for me last night. I couldn't figure out what the problem was.
  • Reply 9 of 23
    cropr wrote: »
    The Apple App Store is too often down. 

    For you, or for everyone else also?

    What do you mean by "too often"?
  • Reply 10 of 23
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by cropr View Post


    The Apple App Store is too often down.  Apple should really pay much more attention to the availability of its service platform.  Especially if it wants to target more business customers.  One can say a lot of bad things about Google, but the Play Store operations are rock solid and reliable.


    As owner of an app development company, I highly depend on the availability of the App Store.  Last year it costed me 2000 Euro and a lot of goodwill when I failed to deliver an app to a customer because the App Store was down at the time of hand over. 

    You have a history here. No one believes a word you post.

  • Reply 11 of 23

    Have any of you guys noticed that you can no longer do video chats in the Messsages app? Apple's response has been to wither use SKYPE or FaceTime, what the heck!!

  • Reply 12 of 23

    Sell! Sell! Sell! 


    And Run!!!!!

  • Reply 13 of 23

    Tuesday was a bad day for the Internet in general.


    Most notably YouTube was down for a few hours in the middle of the day from around 11:30am to about 2:00pm or so Eastern Time.


    I noticed a handful of other websites/services having some issues as well throughout the day. 


    No idea if any of it is related. I usually just  ¯\_(?)_/¯

  • Reply 14 of 23

    Originally Posted by john galt View Post

    Apple hiccups. Panic ensues.

    ....and doom is certain to follow.  /s

  • Reply 15 of 23
    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post


    Tuesday was a bad day for the Internet in general.


    Most notably YouTube was down for a few hours in the middle of the day from around 11:30am to about 2:00pm or so Eastern Time.


    I noticed a handful of other websites/services having some issues as well throughout the day. 


    No idea if any of it is related. I usually just  ¯\_(?)_/¯

    What! We were denied the clever comments from youtubers for 2.5 hours!


    Quelle desastre!

  • Reply 16 of 23
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    cropr wrote: »
    The Apple App Store is too often down.  Apple should really pay much more attention to the availability of its service platform.  Especially if it wants to target more business customers.  One can say a lot of bad things about Google, but the Play Store operations are rock solid and reliable.

    As owner of an app development company, I highly depend on the availability of the App Store.  Last year it costed me 2000 Euro and a lot of goodwill when I failed to deliver an app to a customer because the App Store was down at the time of hand over. 

    Google has major outages lasting hours every year that barely get a mention. Some where businesses depend on Google apps shuts down and no one can access their files and the media if they talk about at all made light of it with funny Twitter comments from workers saying yay, I like when it goes down because I can have a cocktail or go home early.

    Google Play is the joke that keeps on giving. Good Luck with that BS story. You might want to try that somewhere else. If real developers don't have that complaint I doubt you do.
  • Reply 17 of 23
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    genovelle wrote: »
    Google has major outages lasting hours every year that barely get a mention. Some where businesses depend on Google apps shuts down and no one can access their files and the media if they talk about at all made light of it with funny Twitter comments from workers saying yay, I like when it goes down because I can have a cocktail or go home early.

    Google Play is the joke that keeps on giving. Good Luck with that BS story. You might want to try that somewhere else. If real developers don't have that complaint I doubt you do.
    Google allows anyone to look back 2 months to track their outage reports so it's relatively easy to check their services history, probably helpful for those considering a swap over to Google services and wanting reliability info. And yes, as you noted they have outages too.

    I believe MS and Amazon do the same.
    (EDIT: Amazon goes back even further Impressive history too!)

    For whatever reason Apple will only show the most recent three days making it near impossible to compare unless someone's IT dept logs in at least every 3 days to record it.

    EDIT 2: This site gives quick access to the stats from several cloud providers. Still not helpful as far as understanding Apple cloud service reliability so the whole discussion of who is and who isn't compared to Apple is pretty much just supposition isn't it?
  • Reply 18 of 23
    fallenjt wrote: »
    enough your bs? Then go to Play Store... Oh Well you ain't make no money in there. That's why you stick to App Store.

    quadra 610 wrote: »
    For you, or for everyone else also?

    What do you mean by "too often"?

    genovelle wrote: »
    Google has major outages lasting hours every year that barely get a mention. Some where businesses depend on Google apps shuts down and no one can access their files and the media if they talk about at all made light of it with funny Twitter comments from workers saying yay, I like when it goes down because I can have a cocktail or go home early.

    Google Play is the joke that keeps on giving. Good Luck with that BS story. You might want to try that somewhere else. If real developers don't have that complaint I doubt you do.

    Oh my goodness, someone said something negative about Apple, attack!
  • Reply 19 of 23

    Oh my goodness, someone said something negative about Apple, attack!

    When it sounds like bullshit (i.e., someone treating their anecdotal experience as representative of the whole), it requires correction or at least a request for clarification.
  • Reply 20 of 23
    Around 7pm PT I connected to two different Macs at home via Home Sharing and tried to import some videos from the main iTunes Library via the Import option. This did not work. I then logged out of Home Sharing on one device and then tried to log back in. It kept saying authentication error. I think checked but it was down. Videos would still play locally via Home Sharing. I find it strange that Apple's servers have to be involved for importing media from a local library on the LAN to another local library on the LAN.
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