China looks into sudden iPhone 6 & 6s shutdowns plaguing some Apple customers

in iPhone
The China Consumers Association on Tuesday asked Apple to investigate complaints that some iPhone 6 and 6s units are shutting off suddenly and permanently, despite nominally having plenty of charge left.

Affected iPhones are powering down with 50 to 60 percent remaining on their battery, or in climates at room temperature or below, the CCA said in a statement seen by Reuters. Critically, plugging in the phones doesn't seem to revive them.

Though the full extent of the problem is unknown, the CCA said that "rather many" people have submitted reports.

In the U.S., Apple is facing a class action lawsuit over the so-called "touch disease" impacting iPhone 6 and 6 Plus models. Some of those phones have developed flickering gray bands and/or reduced touch sensitivity, possibly because bending in the phones is causing touch controller chips to come loose.

The iPhone 6s line hasn't received any large-scale complaints until now, partly because the phone was designed to address some of the flaws of its predecessor -- for instance by switching to tougher 7000-series aluminum.


  • Reply 1 of 41
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    Iphone 6s is around for over a year and if there is an inherent problem with hardware like Note 7 than it would have come out long back. But this is different. This is precaution propaganda against Mr. Trump's anti-China attitude. If American companies start leaving Chinese market than Americans are looser. Why ? We still import lots of goods made in China which Chinese benefit unless we completely stop Chinese made goods and also must pressure allies to do the same. But, that ain't going to happen in Global market so better to figure out right long term strategy like build cheaper somewhere like Mexico,Vietnam, etc.
    edited November 2016 calih2p
  • Reply 2 of 41
    just because america is full of aggressive and crazy people like you, that's why you can't even elect a proper president. sad
  • Reply 3 of 41
    Just to keep the conversation on topic :)  

    My iPhone 6s has been shutting down with 50% battery - it suddenly goes to zero and won't restart. After about 20 minutes it will restart and carry on as normal.  It only seems to happen when I am outside in lower temperatures, so I don't think it's restricted to China -I am in the uk - nor does it seem to be a political stance against Mr Trump!
  • Reply 4 of 41
    rwesrwes Posts: 200member
    sog35 said:
    You know what?


    yes I said it.

    Apple should just leave China. The hell with them. Apple will take a short term hit. But I'm sick of their crap.
    Even with ZERO China sales Apple's revenues and profits will far surpass Google. Yet Google is worth more than Apple right now taking cash into consideration.

    Move all the factories out of China. Stop selling iPhones their. 

    Another big mistake by Cook.  Pinning all of Apple's future in a communist state. A totally irresponsible thing to do.

    Instead of growing the brand in the USA, Europe, Japan, ect he went for the quick fix in China. Now its biting him in the ass.
    "Stop selling iPhones *there"

    And relax dude. For all you/we know, maybe a bad batch of aftermarket chargers and not so tolerant or just more sensitive charging circuitry in the 6/6s? Or just the Chinese making shit up?

    But not knowing, you shouldn't just spew shit like that.

    I mean, I get free speech (and the right to your own opinion and all), but really, damn, lol.
  • Reply 5 of 41
     sog35 said:
    You know what?


    yes I said it.

    Apple should just leave China. The hell with them. Apple will take a short term hit. But I'm sick of their crap.
    Even with ZERO China sales Apple's revenues and profits will far surpass Google. Yet Google is worth more than Apple right now taking cash into consideration.

    Move all the factories out of China. Stop selling iPhones their. 

    Another big mistake by Cook.  Pinning all of Apple's future in a communist state. A totally irresponsible thing to do.

    Instead of growing the brand in the USA, Europe, Japan, ect he went for the quick fix in China. Now its biting him in the ass.
    I truely hope Apples attitude of addressing these problems is more serious and professional than yours.
  • Reply 6 of 41
    wsrpopswsrpops Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    This is happening to my wife's iPhone 6. She's had it for about a year and this just started happening this week.  We are in the US.
  • Reply 7 of 41
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member
    rwes said:
    sog35 said:
    You know what?


    yes I said it.

    Apple should just leave China. The hell with them. Apple will take a short term hit. But I'm sick of their crap.
    Even with ZERO China sales Apple's revenues and profits will far surpass Google. Yet Google is worth more than Apple right now taking cash into consideration.

    Move all the factories out of China. Stop selling iPhones their. 

    Another big mistake by Cook.  Pinning all of Apple's future in a communist state. A totally irresponsible thing to do.

    Instead of growing the brand in the USA, Europe, Japan, ect he went for the quick fix in China. Now its biting him in the ass.
    "Stop selling iPhones *there"

    And relax dude. For all you/we know, maybe a bad batch of aftermarket chargers and not so tolerant or just more sensitive charging circuitry in the 6/6s? Or just the Chinese making shit up?

    But not knowing, you shouldn't just spew shit like that.

    I mean, I get free speech (and the right to your own opinion and all), but really, damn, lol.
    Good points. Using 3rd party chargers affect phones sensitive circuits. Phones have some built-in tolerances but some cheap 3rd party chargers do make iPhone behave unusual. I have charger which says designed by SW(and made in China) which only let my iphone SE charge to 48%. Soon as you switch to Apple made, all good. Few years back, it happened with my iPhone 4 with different symptoms using cheap charger.
  • Reply 8 of 41
    sog35 said:
    steverob said:
    Just to keep the conversation on topic  

    My iPhone 6s has been shutting down with 50% battery - it suddenly goes to zero and won't restart. After about 20 minutes it will restart and carry on as normal.  It only seems to happen when I am outside in lower temperatures, so I don't think it's restricted to China -I am in the uk - nor does it seem to be a political stance against Mr Trump!
    GET. A. NEW. BATTERY. Batteries don't last forever.

    Maybe it shutting down as a safety feature so it doesn't explode.
    In my case it had nothing to do with the battery. I went to the Genius bar and they tested the phone and said the battery was fine. They asked if i had already tried a restore without putting the backup back on (which I had) after that they admitted it was a known issue - has something to do with some electronics connected to the battery.
  • Reply 9 of 41
    mknelsonmknelson Posts: 1,128member
    I have a friend in the UK (and had a customer sitting next to me at Apple on Saturday) whose iPhone 6 regularly suddenly shut off with the battery at ~30% or 70%. The batteries pass diagnostics. Lately they also fail to submit the battery usage diagnostics. Apple suggested trying a firmware restore, after that it would be a full unit replacement.

    They do turn on after being hooked up to power.
  • Reply 10 of 41
    mknelsonmknelson Posts: 1,128member
    sog35 said:
    wsrpops said:
    This is happening to my wife's iPhone 6. She's had it for about a year and this just started happening this week.  We are in the US.
    You do know that even iPhones break?

    time for a new phone man.
    With the battery still showing 90% capacity and 7 months left of Applecare Plus? No, it's not.
  • Reply 11 of 41
    When one installs survailence low quality code to run in background perhaps this may ccause even crashes. So Apple now will be investigating if Chineese government is tinkering with iOS and their developers cannot test software properly?
  • Reply 12 of 41
    my iPhone 6s plus died on me after 5 months of use. this was the one with the samy chip that heats up and with shorter battery life 
  • Reply 13 of 41
    I have an iPhone 6s plus and this happened to me recently. Both times it happened I was off of wifi, and in reasonably far distance from people, i.e. out camping. 
    I got the phone on a charger and it was able to boot up right away, but the second time it happened the phone wouldn't start up right away. I thought it was a battery issue. The two times it happened, they were days apart.
    I ran the battery down to 1%, and then fully charged the phone back up. I haven't experienced the issue again. I am primarily on wifi 95% of the time.

  • Reply 14 of 41
    sog35 said:
    You know what?


    yes I said it.

    Apple should just leave China. The hell with them. Apple will take a short term hit. But I'm sick of their crap.
    Even with ZERO China sales Apple's revenues and profits will far surpass Google. Yet Google is worth more than Apple right now taking cash into consideration.

    Move all the factories out of China. Stop selling iPhones their. 

    Another big mistake by Cook.  Pinning all of Apple's future in a communist state. A totally irresponsible thing to do.

    Instead of growing the brand in the USA, Europe, Japan, ect he went for the quick fix in China. Now its biting him in the ass.
    FUC you,do you konw if Apple leave China,Apple will not far from bankruptcy.Do you know how much profits Apple income in China? I love products of apple.But you,Shame on you!
  • Reply 15 of 41
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    wsrpops said:
    This is happening to my wife's iPhone 6. She's had it for about a year and this just started happening this week.  We are in the US.

    Yes, this has been happening to mine as well.   It has charge, it suddenly shuts down.  When I plug it into its charger, it will initially show a completely drained battery -- but once it restarts, it usually has a 30-35% charge.   Is it software?
  • Reply 16 of 41
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    sog35 said:
    steverob said:
    Just to keep the conversation on topic  

    My iPhone 6s has been shutting down with 50% battery - it suddenly goes to zero and won't restart. After about 20 minutes it will restart and carry on as normal.  It only seems to happen when I am outside in lower temperatures, so I don't think it's restricted to China -I am in the uk - nor does it seem to be a political stance against Mr Trump!
    GET. A. NEW. BATTERY. Batteries don't last forever.

    Maybe it shutting down as a safety feature so it doesn't explode.
    In my case it had nothing to do with the battery. I went to the Genius bar and they tested the phone and said the battery was fine. They asked if i had already tried a restore without putting the backup back on (which I had) after that they admitted it was a known issue - has something to do with some electronics connected to the battery.

    Yes, my battery is fine too.  Recently checked at the Genius bar.   This just started.   I am thinking it is software/OS related.
  • Reply 17 of 41
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    johnbear said:
    my iPhone 6s plus died on me after 5 months of use. this was the one with the samy chip that heats up and with shorter battery life 
     Apple needs to get out of Sammy's ass ASAP. 
  • Reply 18 of 41
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    sog35 said:
    wsrpops said:
    This is happening to my wife's iPhone 6. She's had it for about a year and this just started happening this week.  We are in the US.
    You do know that even iPhones break?

    time for a new phone man.

    Throw away a $1,000 phone after two years?   You're either rich or crazy. 
  • Reply 19 of 41
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    sog35 said:
    You know what?


    yes I said it.

    Apple should just leave China. The hell with them. Apple will take a short term hit. But I'm sick of their crap.
    Even with ZERO China sales Apple's revenues and profits will far surpass Google. Yet Google is worth more than Apple right now taking cash into consideration.

    Move all the factories out of China. Stop selling iPhones their. 

    Another big mistake by Cook.  Pinning all of Apple's future in a communist state. A totally irresponsible thing to do.

    Instead of growing the brand in the USA, Europe, Japan, ect he went for the quick fix in China. Now its biting him in the ass.
    FUC you,do you konw if Apple leave China,Apple will not far from bankruptcy.Do you know how much profits Apple income in China? I love products of apple.But you,Shame on you!
    The Chinese have spoken. 
  • Reply 20 of 41
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    When one installs survailence low quality code to run in background perhaps this may ccause even crashes. So Apple now will be investigating if Chineese government is tinkering with iOS and their developers cannot test software properly?

    Nope... It's happening to mine that has lived in Pittsburgh its entire life.   Started a couple weeks ago.   Probably software misreading the charge.   When first plugged into a charger it shows zero charge.  Then, when it starts back up its always greater than 30%
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