Apple hands out rainbow Apple Watch bands to commemorate LGBT Pride



  • Reply 121 of 182
    ireland said:
    I yearn for the day where people don't feel they need a parade to prove their worth.
    Is that a joke about St. Patrick's Day parades, Ireland?
  • Reply 122 of 182
    I see all the ridiculously stupid comments from the small minded children. I can only hope that none of them have children. The world needs less hate and stupidity.
    edited June 2016 londorfastasleepcrowleyferdinandcckevin kee
  • Reply 123 of 182
    More Levity.
    It's amazing when my wife of 36 years; all 5'2" of her gets pissed off. I run...out of sheer terror!
  • Reply 124 of 182
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Borderdog said:
    foggyhill said:
    Oh, you have a "gay fucking friend". I don'believe you buddy unless he's some closeted 1950s like Log Cabin GOP throwback.
    About 1% of gays are in that group; that's how representative that guy is.

    "Living it peace" is code word for hide away in the shadows and be exactly like everyone else.
    If for some reason, someone finds out you are gay. well you didn't hide hard enough and everything that happens you deserved it.

    IF your so called friend then loses his job or gets beaten to death, hey, whatever he just didn't need all this fancy dancy protection....

    I'm bi and been in the gay community since the god damn 1970s and your claiming PC like every racist, sexist, xenophobic piece of sludge doesn't fly.
    I'm calling you out on your utter tripe.
    Your comment to me shows how much hate you have in yourself. I tried to make a peaceful comment and you, in your hate, twisted it around.
    By the way, I have a number of gay friends. I'm not as judgmental as you!
    Well, you didn't make a peaceful comment. Your joke about "down the throat" is the oldest homohater pun in the book, and it invariably is used by a suspect 'phobe or closet case like you who just can't seem to get the image out of his head. For some reason. 

    Note that there are one or two others here who are hung up on the specific mechanics of gay sex. Tip: it's just as repellent for gays to imagine straight sex. Don't think about it, just like you don't think about how your parents brought you into the world.

    Easy. It's just good manners.
  • Reply 125 of 182
    darkpawdarkpaw Posts: 212member
    Fupping hell.

    Any story that has even a remote reference to homosexuality seems to force the angry homophobes onto the forum to spout their bile.

    Look, homosexuality is natural.

    Oh, you think homosexuality ISN'T natural because it doesn't produce offspring? So, every time you have heterosexual sex you make a baby? No.

    What about infertile couples? They don't make babies, but they still have sex. Why would they bother? Given that an infertile couple cannot conceive a baby, using IVF would be an unnatural act. I mean, IVF isn't natural. Science made it possible.

    Old couples? They can't make babies, so they should stop having sex, right? No.

    How can you not understand that sex is not always for the creation of a baby?!

    From Many animal species, including humans, engage in non-reproductive sexual behaviour. Among humans, the benefits of regular sexual intercourse are myriad. Various studies have found that it: improves one’s ability to deal with stress; lowers blood pressure; boosts antibody production; burns calories; reduces the chance of a heart attack; improves self-esteem; deepens intimacy; builds trust; makes one more generous; raises pain tolerance; reduces the risk of prostate cancer; reduces incontinence; improves sleep; stabilizes the menstrual cycle; improves bone and muscle health; keeps one’s skin looking more youthful; promotes longevity; improves tissue repair; reduces cholesterol; reduces depression; increases creativity; improves flexibility; relieves nasal congestion; heightens the sense of smell and taste; slows tooth decay; protects against osteoporosis; protects against Alzheimer’s; helps prevent endometriosis; alleviates arthritis pain; lessens cramps; reduces the risk of breast cancer; increases confidence; reduces risk of stroke; and boosts energy.

    Still having heterosexual sex just to make a baby? No. Just admit it.

    So, tallest_skil thinks that being gay is a "mental illness"? Really? That old chestnut? AGAIN?!

    From Psychology was one of the first disciplines to study homosexuality as a discrete phenomenon. Prior to and throughout most of the 20th century, common standard psychology viewed homosexuality in terms of pathological models as a mental illness. That classification began to be tested in research, which hasn't produced strong empirical evidence regarding homosexuality as a disorder.

    Okay, so that leaves us with a couple of observations:
    1. Some on here dislike homosexuality, and use a myriad of terms and phrases to suggest it's a bad thing because it diverts from their view of the world (probably from an upbringing steeped heavily in one of the Abrahamic religions; sometimes not).
    2. Some on here dislike tomatoes, but they're intelligent enough to realise that disliking a tomato is a personal preference, and not the fault of the tomato. And thus, hatred is not evident.

    Sexuality is a spectrum; you're at one point on it, some people are at another point. Why is that so bad? What drives you to write multiple posts on a topic to tell everyone else that they're wrong, and your world view is absolutely unshakable and correct? You demand citations and evidence, yet provide none to back up your own assertions.

    I don't care what you do in your bedroom, and for you to care about what I do in my bedroom tells us more about you than it ever could about me.

    In short, grow up. Live and let live.
    singularitylondorfastasleepcrowleymattinozferdinandcckevin keedsd
  • Reply 126 of 182
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    walter77 said:
    Tim needs to keep his sexual anarchy politics out of Apple's business. I don't think Steve picked him for his sexuality or politics. 
    duh, Steve's picked the Apple logo with the rainbow design. 
  • Reply 127 of 182
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member

    walter77 said:

    The 30 year sponsorship might be a defense, except his anti-Trump position will hurt Apple if Trump wins. Large corporation should be more neutral in presidential politics and other controversial areas. Tim needs to keep his politics to himself...
    When is it a good idea to be silent when people's rights are involved? I will support a company that is pro-human rights over one that is silent on the subject. 
  • Reply 128 of 182
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member

    apple ][ said:
    why- said:

    when you get physically attacked/raped/abused/sent to "correctional therapy"/threatened/abandoned for being straight let me know. I don't know why you have such a problem with people celebrating something they fought hard to be able to express
    Big deal. Every group in society has their own issues to deal with. They don't go around holding parades every 5 minutes.

    The white, straight, non leftist male is one of the most discriminated against species in the entire world, and it's basically open season on them from the entire left and the liemedia. 

    Of course even worse, is being a non leftist gay. There aren't many of them around, but they have my respect. Leftist gays are a dime a dozen, and they don't have much courage.

    You are right about one thing right wing gay people don't get my respect, yes I'm talking about you Peter Thiel.
  • Reply 129 of 182
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,008member
    roake said:
    macxpress said:
    I would love to have one of those bands! Totally cool! I for one are glad a large company such as Apple are doing what no one else is, and thats standing up for LGBT rights. Everyone else is just following. Still in today's world its a harsh world for the LGBT community. 

    This is not a waste of time, money and effort. It took little to no money, no time and I'm sure Apple's employees are more than glad to put forth the effort toward something like this. 
    How about human rights.  LGBT is a subgroup that corporations like Apple are trying to crowbar into a minority category so that it's basically illegal not to give them preferential treatment.  We get into a situation where they become a supergroup with more rights than me because if you don't actively support the confusion that is homosexuality, then you are guilty of "hate."

    Timothy needs to separate his sexual confusion from Apple and politics.
    This. Best post I've heard on this subject. It's ridiculous. LGBT rights are trumping everyone including church Pastors being told that simply preaching the Bible is hate speech if it contradicts the homosexuals shoving their beliefs down everyone's throat. Enough is enough. Your choice and you have the freedom to it. But turning it into some political supergroup that is over everyone else is ridiculous. Yet that's what's hsppening. Even the bathrooms for boys and girls are getting all messed up you can't go to the restroom anymore without those values forced upon you. 
    tallest skilzeus423
  • Reply 130 of 182
    flaneur said:
    Borderdog said:
    Your comment to me shows how much hate you have in yourself. I tried to make a peaceful comment and you, in your hate, twisted it around.
    By the way, I have a number of gay friends. I'm not as judgmental as you!
    Well, you didn't make a peaceful comment. Your joke about "down the throat" is the oldest homohater pun in the book, and it invariably is used by a suspect 'phobe or closet case like you who just can't seem to get the image out of his head. For some reason. 

    Note that there are one or two others here who are hung up on the specific mechanics of gay sex. Tip: it's just as repellent for gays to imagine straight sex. Don't think about it, just like you don't think about how your parents brought you into the world.

    Easy. It's just good manners.
    This whole thread is getting out of hand.
    I could give a shit, until you started attacking me. 
    I never in this thread attacked anybody; in fact I was ambivalent.
    I find the current President (excuse me, I capitalized president) is the ultimate hypocrite. He supports LGBT rights and in the same sentence he supports Muslim rights. You know what Muslims do to gay people?

    I am blond with blue eyes and I can walk in any black community unharmed. Why?...because I care about people. They know me, they trust me. You could not walk in the neighborhoods that I do.

    My next door neighbors are lesbians. They are great neighbors. We always share hugs. I could give a shit about their sexual orientation.
    You are too sensitive. 

    Political Correctness only applies to white heterosexual males. 
    I hang out with a number of black guys. They all call each other niggers; but if I were to call them niggers...oh shit!
    When you hang out with your gay buddies, I'll bet you all call each other faggots; but if I were to call you faggot...oh shit!

    tallest skilzeus423docno42
  • Reply 131 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    Borderdog said:
    When you hang out with your gay buddies, I'll bet you all call each other faggots; but if I were to call you faggot...oh shit!
    umm no we really don't. please don't use that word
  • Reply 132 of 182
    why- said:
    Borderdog said:
    umm no we really don't. please don't use that word
    I didn't mean to offend you. 
  • Reply 133 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    Borderdog said:
    why- said:
    umm no we really don't. please don't use that word
    I didn't mean to offend you. 

    very well, but you did. the appropriate thing would be to apologise :/
  • Reply 134 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    singularity said:
    You have issues with homosexuality.
    I could have SWORN I committed this reply already...

    No, I take issue with homosexuality. Homosexuality has issues.
    You have decided it is degenerate
    No, it is degenerate. 
     and think by constant spouting about it the rest of the world will suddenly agree.
    No, that’s your argument, as I have already shown.
    Your use of logic and reason is.. lacking in at least reason.
    And yet no refutation.
    I genuinely feel sorry for you for having this degenerate ideology
    I do not hold the degenerate ideology. I am against the degenerate ideology.
    Somehow you have the need to rail against two adults having a consensual loving relationship.
    I think I initially wrote something about consent and bestiality, too, but then again I could have sworn it was already posted.

    OK, let's imagine that you were born
    Let me stop you right there.
    darkpaw said:
    Look, homosexuality is natural.
    If homosexuality is comparable to infertility, then it is a disability.
    If homosexuality is comparable to straight people engaging in oral sex, then it is a fetish.
    If homosexuality is comparable to friendships with the same gender, why do they have sex?
    If homosexuality is safe, why do homosexuals spread the most STDs and literally tear apart each others’ sphincters?
    If homosexuality is a valid means of romantic bonding, why does nature disallow them reproduction?
    If homosexual “love” is as pure as natural love, why are gays so much more promiscuous?
    If there is nothing inherently wrong with being a homosexual, why would an entirely homosexual society cease to exist beyond a single generation?

    Degenerates and liberals will take you on a wild chase through fallacious logic and appeals to emotion, but at the end of the day, the truth has always been our very first thought as children when we saw gays.


    Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality is a perfect example of error. Somewhere in the brain of every homosexual a critical error has occurred. In what other situation is an error encouraged or rewarded as it is in homosexuality in today’s media? You may ask yourself how this error affects you. The answer is simple. Homosexuality, despite what you are told to believe, can be indoctrinated. Why do you think the rate of children who “turn out” gay skyrockets in the presence of gay “parents”?
    Oh, you think homosexuality ISN'T natural because it doesn't produce offspring? So, every time you have heterosexual sex you make a baby? No. What about infertile couples? They don't make babies, but they still have sex. Why would they bother? Given that an infertile couple cannot conceive a baby, using IVF would be an unnatural act. I mean, IVF isn't natural. Science made it possible. Old couples? They can't make babies, so they should stop having sex, right? No.
    Watch this starting at 3:13.

    How can you not understand that sex is not always for the creation of a baby?!
    How can you not understand that homosexuals are not having sex, by definition of the word?
    So, tallest_skil thinks that being gay is a "mental illness"? Really? That old chestnut? AGAIN?!
    Holy shit, I posted truth! Again! How dare I post the truth! Again! Wow! Really? The truth? AGAIN?!
    Prior to and throughout most of the 20th century, common standard psychology viewed homosexuality in terms of pathological models as a mental illness.
    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, also known as the DSM, is the official list of mental disorders to which all mental health professionals refer when diagnosing patient. The first version, released in 1952, listed homosexuality as a sociopathic personality disturbance. In 1968, the second version (DSM II) reclassified homosexuality as a sexual deviancy. Soon afterward, gay protesters began picketing at the APA's annual conventions, demanding that homosexuality be removed from the list completely. In 1973, after intensive debate and numerous disturbances by gay activist, the APA decided to remove homosexuality from its next manual (DSM III). What followed was a swarm of outrage from psychiatrists within the APA who disagreed with the decision and demanded that the issue be reconsidered.

    In 1974, a referendum was called and approximately 40% percent of the APA’s membership voted to put homosexuality back into the DSM. Since a majority was not achieved to reverse the decision, homosexuality remains omitted from the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. To the LGBT community, this omission from the DSM was a logical move. They felt that, absent from any unbiased social-science research to prove that homosexuality is inherently pathological, the only thing that had been keeping homosexuality in the DSM was societal prejudice. However, many in the scientific community have criticized the APA’s decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM, claiming its motives were more political than scientific.

    Dr. Ronald Bayer, author of the book Homosexuality and American Psychiatry, writes: 

    “The entire process, from the first confrontation organized by gay demonstrators to the referendum demanded by the orthodox psychiatrists, seemed to violate the most basic expectations about how questions of science should be resolved. Instead of being engaged in sober discussion of data, psychiatrists were swept up in a political controversy. The result was not a conclusion based on an approximation of the scientific truth as dictated by reason, but was instead an action demanded by the ideological temper of the times.”

    Along these same lines, a recent radio documentary on the subject of homosexuality revealed that the president-elect of the APA in 1973, Dr. John P. Speigel, was a “closeted homosexual with a very particular agenda.” Another of the reasons APA members were so quick to vote in favor of homosexuality’s removal from the DSM, according to Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, is that many in the psychiatric profession had “failed to identify, with certainty, the psychodynamic causes of homosexuality, and consequently to devise a reasonably successful treatment for it.” It should be noted that although the psychiatric profession as a whole has failed in treating homosexuals, there are still many psychotherapists who report great personal success in such treatment.

    While the medical profession in general has done much to advance our knowledge of human functioning, in some cases it seems that modern medicine seeks to recognize or diagnose only those problems that it believes it can remedy. I found this out a few years ago when I experienced an unexplained twitching in my eye. (The medical term is “blesphorospasm.”) I visited a general practitioner, two optometrists, an ophthalmologist, and a neurologist and underwent a thirteen-hundred-dollar MRI only to be told I had no problem. Although a few of the physicians were able to name my symptom, none could tell me, with certainty, what was causing it. It wasn't until I visited a doctor friend of my dad’s (whose alternative methods were not recognized as legitimate by my insurance company) that my problem was diagnosed and corrected. And, I might add, he charged me only forty-five dollars. Gordon Dalbey writes, “I am convinced that the American Psychiatric Society [sic] removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses simply because the psychiatrists were tired of failing in their human efforts to heal it.” He suggests that the reason much of secular psychiatry has failed in treating those with unwanted homosexual desires is that it has ignored the spiritual component of this process. Dalbey points out that homosexuality is something that “only the Father God can heal.” 

    Another factor in the APA’s decision to remove homosexuality from its list may have been the perception that there were not many homosexuals who desired therapy to change their orientation. This perception may have been fueled by the fact that ex-gays were not nearly as vocal in 1973 as we are now. I take issue with the fact that the APA and many other professional organizations have moved far beyond just saying that homosexuality is not an illness, and instead are now saying that reorientation therapy could potentially “harm” someone tying to change from gay to straight. Groups like the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have upset a large portion of their membership by rejecting the idea that homosexuals can change. In doing this, most of the major psychological associations have turned their backs on people like me. But there are still hundreds of mental health experts successfully treating homosexuals; they just aren't advertising it. This is because doing so could get them into trouble, if some gay activists have their way. There has been a move in the APA to make treatment of homosexuality a violation of professional conduct for a psychiatrist, even if it's done at the patient's request.

    2. Some on here dislike tomatoes, but they're intelligent enough to realise that disliking a tomato is a personal preference, and not the fault of the tomato. And thus, hatred is not evident.
    Eating tomatoes doesn’t require you to wear a colostomy bag. No matter how many you eat.
    Sexuality is a spectrum
    Sure: Heterosexuality... and then a bunch of mental illnesses.
    Why is that so bad?
    Because mental illness is not good.
    I don’t care what you do in your bedroom
     Then don’t post on the subject at all. Oops, you obviously do care–enough to spew lunacy that contradicts truth–so why even bother trying to put on the facade of not caring? How dumb do you think everyone else is compared to you that we wouldn’t see the inherent lie here?
    You demand citations and evidence, yet provide none to back up your own assertions.
  • Reply 135 of 182
    why- said:
    Borderdog said:
    I didn't mean to offend you. 

    very well, but you did. the appropriate thing would be to apologise :/
    I apologise! Thank you very much.

  • Reply 136 of 182
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    How can you not understand that homosexuals are not having sex, by definition of the word?

    Oh buddy!

     :D  :D :D
  • Reply 137 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    crowley said:
    Oh buddy!  :D  :D :D
    And yet you wonder why I don’t take you seriously when you say anything. Pro tip: Moral relativism is bullshit. Words don’t mean what you want them to mean. They mean what they mean.
  • Reply 138 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    tallest skil said:

    If homosexual “love” is as pure as natural love, why are gays so much more promiscuous?

    If homosexuality is comparable to friendships with the same gender, why do they have sex?
    you can have sex with your friends lmao

    If homosexuality is a valid means of romantic bonding, why does nature disallow them reproduction?
    romance is a concept created by people that in no way influences the evolution of biology

    If there is nothing inherently wrong with being a homosexual, why would an entirely homosexual society cease to exist beyond a single generation?
    I hope you realise this but gay people don't give a lark if you're straight. no one's calling for an entirely gay society. straight people on the other hand....

    the truth has always been our very first thought as children when we saw gays.
    you can blame your parents for that

    How can you not understand that homosexuals are not having sex, by definition of the word?
    false, and transphobic I might add

    Soon afterward, gay protesters began picketing at the APA's annual conventions, demanding that homosexuality be removed from the list completely. In 1973, after intensive debate and numerous disturbances by gay activist, the APA decided to remove homosexuality from its next manual (DSM III). What followed was a swarm of outrage from psychiatrists within the APA who disagreed with the decision and demanded that the issue be reconsidered.
    false. it was evelyn hooker who conducted a study that debunked homosexuality as a mental illness

    I take issue with the fact that the APA and many other professional organizations have moved far beyond just saying that homosexuality is not an illness, and instead are now saying that reorientation therapy could potentially “harm” someone tying to change from gay to straight.

    It can wtf are you talking about. "correctional therapy" has caused more than a few people to commit suicide

    But there are still hundreds of mental health experts successfully treating homosexuals; they just aren't advertising it. This is because doing so could get them into trouble,

    or because they don't exist

    Sure: Heterosexuality... and then a bunch of mental illnesses.
    fastasleepferdinandcckevin keedsdlondorRayz2016dunks
  • Reply 139 of 182
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    Oh buddy!  :D  :D :D
    And yet you wonder why I don’t take you seriously when you say anything. Pro tip: Moral relativism is bullshit. Words don’t mean what you want them to mean. They mean what they mean.
      :D :D :D
  • Reply 140 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    Borderdog said:
    why- said:

    very well, but you did. the appropriate thing would be to apologise :/
    I apologise! Thank you very much.

    I accept your apology! have a good day!
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