Failed iOS 10 installs force users to plug into iTunes for restoration of 'bricked' device [u]



  • Reply 41 of 90
    saarek said:
    Every single year. How does Apple managed to fuck this up every single year?

    Thier official statement is that there was an issue for the first hour and they are sorry, but they have fixed it now.

    How can they release a file that requires an iTunes restore for every OTA update on iPhone 6s models, did they not bother to test it beforehand......

    Amateur hour.
  • Reply 42 of 90
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    macxpress said:
    ScoM said:
    Why anyone would perform an iOS upgrade over the air is beyond me. You should ALWAYS perform a full backup of any device before upgrading the OS. The only way to do that on a mobile device is by connecting to a computer and backing up via iTunes. Then performing the OS upgrade while still connected is a no-brainer. Even Apple suggests this as the better process.
    1. I'm willing to bet OTA is by far the way most are updated. I've never had an issue updating anything iOS until today OTA. 

    2. If you have iCloud backups enabled your phone is always backed up, however yes you should make it run a backup before updating just in case. 

    3. Where does Apple suggest this as a better process vs OTA? Link please???

    Not sure why people are making excuses for Apple but your post made me think of something Apple should do:

    Apple should backup your device automatically before updating.
  • Reply 43 of 90
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    iPhone 6S Plus with the lightening cable and iTunes screen. 

    Awesome! Can't thank Apple enough for this. The iTunes download is 2.47 GB.

    *Update* Updating through iTunes resolved the issue even though after the update I had to do a hard restart due to it not leaving the black screen. All is well now. 
    edited September 2016 welshwizapollak
  • Reply 44 of 90
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    I feel so left out. Nothing like this ever happens to me. iOS 10 installed without issue and watchOS 3.0 is coming along nicely now too. On to tvOS 10 shortly. iTunes update also went smoothly.
  • Reply 45 of 90
    cali said:
    macxpress said:
    ScoM said:
    Why anyone would perform an iOS upgrade over the air is beyond me. You should ALWAYS perform a full backup of any device before upgrading the OS. The only way to do that on a mobile device is by connecting to a computer and backing up via iTunes. Then performing the OS upgrade while still connected is a no-brainer. Even Apple suggests this as the better process.
    1. I'm willing to bet OTA is by far the way most are updated. I've never had an issue updating anything iOS until today OTA. 

    2. If you have iCloud backups enabled your phone is always backed up, however yes you should make it run a backup before updating just in case. 

    3. Where does Apple suggest this as a better process vs OTA? Link please???

    Not sure why people are making excuses for Apple but your post made me think of something Apple should do:

    Apple should backup your device automatically before updating.
    I think that would be a great idea! Not sure why they don't. If you don't have an iCloud account then you could either be prompted to set one up, or simply skip the backup and continue. 
  • Reply 46 of 90
    Apple has apparently now fixed the issue with the OTA updates and everything should be running fine. 
  • Reply 47 of 90
    iOS 10 makes my iPhone 5 awesome again. Wow. 

    The Android equivalent, Nexus 4, stops at Lollipop, which is equal to iOS 8. 

    Good job, Google. 

    Don't understand why Apple gets the rap about forcing users to upgrade to a new phone due to software demands. 
  • Reply 48 of 90
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    iOS 10 Over-the-Air Update Bricking Some iPhones and iPads Fixed. Apple says : "We experienced a brief issue with the software update process, affecting a small number of users during the first hour of availability. The problem was quickly resolved and we apologize to those customers. Anyone who was affected should connect to iTunes to complete the update or contact AppleCare for help.
    edited September 2016
  • Reply 49 of 90
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    sog35 said:

    I don't know why people just insist having the update on day 1. And then get pissy when a bug is found. 
    I didn't have any of the pre release versions, and I never tried OS 10 before, so it's quite understandable that people want to put it on their devices when it's released and test it out, and play with all of the new features.

    Anyway, the download issues seem to have been solved now. I've already updated a few of my iOS devices to iOS 10.

    In the case of iOS 10, it seems like a few hours was the correct amount of time to wait before installing.
  • Reply 50 of 90
    this is bull crap. my ipad pro only 3 weeks old, bought directly from apple just going around in a loop in itunes trying to un brick it due to stupid apple update.
  • Reply 51 of 90
    Why is it that every time Apple has an issue with OTA updates people come back with "use iTunes"? I'm sorry but that's an unacceptable answer.  One, if Apple is going to offer OTA updates they should work reliably. Two, I'm sure there are plenty of iPhone and iPad users who don't even use iTunes. You can easily set up and use an iOS device without ever having to connect to a PC or Mac. Making people install iTunes just to update their software (assuming they have a PC or Mac to install iTunes on) is bullshit.
  • Reply 52 of 90
    I always wait a week or so after introduction before doing any major software updates. Any teething problems quickly dissipate with update updates....

    (Aside, and a pet peeve: Can people please stop calling it 'lightening' adapters/plugs? Lightening refers either the "process of making something lighter or descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity that occurs late in pregnancy.")
  • Reply 53 of 90
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Two, I'm sure there are plenty of iPhone and iPad users who don't even use iTunes. 
    I agree. I'm sure that there are many, many people out there who buy iPhones or iPads and they do not have any computer with iTunes on it, so 
    it's a dumb solution to say use iTunes.

    Everything needs to work perfectly OTA, without having the need for any iTunes.
  • Reply 54 of 90
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    This update bricked Hillary Clinton for me.

    Anybody else have this problem?

  • Reply 55 of 90
    adz said:
    this is bull crap. my ipad pro only 3 weeks old, bought directly from apple just going around in a loop in itunes trying to un brick it due to stupid apple update.
    When it says it needs to update again, just cancel that screen. Your download is still rolling in the background. I clicked "update" once when it came up like that, and it started over - but that's not necessary.
  • Reply 56 of 90
    What would Steve say - "F+++++g dickless assholes!!"
  • Reply 57 of 90
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,401member
    I think the word "bricked" is being overused here. If the update fails and you can restore the device using iTunes on the computer, then your unit is not "bricked".
  • Reply 58 of 90
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    sog35 said:
    Why can't you just wait 2 or 3 days? Or even 24 hours?

    Its really ridiculous.

    if you want the update the first day then you better expect some rough patches.
    It's all good!

    I took a calculated risk and it cost me a couple of hours time, straightening it out, but everything is fine now! :#

    10 is looking pretty cool so far. There's more to explore I'm sure, I'm just getting started!
    edited September 2016 watto_cobra
  • Reply 59 of 90
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    I wonder if update-gate part 3 is getting more press than Sammy #bombgate

    Ill wait for y'all to be the guinea pigs before I upgrade.  
  • Reply 60 of 90
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Ahahshahahaha..... What's this.... 3 in a row for major OS updates bricking phones. Bet you guys are making Steve so proud right now. Stealing from Android, ignoring customers, continuing to take advantage of your ignorant customers. Apple is the best.... Hahahahaha
    Hahahaha! What a loser! What a delusional Fandroid! I didn't know that mental institutions granted internet access to their patients. 

    This is a minor, minor issue, that lasted for a few hours. It's not like exploding fucking Samsung phones that have been banned from airlines!

    My iPhone is back up and running smoothly right now with iOS 10, and it's awesome!

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