See the new & refreshed emoji in Apple's first public beta of iOS 10.2
Apple on Tuesday released the first public beta of iOS 10.2, which introduces new and updated emoji characters, including some more "realistic" depictions of objects and items.

The public beta is free to download for anyone registered in Apple's Beta Software Program. The new emoji are believed to conform to the Unicode 9.0 standard, and include about 72 new icons, such as a clown, bacon, a selfie, and a sneezing face. Existing ones have also been redrawn with more detail, and/or different styles.
Apple has also added things like a widget for the Videos app, three new wallpapers, a "Preserve Camera" setting, and a "Press and Hold to Speak" menu under Accessibility settings for the home button.
The Messages app has a new "Celebration" fullscreen effect, and the status bar has an additional headphone icon, making it clearer when Bluetooth audio accessories are connected. The icon was already visible to Beats Solo3 owners.

The public beta is free to download for anyone registered in Apple's Beta Software Program. The new emoji are believed to conform to the Unicode 9.0 standard, and include about 72 new icons, such as a clown, bacon, a selfie, and a sneezing face. Existing ones have also been redrawn with more detail, and/or different styles.
Dang. The ancient Apple emoji -- which were never really meant to be seen bigger than 32 ? 32 -- are redrawn quite well in iOS 10.2! Good job!
-- Cabel Sasser (@cabel)
Apple has also added things like a widget for the Videos app, three new wallpapers, a "Preserve Camera" setting, and a "Press and Hold to Speak" menu under Accessibility settings for the home button.
The Messages app has a new "Celebration" fullscreen effect, and the status bar has an additional headphone icon, making it clearer when Bluetooth audio accessories are connected. The icon was already visible to Beats Solo3 owners.
Long overdue.
What will be the new butt emoji? Such a dilemma.
“Honey, I hear someone trying to break in downstairs; rush home with your [can’t actually type emoji here]!!!” Works a little better than “He tried to rape me, but thankfully I had my [squirt gun] full of hydrochloric acid.”
It’s a matter of hegelian dialectic, and I don’t appreciate being told the type and manner of things about which I can speak. Also, if you don’t believe that innocent life is worth protecting, you can fuck off.