Apple hands out rainbow Apple Watch bands to commemorate LGBT Pride



  • Reply 161 of 182
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    walter77 said:
    levi said:
    He likely picked him for his good business sense, judgement, and values, which he and staff are demonstrating. Also, guess you didn't read the part about Apple's 30 years sponsoring the event.
    The 30 year sponsorship might be a defense, except his anti-Trump position will hurt Apple if Trump wins. Large corporation should be more neutral in presidential politics and other controversial areas. Tim needs to keep his politics to himself...
    Tim is keeping apple neutral by fundraising from Paul Ryan as any corporation that wants to play both sides of the political isle.
    kevin kee
  • Reply 162 of 182
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    We already know you don’t have a proper argument. You don’t need to just whiz it down your leg, too. If you can’t refute anything presented (the ‘what’) and can’t even discuss the ‘why’ of the matter with dignity, just leave.
    The funny thing is you're so blind with your self-righteousness that you can't see the reverse about yourself is absolutely as true anything you're peddling here. Your cherry-picked lists and other circular reasoning just goes to prove you align yourself with other hateful bigots who would rather make enemies than friends. I saw this before when you were a moderator on this forum, but now see it applies to the outside world as well. 

    It's your loss, dude.
    edited June 2016 dsdlondordarkpawsingularity
  • Reply 163 of 182
    Ok you give out Gay swag and say you company is for advancing the rights for the LGBT Really ???
    So why host a Republican Fund Rasier for Paul Ryan the very people that actively try to Remove the Rights you claim you support ????
    Shame on you Timmy !
  • Reply 164 of 182
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    Better question, why aren't they selling these bands!? I want one of these!
    I agree.   I don't have a watch but have been thinking of getting the 2nd watch.    
    I like the Rainbow band.    They could use a few more bands that are fun.
    How about an U.S.A.  Red, White, and Blue band.    They could do bands for
    other countries too.   Bands for Sports teams, etc.
  • Reply 165 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    The funny thing is you're so blind with your self-righteousness that you can't see the reverse about yourself is absolutely as true anything you're peddling here.
    So no reply, then, or any evidence thereof.
    Your cherry-picked lists
    So no refutation thereof.
    other circular reasoning
    So no examples. Seriously, give me SOMETHING to go on. 
    You can’t even fathom an opinion other than your own, much less that you could be factually wrong about something. Who’s the bigot?
  • Reply 166 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    my god your preposterous claims just crack me up sometimes
  • Reply 167 of 182
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    Borderdog said:

    foggyhill said:
    YOu do give a shit, your posts proves. So, please spare me your self serving orchestra of very thin wailing violins.

    And parading out "da muslims" now. Do you know any? You're going to tell me you know? 1, 50, a thousand.  They told you "their plan" I'm sure.
    And Christians in Africa kill gays too. What you going to do about it bud, rant against the president for supporting Christian nations?
    What about the evangelical pastors in the south that advocate killing gays, the GOP itself had one of these speaking at one of their events. Should Obama declare war on the south, or on the GOP too for being anti-gay too? Seems he should by you "savant" (sic) comment.

    So, it all comes back to being a poo little oppressed white boy, the world passing by before your eyes; pure tragedy for sure. I'll be sure to write an obit.

    My Apple keyboard is fritsing.  
    I meant to say: I'm sorry for loving and caring. You have humbled me.
    My first name is Aaron.

    Goodnight to all.
    Its not worth the the trouble arguing with a bigot like him.    It probably burns him up that this country is becoming more and more LGBT accepting every year especially as the old pass away and the younger generation matures.    Many studios show even young evangelicals becoming more gay accepting and tolerant as they recognize the failed and hateful policies of the older religious right.   Progress will happen despite those who prefer to roll back progress.    If we're lucky maybe skil will move to the post Brexit Britain.   He can form a boy band with Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and Nigel Farage -  "The Little Hands/Bad Hair"
    edited June 2016 why-londorfastasleep
  • Reply 168 of 182
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    k2kw said:

    If we're lucky maybe skil will move to the post Brexit Britain.   He can form a boy band with Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and Nigel Farage -  "The Little Hands/Bad Hair"
    The last part is both sad and funny :lol: 

    edited June 2016 dsd
  • Reply 169 of 182
    This thread has gotten way the fuck out of hand. Let me put this in plain fucking English for some of you:
    edited June 2016 zeus423anomefastasleep
  • Reply 170 of 182
    1way1way Posts: 3member
    why- said:
    1way said:
    Jesus Christ is Lord. Don't use his name that way. Use any other religious figure's name that way, but not His. I am a Christian, just like you're a homosexual and I find it offensive when people use the name of Jesus the way you did - it's no different than me using the word you just demanded an apology over. 

    you're right, I'm sorry
    I appreciate the apology. If your other question was directed at me, I'd love them regardless of whatever they do, and whether I agree with them or not. If they asked me to support a decision to live that lifestyle, I would not support it, but that wouldn't change my love for them (or my fellow man for that matter). There's a bunch of things I don't support or condone, but I still love my fellow man regardless of what choices they make.

    However, as a Christian I do believe I have a duty to share the truth (the good news) because that is what love would do. If people don't want to hear it, that is their choice though. The good news is you don't have to be stuck in sin and in the pathway of death. There's an easy way out of it if you want to be free from the bondage that is sin. Simply change your thinking, confess Jesus as Lord, and accept His atoning sacrifice. I've done it. I've been born again! It's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I have zero desire for sin - not out of religion, but out of a new nature that is in right-standing with my father - God. Best reality anyone could ever be living!
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 171 of 182
    dec.dec. Posts: 1member
    1way said:
    However, as a Christian I do believe I have a duty to share the truth (the good news) because that is what love would do. If people don't want to hear it, that is their choice though. The good news is you don't have to be stuck in sin and in the pathway of death. There's an easy way out of it if you want to be free from the bondage that is sin. Simply change your thinking, confess Jesus as Lord, and accept His atoning sacrifice. I've done it. I've been born again! It's the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I have zero desire for sin - not out of religion, but out of a new nature that is in right-standing with my father - God. Best reality anyone could ever be living!
    "that's our duty"... it is not your duty. Trust me, there's absolutely no need to try to make others accept your lifestyle. I'll never understand why certain people feel the urge to push their own mythology onto others. It's outright bizarre if you think about it. You have made your lifestyle decisions and I'm sure you're happy with them, but why can't you accept "freedom of religion" and leave it up to others instead of harassing them with your ideologies?
  • Reply 172 of 182
    1way1way Posts: 3member
    ^I'm not trying to make anyone accept my lifestyle. Nor am I pushing anything on anyone. I merely offered information. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that I have found and met the truth, so it is out of love that I share what I did about freedom from sin and death. Definitely take it or leave it - that was Jesus' attitude when He walked here in His earthly ministry. But just know that if I didn't love my fellow man, I wouldn't share what I did. I didn't post on here to proselytize, but everyone should hear the good news of the free gift of freedom from sin and death at least once in their lives before it's too late, so if people reading what I wrote hadn't heard it before, at least now they have.
  • Reply 173 of 182
    darkpawdarkpaw Posts: 212member
    k2kw said:
    If we're lucky maybe skil will move to the post Brexit Britain.
    Hey, you made him, you can keep him! We don't need people like him in Britain. His outdated, moronic, bigoted views are not welcome here.
  • Reply 174 of 182
    darkpawdarkpaw Posts: 212member
    Errors occur in nature all the time, and homosexuality is a perfect example of error.
    Reference, please?

    Somewhere in the brain of every homosexual a critical error has occurred.
    Reference, please?

    In what other situation is an error encouraged or rewarded as it is in homosexuality in today’s media?
    I think gets to the point of your malice. Because someone is different from you, or from what you consider to be 'normal', you have an issue with it. You think infertile couples are disabled (which would make old people no longer capable of producing children, disabled). You want to say to us that you think all 'degenerates' (your word) should be locked up, kept away from the public because they aren't 'normal'. That's pretty horrific.

    How do you treat bisexuals then? I mean, they also have heterosexual sex, so are they okay in your worldview, or are they to be locked away for just half the time of a homosexual?

    Lesbians? Are they just as bad, and need to be locked up because they should be out there having heterosexual sex with one of your white, straight male friends after he's come home from the sports game and bar looking for his freshly-made dinner?

    You may ask yourself how this error affects you. The answer is simple. Homosexuality, despite what you are told to believe, can be indoctrinated.
    Reference, please?

    Why do you think the rate of children who “turn out” gay skyrockets in the presence of gay “parents”?
    Reference, please?

    When we ask for references, we'd really rather like scientific material and links from the past decade, say, rather than the 40-60 year old stuff you've been supplying. Also, nothing from religious sources, please. They are inherently biased against the subject, and do nothing to advance your argument.

    If you straight people would stop having gay babies, we wouldn't need to justify our existence.
  • Reply 175 of 182
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    I see this thread hasn't really progressed although one of my replies was deleted, which is a shame.
    It is so sad to see some people have such a vehement problem with Apple supporting such a cause and then spend so much time attacking that issue.
  • Reply 176 of 182
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    darkpaw said:
    k2kw said:
    If we're lucky maybe skil will move to the post Brexit Britain.
    Hey, you made him, you can keep him! We don't need people like him in Britain. His outdated, moronic, bigoted views are not welcome here.
    HAHA -  Sorry can you think of a country that would take him.    Maybe Iran - there's no gays there - 'd probably would like it then.
  • Reply 177 of 182
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    1way said:
    ^I'm not trying to make anyone accept my lifestyle. Nor am I pushing anything on anyone. I merely offered information. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that I have found and met the truth, so it is out of love that I share what I did about freedom from sin and death. Definitely take it or leave it - that was Jesus' attitude when He walked here in His earthly ministry. But just know that if I didn't love my fellow man, I wouldn't share what I did. I didn't post on here to proselytize, but everyone should hear the good news of the free gift of freedom from sin and death at least once in their lives before it's too late, so if people reading what I wrote hadn't heard it before, at least now they have.
    If someone quotes scripture in every thing he writes (especially if it is obviously cherry picked from the old testament), or as a way to frame the argument in an absolute way, or by giving himself a moral imperative, I get annoyed, otherwise I'm AOK with it.

     If religion provides solace and a purpose to life that is mostly in supporting people and letting them do their own choice (simply telling them what you believe without being pushy about it, essentially telling there are options), it can be a force for good. The only one who should judge is god himself and not his very fallible followers on earth.

    I was brought up a Catholic in a very Catholic province in the 1960s-1980s..
    edited June 2016
  • Reply 178 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    darkpaw said:
    Reference, please?
    The existence of sexual reproduction.
    Reference, please?
    I believe they were already in the link I posted, but I can repost them here again in a few hours.
    I think gets to the point of your malice.
    Learn what words mean.
    Because someone is different from you
    Nope, you don’t fucking comprehend a single thing that was written.
    That's pretty horrific.
    It’s also wrong. Try reading posts before replying to them.
    How do you treat bisexuals then?
    They’re homosexuals. Kinsey was a lunatic. There is no scale; there is heterosexuality and homosexuality.
    Do you not know what lesbians are?
    Reference, please?
    Again, link I provided. I’ll be happy to show specifics when I return later today.
    we'd really rather like scientific material and links from the past decade
    You have no argument whatsoever. Something isn’t wrong because it’s old. This has been proven in the thread, and you haven’t read a word of it.
    If you straight people would stop having gay babies, we wouldn't need to justify our existence.
    Stop justifying it and get help for it, then. The fact that you even admit to having to justify it as opposed to just having it shows that you even know that there’s something wrong.
  • Reply 179 of 182
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    tallest skil said:

    The fact that you even admit to having to justify it as opposed to just having it shows that you even know that there’s something wrong.
       :D :D :D

    You're defending yourself!  That means you deserve to be attacked!

    What a great lark you are.
    edited June 2016 singularityfastasleepwhy-
  • Reply 180 of 182
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 3,008member
    why- said:
    apple ][ said:
    oh boo hoo. turn off the telly if you don't like seeing them

    you seem to be confused about the difference between being rude to someone and discriminating against them. give me an example of how you've been discriminated against aside from "I don't get a parade :("

    The white, straight guy can't have a dedicated TV channel either. "WET" anyone?
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