Android makers shift focus from under-display fingerprint readers to 3D sensing after iPho...



  • Reply 61 of 92
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    I figured if consumers take to using Apple's 3D Face ID method of login, there will be plenty of Android manufacturers following with their flagship models (as those modules will be expensive). So, while Apple is getting all the hate of moving from the fingerprint sensor, the copycat Android smartphone makers won't have to go through the same BS Apple is going through. Just like the removal of the headphone jack. Now, each time a smartphone manufacturer removes the headphone jack it gets accepted more with less whining and crying about it being gone. Apple had to take all the nasty comments because they were the nearly the first (Moto was the first) and largest smartphone manufacturer to dump the audio jack. Hardly any whining about the Google Pixel 2 missing the audio jack. Definitely, nothing compared to what nastiness was tossed at the iPhone.

    Apple always makes a nice fat target for first hate then once the hate dies down, all the other smartphone makers jump onboard and follow Apple with only minimum fuss from the crappy critics. The idiots just don't get it. Things change in tech and some company has to be the first mover. I still believe most of the less-expensive smartphones will keep the touch sensor. Nothing wrong with using the fingerprint reader method. It works great but some know-it-all biatch will say it's outdated and all smartphones must use another method just to keep up with Apple. It seems as though Apple isn't allowed to do anything different without some chorus of boos and hisses being tossed in their direction.
    I prefer finger print scanning with touchID so I am not interest in IPhone X.   If a future iPHONE XI adds the touch bar on the back or through the screen then I will definitely get it.    For know I'm thinking about the Pixel 2 because the Camera sounds better and the Google assistant is better than SIRI.    It also keeps the finger print scanning.   But for now the lack of a head phone jack is causing me to hold off.   I also would like for the phone to have an FM or AM radio in it and don't know if it has one.

    Apple would be brilliant if they came out with finger print scanning through the display next year in addition to FaceID while all the Android manufacturers throw out hacks trying to do what faceID does.   I'm sure Samsung is working on it know.

    I feel strongly about all phones having Radio in them.   So I emailed my senators to support legislation mandating it.

  • Reply 62 of 92
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    k2kw said:
    jcallows said:
    cali said:

    The touchbar has a function, anything that adds function can’t be a gimmick. Do you plug in an external mouse to your MacBook to avoid the gimmicky trackpad?
    the trackpad, though it upsets the symmetry and minimalist design of a laptop, is nearly as essential as the keyboard, which is why it (or other cursor controllers like the trackball or joystick) has been included early in the creation of the laptop.  

    the touchbar is a gimmick.  it adds little value and doesn't justify upsetting the minimalist design of the macbook that apple strives to achieve.  i was completely surprised it was added as it goes against apple's philosophy that what you leave out is as important as what you put in.  over the years there were many features apple could've easily put into their products but left out.  and this is one of those that should've been left out.

    honestly, i was all set to buy the macbook with the touchbar until i actually saw it in the store.  that plastic strip and shiny plastic touch id button just stood out and cheapened the design.  the overall look was reminiscent of dell's or hp's best attempt at a macbook knock-off.  so i said no thanks.
    I agree with you on the touchbar you don't here much about it.   There hasn't been a rush PC makers trying to copy it yet (but if they do they will probably overdo it).
    If they had left the regular function key row along with the touchbar I might have bought one of the new MacBook Pros (I was really interested in the TouchID key.  It should be on every MAC even if by itself.)   So I bought a 2015 MBP this summer instead from BH.   Maxed it out and it meets my speed needs for now.   
    The Touch Bar is a tough thing to do properly, especially with the inclusion of Touch ID. Apple designed an entirely new chip for it and it runs its own versions of an OS X-base variant. That's not easy to copy, and for many it's probably very cost prohibitive if we look at who is making a profit in the consumer PC market.

    We may even have to wait for cost-effective LED-based keys that can be dynamically programmed to happen with support for Windows and/or Chrome OS. As the anti-Apple crowd will quickly say after saying the Touch Bar sucks is that Apple wasn't the first, but they won't say how poor or costly the other options were. The keys still have to be regular keys if you're talking about the alphanumerics and punctuation keys, and it has to be financially viable, which is inline with how the trackpad has evolved over the years to be larger and do a lot more.

  • Reply 63 of 92
    Nilay in 2017 - "It is user-hostile to remove old tech in order to innovate".
    "Not enough innovation from Apple" - Nilay pre 2017.
    This is what a contrarian whose jobs is to find fault with Apple sounds like.
  • Reply 64 of 92
    k2kw said:

    I feel strongly about all phones having Radio in them.  

    Couldn't agree more.
  • Reply 65 of 92
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    k2kw said:

    I feel strongly about all phones having Radio in them.  

    Couldn't agree more.
    You mean like the radios needed for WiFi, cellular, NFC, and Bluetooth, because then I also strongly agree that all cellphones require radios.
    edited October 2017 macxpresswatto_cobraStrangeDaysjony0
  • Reply 66 of 92
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    Rayz2016 said:
    jcallows said:
    cali said:

    The touchbar has a function, anything that adds function can’t be a gimmick. Do you plug in an external mouse to your MacBook to avoid the gimmicky trackpad?
    the trackpad, though it upsets the symmetry and minimalist design of a laptop, is nearly as essential as the keyboard, which is why it (or other cursor controllers like the trackball or joystick) has been included early in the creation of the laptop.  

    the touchbar is a gimmick.  it adds little value and doesn't justify upsetting the minimalist design of the macbook that apple strives to achieve.  i was completely surprised it was added as it goes against apple's philosophy that what you leave out is as important as what you put in.  over the years there were many features apple could've easily put into their products but left out.  and this is one of those that should've been left out.

    honestly, i was all set to buy the macbook with the touchbar until i actually saw it in the store.  that plastic strip and shiny plastic touch id button just stood out and cheapened the design.  the overall look was reminiscent of dell's or hp's best attempt at a macbook knock-off.  so i said no thanks.
    No one here believes you were set to buy anything. 

    Yeah, bogus narrative -- "I was all set to buy a tool I needed for a job to be done, until I saw the black strip when powered off." So then what did he do, buy an all-plastic Dell?! Total fantasy.
  • Reply 67 of 92
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member

    jcallows said:
    macxpress said:
    So it adds no value to you so its a gimmick? I could say the some thing about a USB or bluetooth mouse. I happen to like using the trackpads on MacBook Pros so the USB or bluetooth mouse provides no value to me. I guess the USB or bluetooth mouse is a gimmick. I'm sorry Apple didn't design a laptop for your personal needs. Maybe next time. If only Steve were here, right?
    if steve were here he'd throw it out for the same reason he refused to turn the display into a touch screen or include a stylus with the ipad or put a physical keyboard on the iphone.
    Nope, that's just some silly fantasy you made up in your head. Jobs is long dead and you didn't know the man. Anybody on these forums trying to stuff words into his ghost's mouth is just telling nonsense fairy tales to boost their own opinions, like you're doing. It adds no weight to your position and is a silly fallacy.
  • Reply 68 of 92
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    Does Tim Cook know twins have different finger prints? If twins do not want to share their iPhone Xs what can they do? 
  • Reply 69 of 92
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    tzeshan said:
    Does Tim Cook know twins have different finger prints?
    Do you really think Tim Cook doesn't know that finger prints are effectively unique? 

     If twins do not want to share their iPhone Xs what can they do? 
    1) They can use a passcode, just like it was stated during the event, or they can simply not get the iPhone X if it doesn't suit their atypical needs.

    2) Have you ever once expressed an issue with Touch ID being bad tech because it doesn't work for 100% of their customer base?
    edited October 2017 StrangeDays
  • Reply 70 of 92
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,570member
    tzeshan said:
    Does Tim Cook know twins have different finger prints? If twins do not want to share their iPhone Xs what can they do? 
    Passcode, which actually is what they suggest anyway if you have siblings with a close resemblance, or it the primary user is 13 or younger. In those cases FaceID may not be reliable enough per Apple.
    edited October 2017
  • Reply 71 of 92
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    tzeshan said:
    Does Tim Cook know twins have different finger prints? If twins do not want to share their iPhone Xs what can they do? 
    They will use a password or buy iPhone 8.
  • Reply 72 of 92
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    Soli said:
    tzeshan said:
    Does Tim Cook know twins have different finger prints?
    Do you really think Tim Cook doesn't know that finger prints effectively unique? 

     If twins do not want to share their iPhone Xs what can they do? 
    1) They can use a passcode, just like it was stated during the event, or they can simply not get the iPhone X if it doesn't suit their atypical needs.

    2) Have you ever once expressed an issue with Touch ID being bad tech because it doesn't work for 100% of their customer base?
    This is discrimination.
  • Reply 73 of 92

    jcallows said:
    macxpress said:
    So it adds no value to you so its a gimmick? I could say the some thing about a USB or bluetooth mouse. I happen to like using the trackpads on MacBook Pros so the USB or bluetooth mouse provides no value to me. I guess the USB or bluetooth mouse is a gimmick. I'm sorry Apple didn't design a laptop for your personal needs. Maybe next time. If only Steve were here, right?
    if steve were here he'd throw it out for the same reason he refused to turn the display into a touch screen or include a stylus with the ipad or put a physical keyboard on the iphone.
    Nope, that's just some silly fantasy you made up in your head. Jobs is long dead and you didn't know the man. Anybody on these forums trying to stuff words into his ghost's mouth is just telling nonsense fairy tales to boost their own opinions, like you're doing. It adds no weight to your position and is a silly fallacy.
    tell it to the dude that brought steve into the discussion
  • Reply 74 of 92
    tzeshan said:
    Does Tim Cook know twins have different finger prints? If twins do not want to share their iPhone Xs what can they do? 

    I have never seen twins that are completely identical. Face ID is touted as being so good that it will not get thrown off even if you grow a beard or, you know, just grow. That leads me to believe that it would be comprehensive enough to catch the small differences between identical twins.

    I think Tim/ Apple mentioning that Face ID may not work with twins is just Apple being its usual cautious sel.  Under-promise and over-deliver.

  • Reply 75 of 92
    croprcropr Posts: 1,140member
    According to well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Android hardware makers have turned their attention away from under-display fingerprint readers and toward 3D sensing technologies like those Apple debuted with iPhone X, a flip-flop designed to capture customer sentiment. 
    This guys notes get more ridiculous every day. Just a bunch of gibberish. Where is the customer sentiment for 3D sensing? Most consumers haven’t used Face ID yet and AR is in its infancy. Nobody knows yet if this is going to be the next big thing everyone has to have. 
    Fully agree.  Nobody is moving away from fingerprint reading.  Apple doe not have it in the iPhoneX but the intention was to have it as well.  I have read the technical articles about the face recognition, I can only come to the conclusion that for Apple Pay, fingerprint reading will remain faster and more efficient than face recognition.  You don't have to turn the iPhone to your face in the first place.
  • Reply 76 of 92
    tmay said:
    levi said:
    According to well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Android hardware makers have turned their attention away from under-display fingerprint readers and toward 3D sensing technologies like those Apple debuted with iPhone X, a flip-flop designed to capture customer sentiment. 
    This guys notes get more ridiculous every day. Just a bunch of gibberish. Where is the customer sentiment for 3D sensing? Most consumers haven’t used Face ID yet and AR is in its infancy. Nobody knows yet if this is going to be the next big thing everyone has to have. 
    He and most everyone else who saw the keynote (consumers and OEMs) are predicting FaceID (instant secure unlock) and the technology that enables it, will be a commercial success. As Steve Jobs said “skate to where the puck is going.” You’re going to bust his balls for pointing this out, when we’re all assuming this to be the case? That’s ridiculous.
    Yes I am. Apple’s not the first to have this technology. I highly doubt Android OEMs are scrambling now to get Face ID knockoffs into their phones. Just like I don’t think Apple scrambles to do something that Samsung, Google or anyone else announces. That’s not how companies work.
    I agree that Apple wasn't the first to have this technology, but they are first with implementing it on a production device, in volume, as primary identification.

    You make me laugh. 

    The few others that are working on this have likely secured some bit of the the available supply chain; the rest, not so much. Do you really think that Apple skimming off the cream of the supply chain production is just chance? It's monopsony behavior, no less than Samsung's hold on "proper" OLED's.

    Scrambling is absolutely the correct term for what the others are doing.
    What are others doing? Do tell.
  • Reply 77 of 92
    cropr said:
    According to well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Android hardware makers have turned their attention away from under-display fingerprint readers and toward 3D sensing technologies like those Apple debuted with iPhone X, a flip-flop designed to capture customer sentiment. 
    This guys notes get more ridiculous every day. Just a bunch of gibberish. Where is the customer sentiment for 3D sensing? Most consumers haven’t used Face ID yet and AR is in its infancy. Nobody knows yet if this is going to be the next big thing everyone has to have. 
    Fully agree.  Nobody is moving away from fingerprint reading.  Apple doe not have it in the iPhoneX but the intention was to have it as well.  I have read the technical articles about the face recognition, I can only come to the conclusion that for Apple Pay, fingerprint reading will remain faster and more efficient than face recognition.  You don't have to turn the iPhone to your face in the first place.
    Actually Craig Federighi said Touch ID was plan B in case they couldn’t get Face ID to work.
  • Reply 78 of 92
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    levi said:
    According to well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Android hardware makers have turned their attention away from under-display fingerprint readers and toward 3D sensing technologies like those Apple debuted with iPhone X, a flip-flop designed to capture customer sentiment. 
    This guys notes get more ridiculous every day. Just a bunch of gibberish. Where is the customer sentiment for 3D sensing? Most consumers haven’t used Face ID yet and AR is in its infancy. Nobody knows yet if this is going to be the next big thing everyone has to have. 
    He and most everyone else who saw the keynote (consumers and OEMs) are predicting FaceID (instant secure unlock) and the technology that enables it, will be a commercial success. As Steve Jobs said “skate to where the puck is going.” You’re going to bust his balls for pointing this out, when we’re all assuming this to be the case? That’s ridiculous.
    Yes I am. Apple’s not the first to have this technology. I highly doubt Android OEMs are scrambling now to get Face ID knockoffs into their phones. Just like I don’t think Apple scrambles to do something that Samsung, Google or anyone else announces. That’s not how companies work.
    I agree that Apple wasn't the first to have this technology, but they are first with implementing it on a production device, in volume, as primary identification.

    You make me laugh. 

    The few others that are working on this have likely secured some bit of the the available supply chain; the rest, not so much. Do you really think that Apple skimming off the cream of the supply chain production is just chance? It's monopsony behavior, no less than Samsung's hold on "proper" OLED's.

    Scrambling is absolutely the correct term for what the others are doing.
    What are others doing? Do tell.
    Whoever has a product in the works would need to have components, and if they haven't any contracts in place for those today, then they likely can't deliver a new device. It's obvious that if Apple is having difficulty getting a balance of "Romeo" and "Juliet" components for the iPhone X, and has large contracts in place, that there isn't much, if any, capacity left for anyone else in the near term.

    Meanwhile, I can't imagine that Samsung and Huawei wouldn't be "scrambling" to have a face Identification system, a halo feature in my opinion, in place for their next generation. To do that, they would almost certainly have to have placed large contracts with components suppliers, especially those not serving Apple.

    "Eldim has reportedly been working with Apple for almost ten years, the company’s CEO enthusing about the partnership."

    "Eldim CEO Thierry Leroux told reporters that working with Apple was “an incredible adventure,” but added that there have also been huge technical challenges over the years. “For us, it was a little like sending someone to the moon,” Leroux told reporters. Cook responded, “It’s great what you have done for us."

    edited October 2017
  • Reply 79 of 92
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Criticize then copy.  Excoriate then imitate.  Ridicule then replicate.  Again.  And again.
    edited October 2017 jony0
  • Reply 80 of 92
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,037member
    tzeshan said:
    Soli said:
    tzeshan said:
    Does Tim Cook know twins have different finger prints?
    Do you really think Tim Cook doesn't know that finger prints effectively unique? 

     If twins do not want to share their iPhone Xs what can they do? 
    1) They can use a passcode, just like it was stated during the event, or they can simply not get the iPhone X if it doesn't suit their atypical needs.

    2) Have you ever once expressed an issue with Touch ID being bad tech because it doesn't work for 100% of their customer base?
    This is discrimination.
    Congratulations for posting the most absurd nonsense I have read all season. You are really trying hard to troll now. 
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