Apple investigated, took action against alleged sexism at Cupertino headquarters



  • Reply 21 of 57
    I hate special snowflakes with a passion. She needs to be fired, not pandered to.
    tallest skilcali
  • Reply 22 of 57
    Amusing reading the comments here... when Apple's social responsibility is good for the share price, suddenly it's glowing, priority one for commenters... when it bites them in the behind it's "move on" and ripping any "lib snowflake"who thinks it may be an issue.

    AAPL's major schtick on their brand is that "hippy-dippy nonsense" pandering the "snowflakes" that you're ragging on. You don't get it both ways (as much as right wing folks think that's how it works).

    But that'd be typical for hypocritical, right-wing d-bags who have their life savings tied up in AAPL (or just see the world as my team great/smart/infallible, all others evil/stupid/wrong)

    Maybe use some of that stock appreciation money to buy a clue.
  • Reply 23 of 57
    Le Femme deBozo
  • Reply 24 of 57
    dysamoria said:
    …mostly privileged males…
    Learn what words mean before you use them.
    "social justice" is a bad thing
    Can’t imagine why anyone would think that marxist claptrap is bad. It certainly didn’t kill a hundred million people or anything.
    an oversensitive populous
    You’re legitimately insane. That’s exactly what culture has become.
    If it just kills one is it okay? The killing of the 100 million started with those who though one life does not matter. Make me think you should start thinking more than just about what words mean before you write anything!
  • Reply 25 of 57
    jonco said:
    I just read her email to Tim Cook. She's a bit too sensitive. Not feeling safe at Apple because of the quotes from a song is a bit much. When did we get so scared so often?
    It's not that dangerous out there. But still, off my lawn. NOW!
    Oh I don't know. Maybe when women get raped on our school campuses and the rapist gets 3 months or where a judge in a recent rape case asked the victim why she didn't just keep her legs closed. And just this week a woman came forward accusing UNC and the local police department of not taking action in a sexual assault and that the campus police told the accuser "Rock on" and "Don't sweat, it keep on living your life" while treating her like the suspect? Or maybe when it won't take a national outcry for a multi billion dollar company like the NFL to take serious action when a player beats up a woman (they finally did when the video became public) but if you are not one of those on this forum who seems to think its not that dangerous out there the video is difficult to watch.
    And if these examples seem far from the Apple campus, look no further than this forum where we have two guys writing that rape is okay if you want to have sex and she doesn't or if you already know who your defense attorney will be.
    edited September 2016 singularitydysamoria
  • Reply 26 of 57
    In the shadow of this week's iPhone launch, 

    In the shadow of your mind. That implies that the iPhone launch and sexism are somehow related. Or is it just an attempt at flowery language?
  • Reply 27 of 57
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,410member
    jonco said:
    I just read her email to Tim Cook. She's a bit too sensitive. Not feeling safe at Apple because of the quotes from a song is a bit much. When did we get so scared so often?
    It's not that dangerous out there. But still, off my lawn. NOW!
    Typical dumbass woman-hater.  You're the judge of what makes any woman uncomfortable. It's just a joke get over herself, right? A guy should be able to make jokes and women just have to put up with it and not be so thin-skinned? Why consider her feelings when you can condemn and dismiss them. "...a bit too sensitive." You're a lot too head up ass.

    Rampant egos with little to no consideration of others, unless those others are capable of kicking their asses. Misogynist, entitled little bullies who want people to believe they respect women when really they don't. Because women are too "sensitive", right?

    It's pretty obvious more than a few here have issues with women in general, as well as in the workplace.
  • Reply 28 of 57
    bulk001 said:
    The killing of the 100 million started with those who though one life does not matter.
    And you’re fostering that all over again.
    Make me think you should start thinking more than just about what words mean before you write anything!
    Please correct yourself before someone lines you up against the wall and shoots you. Not a threat; a warning! Your beliefs are false and they’ll lead you to be hurt.

    bulk001 said:
    Maybe when women get raped on our school campuses
    Let me guess… ONE IN FIVE, right? Laughable.
    rape is okay if you want to have sex
    For fuck’s sake, do you have any fucking idea what sarcasm is?! Holy fucking shit. You’re not even FUNNY if you’re joking here.

  • Reply 29 of 57
    apple ][ said:
    Fire all of these special snowflakes and disgusting lunatics with mental issues that get triggered by every slightest thing.

    SJWS are among the weakest and most pathetic breed of humans to have ever existed. 

    SJWS should never be hired in the first place, if one is looking for good and productive employees that will actually excel at their jobs.

    Always funny when a straight white male who has had it ultra-easy in his life complains about how other people are "weak and pathetic". Please explain how people who can't keep sexist jokes to themselves are "good and productive" and "excel at their jobs"? Please, I would really like to know. Because I think that kind of severe tourette syndrome is really counter-productive. How is someone who doesn't have any kind of self control be productive in a professional environment?
  • Reply 30 of 57
    frbauer said:
    …a straight white male who has had it ultra-easy in his life…

    caliapple ][
  • Reply 31 of 57
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    I am glad Apple is a progressive forward thinking company, both in terms of its products as well as its social policies and willingness to challenge the status quo. Rape culture, male dominance and bigotry are all prevalent in the work place as it is in society generally. Just because they are part of the status quo they shouldn't immediately be defended, on the contrary. Instead these issues should be faced and understood and if required, Acted upon on a personal as well as corporate and societal basis. There is nothing bad about it and nobody should feel targeted by it, it is just progress. There are many 'things' that were acceptable 50 years ago that no longer are and very few people would want to go back to those times (kids were beaten at home and in school, a woman's place was in the kitchen, homophobia and racism was worse, etc). So when people act inappropriately the should be called on it. And cool people self reflect and often understand their behaviour was inappropriate. In this case I don't even know what went down so it is difficult to have an opinion, but generally questioning the status quo is a good thing. Doing nothing is going backwards and I am glad aApple is always moving forward.
  • Reply 32 of 57
    This comment is not addressed to any specific comment but to the moderators of this board.  Are you aware that this community is getting less enjoyable for the people who follow what is commented here?  I can only give you a comment from my own perspective, but I believe that letting people say things on a board that they would never say in public without the bad excuse of being drunk to explain their lack of decency needs to stop.  I guess I will end my now much less regular following of this board if this continues.  The personal attacks, and trolling is really old.  Hasn't anyone figured out how to make any website fun, enjoyable and simply polite?
  • Reply 33 of 57
    paxman said:
    Rape culture, male dominance and bigotry are all…
    …fake, as proven by all laws and all statistics.
    …it is just progress.
    No, matriarchy isn’t progress.
    I am glad aApple is always moving forward.
    Go back to watching MSNBC.
    apple ][
  • Reply 34 of 57
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Getting a month off for a joke about an Internet meme is fairly nuts. Getting somebody who apologised immediately reprimanded is nuts too. 

    If the special buttercup generation dominate then corporations will become politicalised hell-holes and a company riven by these kind of factions won't get much work done. It certainly won't be a great company anymore. 

    That said the "bro" generation should keep its humour for the pub, or male gatherings. A course not in political correctness but in corporate ettiquite wouldn't go amiss 
    tallest skilcaliapple ][
  • Reply 35 of 57
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    levi said:
    apple ][ said:
    Fire all of these special snowflakes and disgusting lunatics with mental issues that get triggered by every slightest thing.

    SJWS are among the weakest and most pathetic breed of humans to have ever existed. 

    SJWS should never be hired in the first place, if one is looking for good and productive employees that will actually excel at their jobs.

    That's funny, I read that executives took action - which suggests the complaints had merit. 
    Not that I agree at all with Apple ][ or his extreme, predictable views, but just because action was taken, it does not necessarily mean that complaints had merit.

    PS- Ok, I just read that chat log. What the fuck? The guy posted some song lyrics , this woman then freaked out and lectured him about feeling unsafe. He apologized profusely multiple times, and the next day she emails cook basically claiming that her life is in danger.  She's given a month off, comes back, and acts like a victim again. Sorry, but all signs point to this person just having some vindictive complex, wanting to cause trouble and get people fired, and was in no way in a "toxic" environment. She made a fucking mountain out of a mole hill, needed a month to "recover" from the "trauma" of seeing some lyrics to a popular song, then just kept milking it when she got back. THAT is what creates a toxic environment, with everyone else on the team being terrified that they're gonna get if they breathe or look at her the wrong way, or post some meme.

    I seriously can’t tell if this article is satire. The woman “Danielle” sounds like a complete narcissist who absolutely refuses to accept a sincere apology multiple times, climbs leaps and bounds above the chain of command to the CEO of the company, gets a month paid leave, and comes back expecting what exactly? Did she want the whole department fired, or just to be appointed to head of the department on her return?

    This is not a toxic work environment, but I do believe she is a toxic employee that would likely spread her BS grievances to anyone within earshot. I hope they fire her, but in our society she will probably get millions in a settlement as the result of her behavior.

    Yep. From those emails this definitely sounds like someone to CREATES a toxic environment, and lowers the morale of everyone around them. Her escalation was not needed, since the guy apologized and promised to never do it again, even thought he in no way, shape, or form attacked her directly or indirectly. But, she kept going with her perceived slight wanting to harm everyone around her. 
    edited September 2016 calitallest skil
  • Reply 36 of 57
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    slurpy said:

    PS- Ok, I just read that chat log. What the fuck? The guy posted some song lyrics , this woman then freaked out and lectured him about feeling unsafe. He apologized profusely multiple times, and the next day she emails cook basically claiming that her life is in danger.  She's given a month off, comes back, and acts like a victim again. 

    Like you, I had also read the chat log before I had posted in this thread, and that woman is obviously a complete lunatic and her behavior is completely out of bounds.

  • Reply 37 of 57
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Hey, non-straight non-white male here!

    This is why women should not work in corporate. Equality is important which is why I don't agree with a man being suspended for quoting a popular meme(with TONS of likes on YouTube) or making "rape JOKES". A woman overhearing a joke can suspend a man or even get him fired(Read about the man who was fired for making a dongle joke and the special virgin ears snowflake who made him lose his job) but if a thong flashing woman makes a rape joke or penis joke it's A-ok.

    women make penis and rape jokes all day and I've never seen a man get offendrd and have her fired over it.

    "grieved" over a woman hearing a funny song lyric is beyond pathetic.

    P.S. Gotta love the use of "male dominated" in this article. Yes male dominated because women don't wanna work here.

    sewage maintenance is also "male dominated". Maybe the sewer departmend should fire these privileged men and hire all the special snowflakes.
    edited September 2016 asdasd
  • Reply 38 of 57
    cali said:
    sewage maintenance is also "male dominated". Maybe the sewer departmend should fire these privileged men and hire all the special snowflakes.
    It was our privilege.

  • Reply 39 of 57
    Much ado about nothing. If you are so hyper-sensitive you shouldn't be working. Take whatever your new slave master - democrat party overlord - throws your way and be happy.
    Who the hell are you or anyone else to decide how someone should feel? 
  • Reply 40 of 57
    paxman said:
    Rape culture, male dominance and bigotry are all…
    …fake, as proven by all laws and all statistics.
    All written by misogynistic white men. Of course they're going to write something that proves them right and everyone else wrong. 
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