Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight



  • Reply 41 of 170
    The vast majority of posts in this thread sound very misinformed.

    Please READ: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-apple-fbi-motion-to-compel-20160219-story.html

    edited February 2016
  • Reply 42 of 170
    apple ][ said:
    jax44 said:

    What a piece of c**p this guy is.
    Obama's DOJ said this earlier today, accusing Apple of only caring about profits and their image.

    "Apple's current refusal to comply with the court's order, despite the technical feasibility of doing so, instead appears to be based on its concern for its business model and public brand marketing strategy," 

    Obama is a bozo and a piece of c**p. Trump is not suing Apple and filing motions against them, Obama is filing motions against Apple.
    Trump is shitting on Apple for votes, that the DOJ is pursuing Apple doesn't change that.
     At least OBAMA is not going for reelection so at least we can't give him that motive.

    Trump's not just wrong dear apologist, he's dangerous in his ignorance.

    The very fact that despite every POS crap trump that are proven wrong, you lick his boots and make excuses for him, makes people like you dangerous too.

    edited February 2016 palomine
  • Reply 43 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    fallenjt said:
    What a dumb ass! Can you still believe you will vote for this bozo for your next president?
    Yes I can believe it, because I find the others to be even worse. B)
  • Reply 44 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    foggyhill said:
    Trump's doesn't even understand what he's saying,
    I dont disagree. I think that he's obviously ignorant about encryption tech and how it applies to this case. I don't think that any of the candidates are knowledgeable about tech.

  • Reply 45 of 170
    evilution said:
    cali said:
    It's disgusting that a presidential candidate is vowing to support an overseas Korean counterfeit company over a great homegrown American company.
    Since when is Android Korean?
    Buddy, Android made 30B in revenues in 7 years for google for the US while Apple made 20 times that. Samsung is the only one making money substantially from Android
  • Reply 46 of 170
    apple ][ said:
    foggyhill said:
    Trump's doesn't even understand what he's saying,
    I dont disagree. I think that he's obviously ignorant about encryption tech and how it applies to this case. I don't think that any of the candidates are knowledgeable about tech.

    Oh, right... they're all like him despite their vomiting his ignorance in the media. That's a false equivalence. Find another way to kiss his ass; try harder.
  • Reply 47 of 170
    cali said:
    apple ][ said:
    I love how certain hypocritical liberals are down voting certain posts, while totally ignoring the facts, that it is the Obama DOJ that is currently going after Apple in the courts.

    Talk about a bunch of hypocritical, ignorant clowns. If Trump is a traitor, then Obama is 100 x worse.
    "but but but Obama worse!!!"
    Really that's the best defense you have going for this wig piece? I'd bet Trump is way worse. He's calling for a boycott on an American company and he isn't even president. Imagine how much worse this traitor would be in Obama's position?
    Except Trump is all talk right now. Obama has a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of actually carrying out dangerous actions that are harming real people.
  • Reply 48 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    foggyhill said:
    Oh, right... they're all like him despite their vomiting his ignorance in the media. That's a false equivalence. Find another way to kiss his ass; try harder.
    I said that he's wrong on this issue, so your claim that that equates to kissing his ass is false, ignorant and plain wrong. I call it like I see it, as I always do.

    And yes, the others are no better.

    There's Obama who had huge problems operating an iPhone on at least two occasions. And Obama's DOJ and FBI is leading the charge against Apple, not Trump.

    There's Hillary with her private servers in bathrooms, storing classified, top secret info, and then asking if servers should be wiped down with a cloth.

    Who has come out in favor of Apple in this case, among any of the candidates? Nobody has.
  • Reply 49 of 170
    Trump is incapable of acting on behalf of other people. He's a pathological narcissist, but less dangerous than his GOP opposition. If he's elected, then success requires keeping his interests in line with Joan/John Doe American citizen. The fact that he's in favor of Apple violating customer's privacy is all we need to know. He has tipped his hand. Fascist Open 1 iPhone = Precedent = All phones/devices no longer private. No privacy = No liberty (Give me Liberty or give me Death) This is likly the most pivotal event in human history. Hmmm? Do you want to be part of the Matrix? Or do you fancy being Neo..... Red pill or Blue? Wake up
  • Reply 50 of 170
    I can't imagine the other Republican candidates not jumping on this opportunity.  They don't even have to take sides.  All they have to do is point out is what kind of buffoon would call for a Boycott on a whim of the largest company in America.  Point out the case is complex and it's being worked out in the courts as it should.  Then come up with other examples of the type of buffoonery we could expect in the next 4 years.   And could someone please hack into his Samsung.
  • Reply 51 of 170
    this is what happens when you let mentally unstable nutbags run for president lol
  • Reply 52 of 170
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    ac1234 said:
    The vast majority of posts in this thread sound very misinformed.

    Please READ: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-apple-fbi-motion-to-compel-20160219-story.html

    And that article is completely accurate because...?
  • Reply 53 of 170
    What's this "Obama ordered it", "Obama's DOJ ordered it" cr**??? What are you people smoking? Do some of you honestly believe either the FBI or Judge Sheri Pym were acting on Obama's orders, or consulted with him on this? I don't understand how you can believe Rush Limbaugh on the one hand and still think Trump's an idiot. C'mon, at least be consistent.
  • Reply 54 of 170
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    gbdoc said:
    What's this "Obama ordered it", "Obama's DOJ ordered it" cr**??? What are you people smoking? Do some of you honestly believe either the FBI or Judge Sheri Pym were acting on Obama's orders, or consulted with him on this? I don't understand how you can believe Rush Limbaugh on the one hand and still think Trump's an idiot. C'mon, at least be consistent.
    I'm a Democrat supporting Apple 100% on this. Obama didn't need to order anything in this specify instance; he signed off on limiting encryption;


    The meeting was convened at the White House.

    President Obama follows a long lineage of Presidents limiting privacy for "national security" reasons, but he will get full credit for this abomination.
    edited February 2016
  • Reply 55 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    this is what happens when you let mentally unstable nutbags run for president lol
    Well see who's laughing in about 9 months from now. :#

    Oh, and one last thing - lol
  • Reply 56 of 170
    You are disappointing me Donald. You are a hypocrite like all the others.  And are wrong on this topic (water boarding too.)
  • Reply 57 of 170
    evilution said:
    cali said:
    It's disgusting that a presidential candidate is vowing to support an overseas Korean counterfeit company over a great homegrown American company.
    Since when is Android Korean?
    Since the only profits being made using Android are those belonging to Samsung and Google.
  • Reply 58 of 170

    kamilton said:
    Trump is incapable of acting on behalf of other people. He's a pathological narcissist, but less dangerous than his GOP opposition. If he's elected, then success requires keeping his interests in line with Joan/John Doe American citizen. The fact that he's in favor of Apple violating customer's privacy is all we need to know. He has tipped his hand. Fascist Open 1 iPhone = Precedent = All phones/devices no longer private. No privacy = No liberty (Give me Liberty or give me Death) This is likly the most pivotal event in human history. Hmmm? Do you want to be part of the Matrix? Or do you fancy being Neo..... Red pill or Blue? Wake up
    There are nothing but horrible, dangerous and just plain lousy candidates this time around. At least we know this up front this time. It'll make the constitutional Armageddon that follows easier to understand.
  • Reply 59 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    You are disappointing me Donald. You are a hypocrite like all the others.  And are wrong on this topic (water boarding too.)
    He's right about water boarding. I agree with him on that topic. :#
  • Reply 60 of 170
    Dr. Mr. Trump....please send me your computer hard drive so I can look around and see what kind of info you have. That's what you're asking us all to do if you're in favor of Apple creating a backdoor into the OS. And don't think it will only be restricted to Apple, so regardless of whatever smartphone you jump to you're information will be at risk. I'll look out for your reply so I can send you my address.
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