Apple, other tech companies decry North Carolina anti-LGBT law



  • Reply 21 of 131
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,243member
    The preservation of privacy and morals are paramount here. 

    Mono woman or young girl should ever have to see a mans penis in a ladies restroom. EVER. 

    and no man should have to deal with the flip side. 

    Let's get real here. 

    No matter what you "identify" as, male and female are as physically descriptive as can be. Heck we even have male and female connectors in engineering. 

    So identify to hear hearts content. But go to the male restroom if you are male. 


    Mono father should have to worry about some dude who thinks he's a girl taking a leak next to his daughter or wife. 

    Enough is snough. And shame on Apple and others for getting involved. 

    Tim wants to be with other dudes. Ok. That's his prerogative. But I bet he uses the right bathroom for crying out loud. 
    edited March 2016
    andrewmacmasterewtheckmanhampyicoco3buzdotstallest skilajiitai
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  • Reply 22 of 131
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,243member
    tommikele said:
    There is nothing to show that the voters of North Carolina wanted this. The results at the ballot box will show if a majority of voters wanted this. And if they did, Apple and every other company is free to disagree and take their facilities and business elsewhere. After all, didn't the Supreme Court in Citizens versus United declare that corporations are individuals for the purpose of expressing their free speech rights? It's thinly disguised law to legalize discrimination under the guise of protecting religious freedom. Your "left" comment is little other than a hypocritical load designed to deflect from your own endorsement of discrimination and bigotry. The only person you are fooling is yourself.
    You can call someone a bigot all you want, but it doesn't make it true. The bigots I see are those who demean honestly held religious beliefs of others with great frequency. 

    That being said, this is a bill about common sense in the bathroom. That may not appeal to the people of Fantasy Land, but in flyover country we're not insane like the radicals. 
    Extremely well put. 
    designrhampyicoco3buzdotstallest skil
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  • Reply 23 of 131
    So are Apple and other companies saying that only their opinion matters? Are they better than the voters of North Carolina that wanted this? I thought the left didn't like big business and money in politics?
    Corporations are people my friend. And Citizens United makes it perfectly legal and acceptable for corporations to engage in the very thing you are now decrying.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 24 of 131

    You're right.  Obamacare being the perfect example of your last sentence. 

    Except, of course, the parts that you like, though unaware that you like, or refuse to believe that the ACA has anything to do with those that you like in the first place. Oh, and it's 2016: people have been waiting for the stunning, mind-blowing awesome-terrific-happy replacement that always seems to be just around the corner but forever remains out of reach.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 25 of 131
    customtbcustomtb Posts: 346member
    I wouldn't expect apple to drop out of the state but there's no doubt it will be a factor when considering expansion
    ration alargonautmchumm3r
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  • Reply 26 of 131
    The fashionable outrage from these mega technological and media corporations is become a autotune cliche.. Where's all this outrage over the genicide of the middle class ? What ??  

    * silence *
    edited March 2016
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  • Reply 27 of 131
    jrbt48jrbt48 Posts: 1member
    People take a deep breath and get off your LGBT soapbox. Think big picture here. Put yourself in the place of a parent with a little girl who has to go to the bathroom. There is a man (yes if you have a penis you are physically a male you might think otherwise) who is in fact a child molester and he is in there watching your little girl. With the ordinance that Charlotte passed and the NC Legislature struck down would have allowed him to be there legally and in close contact to your little girl. How would you think then. This is much bigger than the whole LGBT thing and has nothing to do with discrimination but with keeping people safe. This is exactly what the Governor of North Carolina said when he first opposed the ordinance that Charlotte passed.
    ewtheckmanthewhitefalconhampyicoco3MacsAlwaysbuzdotstallest skilajiitai
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  • Reply 28 of 131
    Is it possible to make this article any more biased in its language and tone?

    Whatever happened to the ideal of journalism being about reporting the news instead of making it?
    edited March 2016
    designrSir_TurkeyhampyMacsAlwaystallest skil
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  • Reply 29 of 131
    linkmanlinkman Posts: 1,047member
    So let me get this correct: let's assume that I am some hormone-fueled teenage boy. Under the Charlotte ordinance (and without the NC law) I could go into the into the women's changing area at the local public pool and get as much as an eyeful of nude women as much as I want just because today I am identifying myself as female? Or a 25 year old woman can go into a men's locker room and expose herself and give some 10 year old boys their first lesson on female anatomy? And all of this would be completely legal?
    ewtheckmandesignrhampyicoco3MacsAlwaystallest skilajiitai
     7Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 30 of 131
    customtb said:
    I wouldn't expect apple to drop out of the state but there's no doubt it will be a factor when considering expansion
    That's hilarious considering Apple wants to count the dirty money profits from suicide factory labour, but in your theory wouldn't want the hard earned money from a particular states citizens for purchase of electronics. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 31 of 131
    dipdog3 said:
    Rename bathrooms to Penis & Non-Penis. Whatever you got, that's where you go. Problem solved!
    Or crouching tiger hidden dragon so as not to offend anyone.. 
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 32 of 131
    matrix077matrix077 Posts: 868member
    The preservation of privacy and morals are paramount here. 

    Mono woman or young girl should ever have to see a mans penis in a ladies restroom. EVER. 

    and no man should have to deal with the flip side. 

    Let's get real here. 

    +1. This is all it boiled down to it. Very simple really. 
     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 33 of 131
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    So are Apple and other companies saying that only their opinion matters? Are they better than the voters of North Carolina that wanted this? I thought the left didn't like big business and money in politics?
    So if voters want slavery we should allow it as well?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 34 of 131
    There is nothing anti-discrimination about this bill. The Charlotte City Council who were probably paid off, went against the will of the citizens of the city to vote it into law. Now Apple and all these other hypocritical companies want to jump on the bandwagon as if seperate bathrooms isn't the norm. There are separate bathrooms for men and women everywhere all over the world and protects women and children. Also, just because someone self identifies with something doesn't make it true and it doesn't mean that others have to go along with it. If someone in their mind believes they are a car doesn't mean they are a car, and everyone else doesn't have to go along with believing they are a car.  We are and will always be what God made us. 
    designrewtheckmanicoco3hampytallest skilajiitai
     6Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 35 of 131
    These arguments in favor of this discrimination law simply don't hold up to more than superficial logical scrutiny.

    Basically what I'm hearing is that this is a great idea because it prevents a heterosexual biological male from lying and saying he is transgender and identifies as a women so as to prey on women.

    Okay, but if that's what you're worried about, what's to stop that same man from walking into the women's restroom, flip the situation around, and say that he was born a biological women but transitioned to a man. Because he was born a women, regardless of the transition, he would use the women's restroom in this system. Because there are genuine transgender people who are indistinguishable from the opposite sex, so you really don't know.  And that's not dealing with the issue of a homosexual pedophiles.

    So unless you're planning on having an inspector at the door verififying genitalia or a third restroom for all transgender people, this law achieves NOTHING constructive. It just opens the door for honest, hard working, tax paying citizens to be discriminated against. 

    In fact here is a radical idea, make all bathrooms unisex, just all stalls with doors, you do your business in private and surely we can wash our hands with the opposite sex. Like all responsible adults you are aware of your surroundings and you look out for people abusing the system, which you then report to the proper authorities. Given that 99% of people are not pedophiles there would be more eyes on the lookout with unisex bathrooms. And while we're at it, teach children that the human body is a normal beautiful thing, and to respect other people and their bodies.  

    No laws required just respect and common sense.
    mainyehcsingularitydasanman69argonautlorin schultz
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  • Reply 36 of 131
    I'm a biological male who doesn't want biological females in the Men's Restroom when I'm using it.  Don't my feelings count for something, too?  

    Restrooms are assigned by sex, not by gender.  Gender is open to cultural interpretation, but biological sex is not.  There are serious risks to creating open bathrooms, and hurt feelings isn't one of them.  

    Before the most tolerant and open minded people on these boards close their minds and start calling me hateful and bigoted, please note that I am all for equality.  But, we must find a better solution than open restrooms.  
    We can't be sure you are a biological male ttollerton.  You could have Klinefelter or Turner syndrome.  You could also have androgen insensitivity syndrome, partial androgen insensitivity syndrome, classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia, late onset adrenal hyperplasia, vaginal agenisis, ovotestes, missed gonadal dysgenesis, or yet another condition.  Until you are willing to provide a DNA sample to confirm a normal fully presented XY chromosome we will have to be suspicious and decline to let you use public restrooms.  Maybe you can add that data to your NC drivers license and NC can set up testing and licensing for the use of public restrooms.

    Until that happens, hold it in until you get home.   You are creeping the rest of us out.
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 37 of 131
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,243member
    These arguments in favor of this discrimination law simply don't hold up to more than superficial logical scrutiny.

    Basically what I'm hearing is that this is a great idea because it prevents a heterosexual biological male from lying and saying he is transgender and identifies as a women so as to prey on women.

    Okay, but if that's what you're worried about, what's to stop that same man from walking into the women's restroom, flip the situation around, and say that he was born a biological women but transitioned to a man. Because he was born a women, regardless of the transition, he would use the women's restroom in this system. Because there are genuine transgender people who are indistinguishable from the opposite sex, so you really don't know.  And that's not dealing with the issue of a homosexual pedophiles.

    So unless you're planning on having an inspector at the door verififying genitalia or a third restroom for all transgender people, this law achieves NOTHING constructive. It just opens the door for honest, hard working, tax paying citizens to be discriminated against. 

    In fact here is a radical idea, make all bathrooms unisex, just all stalls with doors, you do your business in private and surely we can wash our hands with the opposite sex. Like all responsible adults you are aware of your surroundings and you look out for people abusing the system, which you then report to the proper authorities. Given that 99% of people are not pedophiles there would be more eyes on the lookout with unisex bathrooms. And while we're at it, teach children that the human body is a normal beautiful thing, and to respect other people and their bodies.  

    No laws required just respect and common sense.
    Except it isn't a discrimination law. 

    Its a PRESERVATION law. 

    The wording gets changed by those who want to crush it and eome people buy it. 

    The he only discrimination is against people like me who would like to avoid the obvious pitfalls of such a foolish line of thinking to allow what amounts to unisex bathrooms. 

    Common sense people. 

    edited March 2016
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  • Reply 38 of 131
    genovelle said:
    I'm a biological male who doesn't want biological females in the Men's Restroom when I'm using it.  Don't my feelings count for something, too?  

    Restrooms are assigned by sex, not by gender.  Gender is open to cultural interpretation, but biological sex is not.  There are serious risks to creating open bathrooms, and hurt feelings isn't one of them.  

    Before the most tolerant and open minded people on these boards close their minds and start calling me hateful and bigoted, please note that I am all for equality.  But, we must find a better solution than open restrooms.  
    I guess the person who disliked your post thinks it's ok for a 13 year old girl to have to use the mall restroom with a man who claims he identifies as a woman. This will come to a grinding halt when they realize this was the dumbest idea ever. 
    The magic word in your very unlikely scenario is "claims". Transgender people have to go through a lot to get the label. To be considered transgender, you don't get to just say "I'm transgender, time for the ladies room!". You need to have proof - documentation. Talk with therapists, Hormone replacement therapy, things that prove you've started changing. You can't just speak a Harry Potter spell and be what you want (would that you could!). Actually, saying they can't actually stops them from being able to transition - most trans folks live as their desired gender for years before officially changing birth certificates where that can be done. I think using your appropriate restroom is part of living as a gender.

    And let's remember that despite lots of states having trans protection laws there are no specific examples of such a law being abused. Sure some guy might put on a dress to try and perv some pictures or something, but never has it been used as a defense against such charges - because they can't show they're trans. So it won't stop a pervert, it hinders the ability of trans people to do something they're legally able to do, it criminalizes a formerly non-criminal activity, and for all that you get to look like knuckle dragging cavemen who cant' handle LGBT people. And they might lose lots of investment and any sort of mindshare that NC might be "New South".

    This law was written to scare a base who isn't going to come out to vote for the orange goblin Trump, so they're gonna scare folks with gay people. They can't use the gay marriage thing anymore, so you get fools like genovelle here who are told to get scared of perverts who claim to be transgender, despite this not ever actually happening successfully. 
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 39 of 131
    dipdog3 said:
    Rename bathrooms to Penis & Non-Penis. Whatever you got, that's where you go. Problem solved!
    There's a whole lot of gray area there, friend. If the solution sounds simple its probably wrong.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 40 of 131
    The preservation of privacy and morals are paramount here. 

    Mono woman or young girl should ever have to see a mans penis in a ladies restroom. EVER. 

    and no man should have to deal with the flip side. 

    Let's get real here. 

    No matter what you "identify" as, male and female are as physically descriptive as can be. Heck we even have male and female connectors in engineering. 

    So identify to hear hearts content. But go to the male restroom if you are male. 


    Mono father should have to worry about some dude who thinks he's a girl taking a leak next to his daughter or wife. 

    Enough is snough. And shame on Apple and others for getting involved. 

    Tim wants to be with other dudes. Ok. That's his prerogative. But I bet he uses the right bathroom for crying out loud. 
    Transgender and Gay are two separate things. And no, it's not as simple as "penis = man", "no penis=woman". Interesex people. People who have suffered genital damage. Transitioning people. Lots of gray area here that is not planned for in your philosophy. 

    Go ahead and give me an example of a person who has gone into a restroom, tried to perv on someone in that restroom, and then claimed it was because they were transgender. It doesn't work - no one who has put in the effort and work to be labeled trans would do that because it's not easy. It includes months or years of therapy, hormone replacement, possibly surgery to fit into the desired gender. No one does that just to perv on people.

    We have laws preventing harassment in restrooms and taking pictures of people without their knowledge all ready. These laws are enough. This law is written to hold back LGBT people, and to frighten base Republican voters who are not going to come out to vote for a Texas theocrat or a New York swindler. 
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