The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient



  • Reply 481 of 1615
    RolanbekRolanbek Posts: 81member
    The many, long, stay-on-message posts, before and after our observation, illustrate the opposition PR activity pretty well.

    REEEEEEEEE argument by assertion  
    Kerching - The shill gambit
    When it’s pointed out, 
    If by "pointed out" you mean a pile of fallacious chaff is thrown to the four winds 
    it gets more strident 
    Robust argumentation can look that way. Especially if you are not used to having your assertions challenged.
    ,personally abusive, 
    Not me, just knocking over your claims one by one.

    Oh and 
    Waah, waah waaahhh use of emotive language;
    That’s to deflect, confuse, and deny what they’re doing.
    Brrap - Mindreading. You are claiming knowledge of another's motive rather than addressing their argument. It's an ad hominem attack and fallacious.
    It’s pretty much 
    Weasel words ahoy
    what you’d expect whenever contrivances and contradictions are called out.
    I think I refuted everything of consequence in your last post. You didn't correctly 'call out' anything, all there was stack of fallacies peppered with personal attacks. 

    I notice you have precisely zero response to any actual questions 
    No elaborate conspiracy.
    Weasel words ahoy. That's not the same as stating no conspiracy. 
     It’s just a gig, for folks in that business.
    REEEEEEEEE argument by assertion  
    Kerching - The shill gambit
    They make narrative.
    Your ipse dixit is showing. As you have yet to show cui bono as requested:
    REEEEEEEEE argument by assertion  
    We make technology.
    Apparently very slowly. 
     No one who buys their product, will buy ours.
    What product? Explain in detail your exact claim as to what product is being sold and what transaction is occurring. If you would like to actually make a claim rather than making spooky noises and wiggling your fingers at everyone i'm sure we would all be grateful. The Aunt Ada act is getting a bit stale after 4 years. 
    That sorts out fine.

    Well not really. If you are happy to throw away customers because you keep making unproven claims about existing customers... oh wait. That's what you've been doing for years. Isn't it about time you actually assessed what cost of this ridiculous vendetta is. You flinging aside custom out of unbridled paranoia does not get me my keyboard any faster. 

    Anyway I have a warranty question...


    edited May 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 482 of 1615
    ericpeetsericpeets Posts: 99member
    gmadden said:
    Hi @ericpeets
    While it would be nice, at times, to have a WayTools rep in our Slack channel, there’s not. 
    Thanks. I did not know that.

    I would have thought someone from Waytools would at least coordinate and moderate the channel discussion.
  • Reply 483 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    The many, long, stay-on-message posts, before and after our observation, illustrate the opposition PR activity pretty well.

    When it’s pointed out, it gets more strident, personally abusive, and long-winded. That’s to deflect, confuse, and deny what they’re doing.

    It’s pretty much what you’d expect whenever contrivances and contradictions are called out.

    No elaborate conspiracy.  It’s just a gig, for folks in that business.

    They make narrative. We make technology.  No one who buys their product, will buy ours.

    That sorts out fine.

    Can you please talk about the TB instead ?

    Can you outline in broad strokes with potential "estimated" dates for completion of the new firmware and the rest of the hurdles to be overcome until GR ? That would convey a general sense of project status for everybody.

    That will be a lot more productive and on topic specially coming from you.
  • Reply 484 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    "Hey Mr. Knighton, how do you feel? What do you have to say to all those people that lost money Mr. Knighton?"

    The last word? Are you talking about your shill, the Kahuna character, who closes out every thread on your forum? 
    1. Who has lost money to WayTools? Everyone who has asked for a refund has gotten it.

    2. Did you not actually check the forums before making that claim or did you check it and deliberately write a falsehood? Because I haven't come close closing out every thread. It's easy to look at the list of threads and tell by the member icons who posted last. So how did you get it so wrong?
  • Reply 485 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    arkorott said:

    @dabigkahuna: Thanks for the info. I guess I am wondering how I will adapt with mine (who knows when), and also perhaps the need to have short & solid tutorials at hand. If people need to overcome an "adapting period" I wonder if WT has researched consumer attitudes / how best to entice people to keep at it before they give-up adopting the TB if it is "too much work" / highlight the benefits to be enjoyed after the learning curve. (coming from you mentioning how different a TB feels vs a regular keyboard).
    If you describe how you use a keyboard now, I can try to give you some insights, if I can. Some things I won't be able to help much with. For example, if you will use it for coding, I can give much insight other that pretty general. That is, when those treggers who do coding first got it, a number of them talked about how it was hard to use. But at least some of them found ways to customize it to make it more practical. I have no idea if this is dependent on the kind of coding or something, but since I don't code myself, that would be the best I could explain in that scenario. But some others, maybe I could do much better as I have with others.

    I don't know what kind of tutorials we'll have, but I can say that when I first got the TB and talked to Mark, one of the things he talked about was how they wanted to get feedback from us on what kind of stuff like that they should include. So it is definitely something they are evaluating.

    As for enticing people not to give up too quick, I'm not sure there is much that can be done for the ordinary user who doesn't read the forum and hears treggers talking about their own period of adjustment. But I do think this is one of the reasons WT is trying to make sure it works extra well so as to minimize any problems the new user experiences. They can't help user error during the adjustment period (and the user WILL often blame the TB for their own errors - guaranteed because I went through that myself).
  • Reply 486 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member

    arkorott said:
    Can you please talk about the TB instead ?

    Can you outline in broad strokes with potential "estimated" dates for completion of the new firmware and the rest of the hurdles to be overcome until GR ? That would convey a general sense of project status for everybody.

    That will be a lot more productive and on topic specially coming from you.
    I'm all for that. But I'll be surprised if you get much in the way of potential estimated dates. I don't get them either. I'd certainly like dates for:

    Big tech update
    Firmware sent to treggers

    But, at best, even in phone conversations, they might say what they hope to do with the first item - with serious caveats based on what develops. I think they have just had so many things happen since 2015 to delay their expectations that they just aren't going to assume they finally know for sure. I can understand that and be frustrated by that all at the same time!

    The only thing I don't understand is all the times they gave very short time estimates for the next update, but didn't deliver. I'm hoping when we do get an update, the reason for those delays may become more apparent. The fact that I have a hard time seeing what the reason could be doesn't mean there isn't a reason.

    To give an example of this (how one can not understand something but once the reason is given, it makes perfect sense) was a long-time question I had:

    Why not have separate keys for each of the major characters. For the TB, that would be 36 plus the space bar. It seemed logical to do this as it would avoid the problem of calculating which key you MEANT to hit when hit a cap with 3-6 characters on it!

    Well, not too long ago WT said they tested this approach but the feel of hitting edges of other keys, which (vertically speaking) are much closer together than on a regular keyboard, made for a terrible typing feel. As soon as they said that, I realized they were absolutely right. Others may not, but since I had been typing on a TextBlade I could could well imagine what that difference would do and I sure didn't want it!
  • Reply 487 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    I'm all for that. But I'll be surprised if you get much in the way of potential estimated dates. I don't get them either.
    Well, that is what we need from them instead of empty of substance comments. They should be the first to want to stay on topic.

    @WayTools_Support: I repeat the request. Can you outline in broad strokes with potential "estimated" dates for completion of the new firmware and the rest of the hurdles to be overcome until GR ? That would convey a general sense of project status for everybody. 

    Thank you
  • Reply 488 of 1615
    RolanbekRolanbek Posts: 81member
    arkorott said:

    @WayTools_Support: I repeat the request. Can you outline in broad strokes with potential "estimated" dates for completion of the new firmware and the rest of the hurdles to be overcome until GR ? That would convey a general sense of project status for everybody. 

  • Reply 489 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    arkorott said:

    Well, that is what we need from them instead of empty of substance comments. They should be the first to want to stay on topic.

    @WayTools_Support: I repeat the request. Can you outline in broad strokes with potential "estimated" dates for completion of the new firmware and the rest of the hurdles to be overcome until GR ? That would convey a general sense of project status for everybody. 
    I look at it a bit differently. I fully think we should get an update on many things, but I find it hard to complain that we don't get much in the way of time estimates considering how often they've been wrong. And many critics have made a big deal about them being wrong. Well, if you are wrong so much, there is some logic to not making such estimates until things are so close to finished that the confidence level is really high. It can't be just that they think it is close, they would probably want everything done AND have that tested internally and with Treg for any GR estimate to mean much. Same sort of applies to firmware release. 

    We know they want to get everything working and basic testing in house before we start testing. Makes sense that, if it isn't done internally yet, there is little reason for us to report problems when they are still working on problems.

    It won't make anyone happy to keep waiting, but considering the history of their estimates, it does make sense.

    So I'm more focused on the actual update info where, maybe, they will provide some info on progress, what is done, what isn't. Not that I expect a lot of that, but I hope there is some. It probably wouldn't include much for time estimates, but you can measure progress by "things" done vs undone. Of course, you can have one thing left that can take more time than all the others so it won't tell you how much closer they are, time-wise.
  • Reply 490 of 1615
    @WayTools_Support Glad to see you posting here again. Perhaps you missed it when I posted before. My posting privileges were revoked (a.k.a shadowbanned) at the WayTools Forum over a year ago. Here is the entirety of the post that got me shadowbanned:

    "You really think the TextBlade will be relevant after we have telepathic keyboards? Wow."

    That seemed like a pretty innocuous comment and I feel that I was unfairly shadowbanned for it. Can you help me out, or at least provide some sort of explanation as to why I was shadowbanned?

    *edited to add the word "ago"
    edited May 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 491 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member
    If you describe how you use a keyboard now, I can try to give you some insights, if I can. 
    I used to code a lot more but I still do some. Nowadays mostly email, excel, word, ppt. Also writing a bit with Scrivener. (They say you should have a son, plant a tree, and write a book. I did 1st and 2nd, and now working on the 3rd)
  • Reply 492 of 1615
    ericpeetsericpeets Posts: 99member

    The many, long, stay-on-message posts, before and after our observation, illustrate the opposition PR activity pretty well.
    And what pray tell is that message? That you should once and for all ship your product and finally fulfill the 4+ years of pre-order backorders? That you should stop banning your own 'customers' and stop berating them on forums (both your own and other public ones)? That you should stop accusing people without any shred of proof? That you should try answering questions directly rather than making snide remarks and deflecting?

    What does your 'observation' tell you the 'message' is? What sort of 'PR activities' are in those posts? Apparently you've put a lot of thought into all this, given your constant repetition thereof. So what's the name of the competitor that's so hell bent on your ruin? Where are all these anonymous alter egos coming from? Why do each one create five alter egos, rather than say six? Ten? Or more?

    When it’s pointed out, it gets more strident, personally abusive, and long-winded. That’s to deflect, confuse, and deny what they’re doing.
    What have you pointed out? All we see in your strings of fortune cookie template posts are baseless accusations and conspiracy theories bordering on lunacy. If that's your way of 'pointing out' things, you've done a poor job. Fact is, you haven't pointed anything out, just (as you say) cut-and-paste jobs of the same BS to pad your posts.

    No elaborate conspiracy.  It’s just a gig, for folks in that business.
    No elaborate conspiracy theory from me. All the talk of conspiracy is from you: Anonymous users with five alter egos from a mysterious company (or was it companies) with elaborate schemes to destroy you. They'd mounted a 4+ years-long campaign by planting sleeper cells in Macrumors and here on AI for an elaborate 'PR activity'. What a laugh.

    And all this talk about anonymous users. I'm okay with people using nicknames and anonymous ID's, but you should not dis them if you yourself are not willing reveal your own name, much less create elaborate conspiracy theories around them.

    They make narrative. We make technology.  No one who buys their product, will buy ours.
    Do you even know what 'narrative' means? It's exactly this type of yet another fortune cookie BS you expound. This type of 'we good; they bad' tribal mentality fuels your hallucinatory conspiracy theories will be your downfall. Why wouldn't someone who buys your competitor's product -- unless you refuse to sell one based on your primitive tribal laws?

    I myself own several keyboards, ranging from Logitech Dinovo (now defunct) to a Das Keyboard (Mac version) to HHKB to White Fox to a frankenErgodox. Are any of these (or all of these) the mysterious competitor you're so deathly afraid of? Before you have a seizure, I don't work for any of the vendors. Yet, I was perfectly willing to buy yours. Still will, if it comes out on Amazon.

    I know that this conspiracy theory is the only defense you have left after your spin on the Macrumors debacle was thoroughly proven wrong, but why don't you give it a rest, return back to earth and do us all (current customers and ex-customers) a solid and address the issues at hand?
  • Reply 493 of 1615
    arkorottarkorott Posts: 100member

    dabigkahuna said:
    I look at it a bit differently. I fully think we should get an update on many things, but I find it hard to complain that we don't get much in the way of time estimates considering how often they've been wrong.

    I obviously want to know much, much more, but I will settle for anything tangible. In the past they assured somebody at WTF that GR would happen in 2019 for sure. Is that still the case given that apparently the new firmware is not ready for the TREG Group, and there may be other things on top of that, and of course production & shipping ?

  • Reply 494 of 1615
    gmaddengmadden Posts: 26member
    @Rolanbek yes, we also help to maintain the wiki. Would love to put aside more time to flesh it out. 
    Some content there is sourced from WayTools, and even one or two not yet in the test release group have contributed. 
  • Reply 495 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    arkorott said:
    If you describe how you use a keyboard now, I can try to give you some insights, if I can. 
    I used to code a lot more but I still do some. Nowadays mostly email, excel, word, ppt. Also writing a bit with Scrivener. (They say you should have a son, plant a tree, and write a book. I did 1st and 2nd, and now working on the 3rd)
    I doubt you'd have much issue using the TB for email, excel and word. I don't use ppt so can't address that. Of course, it will feel different at first - I guess similar to switching from a keyboard with characters straight across compared to some ergonomic keyboards. And you'll need to adjust to using the green layer (holding space bar down) to access numbers and most symbols. But that really isn't too bad. My main problem with that was with passwords where it must be exactly right. So even one tiny flaw in my typing would cause a failure. There were times, in those early days, I'd grab my apple keyboard for some complicated password! But that was quite temporary.

    Coding gets complicated as so much depends on what things you access a lot compared to normal typing. If just symbols, some customizing can handle that. I hate when I have to hit space, shift, and a key. But then, I so rarely need those symbols, I have no reason to really practice them!

    Other problems may be complicated chord combos. For example, if you need command/control/shift+some odd symbol, any muscle memory you have for that will be lost and the finger combos may be tough. Often because of the multiple characters on a keycap. If you are using that keycap as part of the rest of the chord, you need to do the chord with the other hand. I don't recall specific examples coders have posted, but I know some solutions were to use the function layer for some things. That is, customize it with your special need chords. You then just hold down KL (to access the first function layer) and can use the other hand to activate all kinds of stuff on just one key since a single key can have a bunch of modifiers. So that once you adjust to this, it could be even easier than a regular keyboard. The big issue would be how many of these you need. If you need a hundred, well, you can't do them all on the function layers!
  • Reply 496 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    arkorott said:

    dabigkahuna said:
    I look at it a bit differently. I fully think we should get an update on many things, but I find it hard to complain that we don't get much in the way of time estimates considering how often they've been wrong.

    I obviously want to know much, much more, but I will settle for anything tangible. In the past they assured somebody at WTF that GR would happen in 2019 for sure. Is that still the case given that apparently the new firmware is not ready for the TREG Group, and there may be other things on top of that, and of course production & shipping ?

    I agree - I want much more too!

    I don't know if they ever "assured" that they would have GR in 2019. I doubt it. I know they hope to. They may expect to, but I don't recall them saying that.

    For me to even guess how long it could take, I'd need to know a lot more information - and even then I'd be guessing.
  • Reply 497 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    @WayTools_Support Glad to see you posting here again. Perhaps you missed it when I posted before. My posting privileges were revoked (a.k.a shadowbanned) at the WayTools Forum over a year ago. Here is the entirety of the post that got me shadowbanned:

    "You really think the TextBlade will be relevant after we have telepathic keyboards? Wow."
    Just a couple basic points. Most people seem to think they got banned based on their last post, but that is not necessarily true. I have know idea who makes these decisions or how often they check posts. It may not necessarily be daily or even weekly.

    I know of one banned person here who took the same view you did - thought it was their last post. And maybe it was. But, as with your post, I didn't see anything so bad as to earn a ban. I did go back and read their earlier posts and I think it was about a year earlier they did have a pretty nasty post. I have no idea of they saw something that annoyed them and then checked old posts and, without realizing how old it was, reacted to that old post. Personally, I figure if someone says something pretty bad, but doesn't keep doing it, it doesn't bother me. Chalk it up to loss of temper rather than a pattern of behavior. And I think WT has approached this similarly since I know some Treg members have made at least one pretty nasty comments in the past!

    So, I did the same thing with your posts. You don't have a large number, but you certainly have more than I wanted to take time to read. But I did go back quite a ways without seeing anything really nasty. Don't know about even earlier ones. And I'll say that sometimes I thought you were being a bit snarky in your comments. Maybe that wasn't your intention. Even if my impression is accurate, it probably wouldn't be enough to bother me. But it isn't my forum.

    Oh, BTW, that post of yours you quoted wasn't sent to WT. It was in response to my comment that I didn't think the TB was going to become irrelevant - but I wasn't saying it would not be irrelevant even if a future keyboard could work telepathically - because I don't see that happening. A total non-issue, in my opinion.
  • Reply 498 of 1615
    Rolanbek said:
    arkorott said:

    @WayTools_Support: I repeat the request. Can you outline in broad strokes with potential "estimated" dates for completion of the new firmware and the rest of the hurdles to be overcome until GR ? That would convey a general sense of project status for everybody. 

    I disagree. All Waytools (Mark Knighton) ever does is vomit broad generalizations all over the internet, which leaves them (Mark Knighton) with many ways to weasel out of whatever fake vague estimates he provides. Why do you want a 'potential estimated date' for completion of firmware when no 'estimate' he has ever provided before has been remotely true?

    We don't even know the real reason why Mark is rewriting the firmware. It could be to fix bugs, or to add features, but it also could be that he had to change the hardware. A chip sourced 4+ years ago might be unobtainable 4 years later. The software libraries or software development tools he originally relied upon could be deprecated or defunct. When you take 4 or 5 years to build a prototype device in the world of tech, you might end up having even more problems than you started with. Do you think Mark Knighton is going to be honest about what is really going on? Not a chance.

    What everyone should be asking Mark to provide are the most specific details possible to help define what the holdup is.

    Mark Knighton should provide a list of specifications for the device which meet the goals for shipping, and whether or not each of those specs have been met. 

    For example, Mark has blathered on forever about Bluetooth performance, but he has never defined what 'acceptable' Bluetooth performance is, so we never know if the Bluetooth issues are resolved or nearly resolved or not at all resolved.

    Mark writes updates where he says complete gibberish nonsense - 'issues declining, progress progressing, movement is forward, up is rising, and down is receding' - but it means nothing, because nobody knows how much further the issues must decline, nobody knows how much more progress must progress. Every update begins at an undefined point and ends at an unstated goal.

    What are the specs? What tests are being done to declare the specs as met or unmet? Must the device remain connected to a Bluetooth host non-stop for 8,766 hours continuously without a single disconnect before it is deemed acceptable? Must 'jumps' occur in less than 5ms? Do inadvertent characters produced with accurate robotic Q-Bot stabs have to occur less than 1 in 10,000,000,000 key presses?  Every one of these things could be and should be stated numerically when designing a device, along with a clear status for each specification: we have or have not exceeded/met/obtained some spec by some value (whatever the case may be).

    And yes, of course, Mark could reach a goal, and then change it and say 'No, Jumps must happen in less than 1us, not 5ms, and inaccurate keypresses must occur less often than protons decay, and Bluetooth connections must last longer than the age of the universe.' Fine. We cant stop Mark from being ridiculous and insane, but at least, if he communicated specifics, then customers could better understand why he refuses to ship and make more informed decisions about whether to buy into the continuing BS.

    This device is not as complicated as the entire universe. Its a little gadget with a finite set of features. There is no reason why Waytools could not communicate precisely and effectively about the causes of the holdups.

    So why wont Mark talk to people - rationally, professionally, respectfully? Why does he care so little about his reputation?

    Because Mark Knighton is a lying liar.

    Mark is lying mostly by omission about the reasons for the record breaking delays. The real reasons are: Mark did not have a working product in 2015, and he knew it, but he lied and said he did. Mark cannot admit that original lie, so he must keep lying about everything else since. Mark Knighton collected millions of dollars from orders (he alleges), and then spent 4+ years and all that money to produce around 131 known prototypes, and now, he does not have the money or resources to produce enough working devices to fulfill all the orders. He needs publicity to keep the Ponzi scheme operational.

    That last post from the Waytools_Support character (Mark Knighton) was so typical of the individual we have all come to know over the past 4+ years. Whoever thinks and talks like that is mentally ill, and devoid of ethics. But he does the same thing over and over again. Deflect. Obfuscate. Lie. BS.

    Mark Knighton is not going to answer your questions. He is not going to ship any keyboards. Do not give him your money.

    10,000+ people gave Mark Knighton $1,000,000+ dollars, and all he has delivered are, at best, 131 unfinished prototypes with deteriorating batteries, rubber feet that fall off, PCBs that crack, electrical shielding that is insufficient, cheap paint that wears away after a few months, keycaps that break, a cheap little plastic stand that no longer fits the phones it was originally devised for, and an operating system which cannot reliably connect to Bluetooth hosts or produce a consistent user experience.  Total fail.

    And no one is particularly interested in the pointless speculation and vapid opinions of Mark Knighton's screeching little monkey Kahuna. Kahuna insists he does not work for Waytools, but every day, Mark Knighton lets Kahuna speak for and represent the company. Its a charade. A facade. A scam.

    Two pallets of aging Textblades with expired batteries.  Millions of dollars collected from 10,000+ customers? 4+ years. No product shipped. No keys for kids. Who has the money? Mark Knighton has the money.

    edited May 2019 alexonline
  • Reply 499 of 1615
    dabigkahunadabigkahuna Posts: 465member
    We don't even know the real reason why Mark is rewriting the firmware. It could be to fix bugs, or to add features, but it also could be that he had to change the hardware. A chip sourced 4+ years ago might be unobtainable 4 years later. The software libraries or software development tools he originally relied upon could be deprecated or defunct. 

    Kahuna insists he does not work for Waytools, but every day, Mark Knighton lets Kahuna speak for and represent the company.
    1. Actually, we do know some of the reasons. And we may learn more with the next update, but for now we'll stick with what we know:

    A. A rewrite was necessary to free up memory so they could more effectively deal with any additional bug fixes that will no doubt pop up after GR.

    B. That memory was also needed for future improvements after GR.

    C. There probably are other factors. I would certainly expect that, as they do the rewrite, they are also fixing any bugs they know about. Would be foolish not to!

    D. Maybe they do need to do something about an old chip. If so, so what? Since, based on your own description, if they didn't they may not be able to get enough of them. Of course, you could be wrong, but I'm just applying your argument in a logical manner.

    E. Could be something about libraries or development tools I guess. But the same logic applies - if your scenario is true, then they pretty much have to make that change.

    For those last two, you can complain that it is all because it took so long to release, but if those things are the true situation, the past doesn't matter since you can't go back in time. You just have to make the NECESSARY changes they would require.

    2. I don't work for WT, but Mark couldn't stop me from posting whether he wants to or not.
    edited May 2019
  • Reply 500 of 1615
    Fortunately, this 500 post thread has ‘TextBladeDenier’ to set us all straight on how to speak rationally, professionally, and respectfully.  

    This also shows just how much he cares about his (anonymous) reputation.  His posts are indeed the work of a professional.

    And fortuitously, we’ve now too been educated about”lying liars” vs. mere liars.  

    For us to comprehend the full spectrum and nuance of lying, it really took the skills of an expert on the subject.
This discussion has been closed.