Apple's mysterious WWDC 2016 announcement: What does it mean?

in General Discussion edited April 2016
For as long as Apple has designed creative invitations to its media events, geeks have treated them as the technical equivalent of a Rorschach test. What secret clues might Apple have hidden in the latest WWDC missive? Probably nothing.

This year's Worldwide Developers Conference announcement is somewhat more subdued than a typical Apple invitation. Instead of a fancy graphic, Apple has made liberal use of its new Swift language to highlight successful apps.

Tinder, Crossy Road, Uber, MLB At Bat, Instagram -- "double tap heart" is a personal favorite -- and Snapchat are among those singled out.

It's the mysterious 11th line, though, that has many people perplexed. It simply says "Hello big idea."

As it's the 11th line, some argue that it prefaces a plan to bump OS X to OS XI. The word "big" is thought by others to represent "the next big thing," perhaps a new product line or unforeseen Mac hardware updates.

In reality, it probably doesn't mean anything.

WWDC is nearly as important for Apple as a marketing event as it is as a technical conference. With mobile devices increasingly becoming "good enough," the app ecosystem is one of the primary things keeping customers loyal to a single platform.

This means that Apple needs developers to continue developing for iOS -- which is now Apple's core product -- in order to keep its competitive advantage over Android.

Thus, the meaning of "line 11" is probably exactly what it seems like to a rational human being: Apple's attempt to convince developers that they might just have the next Vine on their hands, if only they release a nicely polished iPhone app.


  • Reply 1 of 53
    Uh, 12th line. Also, double tap heart, one to the head. Pretty morbid.
  • Reply 2 of 53
    tzterritzterri Posts: 111member
    17" Macbook
  • Reply 3 of 53
    ceek74ceek74 Posts: 324member
    Torus-shaped Mac Pro.
  • Reply 4 of 53
    phone-ui-guyphone-ui-guy Posts: 1,019member
    It is pretty clear that it is just a reference to the next big idea someone comes up with for apps. Without all of the color icon squares and circles, people are getting desperate to find some meaning beyond the obvious.  We will have to wait for the banners to go up at Moscone west to have more content to guess at. Unless, well, they put up giant dark gray banners with code just like this. :)
  • Reply 5 of 53
    Steve Jobs launched the Macintosh with "Hello", "Hello World" ( ), and there is also a strong connection to Hello World for beginning programmers:"Hello,_World!"_program Something new with SWIFT or - an amazing new product for Apple's anniversary?
  • Reply 6 of 53
    WWDC is when Apple will drop the bomb that is iOS 10. I think this is the year when iOS 10 gets some major feature improvements. And close to a billion iOS device users will suddenly get a free upgrade to improve their devices. Something that Android just isn't capable of.

    If anything can drive home the point that timely OS updates really matter it would be giving so many people an improved experience and new features ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
  • Reply 7 of 53
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    My guess is Xcode for iPad, perhaps dark mode for iOS and/or dark mode for Xcode.
  • Reply 8 of 53
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    They will announce Sog as the new CEO.
  • Reply 9 of 53
    So let me get this straight, ericthehalfbee - you're going out on a limb and predicting iOS 10 this year? Bold, sir. Very bold.
  • Reply 10 of 53
    Wonder if this is a nod to the "Hello Siri"features announcing Siri integration for 3rd party apps.

    I also expect iOS 10 will be announced along with some version of xCode for iPad Pro.
  • Reply 11 of 53
    So let me get this straight, ericthehalfbee - you're going out on a limb and predicting iOS 10 this year? Bold, sir. Very bold.

    Oh look, another new 1 post account on AI. Like none of us has EVER seen that before.

    No, I'm predicting iOS 10 to be a major upgrade where previous versions have all been minor upgrades. In fact, I think I mentioned that in my original post. Why, yes, I did.
  • Reply 12 of 53
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,128member
    WWDC is when Apple will drop the bomb that is iOS 10.
    Or maybe...iOS X...and it will remain iOS X for the next seventy years.
  • Reply 13 of 53
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,318member
    They almost got the colours correctly matching the classic Apple logo. Too bad that they missed that.
  • Reply 14 of 53
    Let's see. Apple has trimmed the MacBook line by removing floppy discs, CDs, DVDs, and dedicated video out, and reduced the number of other ports, all down to the point that it's near impossible to go into a presentation or client meeting without carrying around a bag of various gadgets and cords to make up for the needed functions that are no longer on the machine itself. To continue this trend, I predict Apple will further lighten the MacBook line by eliminating screens and the processor itself, providing some kind of socket (never before seen, of course), to plug in these things. Of course, the battery will be gone, you can just run a cord to a external battery. And maybe Apple will get rid of the casing, since you can just carry around bare boards in a box or something. But the new MacBook will be really, really light!
  • Reply 15 of 53
    macarenamacarena Posts: 365member
    Apple has already indicated that they want to move everything on iCloud in house. And knowing Apple, they will not be buying servers by the millions from anyone else. It makes sense for them to make their own servers. And obviously offer them to customers as well, to lower costs even more. Apple will launch micro-servers - with A9x based processors with many CPU and GPU cores, lots of RAM, and huge flash. All in a very small package, even smaller than the Apple TV. With a small built in battery for power backup for an hour. And obviously, with a "Server Store", so you can download any server software you want. Either from Apple, or from third parties. All software that will be easily integrated with a new "Server Control Centre" - that can even be accessed and configured remotely. Obviously consuming seriously low power - below 10 watts, powered over USB, and with the USB slot doubling up as the wired Network interface. For sale at $199. Available for pre-order immediately after the announcement. That will be the "big" idea.
  • Reply 16 of 53
    wonkothesanewonkothesane Posts: 1,738member
    Let's see. Apple has trimmed the MacBook line by removing floppy discs, CDs, DVDs, and dedicated video out, and reduced the number of other ports, all down to the point that it's near impossible to go into a presentation or client meeting without carrying around a bag of various gadgets and cords to make up for the needed functions that are no longer on the machine itself. To continue this trend, I predict Apple will further lighten the MacBook line by eliminating screens and the processor itself, providing some kind of socket (never before seen, of course), to plug in these things. Of course, the battery will be gone, you can just run a cord to a external battery. And maybe Apple will get rid of the casing, since you can just carry around bare boards in a box or something. But the new MacBook will be really, really light!
    So not funny. 
  • Reply 17 of 53
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    They will announce Sog as the new CEO.
    He'll then split the company in 10 companies that will be worth 1 Trillion, and he'll be a "Hero", 2 years later 5 of them will be dead and people will pray for Jobs to come back from the dead.
  • Reply 18 of 53
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    So let me get this straight, ericthehalfbee - you're going out on a limb and predicting iOS 10 this year? Bold, sir. Very bold.

    Oh look, another new 1 post account on AI. Like none of us has EVER seen that before.

    No, I'm predicting iOS 10 to be a major upgrade where previous versions have all been minor upgrades. In fact, I think I mentioned that in my original post. Why, yes, I did.
    You have to admit it was funny!
  • Reply 19 of 53
    DCJ0001DCJ0001 Posts: 63member
    As it's the 11th line, some argue that it prefaces a plan to bump OS X to OS XI. The word "big" is thought by others to represent "the next big thing," perhaps a new product line or unforeseen Mac hardware updates.
    MacOS 11.
  • Reply 20 of 53
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    I think it is pretty clear and self evident, people live on their phones 24/7 so developers should just keep pushing the envelope.

    BTW I have a really interesting idea for an app, but I can't develop it, let me know if you want it, free, no strings.
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