Apple, Google workers among top donors to Bernie Sanders campaign



  • Reply 41 of 84
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    I’d just like you Bernie lovers to explain how he would implement his socialism with a Congress controlled by Republicans and Democrats dedicated to the military industrial complex business model. Promising free college, free healthcare, free homes, free food, free Hermes Watches for everyone is one thing. Doing it is another. Oh, and breaking up the “big banks” too. How does he get THAT through Congress? Imperial Executive orders sure as hell aren’t going to it.
  • Reply 42 of 84
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    volcan said:
    Lib-Simulator said:
    The positions of Trump and Cruz don't seem bad or radical to me.   For example, why is border security bad? How is legal immigration radical? 
    I don’t think anyone is against security, border protection or for illegal immigration...
    Yes you are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be advocating driver’s licenses, college tuition, welfare, housing, and a “path to citizenship” for those who are here illegally (excuse me, undocumented). I wouldn’t want to be accused of insensitivity by using the word illegal now would I?
  • Reply 43 of 84
    Swift2Swift2 Posts: 4member
    Hmm. Yes, this is the Bernie definition of "wprler": a young, unattached person making a ton of money at a tech company. 

  • Reply 44 of 84
    Where'd you get that from? Your post was about hillary winning the dem nomination, so I was referring to her as the corrupt, establishment demagogue, not Bernie.
    Any specific examples of her demagoguery and confirmed cases corruption, or are you referring to the usual BS from BS-supporters (e.g., innuendoes such as Wall Street/Verizon/speaking fees, email server, Clinton Foundation.... yada yada yada).
    Ok, I guess we're just going to skip over the part where you completely misinterpreted my initial comment.

    I love how you just proved my point for me, then tried to disprove it simply by saying "yada yada yada." Saved me some typing anyway. If you want further proof, just take a look at her bizarre wardrobe. I wonder how many focus groups they went through trying to find the least threatening outfits possible. She looks like a teletubbie half the time. Creeps me out.
  • Reply 45 of 84
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    lkrupp said:
    I’d just like you Bernie lovers to explain how he would implement his socialism with a Congress controlled by Republicans and Democrats dedicated to the military industrial complex business model. Promising free college, free healthcare, free homes, free food, free Hermes Watches for everyone is one thing. Doing it is another. Oh, and breaking up the “big banks” too. How does he get THAT through Congress? Imperial Executive orders sure as hell aren’t going to it.
    No more farfetched than building a wall across the entire Mexican border, deporting 11 million illegal aliens and their US born children, banning all muslims, making Apple manufacture all their products in the US, pulling out of NATO and cutting off aid to Israel. No matter how reasonable any of those things might be, getting it done is near impossible without a total dictatorship. But not to worry, neither Bernie nor Trump will be elected simply because their beliefs are too extreme. You can count me as the least happy voter. The last thing I wanted was a grandmother in chief, but that is perhaps the least problematic outcome considering the other options.
  • Reply 46 of 84
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    lkrupp said:

    Yes you are. Otherwise you wouldn’t be advocating driver’s licenses, college tuition, welfare, housing, and a “path to citizenship” for those who are here illegally (excuse me, undocumented). I wouldn’t want to be accused of insensitivity by using the word illegal now would I?
    I never said any of that. Quit making stuff up.
  • Reply 47 of 84
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    apple ][ said:
    Having diverse cultures is fine, as long as everybody assimilates and adapts to American culture
    what.......what does this even mean.......
    edited April 2016 ronn
  • Reply 48 of 84
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    patchythepirate said:

    I wonder how many focus groups they went through trying to find the least threatening outfits possible. She looks like a teletubbie half the time. Creeps me out. 
    Yeah, I find her wardrobe quite ugly but It is probably designed around the fact that she is a little bit on the heavy side. It is somewhat off putting, at least to me. I would have thought the focus group would have recommended that she lose 25 pounds and then wear traditional women's business attire.
    edited April 2016 patchythepirate
  • Reply 49 of 84
    mike1 said:
    paxman said:
    Check out some of the countries that Bernie keeps referring to - i.e. the Scandinavian countries. One problem with Bernie is that he has referred to himself as a socialist and as we all know Americans are terrified of that word. The thing is that none of the Scandinavian countries think of themselves as socialist. They are free market capitalist societies. They have relatively high taxes but they also have free college and very low university fees, universal health care, and a whole lot of other things that are not socialist or left wing, but just common sense. The standard of living in the Scandinavian countries is very high. It can't happen over night in the US, but it is not crazy.
    They may not call themselves socialists, but that's what they are. You tax people and companies that actually do work, so you can provide free services to others. There is absolutely no incentive to work harder or invest. Personally, I don't want to live in a world where college is free. I do not want to pay for your kid to go to college nor do I want to pay your doctor bills. Nothing is free, somebody is paying for it. Rather it not be me.
    Two things that are a bitch: cancer and karma.
  • Reply 50 of 84
    Any specific examples of her demagoguery and confirmed cases corruption, or are you referring to the usual BS from BS-supporters (e.g., innuendoes such as Wall Street/Verizon/speaking fees, email server, Clinton Foundation.... yada yada yada).
    Ok, I guess we're just going to skip over the part where you completely misinterpreted my initial comment.

    I love how you just proved my point for me, then tried to disprove it simply by saying "yada yada yada." Saved me some typing anyway. If you want further proof, just take a look at her bizarre wardrobe. I wonder how many focus groups they went through trying to find the least threatening outfits possible. She looks like a teletubbie half the time. Creeps me out.
    That's a cheap shot. And sexist to boot. Don't expect much else from the weird folks driving political discourse these days....

    Not to mention the awkward fact that you skipped over MY comment asking for specific examples. Unless you think loud accusations made over and over again by political opponents are proof of guilt, in which case, you've totally got me!
    edited April 2016 singularity
  • Reply 51 of 84
    paxman said:
    toddzrx said:
    Well here we go.  I get that Trump shoots his mouth off, but I'd rather compare each candidate's performance in the real world: the one that most of us live and work in, not the political realm of Washington DC.  Trump has failed many times, and always picked himself back up again and come back stronger.  Hillary (nor Bernie for that matter) haven't even tried.
    You say that, and to some extent maybe that is true, but had Trump just invested his money he inherited and stayed out of business he would have been worth about three times what he is worth today. Not so much of a fantastic business man as he claims, perhaps.
    That is a false benchmark, and one that people (especially poorly-inormed business publications) make all the time.

    You have to judge someone's performance relative to how others have done in a similar sector, or how they have performed with investments in risk-equivalent assets. 
    edited April 2016 SpamSandwich
  • Reply 52 of 84
    mike1 said:
    They may not call themselves socialists, but that's what they are. You tax people and companies that actually do work, so you can provide free services to others. There is absolutely no incentive to work harder or invest. Personally, I don't want to live in a world where college is free. I do not want to pay for your kid to go to college nor do I want to pay your doctor bills. Nothing is free, somebody is paying for it. Rather it not be me.
    Two things that are a bitch: cancer and karma.
    I think you really should inform yourself a bit more about what 'karma' actually means. 
  • Reply 53 of 84
    Two things that are a bitch: cancer and karma.
    I think you really should inform yourself a bit more about what 'karma' actually means. 
    I think you should inform yourself a bit more about what 'miss-speak' means because Hillary has done a lot of it. If you believe anything she says you are a fool.
    edited April 2016
  • Reply 54 of 84
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    why- said:
    apple ][ said:
    Having diverse cultures is fine, as long as everybody assimilates and adapts to American culture
    what.......what does this even mean.......
    It means that whatever skin color, religion, native language, clothing style you prefer, as long as you speak perfect English with a New York accent, you are acceptable, otherwise you are less than human.
  • Reply 55 of 84
    I think you really should inform yourself a bit more about what 'karma' actually means. 
    I think you should inform yourself a bit more about what 'miss-speak' means because Hillary has done a lot of it. If you believe anything she says you are a fool.
    Oh, I don't know about you, but I prefer to inhabit a world of actual facts, not silly imaginations. It's a free country, so you're welcome to your delusions. 

    As an aside, what the heck is a "miss-speak"? Must be something new that I am not aware of. 
    edited April 2016 SpamSandwich
  • Reply 56 of 84
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    apple ][ said:
    volcan said:
    People who are racist, homophobic, misogynist, elitist or just ignorant assholes are the only ones supporting him. Sorry if that describes you.
    You forgot Nazis.

    I never thought about that but now that you mention it that probably does describe you.
  • Reply 57 of 84
    volcan said:
    mike1 said:
    Personally, I don't want to live in a world where college is free. I do not want to pay for your kid to go to college nor do I want to pay your doctor bills. Nothing is free, somebody is paying for it. Rather it not be me.
    You might have selfish attitudes now, but at some point you may need the charity of others. You reap what you sow. Helping others benefits humankind, or perhaps you don't want to be part of that clan.
    You are not describing "charity".  Charity is voluntary.  When government confiscates wealth using force so it can be "spread around", that is not charity.  That's socialism. Socialism leads to corruption since it centralizes power in a dangerous way.  And it destroys society's motivation to work, since the lazy don't need to work, and the diligent resent being forced to support the lazy. The result is shortages, poverty, and resentment.

    This all seems so obvious.
  • Reply 58 of 84
    propodpropod Posts: 67member
    volcan said:
    lkrupp said:
    I’d just like you Bernie lovers to explain how he would implement his socialism with a Congress controlled by Republicans and Democrats dedicated to the military industrial complex business model. Promising free college, free healthcare, free homes, free food, free Hermes Watches for everyone is one thing. Doing it is another. Oh, and breaking up the “big banks” too. How does he get THAT through Congress? Imperial Executive orders sure as hell aren’t going to it.
    No more farfetched than building a wall across the entire Mexican border, deporting 11 million illegal aliens and their US born children, banning all muslims, making Apple manufacture all their products in the US, pulling out of NATO and cutting off aid to Israel. No matter how reasonable any of those things might be, getting it done is near impossible without a total dictatorship. But not to worry, neither Bernie nor Trump will be elected simply because their beliefs are too extreme. You can count me as the least happy voter. The last thing I wanted was a grandmother in chief, but that is perhaps the least problematic outcome considering the other options.
    Trump seems very evil and dangerous to me, can you explain why so many people vote on him?
  • Reply 59 of 84
    Sanders sounded interesting till I came to the line where he asked Apple to move out of Ireland. Then I realized he clearly just fish for voters without any expertise.
  • Reply 60 of 84
    I think you should inform yourself a bit more about what 'miss-speak' means because Hillary has done a lot of it. If you believe anything she says you are a fool.
    Oh, I don't know about you, but I prefer to inhabit a world of actual facts, not silly imaginations. It's a free country, so you're welcome to your delusions. 

    As an aside, what the heck is a "miss-speak"? Must be something new that I am not aware of. 
    It's what Hillary says when she has lied about something. Silly imaginations?

    Please do some research for your own sake. If you want to support Hillary, fine but at least accept she is a non stop liar if you're going to.

    edited April 2016
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